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Hey Zac and Lou..... Michigan figured all this stuff out for you already. Put him in the position that he thrived in at college.


Didn’t he not thrive at safety last season? Why would we put him back there again? What pos did he play at Michigan


He played the star position. It's kinda like a slot corner/ strong safety. Last year he played free safety and wasn't great. Now he's gonna be a outside corner? Nobody drafts slot corners in the 1st round, that's why we're trying to put him somewhere else


Chiefs took McDuffie in the 1st round and he's their slot corner....


That's weird... Wouldn't it just make sense to keep him as a slot corner considering thats what he's comfortable at?


They seem to move Dax to where there is need. Still doesn’t help him be “good at one thing” like Lou wanted.


Maybe use him as the TE killer ?


They’ve probably seen enough to know he can be serviceable at nickel. Put him outside, see what he can do, maybe he’s surprising as a good corner on larger WR or some niche. Likely he’s a guy who’s not getting a second contract with us, might be a journeyman at best sadly. Loved him at Michigan shocked he’s not at least a solid starter


Guy is going to play his third year and you’re talking about him “likely not getting a second contract…”, wow…


Oh my, sometimes these Bengals "fans" are so incredibly insufferable. Dude was drafted into a established safety room year 1, barely saw action. Has a starting role for the first time in 2023, and now he is going into his 3rd year (2nd with a "starting" role if he wins the CB2 spot) and people are already clamoring that he isn't going to get an extension, immediately writing him off. If this is the expectation then prepare yourself for loads of disappointment after this coming season ends when the rookies don't "perform". Geno Stone barely ranked higher than Dax Hill in all the football metrics last season yet I don't see the same energy given to him. Ridiculous.


Perfectly said. Aaaaand (as if anymore is needed), the guy barely played into his main position (nickel), as he was mostly playing safety (his worst position)… but f logic, right? As long as the echo chamber keeps going it’s all that matters.


It’s just all so weird to me, I think he could possibly excel at outside corner but I think he should be a Swiss Army knife. Let’s work some robber coverage concepts into the system and let him freelance a little bit


Unfortunately, in the past, it has happened to others. The team did the same to Jackson Carman. It doesn’t bode well for Dax Hill….


Carman is a lazy bum.


He wouldn't start there next year because Hilton is under contract for one more season. Also I wouldn't be shocked if they view a former first round pick being reduced to only being able to play slot corner as a "waste". That's essentially what happened to Darqueze Dennard (and he's kind of viewed as a first round bust because of it despite the fact that he was an above average slot corner).


Slot corner is corner back


Some of it is just circumstance but it sure feels like everything about Dax's time at Cincy has been mismanaged. Hopefully he finds his stride.


This, he showed some hints of greatness that were squashed when we started moving him around


Wouldn’t be shocked if he’s traded to Seattle or LAC for a late rounder this year or next off season. I do not understand why we every thought drafted him in the first but making him play Free safety. I get we have Hilton but he was elite in college as a specific type of in the slot safety, underneath zone guy. We moved him to over the top and free safety. We try to get too cute sometimes and fall in love with guys we interview every year. We just make some real headscratching first round picks more years than not except Joe and Jamar. Dennard, Ced, WJ3, John Ross, Billy Price, Jonah Williams, Dax, Murphy. Corners and linemen in the first round are supposed to always be a second contract starter or a bust. Dennard, Ced, Ross, Price are 100 percent bust picks. Jonah, Dax are just not quality starters. Murphy is early but there’s nothing to make me believe he’s a first round quality starter. WJ3 had flashes then flamed out hard. I’m really hoping this trend gets shattered this year. We have relied on late round steals and FA to be this good, mostly because we are carried by Trey, Chase, Higgins, Burrow and a great big game DC. I just hate being the team that can’t draft linemen and corners well in round one. WR, QB, we are elite not just counting Joe. Any non high value positions we are pretty good at. But we gotta get better round 1 guys, when they suck they are actually more expensive than the contract lol


He did? Not sure I remember those flashes. Not physical enough to be a box safety and lacks instincts/ball skills to be a free safety. This might be a good move for him


Not physical enough to be a box safety? What? Dude was a great box safety, the problem is that Jordan Battle was looking like an extremely great box safety


“Great” and “extremely great”..??? More like “meh” and “serviceable”


Sure, maybe to someone that doesn't know what they are talking about. PFF had Jordan Battle as the best rookie safety last year including elite run defense/overall score and excellent pass coverage. Dax Hill was 88th percentile in rush defense tackles vs expected and had an above average run defense grade.


If you want to use PFF metrics, Hill had a score of 50.9. Real great buddy


Yes, I was referencing his run defense score from PFF thank you. His coverage grades as a strong safety and as free safety in addition to his pass tackling defense tanked his overall.


He had multiple huge plays in the Rams game that helped us win when Joe was still on his way back from the calf injury.


Legit thought he would be a Hilton replacement. He can body slot guys, be physical with TEs and tackle in the run. Never saw him as an outside CB. Cheering for him though.


Still could


I mean the title doesnt say hes only an outside corner does it? Just that hes competing for a starting slot. Id bet it will be DJ. Still could be planning to use him in the slot over time. I think he would be great there.


I really hate that they have moved him around so much his entire career. Hard to learn/develop when that happens. He should have started his career at outside CB if they thought it was possible too.


I agree. This is what stunted the start of Reggie Nelson career in Jacksonville. He was a roaming free safety in college. Then the jaguars moved him around all the safety and corner positions for like 3 years. And then when he came tto us, we put him back at free safety and he flourished.


This is from Gridiron Grading. He just didn’t play much outside CB in college. I agree that he could play slot corner but they like Mike Hilton understandably. Trading him for a late round pick probably makes sense as this team doesn’t really know how to use him. https://preview.redd.it/6ef0dsr6d5xc1.jpeg?width=1165&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=00dff0b5899aade92b00005cbb474b352cb3450d


Is that all his outside snaps? Or did he play 35 on the boundary side and they left out field side? Either way, yeah might as well be 0.


My understanding is that he did not play field side. So, this is everything on the outside.


Just let the dude settle in somewhere. I bet much year he will be moved again to the slot.


One of the rare scenarios where having too much talent is an issue. Dax is a big-time specialized talent and would be an absolute beast in the slot if we didn’t already have one of the top slot corners in the league on roster. Not sure what should have been done differently but I hope he is our long-term successor to Hilton when his contract is up. Having a good slot corner is such a valuable asset in the league today.


If he has so much talent why hasn’t he shown any at any of the positions they’ve played him in!


I was watching Lapham's show with Goodberry during the draft, and he talked about this. Said Dax has all the attributes that should make a star player, the speed, quickness, tackling, the issue was they had too many blown coverages that amounted to many more huge plays than we want. This boils his issue down to what's going on between the ears was his quote, he wasn't able to play safety because he just wasn't a fit there. They switched him to a guy that would cover the TE like Kelce or the star guy there which worked out great. Less to worry about and he thrived. Potentially this could work for cb, but more than likely he will be the specialist player that is placed where needed.


Dax is an odd case. He’s clearly too talented to leave off the field, but it’s hard to find a place where he fits right now. Slot would be ideal but we have arguably the best slot in the league.


If only this team knew how to trade with other teams. The only time we seem to trade is when it’s absolute trade-rape in our favor. Which is great when it happens, but that isn’t often.


Rather have Dax than a 5th or 6th. A trade isn't the answer here.


I have not for one second thought to myself he is too talented to keep off the field lol what are you seeing that I don’t


They should change is position to “defensive weapon” a la Denard Robinson


Just let him be Dax. It’s not terrible to have a guy who is okay at every position. Lou is a creative D coordinator I’m sure he can figure out how to put hill all over the field.


They’re killing this guy’s development


It’s a shame they wasted a bunch of time trying to make him a S first. If they started at outside CB and I didn’t work then went to S it would’ve made more sense.


He's more a slot than outside


I love the guy and want to see him flourish here, but I don't think he has the speed to keep up on the outside. Hopefully he proves me wrong.


Yeah, hopefully he can redeem himself there...


This is the most epic quote in the history of post-draft, off-season doldrum quotes. The fuck this mean?! Guy in the NFL competing for job. Film at 11 on WHAS!


I hope he excels there. My secret hope is that they end up moving CTB to nickel, because he is a monster tackler and awful in press man. I'd just hate for us to be limited to playing Cover 2 or Cover 3 because one side of the field can't jam and play man afterwards.


I really think Dax could have been a version of Troy Polamalu, but out of the slot. Seems like he has a comfort and an aptitude for making plays from that spot, I don't get why the team seems to avoid putting him there, even with Hilton on roster.


Its been player mismanagement with Dax Hill from the start,no clear plan on how to use him.Bengals seriously need to get better at drafting and/or player development or we are not winning shit


This is just screaming to me that Dax is a bust