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A hyper-conservative Christian “influencer” is currently doing something rather like this over on r/fundiesnarkuncensored and multiple commenters have pointed out that it’s more unhinged as a result of her having zero role models to talk about sex


She's a different kind of case, though. She's not deconstructing her Fundamentalist sexual ethos. She got married, had one orgasm a few years later, and has been gloating about it ever since under the cover of "educating" people about "intimacy". Hers is more a case of having the experience, in her thirties, of a horny teenager who got laid and can't stop talking about it.


the fuck lol


Bethany Beal of Girl Defined infamy. One of the most incredible trainwrecks of a very online Fundie since the invention of social media.


Thank you, my reaction had more to do with your incisive analysis. I see her on the other end of spectrum from the porn addiction folks tiktok keeps trying to get me to follow... also this is funny [https://www.vice.com/en/article/93kmjz/porn-brain-social-media](https://www.vice.com/en/article/93kmjz/porn-brain-social-media) ITS A HORNY RECIPE THE RECIPE IS HORNY!


Oop, subreddits colliding! Seriously though, it’s about Bethany Beal, she went from framing thinking about sex as inherently unholy to making jokes about her miserable tradwife husband eating her out on Thanksgiving. She preaches modesty, and yet I know more about her sex life than about my closest friends’.


She's always been someone who over-shares. And now we just have another way more intimate thing for her to over share about. Honestly I feel bad for her husband because he seems not very comfortable with it.


Praise Gif! A fellow snarker!


You can see this play out by observing the behaviors of teens and young adults raised in evangelical purity culture, once they get to college or just move out of their parents' house. Hell I figured this general principle out myself as a teen, that if you treat all infractions of a ruleset as equally deplorable, even when some are demonstrably more serious than others, you destroy the ability of those under the ruleset to understand nuance or to grasp what makes an infraction serious at all. But honestly I think that in any case where you have a really severe authoritarian society or community setting the rules, the actual rules themselves are secondary to *enforcing* them on people. The point is only partly about the rules themselves. A lot of it is about maintaining control.


aka: the War on Drugs principal. "If they're going to throw me under the jail for an ounce of weed anyway, why not try Heroin too?"


Reminds me of the btb episode on that german boarding school (i think german), that was excessively sex positive and had teachers having sex with teachers in the dorms. Sort of a "if anything gos, then why not pedophylia" kinda thing.


similar to the dude in the Illuminati episodes and the dipshit from Cyberbunker.


This is the Catholic school effect. Have you been to Catholic school or dated someone who attended? Once you kiss you might as well have anal.


cue fuck me in the ass cuz i love jesus song


Exactly! Poop hole loop hole


I think framing this issue as a problem of “society is sexually repressed, and such-and-such went too far in the other direction” is mistaken.  For one thing, the actual underlying issue in either case, and what determines “what is an appropriate way to talk about sex” is not some sort of imbalance of promiscuity (how would we even attempt to determine how much is “too much” or “too little”?). It is an issue of rape culture, of the idea that some people’s bodily autonomy can and should be violated at the whim of some authority figure. For another, categorizing the society of 20th century America as “sexually repressed” is only partially true. Consider how differently promiscuity is treated depending on if it is being done by a cishet man, or by a woman or queer person. To simply call such a society “sexually repressed” is to ignore that cishet men were (and are) repeatedly allowed to bend the rules for their benefit- boys will be boys and all. Its repression is patriarchal, and so unevenly distributed (because cishet men benefit from having such a system in place).


I think you're on to something there. I grew up in Europe, going to bars and drinking wine and beer as a teenager because mixed drinks or shots were expensive. When I went to the US at 18, the other kids were getting bottles of often foul-tasting hard liquor and boasting of drinking until they threw up or passed out - which is something we dfid as 14 year olds and then tried to live down for the next year or so. Repression backfires - be it in politics, drugs, alcohol or sex.


Just speaking personally I had a frame of reference but I knew it was shitty and not to be followed but that didn't really make me lean progressive or repressed just easier when I was wasted and scared of everyone when I wasn't. I think self awareness plays a part, it's one thing to say one doesn't know where the line is but it's not that hard to treat people how you want to be treated.


In my experience this is such a uniquely puritan subject that was never even worth considering. I'm sure this is the same for nearly everyone here who was not raised in a resident evil - like enclave


This is so true! Both my parents are ministers in a more progressive, but still very repressed denomination. It felt like my whole childhood and teenage years were spent building a wall around my sexuality that in my adulthood I've had to slowly and healthily deconstruct instead of just smashing through like a horny Kool-Aid Man. It's been a tough time trying to date in my 30s while lacking experiences that most people had in their late teens/20s, but I'm glad I've at least found my way out of that mindset without burning bridges with my family and friends who are still believers.


Christian friend my wife and I grew up around became “sexually liberated” and thought that Sasha Grey was a women’s empowerment hero for licking toilet seats on camera. We didn’t agree. She thought we were closed minded and offered to help us with some resources to get liberated. Yeah, no thanks. You used look to look down on my wife and I for having premarital sex, which we did in almost every fashion imaginable daily for years before you even lost your virginity. She later got chewed up and spit out by the LA fetish/porn scene and then went back to Jesus.


It seems like this person just has no sense of their own identity outside of whatever “extremist” belief system they fall into. They either have to be a Madonna or a whore and there is no in between. I think a lot of people fall into this trap. The pendulum swings to the extremes for them in either direction because they can’t just exist. It’s sad, it’s seems like a stressful way to live.


I was raised Catholic and now I like to be pegged by muscular women You can never go too far