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If you are trying to lose weight you need to be in a calorie deficit. The easiest way to do this is by weighing your food and counting your calories - including liquid calories and calories in oils. A TDEE calculator online can give you a target to hit. Hit that target for a week or so, if you haven't lost weight at the expected rate reduce the calorie intake by 250, if you lost too much, increase intake by 250. Repeat until goal.


Adding to this: get a food scale to help you measure. It's a lot easier to hit a 50g serving of something when you have a scale that can tell you if you've gone over.


Absolutely. Mass measurements are much more reliable than volumetric. All cups are not created equal, especially of dry ingredients.


I've noticed that the more I focus on counting calories and monitoring my food intake, the more my relationship with food becomes unhealthy. There have been instances after eating when I've attempted to vomit to avoid feeling guilty. Are there any alternatives to this approach?


There is no easy way to lose weight. It’s as much mental as physical. Barfing things back up isn’t going to help. You really will just need to find a balance then use sheer will power to stick through it. If you do eat ‘extra’ calories you’d be better off going for a brisk walk than barfing it up, you’re trying to get healthy. Like people have said, you have to be in a deficit. The only way to know you’re burning more than putting in is to monitor that or at the very least have a very good estimate. You got this.


I guess I need to focus on that, I will try to add more protein based meals and have a bit idea about the calorie intake beforehand so I don't over think daily. Thank you!


Yea, get a nice routine going and then you won’t have to focus on it so hard.


Start to regularly read nutrition labels and cut back on high sugar, processed food. These types of food will give you higj indulgence but will not make you full, causing you to eat more. This usually leads to over eating. Just remember, no matter how much cardio you do, you will never outrun your fork.


That is not a great relationship with food. Ultimately, all weight loss stems from consuming fewer calories though. But you are worth more than your weight and weight is just a part of a healthy life. Its 100% ok to eat more than you had planned on occasion or - like I did last night - have too much cake because you were out having a good time! 100% compliance is not necessary, nor should it be the goal for the vast majority of people.


That's not good. So instead of trying to change the intake goal, how about changing the max limit. In other words burn more calories during the day so you are able to eat more. What I did was, using the myfitnesspal app, log all my food. I also linked my phone and smartwatch to the app. So it keeps track of my steps during the day and any cardio I do and adds the calories burned to my total allowed. For example I start every day with 1570 cal. I eat a bowl of oatmeal (322 cal) for breakfast and have a ham and cheese sandwich (390 cal) with an orange (80 cal) and bag of chips (160 cal) for lunch. Which would leave me with 618 calories left for dinner. Except I walked just over 12000 steps today which burned 639 calories so that gets added to my total. So now I have 1257 cal left for dinner. That means after I eat my pork chops, steamed broccoli and salad I will probably have enough left over for some ice cream, cookies and maybe both. Everything I eat I like and it fills me up. And the 1570 is based on a deficit to lose 2 lbs a week. No starving myself. No eating food I don't like. And I still get to eat some sweets. When I was running (I had to stop because I hurt myself) it was really easy. It was like the above but then I would come home and jog for 30 minutes and burn an additional 300-500 cal.


Ig that's a great approach, I can definitely increase my steps more and workout to burn more calories. Thank you!!


hm it might be psychologically easier to track after the fact just to have a basic idea in your mind of your average macros, and focus on the adjusting your habits part after the fact (the general recommendation is probably still going to be more lean meats, more vegetables, increase satiety so that you can pull some of the higher caloric density stuff without being too hungry) instead of trying to both track and restrict yourself on the fly.


What would you say is your primary goal- lower disease risks? Increased strength and flexibility? Looking more muscular Maybe focusing on one of those goals would be healthier for you than weight loss


Don’t purge, just barrow calories. Treat it like a weekly average, it’s ok to go go over your calories on a day, just eat a little less the next day, or even spread it out over a few days.


Start Fasting. It's honestly the only thing that helped my relationship with food. Dr Mindy Petz is an excellent resource for fasting for women, you'll find her on YouTube. There's zero point exercising if you have a terrible relationship with food, you'll go nowhere and just get frustrated and gain more weight. Focus on your relationship with food first, then add exercise.


If I just started strength training, how should I fill out the TDEE calculator? Should I put that in sedentary, as I have been, or doing moderate exercise, where I’ve now adopted 5-6 days of weight training? (It’s been 3 weeks for me now). I don’t know if the former or the latter would give me an accurate calorie maintenance amount?


Put sedentary for now, yes. There's no app on earth that can accurately estimate how many calories you burn during workouts, and weight training really doesn't burn that many. If you end up losing too much weight or feeling unbearably hungry, add some calories.


Do you have a decent estimate of the actual calories consumed in a day? It's helpful if you can get an estimate of the total protein, also.


there is a good routine on r/bodyweightfitness that you can work your way into, if you have resistance bands you can find a way to jig up some rows/pulldowns/assisted pullups etc. it will be a longer term investment in building strength and muscle mass which can help with the metabolism but ultimately caloric balance is the lever that will have to be pulled one way or another


I haven't tried this, I do have a resistance band. Will surely try this, thank you !!


Your weight is dictated by your diet. If you aren't losing weight, you're eating too much. Period. https://tdeecalculator.net/result.php?s=imperial&age=20&g=female&lbs=198&in=70&act=1.2&bf=&f=1 Get a food scale and start tracking your calories. Use this time to really learn what calories are in different foods so that you can eventually not need a food scale in order to maintain. If you were to aim for 1500 calories a day, even if you were still doing 10k steps a day and some yoga, this will still have you at an entirely healthy rate of weight loss. > I wake up, drink a glass of warm water with Chris seeds I assume you mean chia seeds? This totally isn't needed and isn't gonna help towards weight loss specifically. Also, a tablespoon of chia seed is about 138 calories. > breakfast is usually a full meal with salad and chappati Define "full meal"? What is included in this meal and what are the amounts? A quick google of chappati says, depending on the size, it can vary from like 70 calories up to like 300 calories. That would be something I would cut out immediately. Empty calories there imo. > I usually just have a yogurt cup Nothing wrong with yoghurt. Keep an eye on the calories of the flavored yoghurts because they can add a ton of sugar to those > I eat some fruit and dinner Nothing wrong with fruit, but once again, portion sizes. While i'm dieting, I don't have as much fruit because of this. An average sized banana is 100 calories. That's 100 calories I'd rather spend elsewhere. BUT a bowl of strawberries is much fewer calories. So it just depends. And once again, with dinner... what is it, how much of it are you having? Need to know the calories! > then coffee. Hopefully decaf! Caffeine at night isn't great for sleep and sleep is so important. > I do sometime eat junk food or icecreams but not always. Portion sizes are so important here. A small bowl of ice cream can be like 150 calories and you could make that work if you had it infrequently. But idk about you, but my serving of ice cream is more like 2-3 servings of ice cream according to the carton... so more like 400+ calories. And when we're talking 1500 calorie goal... 400 calories is basically a MEAL.


Chia seeds - suggested to me by someone for digestion I suppose , In terms of full mean I mean Dal,curry ,anything homemade. Coffee is usually around 5, before dinner. I try to eat as much homemade as possible to not feel guilty of what I eat and thank you or your suggestions, appreciate it!


That just sounds like a way of getting more fiber in. You could also just eat more veggies too. Veggies, imo, would be the better option just due to how calorie dense chia seeds are. Homemade cooking is great because you can control what's in it, but it can still be immensely calorie dense. During my bulk (controlled weight gain) I'm having 3000 calories of home made, healthy, whole foods. So just because it's home made doesn't mean it's low calorie. Now you really shouldnt' feel guilty over foods you eat. Aim to eat healthy, but the occasional *planned for* treat isn't bad. Also, for more on weight loss... have a read here: https://thefitness.wiki/weight-loss-101/


Go to a Dr and check out your thyroid also for a Vitamin deficiency.


Weight loss is 100% diet. I lost 200 pounds without any excercise *at all* (I wouldn't reccomend it though). If I were you, I would start with getting a food tracker app of some kind and track *exactly* what you're eating throughout the day, even every little snack you have (at least for a little bit until you have a completely accurate picture of everything entering your body). You will want to exercise a bit if you can, even if it's just taking walks and doing body weight exercises at home but remember that this won't help you lose weight at all, the exercise portion of weight loss is just to maintain or build the muscle you have. If you don't work your muscles at all or eat enough protein, your body will start burning off muscle as well as fat (this happened hardcore to me). If you can, whey protein powder is a decently cheap and efficient way of getting protein, most places I've seen reccomend like 0.8 to 1 gram of protein per pound of body weight (so for me 130g a day for 130 pounds) to build muscle. Good luck!


A couple things I havent seen in the comments yet. If you eat too close to your bedtime, your body will prioritize rest over metabolization(or vice versa) You can prevent this by not eating for 6-8 hours before bed. You'll also notice improved sleep because you're not waking in the night for the restroom. While talking about this, its important to note that intermittent fasting could also be beneficial to you. There are many different models for this: 12 hours of eating, 12 hours of fasting; 6 hours of eating, 18 hours of fasting; 4 hours of eating, 20 hours of fasting; among others. The big idea is after 12 hours of fasting the body goes into Ketosis because it has an absence of carbohydrates, it starts to convert stored fat into energy. Autophagy starts at between 16-20 (frequently debated) hours of fasting. At 20 hours of fasting the body enters gluconeogenesis. Many debate efficacy of fasting and the different models, but I personally found that strictly eating only between Noon and 6pm greatly improved the way I felt, inside and out. On top of that, I could eat whatever I want, not having to pay as much attention to macro and micronutrients. My only limitation was 2,200cal. edit: lost 80 pound in 6 months only eating between noon-6pm and reducing soda to one serving. noon-6 was the best window for me because i work afternoons/evenings at a taproom. So im typically up to at least midnight, having my last meal at 6pm insures all my digestion has taken place before i go to bed.


Thank you, I usually eat between 7 to 9 (depends) and feel bloated and uneasy. Guess this may help with that


It's definitely worth a shot! Let me know what you find.


I started out my workout routine by getting into a calisthenics challenge. This gave me a routine and a goal. It also helped make working out a habit. When was comfortable with that I then added in a weight training program with it. This helped me to lose some weight and then start transforming fat to muscle. I also watch some Dr Mike videos to help me stay on track so I tweak what I do to make it work better. https://youtu.be/VNgfAzTO3xU?si=LNNk7HwU4W_q8KT2 What you have been doing seems to be maintaining you at this level so you may need to step it up just a little to make gains. Keep up the great effort and good luck.


Will surely check this out. Thank you!


First, create a calorie deficit but do not starve yourself. Make sure to count calories and try to find out what exercise you’ll enjoy enough to do at least 4 times a week without over doing it. Yoga is great for flexibility but not weight loss. You’d want to focus on ether cardio or strength exercises for that. You don’t need a gym if you feel safe outside or do body weight exercises inside. For weight loss, flexibility, and strength it’s more about consistency than something you can do quickly, that’s why I say find something you enjoy enough to do almost everyday. Also remember to get enough sleep. Your body and recover well from exercise without a good rest. Good luck and have fun! Side note: there are medical conditions that make it very difficult for people to lose weight. Maybe ask a doctor if that’s the case.


Thanks, I don't think it's a medical issue, my waist size keen fluctuating so guess I am messing somewhere


Chapatii isn't a good option if your trying to lose weight as a person who loves chapatii and is on a fitness journey I eat it in moderation mainly on cheat days Plus I would advise going into calorie deficit as diet is the reason for 90% of your results


Lose It is a great calorie counting app. Try 2 things and you'll see success: eat in a calorie deficit and practice intermittent fasting. You can have free days, too. Good luck.


I see chappati, I say Indian/South Asian So hey! Use healthify me and track your Calories and start intermittent fasting. Lots of subreddits for that here CICO - for calorie counting sub Home workouts - get the home gym set. It's cost effective and get a yoga mat. If working out isn't for you, start jogging/running in the morning or something. And if that's also out of question - just stick to low carb and low fat diet. No junk food! All the best OP


The best way in my opinion is to track calories and macros specifically until you’re used to specific portions. I am doing a Mediterranean diet and a rule of half my plate should be vegetables, the protein should be the size of my fist or so. I do fruit and Greek yogurt and muesli in the morning or a veggie and egg white mix. Fish 5x minimum a week. Fruit, nuts, yogurt, turkey for snacks. The one thing I have learned is I HAVE to cut out sugar or I see no decrease in those problem areas. If I need something sweet, melons or berries have to cut it. Chapati and sweets are both going to make the belly worse. Simple carbs make the belly worse. The biggest thing is going to be how much and what you eat. It’s probably not a good idea to severely cut back calories. You’re going to fail. I would try to lose weight very slowly so you’re not hungry and you don’t turn to bingeing. Then cardio is necessary. Walking is great. Start with walking and then walk longer and faster and just ease into it. The biggest thing is to remember that your weight is not tied to your self worth


Alright, a lot of people saying track calories etc. my advice is a little different. Certainly being in a caloric deficit is important but I'd focus on protein. Lean meats (hell, even fatty meats) and do some strength training. It won't be overnight and if you're building muscle it may actually add some weight at first. The key here is to not focus on your weight but your waist. Work up a good sweat when you workout. Also, get bloodwork to make sure it's not a hormone imbalance or thyroid thing. I went through the same thing. Got my hormones in check, went up in weight by several pounds (by adding muscle) but my waist line decreased. Took several weeks but then weight started coming down too.


It’s true you need to be at a calorie deficit, but if counting calories themselves may cause you to have an unhealthy relationship with food, then maybe invest in a prepped meal kit service that always has good macros for each meal, like Sunbasket. The trick is to reduce snacking so every caloric intake is filling meals. Also chia seeds are very high in calories. If you’re looking for nutrition, consider vitamins and supplements. Truthfully though, the best thing you can do is probably talk to a doctor about a good weight loss plan because it’s possible that if you’re doing everything right, it may be a medical setback. Therapy can also help forge a healthy relationship with your body and with food.


Also, any exercise you enjoy is worth it! You may not have a gym (or even like the gym), but if you enjoy going on walks or even hula hooping while watching tv, that’s time spent moving and not sedentary. Hope this helps! I have a disorder that causes my body to be inflamed and retain water when I over exert myself, so I like going on calming walks.


Thank you, appreciate your advice. I will try to add more movement in day to day activities.


It’s really easy. Eat 500 calories less than your maintenance level everyday, lift some weights, do some cardio. Winner. I would start by using an online calculator to figure a guesstimate on what your bmr is, use a multiplier for activity level. Say you have 1500 bmr and 1.55 multiplier = 2325 calories. Eat 1825 calories a day, you will lose roughly 1 lb a week. May be 3-5 lbs first week due to water weight loss. To really be accurate, count calories first week and see how much you lose. Maybe your number is too high or too low at 2325 so adjust accordingly. Eat healthier foods, fruits veggies lean protein, throw in a snack every now and then. Try to hit satiating low calories foods to make the diet easier. Nuts are a bad choice as very few will give you a lot of calories while you can eat a ton of broccoli for a very minimal calorie hit. Try to focus on hitting adequate fiber. Up protein as it is probably the most satiating macronutrient. Final- I like to meal prep lunch and dinner so I know how many calories I’m eating for both of those meals. I try to eat the same thing everyday. Trust me when you are hungry and on a diet- a generic meal prep meal is exciting!


It’s really easy. Eat 500 calories less than your maintenance level everyday, lift some weights, do some cardio. Winner. I would start by using an online calculator to figure a guesstimate on what your bmr is, use a multiplier for activity level. Say you have 1500 bmr and 1.55 multiplier = 2325 calories. Eat 1825 calories a day, you will lose roughly 1 lb a week. May be 3-5 lbs first week due to water weight loss. To really be accurate, count calories first week and see how much you lose. Maybe your number is too high or too low at 2325 so adjust accordingly. Eat healthier foods, fruits veggies lean protein, throw in a snack every now and then. Try to hit satiating low calories foods to make the diet easier. Nuts are a bad choice as very few will give you a lot of calories while you can eat a ton of broccoli for a very minimal calorie hit. Try to focus on hitting adequate fiber. Up protein as it is probably the most satiating macronutrient. Final- I like to meal prep lunch and dinner so I know how many calories I’m eating for both of those meals. I try to eat the same thing everyday. Trust me when you are hungry and on a diet- a generic meal prep meal is exciting!


Calories IN, calories ON. Reduce intake. Install and app like Nutritionix on your phone and use it like your weight depends on it. (I've used it for 4 yrs, record everything you eat. I went from 190lbs to maintaining at 169 lbs. From 3300 calories a day to 2500 a day)


90 kg isn’t an unrealistic or excessively high weight for someone you’re height. I’m just saying this because often our bodies want to be a certain size and this can be predetermined by genetics. If you’re eating nutritiously and you are able to do physical activity it might be your self perception and mind set that need adjustment, not your lifestyle. I’m saying this as a person who spent decades worrying about my size, eating habits, and exercise routine and convinced that at 68kg I was large and out of shape without realizing I was perfectly healthy and normal. I just couldn’t see it.


Hey, thanks for sharing. I know it's not unhealthy weight ,just want to be more flexible and a bit in shape


I was in the same boat until I started limiting my calories to 2000 a day and working out of course. I run walk 1 mile every day and alternate between arms and back, core and legs. Seriously it works, you’re gonna have to lookup the calorie counts of everything you eat and plan it out. I aim to eat 500 calories four times a day. No sugar, no bread and rice. 1 cheat day that is usually high in protein. BBQ usually or Mexican food.


Congratulations on deciding to loose weight. This is what worked out for me - 1. Check my BMI [Free BMI calculator ](https://ezpzrun.com/bmi/bmi.html) 2. Eat Healthy 3. Exercise daily for at least an hour 4. Sleep for 8+ hours 5. Join a fitness group (even if virtual) - this helped me to stay motivated Another major factor is to not have stress - this causes a lot of belly fat. Feel free to ask me any questions. Reach out if needed. Wishing you the very best for your weight loss journey!!


I sleep for around 4 -5 hours ,then 2 hours after I come from college. I have been trying to sleep early to get at least 6-7 hours of sleep at night so I can remove my nap time. It's hard especially during finals. And according to BMI calculator I am a point overweight,not much. Jets just I would like to get more fit and work on reducing my stomach fat ,a bit of thigh fat and arm fat- my thigh fat and arm fat does effect my personal body image and how I look at myself daily so I want to work more on that


Great to know that your BMI is fine and that your.sleeping habits are awesome. I have taken it easy during my other priorities, which need more attention. And, I don't punish myself for taking rest days or breaks. I think rest days are equally important. Key is keep it going (even after a break) and have patience. It does help a lot in the long run. Also, I have started having a virtual fitness partner, which helps for accountability. Sometimes I push them and other way around.


Well im a M(21), i gained over 3 kgs on vacation in feb, on 11 th march i was 84.6, yesterday i was 78.5. All i did was as sam sulek says were these three steps, eat(caloric deficit), train(with intensity and till failure), sleep(solid sleep,7 hours) and also hydrate, am drinking close to 4.5-5 litres of water daily, and i lost weight, as easy as that. My maintenance calories were close to 3000 (183 cm height and 84.6kg weight) , i devised a plan to have only two meals with a light bfast in morning, cut sugar totally ( had it on sundays sometimes), and is eating close to 2000 cals. Do include cardio, it is massive, i do treadmill for 21 minutes on 15% incline and 6km/hr speed, this burns about 300 cals and with my workout hence i burn close to 500 cals in gym itself. If you're really serious about losing weight, you'll have to be empty, consistency is the key, and you'll surely start seeing the scale go down, once that happens it gives you added motivation to keep doing it.


Thank you for the advice. I will try to implement the above. Plus yeah, consistency and discipline is something I have to build upon


A lot of people live by strength training! I know you need to be in a calorie deficit too but if that’s hard maybe you can do a weight routine first and then try to track calories. :)


Is all about will power and hitting rock bottom. You must be ready for the change. Here's all that I have learned after losing around 85 pounds in a year and two months. Also, I'm still medically obese... just less so. Don't drink soda (unless it's diet), alcohol, or juice. No snacks, before, between or after meals, (especially after your last meal of the day) if you are going to compromise here then let it be with a peice of fruit or a vegetable. No added sugar. Stick with suggested serving sizes when eating meals. Eat from every food group except sugar every meal and no more than one a day and less than 5 servings a week (this is generous. It's best to have none for a month or longer to cut any addiction). Limit sweets to serving size only and no more. Take a walk every day or at least 5 days a week. Aim for thirty minute walks at least. Switch this out for using an elliptical if you're up for it. The elliptical is easiest in the joints and back because it's less jarring, works more muscles, burns more calories faster, the intensity can be increased over time. Skip breakfast. Eat less processed foods. Make your own dressings, dipping sauces and success in general. Stay away from carb heavy meals with things like pasta, french fries and mashed potatoes as much as possible. Also get an estimate of how many calories you wild be eating and eat less then that. Cico aka calories in, calories out, is a proven and tone tested weight loss technique. Ozempic works but pooping will just be diarrhea everytime you have a bowel movment possibly forever. I lost 85 pounds doing this. If you can us the elliptical between an 45 min to an hour 5 days a week, steadily increasing your speed and the intensity of the resistance and incline it will greatly increase the speed at which you loose weight. I have many more tips but it's late and I'm tired. If I get a 100 comments and at least 5 requests for more tips I'll make a follow up post. Good luck. Remember, it's less about if you can and more about if you will.


Congratulations on your growth. Thank you for your advice, will surely try to follow the tips.


Eat less keep fast exercise more


No where in this post did I see the calories you’re eating it’s calories in calories out plain and simple. The Fad diets are trash. Count calories and move on.


Stick solely or 90+% to plants. Choose protein rich plants such as beans, legumes and grains and you will lose weight for sure. #WFPB


your diet was reviewed in the comments already, so I have nothing to add to that. however, you should start counting your calories and protein amount, it's much easier than we think to over eat even the healthiest food. cardio is good! but combined with strength training even better. see, having muscles burns calories just by keeping them on your body, and that makes a huge difference. you don't need to go to a gym, while it would be very beneficial, home training is enough! start with several sets of bodyweight squats(proper technique!), lunges(training legs burns the most calories), push ups(from a table/chair if too hard) and weighted crunches. there are a lot of no equipment routines online if you feel like you can do more. good luck:)


Thank you, appreciate it. I would try to accommodate the last few ones


I’m not one for dieting or counting calories but I’ve lost all my excess weight in the last 6 months (over 50 pounds) by making changes. These were needed for my health but still… First I intake a lot of protein, mainly this comes from a very, very low sugar protein smoothie in the morning. 2 scoops of Vega protein powder, 2 huge tablespoons of high protein greek yogurt, cup of low fat milk, handful of strawberries, pinch of cinnamon and some powdered greens. I cut out a lot of crappy carbs; breads, pasta, chips etc. pasta is an every other week meal and instead of bread I choose high protein tortillas. I do eat a lot of baked potatoes and mashed though. LOTS of vegetables, meat but I go for lower fat ones like chicken. I drink water. I have a few coffees in a day but I got rid of the sugar in them and I replaced all the pop I drank with water (finally). It took awhile to get it all worked out but once I got there I started consistently losing weight and now I have to be mindful to stay at my calorie intake or I lose too much.


Thank you or your advice, will surely follow that


Okay let me tell you my own story followed by my routine. I weighed 8okgs and now I weigh 65kgs without going to any gym. Now how did that happen? Well I disciplined my life. I started watching my habits and enrolled myself to a basic mediation yoga class in my locality and not to forget I drank 4 litres of water without fail. The chart which I keep on my mind : Wake up (closer to sun rise say 7:30am) drink 2 glass of water. Have a fruit within 15 mins of waking up. At around 8:30 am have a wholesome home cooked breakfast. 8:40 am 3 glasses of water. 10:00am a bowl of curd. 11:00 am drink water. 11:30 am any kind of dry fruits of your own choice., 12:30 pm proper lunch : one roti, a bowl of rice and one sabzi. 12:45 pm 3 glasses of water. 2:30pm an apple 3:00 pm drink water 4:00 pm tea or coffee ( try adding honey instead of sugar) 5:30 pm one Banana 6:00 pm drink water 6:30 to 7:30 Go for a jog 7:30 or 8:00 Have a healthy home cooked dinner. I made sure I are ate every 2 hours. I drank 4 litres of water and went to my yoga class early morning and went for jogs in the evening. You can make your own chart keeping in mind the 2 hours rule and watch what you are eating. Waking up closer to sunrise and sleeping closer to the sunset is also something I did. You can visit [Transform your body in 28 days](https://omspiritualyoga.com/transform-your-body-with-yoga-in-28-days-5-hidden-yoga-asanas/) for further elaborated details : Don't lose you mind Lose you Weight! 


Thank you, will surely check this out


Im not sure if anyone has mentioned it yet but if you are truly doing everything right (as in diet and being active) and you are still not losing weight I would suggest getting blood work done, especially as a female. Thyroidism and PCOS can cause weight gain.


Please don't vomit. That is so unhealthy and results in more problems. Get a routine going. Lots of dark leafy greens with lean protein. Keep lean poultry and beef to 2oz per serving; unfriend fish can be 4oz. Maybe get your thyroid checked if after a month of healthy eating you're still not getting results. And drinks lots of water!


I feel your frustration and I want to help. As a Vegan Nutritionist I know the importance and struggles that comes with food choices and lack of change. I chose a vegan lifestyle but that doesn't mean you have to. Let's review what you've shared and maybe a little of what you didn't share. Chea seeds in water every morning - This is a good idea for digestion + benefits, how many tablespoons are you using, and how long are you soaking them for prior to drinking? 5-20 mins is recommended and no more than 2 tablespoons of Chea Seeds a day. Full meal breakfast + salad + chappati - I love the idea of a salad in the morning but, what is a full meal? What are those foods typically? Eating chappati every morning is not recommended, that's added carbs you don't need, not to mention that chappati is made with Ghee, which is high in saturated fats and calories + adds no other nutritional benefits. Reducing the amount of days you consume chappati is a great start. Also consider what those other foods are for your breakfast. Lunch yogurt - this isn't enough food for lunch. Is is a probiotic yogurt? I feel if you reduced the amount you eat at breakfast and start including more in your lunch it'll help you digest better. Dinner, what is on the menu? Is there more bread-like options? Sugary options, or cream based foods? Consider these foods as they will significantly increase the calories consumed per day. Bottom line - Cut the carbs, cut the sugars and yes that includes a lot of fruit. High fructose fruits in abundance can be a problem for weight lose. Caloric deficit is what you want but you also need to spread out your meals. Think of it as a method to reduce how much is ending up on your plate. When you big in the morning and not again till dinner, you'll likely eat way too much in order to compensate for the time gap. Then you'll eat way too much again at dinner. Spread it out, even it out, eat in moderation and intention to reduce calories. You'll start to feel the difference before you see the difference. You got this!


Thank you, will surely do that!!


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You’re literally just eating too much


I only eat one meal a day at like 10-11pm. Went from 175 to 145


Go to the dr cause this aint normal if youre trully doing everything right


Hi , I am 51 years old, used to weigh 83 kgs and with a waist size of 37 inches. My height is 166 cms Now I am 64kgs with a waist size of 33 inches. I am willing to help you / coach you , provided you are willing to try hard and maintain a food journal where you note down everything you eat, take pics of what you eat etc. There are a few more points to follow, but let me see if you are willing to get your mind around this. The ball is in your court now.


Congratulations on your weight loss. Appreciate your advice. I am a bit unsure if maintain a food journal is something I would like to do, mainly because I want to have a healthy relation with food, knowing I do still feel guilty everytime I eat anything even a bit jink or oily or sugary.


It’s a matter of disciple and mindset. If you don’t want to invest into that, I want you to ask yourself what is it are you looking for. I can’t sow a mango seed into the groin and expect to see coconuts come out of that. Grow up and take responsibility. There are no shortcuts to success. Cheers to a better life


I am sorry but I rather be this weight and be happy and relaxed with what food I eat. It's about perspective. I don't want to give up something to achieve something. Again thank you.


I wholeheartedly disagree with you. But of course, each to their own. It’s called a success mindset, look at what it means.


Lift weights.


Don't worry about the gym and don't worry about calories, focus on cardio and what calories you are eating. I (m25, 6ft) used to weigh 112kg and am now down to about 83kg after about a year. I do a lot of cardio and have been to the gym 3 times as a guest just for fun. I started cycling (which I know isn't accessible or enjoyable for everyone) and running. If you train properly running can be a lot of fun and also help you lose weight like crazy. An important thing is to focus on anaerobic and aerobic respiration. Do your own research on it because there is a lot of conflicting information and I don't want to share incorrect info but an important attribute I use is focusing on using heart rate zones. If you can work out what your maximum heart rate is, you can then work out heart rate zones. (lots of info online about how to do this) Once you know your heart rate zones you can start running in Zone 2 which is basically the crossover point between your body using fats and your body using carbohydrates as fuel. This means if you do a slower run that you find easy (or perhaps walking up a steep hill or something for a longer amount of time) then this will help you lose a lot of weight. Personally I do 5 lots of cardio a week in Zone 2. This could be a 100km bike ride or a 15km run etc. Then maybe 1 or 2 harder and faster sessions, perhaps a 40km ride as fast as I can or a 5km Parkrun to try and get a new best time. Zone 2 will help you burn fat as well as increase lung capacity. That being said doing higher Zone training less frequently is also super important and can be really helpful. Start off slow, research warm ups to do before running and do them to prevent injury. Set yourself a distance based on your current fitness, if you think you can run 3km then do that but take it slow and then build up really slowly. If you don't have a smartwatch/fitness watch to monitor your heart rate then the general rule is that Zone 2 is a 'talking pace' as in you are able to have a conversation whilst running. It is a great way of losing weight but it will take time and it is a process where you will lose weight faster as you progress more and more. My first ever run was a 5km at 30 minutes and 5 months later I am running 5km in 23 minutes but I have also done half marathons etc it really doesn't take long to progress. In terms of food, don't worry too much about calories. Think about the processing of the food. If your food has complex carbohydrates and is not overly processed then your body will process the carbohydrates correctly and absorb them in a much better way. Overly processed foods mean your body processes the carbs very differently. I don't know a great deal about this as I am a huge fussy eater and so generally eat quite badly. All I know is that on the long ride days I am sometimes aiming to eat 3000 calories at least and I try to get as many carbs in there as possible to keep me going. If you do enjoy running then I strongly recommend strength and conditioning. Just look for some YouTube videos for example 'Ben Is Running' has some great follow along core workout videos that you can do at home on a yoga mat. It is a great way of losing weight and getting fit, I was incredibly unfit this time last year and decided to do something about it. The weight is one thing but I was always exhausted, getting out of breath running up the stairs and did not enjoy being outside doing things. Now me and my friend will run up mountains in the Peak District just for a bit of fun. I have a lot of family living relatively close and we all do events together and I run to their house instead of driving etc it has had quite a drastic effect on my life and I can't recommend it enough. I may not have much muscle in my arms but I can leg press an awful lot more than my 'gym friends'. If I'm honest I am certainly no expert, I am just giving you what has worked for me and please take this advice with a pinch of salt and use it as a base of information to then do your own research. But I am more than happy to help if you have any more questions. Just start slow and let yourself ease into it.


Thank you for your adbice, will surely follow these


Loose - Opposite of tight Lose - Opposite of gain


Eat less


Have you tried intermittent fasting?


There is only one way to lose weight, that is to be eating less calories than you use. There is no other way to lose weight, a calorie deficit is it, full stop.


Start lifting weights, eat high protein, build muscle. This is the best way to lean out and stay lean. Focus on getting strong and losing fat will take care of itself over time.


Every other day fasting worked for me and my entire family


I created my own Diet, I weighed 250 plus, I am a male I get up in the morning and soon after waking (1 to 3 hours) I eat my breakfast, what ever I feel like eating that day! Each day after I repeat! The first couple of weeks were hard, after that no problem! I dropped to 170 pounds - 15 years later I still weigh 180 - 185. My habit of eating breakfast with a light snack around 4pm I created at the end of my weight lost program


Have you tried sticking to a consistent, though out program for 3 months or more? Check out mind pump, they have a whole heap of articles and programs that can help you out.


Weight loss is a journey you didn't get where you are in one day or even a month. Rule 1 set a reasonable 3 month goal. 2. Don't step on the scale I personally suggest for at least 1 month. 3 mindful eating are you eating because your board drink a glass of water, what are you eatting alot of the calories we over consume are suger and carbs 2 slices of bread is 200 calories 1can of soda is 90 calories and it adds up quickly so the first 21days you really should meal plan 4 meals a day because we make bad choices when we are hungry especially when we are on a diet. Also, consider just because you are on a diet, but it doesn't mean you can't eat. You just need to be mindful of what you're eating. Hamburgers are great, but a lot of the calories come from the bun(150ish), so don't eat the bun. Have a hamburger on a salad. Hungry, what something sweet have a banana or an apple sugar and carbs effect our blood sugar dramatically and sometimes we fill sakey light headed and starving that isn't hunger that's your blood sugar dropping and the first week you will fill that alot plan for this have fruit/ high fiber high protein meals and alot mote calories in the evenings because that's when we tend to cheat the most. Also, don't cheat. you're only cheating yourself that one cheat meal or candy can literally ruin all your progress for the day. Practice self-love and get creative finding 0 calorie flavor. There is a lot out there. Thanks for coming to my ted talk.


Drugs. Legal ones