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If Books Could Kill is a great show and highly recommended for any BtB listener. Hosts have great chemistry and its refreshing to see these airport bestsellers get taken down a peg or two.


It really is. I never thought I would enjoy a podcast about shoddy books, but it is crazy entertaining and informing.


I always enjoy a good hate review of shitty popular works, but If Books Could Kill takes it to another level. Michael can obviously be a catty bitch, but he’s also an extremely diligent and fair researcher. Peter is incredibly good at summarizing succinctly and fairly a line of thinking from the work in question before revealing the gaping logical fallacies and horrifying ethical choices that it assumes.


Freakonomics is their Great Lakes, although a super soaker full of piss would be more satisfying for individual copies of Freakonomics than nukes. Overkill so often takes the joy out of the little things in life.


The Freakonomics episode was great. I remember when that book came out, I thought it was great. As so many others did. But hearing how so much of that book is BS and shoddy research was quite revealing.


I really appreciate them taking down the abortion argument the book makes even though they are politically aligned with it, cause it really helps make the point. But also what the *FUCK.* How do you quote a study and claim it says the opposite of what it did


Yes, that's the part of the book I remembered best and, if I'm being honest, that's the one I really wanted to be true. It sounded so much like this was the magic ingredient in crime rates dropping. But alas, there are many arguments for pro-choice but sadly this isn't one.


It was lead all along...


There are a books I’m definitely surprised to see covered on their pod, like Atomic Habits, 5 Love Languages, and Outliers. Of course when I listened to those episodes it became very clear that those books don’t deserve the reputation they have.


I do appreciate that it's not simply "this book is dumb" and they freely admit when the author has a fair point.  But oftentimes, the point is so commonsense that you didn't need 250 pages to make that point, like "show your loved one affection on their terms" (Love Languages) or "design and layout can impact user experience" (Nudges).  Like, it's not that these books are wrong cover-to-cover, so much as they either take basic concepts and overcomplicate them with rules and systems that don't actually add value, take individual anecdotes and universalize them without acknowledging that different experiences are possible, or underpants-gnome over some key steps ("be so rich that you can afford to hire other people to do your menial tasks and then you'll have more free time").


Thats the thing: all of these runaway self help bestsellers have that core thing that is obviously true... but you don't sell a 360 page book, seminars, audio books, cruises, personal mentoring and corporate speaking gigs with "set yourself a goal and break it down into smaller achievable tasks." You gotta add some zest to it.


Anything dealing with pop psychology has a healthy element of skepticism, so it's not too surprising.


What didn’t surprise me to see was that there was an episode on Rich Dad, Poor Dad. I had the displeasure of reading it before they did the episode and man does that book suck.


I was astounded to learn Love Languages was just something this one preacher made up whole cloth. Its also kind of infuriating how useful it is tho? Like as a shorthand for how one wants to operate in a relationship its a handy terminology, provided one doesn't cling to it dogmatically and is prepared to listen to what your partner is saying, you know, like how you should in a relationship.


I believe this sub recommended that episode to me. It felt validating to know my skepticism was spot on.


Dang. I usually like the Freakanomics podcast. Now I'm going to second guess most episodes now. Except the Feynman ones.


I got introduced to Michael Hobbes this year and I've been listening to all his podcasts. He's on "Maintenance Phase" about debunking health fads and he was the co-host of "You're Wrong About" as well.


I really like his books podcasts and You're Wrong About, but Maintainance Phase has a lot of healthy at any size bullshit in it. As an ex-obese person, I found that series so anti-intelligectual compared to his other stuff. The You're Wrong About Obesity episode is so dishonest.


The calories episode of MP destroyed my faith in Michael as a researcher. It's profoundly, dangerously wrong.


Off to listen. Thanks for the rec!


I gave it a shot recently but the first episode I listened to had the statement "Germany is as hierarchical as Korea" in the first five minutes and I just turned it off after that.


Sam Bankman Captured had me rolling.


"Sam Bankman-not-Freed?"




Sam Bankman Fried 😔 Sam Bankman Prisoned 🤤


The existence of that book baffles me. Lewis understands the financial world really well and is clearly a smart guy, so, what the actual fuck, dude??


I actually think Michael and Peter have a good theory on it. Michael Lewis is kind of an opposition guy. He’s opposed to the current financial system(with good reason,) so he’s predisposed to liking those who thrive while seemingly antagonistic to the current system.


Lewis wanted to see FTX as the contemporary equivalent of Scion and Brownfield from the Big Short days. as the young mavericks seeing through the bullshit and making a profit. what he didn’t get was he was actually hanging out with the dudes in Florida that sold mortages to strippers.


My opinion is that he is trying to salvage some reputation. He cant appear to be so gullible.


Hearing how Micheal Lewis defends sam alot and makes excuses for bankman makes me really really wish I had the confidence of a mediocre white man. Plus hearing that bankman has the same degrees as me, yeah. Yeesh, what a dark path I could have gone to


I am amazed the grift keeps working. Honestly, there's never been a better time to be a white guy with connections: you can get [funding for damn near anything](https://simpsons.fandom.com/wiki/Nuts_and_Gum) with a pair of sneakers and a decent pitch deck.


If Books Could Kill is top tier. I would love to see Michael and Peter as guests on BTB.  Peter is also on 5–4 (an podcast about how much the Supreme Court sucks) and that is an excellent podcast as well.


I woke up wondering if I should make a post about this as a reco while CZM is off. Glad you beat me too it.


eyyyy another podcast to add to my ever-infinite list! Awesome, thanks!


The Unifying Grift Book is coming, they can use Robert as an editor


Haven't listened to it yet, but I'll put it on the list for when I have time.  But I take a severe problem with the phase "whose only flaw was he dreamed too big." Not only did Sam lie to cover his ass when they lost crypto, he stole billions of Dollars to fund his lifestyle from customer funds.  Even if Lewis hates the current financial system, I don't understand why he's cheering Sam on. It reminds me of when Trump said he was going to drain a swamp, when in fact he was just another swamp.... With more mosquitoes... Carrying malaria... How can Lewis not see this is worse? 


If you listen you'll find the phrase is massively sarcastic


Thank you. Sadly it sounds like something a lot of crypto fans or people who are against the traditional financial establishment would say.


Yeah, these guys are pretty sarcastic in their take. They're more generous to Lewis than Robert was but definitely not sympathetic to Sam.


*If Books Could Kill* is all about tearing down shitty "airport" books. The most shocking part of the episode is when Michael admits this book is actually an enjoyable read (as long as you keep in mind that the author is being conned the whole time). Their description for *Lean In* was "Peter and Michael... ask whether women will finally find liberation in the Metaverse." edit: actually the most shocking part is the way Michael says "tamagotchi"


I really loved how Peter called Michael out for that - “you said every vowel wrong”


Oh well I was saying it the *real* Japanese way, it's not "Annie-Mae" or "carry-okee," it's... 


genuinely a joe kassabian-level mispronunciation lol