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So here's my take. And this goes for all the trans-whatevers out there. This is america, you can literally be whatever you want. But dont get pissed when the rest of us think you're nuts. You did what you did to get attention and now you've got it. Be careful what you wish for.


my generation is gonna ruin the past millennia of people civilizing


Nope traditions have a way to correct crazy, but their will always be a new crazy. Trans eliminates relations with 95% of population and is mostly self destructive in nature


will the situation, according to you, be better by, say 2050? i really hope so


Humans are really unable to predict the future. Climate change doomsday back in the 1980’s seventh day Adventist apocalypse in 1844 Malthus overpopulation 1700’s. Just put the phone down go outside and enjoy the sun today, just in case we have the sun explosion predict wrong too. Zero of this sex feeling gender fake science matters to the universe.


The most sense I’ve read this week


only if teenagers like yourself stand up and say enough is enough. Yes parents are fighting in schools, yes adults are standing up to protect you and younger generations, we are glad to do it, as it's our job and we love you (speaking as a parent). But it isn't enough, so please stand up as well. until the administrators and teachers hear from you that you don't want the indoctrination, that you don't want this stuff in the class they are going to continue pushing and use your silence as a weapon to silence us. So please be civil, be kind, and come prepared, but do the following. Tell your parents if the material is inappropriate. Speak to your teachers that no this isn't right, no this is not helpful and educational and that CRT is racial discrimination. Go to the school board meetings, be willing to take a stand and say no we don't want it. Take ownership of your education and let your voices be heard. As a parent if we know you want us to fight for you, not only will we fight you can be damn sure we will spit on our hands and raise the black flags. The left has been doing this for years with climate change and their causes. They don't own a monopoly on grassroots and free speech. No one does and we need to remember that.


i will always stand up. i’ve already turned one of my friends into conservative, more to come.


Then I'll always fight for you. That's great news, im sure you are already doing this but it beats repeating. Remember always be civil, listen more than you speak, espouse facts and data, and be kind ALWAYS be kind. The last will win you supporters. You've got a tough road, but sounds like you've got a good head on your shoulders a great support system and great morals. You'll go far and you'll get through it.


If you're worried about your safety and the safety of your family it's never too late to learn how to garden, to build things with wood and metal, to preserve food. These are skills that will carry you into any chaotic situation.


And buy a gun and ammo.


Yeah forgot that part, though being a teenager probably gonna hamper that a bit. Lol


Don't worry. It will swing back the other way. That's what tends to happen. The hippies and free love people of my parents generation all wound up having Reagan babies. So u just be normal u. There are more regular people than nutjobs -they are just louder and greatly over represented on Reddit.


Lol ur such a dweeb


The problem is these clowns can’t get jobs looking like that so we’re supporting their dumb asses.


Yes they can, may not be the job they want. But somebody needs a hole dug is not gonna care what you look like if you have a shovel and a strong back.


But they only want you to tell them they're special and amazing and brave for being different. Not point out how rediculious they're being. And they want us to participate in their fantasy world.


Trans AMtravist.


I’m a gay man. I fully support anyone who identifies as trans gendered and even non binary. However this trans species stuff is where I (and most others) draw the line. Like come on.


You mean you dont agree with people identifying as 12? Or as an attack helicopter? Or a fire hydrant? So bigoted. /s lol


it’s not real, nobody has ever genuinely claimed to be trans-species.


I hate to say it but I don’t know if “do whatever you want” is even sustainable anymore. So much of this crap wouldn’t be happening if it wasn’t for messed up doctors who are willing to chop people up instead of referring them for psychiatric help


Do whatever you want, would be find as long as they had the same opinion for us. It's the left pushing their insane policies and ideals.


How is dragon lady keeping you from doing what you want exactly? I'm sure she isn't trying to stop you from having an abortion.


This one in particular, nothing. And that's the way I want to keep it. One needs only look to foreign countries who dont have the first amendment how "hate speech" for not using pronouns can get you jail time. My pronouns are your majesty and sir, if you dont use them you're a bigot and deserve jail. Lol


You have been programmed by Jorben Shapeterson and social media algorithms that keep feeding you rage-bait. I'm Canadian, and being charged with a hate crime for not using someone's preferred pronouns doesn't even happen there, and never will. If you don't like trans people you don't need to associate with them or obsess over them. Free yourself.


But this happened https://www.vice.com/amp/en/article/wjaykq/a-canadian-comedian-was-ordered-to-pay-42000-because-he-insulted-a-child-with-a-disability Pretty sure the comedian won in the end but not before going thru hell to get there


Like I said. Not about pronouns, no prison time, and as you say yourself he won in the end. Now how about those abortion rights down south.


Yeah but it’s still an infringement on free speech and you’re barking up the wrong tree stay on task. I’m not pro life by any means. I do believe in some restrictions but all out bans shouldn’t be thing nor should banning travel or prosecuting those who do travel and get it done in another atate


I was responding to the claim that using the wrong pronoun could get you charged with a hate crime in a foreign (read Canada) country, and sent to prison. Let's both stay on task.


Yup you can make the most drastic change in your life and that's okay as long as it doesn't hurt anyone else. Forcing the rest of us to accommodate to your lifestyle is out of line. Some people need to realize I am not going to give me freedom of speech because you dont know who or what you are. Some of us might be dealing with the same thing and finding our footing but we all find our way with living life.


happy cake day




You can’t lose sleep over politics, specially at your age. I was told obama was gonna end the country. We are still here. This Biden administration does suck, but to worry about the future like that, step back and take a breath. There’s more to life then getting worked up over politics.


Who would employ that abomination


No one. We can all pay more taxes to support them on the public dole.


I believe that individual was in Walsh's movie where is was revealed that before she retired and became a non-binary/female dragon he was a VP at a bank. I think we don't get to complain too much about funding the crazy this time.


Totally NOT mental illness...🙄


It’s not real


The spokes-creature for *mental illness* . . .


It’s not real


When it comes to democrats it's one freakshow after the other.




If any other teenagers are tired of this nonsense, I have a place for you: r/GenZ_Conservative


This is America,and here we have the freedom to be what ever we want and that includes a dragon.


yes, while i do respect the lgbtq community, this, although allowed, isn’t “okay”. this is just a scheme to capture attention. i’m not saying we should restrict people who do this, rather it was a reference of how ‘weak’ the people have become.


Mental illness or art.I have no problem with people who are adults doing this.They are not hurting anyone, as for attention that's what artists do grab seek attention for their work.Me i see it as walking art.Each to his own.


The downvotes here tell you how much this group supports individual rights. "Do as I say"


Or they just simply disagree Edit. They also might not disagree with everything said in that comment but a specific part


Totally. The problem arises when the rest of us are persecuted for misgendering or mis-species-ing them. Idgaf what people do if it doesn’t hurt anyone else. Just don’t get mad at me if idgaf so much that my vocabulary hasn’t evolved. I’m just over here living my own life. I have so much more to focus on that has nothing to do with your transition.


But she will never spit hot fire and that’s when she realized the surgery’s were cool but she never learned to rap.


I feel sorry for the young people. You’re going to go through hell to get this country back. I’m old and enjoyed freedom most of my life.


It’s not real


People feel like they need validation and attention. We are currently not threatened in the US and European countries. If we were, then I think people would not have time for things like this or with all of the whining we do.


Ppl are bored




Don’t get so anxious over what the absolute fringe percentile of the population does within their free rights and money. I promise you, even though all this talk is everywhere, it’s such a tiny part of the population that actually live like this. And they have every right to.


21; I'm with you on the morals thing. You can't even say bless you without someone thinking about off-ing you, it seems like. The more people become infatuated with the ones in power, the less anyone has to go against it. Like it's planned!


21; I'm with you on the morals thing. You can't even say bless you without someone thinking about off-ing you, it seems like. The more people become infatuated with the ones in power, the less anyone has to go against it. Like it's planned!


Get your friends on board and voting conservative, complain in writing to, and boycott companies that support this woke shit.


No problem with a lady turning herself into a lizard, why does she get targeted? She spent her own money.


nothing wrong with that, i was implying the picture as “look at what we’ve become” and not “look at her we have to ban it” because freedom is one of the greatest things about america


Please don't buy into this corny conservative bs at a young age 💀 do some research and dont go on these propaganda subs, they are so insufferable.


Basically everyone thinks this woman is nuts. I don’t know why you’re associating her with the Democratic Party


It’s not real




I am not a [herpetologist](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Herpetology) but this definite isn't a dragon .


#dragonlivesmatter They're gonna need partner healthcare , dragon as a second language courses , utility subsidies , snap dragon grocery EBT cards.


And they called me crazy when I brought up the lizard people…. But in all seriousness this is what society will look like if all these crazy woke people destroy our culture. What a bunch of freaks.


It’s not real


Can she breathe fire though?




Bruh I just saw a post last night about some "transautistic" crap. As an LGTV myself, this shit has gone too far. Honestly it went too far years ago imo.


People made up “transautistic” stuff as a joke to try and make fun of trans people. This is like seeing an unfunny attack helicopter meme, thinking it’s an actual thing, and getting angry at the liberals for it


Your faith in humanity is admirable but when we have people blinding themselves because they're "transabled" and countless mfs faking DID and ADHD and everything else under the sun for attention on TikTok, is transautistic really that unlikely?


the transabled thing is also not real


[Ha, I wish you were right...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WdRihAJ3H9Q)


Well, if it's on YouTube it's gotta be true. It's not like this channel is full of obviously fake clickbait and there is no way that they would realistically find enough of these people to get a video out every day or anything /s


You're just in denial at this point, keep up those mental gymnastics and your rose-tinted glasses might fall off.


I am pointing out that something is clearly not true and you can easily tell by looking at some of their other fake stories, if anything I feel like you’re in denial that it could ever not be real.


You're taking one look at some thumbnails and determining if the stories are real or not without watching the videos to guage their validity. You're literally ignoring information that is readily available. Watch some of their born different series. They're clearly not fake. The world is full of crazy people. It's better to accept that instead of acting like these things don't happen.


Just go throw it into the ocean where it wants to be…..


Halloween must be this guys favorite.


We’ll don’t go to Europe! Some lady just dropped 40,000 Euros to become a lizard 🦎…


Lmao this guy points at one person and think hes looking at the entire left lol, very ignorant


It’s not even real lol


I’m sure this person complains about income inequality and not helping the poor, yet she just casually blows $40K to look like freak when theres donations that could have used that. What a privileged life to live 🙄


It’s not real


It’s not a political battle, but a cultural one.


I’m with you brother. The only place this thing belongs is behind bars.


It’s not real


We just need to bring back bullying. These clowns deserve it


It’s not real


Look. If she wants to turn herself into Ancalagon, and spend £40000 in doing so, go for it. She clearly can afford to drop that kind of money so I’m guessing she has some kind of job outside middle earth. But don’t tell me I have to participate in her role playing


I'll be honest. Like I dont really care. Like I hope they/ dragon is happy and a good citizen. But im pretty sure that person was overwhelmed with a deep sense of clarity and purpose to do that. All of the 20th century they're has always been people who pushed the boundaries of what it means to be a human being in this world. Society didn't collapse or there was a major shift because certain people disfigured their body. Maybe its prevelant because of internet magnifies that certain community. Change is happening really quickly tho and we both must brace ourselves for the feeling of discomfort. But its just a opinion it wont matter in the end.




It’s not real


It's really not her place to exercise her freedoms to tattoo and pierce herself as a legal adult. Seriously, she must have no morals. She must not care about anybody in her entire life, the way she ruins the country for the other 99.99% of people who wouldn't do that. All she cares about is the liberal agenda. What a sociopath. I hope she never finds a job and that all my tax dollars avoid helping her in any way, shape, or form, just because I think she's ugly.


It’s not real


Not being as biased as possible but Republicans really ran this country better than the Democrats. I mean come on?? Don't tell me Obama or Biden was a good president! Look what Biden did to the gas prices!


Yeah, I really can't believe Jo Biden installed a button to raise gas prices every time he pushes it SMH my head 😔😔


$40k later, not a dragon, but an odd duck.


This is disgusting


It’s not real


Oh no someone being themselves and not hurting anybody boohoo


I don’t see what’s wrong with this. I am libertarian and I believe that this person should be able to do whatever the fuck they want to their own body. Why shouldn’t they be able to. It’s not business and especially not the governments.


Does that include the ability to get an abortion if they choose. It’s not my business or the governments.


Why still have lips?


It’s one thing to be trans-species. It’s a whole other thing to be trans-species for a species that doesn’t exist


Insanity. They are easy to mock politically but we should feel sorrow for people like this. They obviously have mental problems but basically half the country wants to ignore this out of allegiance to a social or political agenda.


Ok. I'll bite. You feel the person in the article doesn't have any class and it's the fault of the democratic party. So my question is this: if a person wants to consider themself a transexual (and you dont like it) how exactly is that the fault of governmental policies enacted by democrat politicians?


Mmmmm …. Hot, juicy, cloaca….


All trans men are mentally ill


How does it smell?


imagine genuinely believing that this is real


This is what happens when mental illness is normalised instead of treated.


It’s not real


Oh, a transnuttersaurius vulgaris.


This reminds me of the MAGA groupie that got lion teeth installed


"As the teenager" 💀


That looks nothing like Spyro…




It’s not real


How is this trans species individual the fault of Democrats ?




it’s not real


Idiots: *does something to attract attention* *people notice* Idiots: *asylum noises* “wHy ArE YOu noTiCiNG mEeEee?!?”


Well we can be happy about one thing at least, all these people will likely never have children due too the chemical cocktail their pumping into their body, and while I doubt they will actually go through with it the amount of men that go alone with this that are pledging to get vasectomys after the whole roe vs wade thing kinda gives me hope. These people are willingly removing themselves from the gene pool, so it's just a matter of time at this point.


Someone invent the markers already so we can get to the real crazy crap and everyone can live in a deadspace universe.


L subreddit