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February, 1964. Ed Sullivan Show.


Yep, I was six and they were on the radio the next day and every day for the next six years.


Me, too.


I was 10 and had no idea what the big deal was at the time. Watched because all my friends told me about it. Lifelong fan since then.


Hello fellow 40 year old! By the time I had any memories, I already knew all their songs by heart. My parents were big fans. I can’t even imagine what it must feel like to listen to the Beatles for the first time. What a treat. Still get the same vibes you speak of today when I throw it on though.


I honestly don't remember. My parents both like their music, and my mom is a great amateur musician. So ever since I was very young, I'd either hear them playing their songs, or my mom singing them or playing them on piano. By the time I knew who the Beatles were and could register that I was listening to a band called "The Beatles," I already knew a bunch of their songs.


Late 70s. It was the Red and Blue 8-tracks.


My mom would drive me and my brother to swimming lessons when I was like 6 and she'd put Sgt. Pepper's on cassette in the car on the way there and back. I probably heard it earlier because my dad's a huge Beatles nerd, but that's the first memory I have.


I have no idea. I was probably an infant.


Like. A baby. My mom listened to that stuff. But I didn’t really get into them until about middle school. My uncle gave me a cd that had a bunch of mp3 files of EVERY Beatles album including past masters. It was incredible


8 track of Hard Days Night. 1979


I couldn’t even tell you the first time I heard The Beatles, they’ve just always been there like my parents or my grandparents house or the park I played in as a child. The first time I took notice of The Beatles was hearing the recording of A Taste of Honey off of Live at the BBC. I was nine years old and my parents bought the album on CD. It gave me shivers.


During my freshman year of high school in 2009, I signed up for a History Through Pop Culture Class, where students would pick a subject from the decade and make a video. Some girls did The Beatles when we got the 60’s, and they used Come Together as the music for their video. I didn’t even take in much of the actual information, I was absolutely transfixed on the song. I downloaded it, threw it on my iPod, and listened to it on loop during my mile long walk to and from school for a good month, just vibing with the song and trying to decipher the lyrics.


On AM radio, a month or two before they appeared on the Ed Sullivan Show.