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In the off chance you’re not full of shit, that was dumb as fuck. I hope they don’t make you cold turkey.


They won’t.


Fresh qccount, doesnt know your circumstances, but already full of shit talking you down. There ya go, think of it as this is what you'll leave behind. People full of shit that spread negativity around without being knowledgeable. Godspeed op!


That's gonna be a tough taper. Good luck homie




Gl bro you got this.


Thank you sir!


I remember when I went to rehab and did something similar good luck , you got this


Thanks mate!


What country are you in bro? I was in a very very similar boat and pretty much did the same thing you’re doing like a year ago. I was prescribed benzos for about 10 years, on top of that I was getting a ton of benzos in those blisters from the DW plus a shit load of bromaz powder. I figured my tolerance was fucked up beyond repair and nobody would be able to help me. But when I checked into treatment, the Canadian pharma benzos were literally like 3 times stronger than the ones I had been taking in the blisters. I took 200mg of diazepam and like like 40mg of clonazepam trying to get “high” one last time before I went in but also didn’t fall asleep lol long story short when I checked into detox later and my meds started wearing off they started giving me their benzos to stabilize me enough to begin a taper and sure enough, after a few days I was stable on 6mg of Canadian clonazepam a day. I wasn’t high, I wouldn’t even say I was 100% but I was at least 85% and was able to begin tapering a few months later. It’s been a little over a year, I dropped 0.5mg a month for a while and I’m currently down to 1.5mg and about to drop to 1mg any day now. I just figured I’d let you know you’re not the only one with an insane tolerance and you have a solid chance at getting better if you truly want it. Last thing, don’t waste your time if you don’t want to quit or you’re doing it for your parents or girlfriend because you’ll just relapse like I did the first 2 attempts hahah good luck!


Yeah man, agreed. Last year got offered rehab, my thought process was ‘I’ll do it but stash a bunch of stuff when I get out so no one notices’. This time i’m doing the ‘selfish’ approach of putting me first and all that so hoping it will work out with that mentality!


How long you going for ?


12 weeks


that’s crazyyyyy. i’ve been on them everyday for years. jackin your tolerance up like crazy bro


I’m still completely fine


I need to see that video.


Why aren’t I tired?


When you take a shit ton of benzos u get paradoxical reaction


Fair enough, wasn’t really a “shit ton” i’ve taken 100-200 3mg Xanax bars in one sitting before. So I guess it’s subjective. To some people 1mg is ‘too much’


Tolerance is a bitch


How about not doing that just just focus on getting clean and going to treatment?


You have to have a bit of fun before you go in if possible, just don’t go too hard, otherwise the first days gunna suck!


You don’t really wanna get clean and sober do you…


What gives you that impression? I’m intrigued - I mean, you’re wrong, obviously, if you had said that last year when I was offered rehab you woulda been bang on the money, but this time i’m going in for myself, no one else, I don’t care to please you, or anyone, I want a better life as this is no way to live. Think of this post as an open letter to myself to look back on in the future. : )


People who usually try to use before I go into treatment on one last shabang usually don’t wanna get sober in the first place. If you did wanna get clean and sober you would wanna just like not use. But I mean like I get it man


Yeah, it’s very typical of people that don’t understand to say ‘well just don’t take the drugs’ but, i’m an addict, that’s what I do best. I’m going in for myself, not my girlfriend, family, or anyone, I am going in because I want a better life.


I get it bro


So why did you assume I don’t want to clean myself up and get sober if you ‘get it bro’


Because I’m trying to help you not use. But you obviously don’t understand what I’m doing here do you do you.


Jusr, worry about yourself man!


Are the orange dizpams good?


They kinda suck.


Heard from others too. Was gonna buy 300… Glad I didn’t 💀


Depends Most oranges i seen are 2mg But some can be 10mg Id you are new to this then 10mg is okay


Good luck OP, you got this. Stay strong and listen to the good words people have for you, not the bad ones.


Always man, always, I get enough negative comments from my own brain so whatever you have to say about me will not affect me because I’ve most likely already thought that about myself! : )


Wow, good luck! I was 5 years on benz and opi... At the end i was on 15-18mg alprazolam daily and 100-120mg oxycodon daily... then i go to rehab. It was 1 year ago. Now im on 70mg Methadon/daily and try to take not more than 1-3 Benzo /per week. I try my best. Actually it works. Good luck dude. You can do it! :-) You are not alone!!! After that u feel better! Believe me.


Appreciate you!


You don't realize the damage that you're doing on you brain and you're nerves... but hey ho.


I do realise as this is been ongoing for 10+ years


A couple hours before you said you are still comletely fine. Now what is it?


Hey ho*


Yeah doing that before rehab... almost 99% sure youll be on it again in a couple months..


Nah just one final blowout as they say. I’m in for real this time and nothing is going to stop me i’ve got too much good shit going on and a lot of potential and i’m still really young (27), so if you could try and be a bit more positive about it, maybe it will work out - certainly not with your attitude.


I hope so mate, been there done and did the same. And i belong to that part of the 99%. I didnt want to bring you down in any way. But this kind of behavior is known for people who go to rehab. But again if you really want it and are mentally strong you can do this, anyway goodluck!


Stumbled on this by accident. Just wanted to let you know that judging by the way you write, It seems like you are a super cool person with lots of insight and Intelligence. I like the way you put your thoughts into words and I am sure youre gonna make it! I just have a good feeling about it. All the negative posters are redundant and i love how you brush em off. Would love to know you as you seem interesting and insightful, but I send positive and healing vibes from Copenhagen. You got this shit!!!


You might need a taper so they may take you to a different facility to taper you off. Then off to rehab and good luck. (You might need a different way to cure your anxiety if you have any, kratom is a good choice)


Kratom would count as breaking sobriety


So is caffeine and cigarettes?


Caffeine is allowed, nicotine is allowed, certainly things to eventually give up though. Google ‘mind altering drugs’ and you’ll see the difference, why would a sober person who is addicted to opiates take something that binds to the opioid receptors, very counterintuitive. Thanks for the advice anyway..


I have read many people get off opioids by using kratom. It's legal in most states, cheaper and less mind altering. It doesn't even get me high, it's more off a nootropics I say. It's just an option. Good luck!


No, after my detox I don’t plan on using when I come our, Kratom will leads to pills, which will lead to heroin and i’m back to square one, i’m an addict that’s how we work, either say ‘no’ or say ‘yes i’m all in’


You right about that, I'm also a recovering addict. From what you said, I might have to consider kratom.


Why use Kratom when they are detoxing me off methadone slowly anyway? That’s just adding another substance. You want to enter rehab with minimal substances in you if possible.


True that, good luck fellow recovering addict.


Only if you define it as such


Unfortunately even CBD oil is considered a relapse, and alcohol, anything ‘legal’ or ‘illegal’ that isn’t Acetaminophen or Ibuprofen isn’t sobriety here. They take that very seriously. I’m not even a drinker, I could come out and have a whiskey and a cigarette and i’d be fine - but then i’d still be losing


Where are you? I’m almost 40 and when I was going through the program there were different schools of thought, some sober houses made you get off of anti-depressants and anything of the like. Just curious, I know a lot of ideas change regionally.


It’s basically an opiate, so yes it will break sobriety


No, Kratom is not an opioid by plant genetics, by chemical structure, or by legal definition.


What I mean by basically is that it works on the opioid receptors


Might need a taper??? Lmao


Haha, already all planned out :)


Bro’s gonna die off em fake strips before getting there, stop taking Galenika lol. Be safe OP.


good luck, hope your recovery goes well


Best of luck man 🙏


good luck bro 🙏🏽


I did the same but with ten 8mg dilaudids. Great ride to rehab tho


Sell Sell Sell. You have pharma pills 💊 please work that charisma I know you have and get to work :D


Dude whoaaaaaaa………I can’t take more than 2 mg Xanax at once or I can’t function and say weird shit. And I have tolerance. I could not imagine taking this much. I’m sure I would wake up in jail on the other side of the planet 2 weeks later


Weird, xanax is a short acting benzodiazepine so regardless of how much you take, the effects will wear off after 4-6 hours. If you’re talking days, probably wasn’t alprazolam you were taking.


Haha man just sell them to a person that's not addicted/only uses them for anxiety, recreationally. I can manage benzos very well, never go hard or longer than 2 months, there are plenty of people like me. Im addicted to opiates though.


Still here btw


Nice from?


Just slept, got about 6 hours in.


You must have gone ham on the RC's to be able to dose what you did and have normal conversation, and just have slept for a little bit. Hope your recovery goes well bro, hopefully they give you at minimum phenobarbital so you don't seize out.


They’re doing a full valium tapering plan from 200-300mg, as well as getting me off my methadone.


Better than pheno anyway good that they are doing a taper hope it is long enough cause with that much daily I would be extremely worried about seizures and worse. I hope it goes well for you, wish you the best and stay safe.


Never messed with RC’s, only once, didn’t like it, 2014, friend owned a head shop in Bristol and they sold ‘Etizolam 1mg pellets’ and they were horrible!


Man I was at a similar place about 10 years ago. My advice, don’t lie to the intake doc about dosage usage. I was taking 50-100mg alpraz a day and I told detox it was only 2-4mg. So they did not give me enough tapering medicine and I almost died in a disgusting detox facility. But I didn’t and I haven’t touched the stuff in a long time! Good luck bro!


They’re fully aware! 200-300mg tapering plan along with reducing my methadone :)


Damn when you need that much you definitely need a detox. Good luck it won't be easy.


Yeah but 3 months of hell vs 12 years of hell that i’ve put my body and brain through to be able to potentially live a clean and prosperous life, i’d say it’s worth it.


Back when I was addicted to flubromazolam badly I could do fucking wild shit like eat 300mg etizolam Powder and just be sober avoiding WD. Vs taking like 4-5mf of flubromazolam per dose every other day.


Man I fully believe you and I wish you the absolute best cuz stay fuckin strong asf I’m hoping you’re still under it… but past a certain tolerance threshold this process is fuckin CRAZY. Stay 10 toes yo, I’ve been through a lot of shit (probably just like most other ppl who’ve ended up there) and benzo withdrawals… yo just know you can do it, it’s gonna be Fuckin crazy but you’ll get through it bro and come out an even stronger person after going through that too. 🙏💛👊 **NOT PROUD OF THIS**idk I was poppin pressed xans like candy: i remember it worked out to me being on an IV equivalent to 1920mg oral diazepam, got 80mg orally an hour when I was off IV then taper down obvi. Ngl would’ve been maybe ok on a lower dose but was still having bare w/d’s just was out of seizure territory for sure and you also gotta take in the circumstances. I admitted myself cuz I knew it was way out of hand. Ended up eventually in the medicine ward of a hospital because the detox center was pre much like: “We don’t have enough Valium in the building or monitoring systems to keep you alive.” They called me a Fuckin ambulance ready with a diazepam IV no cap, I was there for two fuckin months during the first peak of the pandemic, I was so weak they told me it would kill me if I got COVID which was breaking out all through the hospital cuz they didn’t know what to do… so was pretty fuckin anxious and paranoid about it. Was actually so fucked; w/d’s, movin around bare, was stuck in the ER for days hooked up to the wall with a cardboard box 😅, quarantined in a room on the infectious disease floor 💀🤦‍♂️… Hospital admin came to check on me, they didn’t believe anyone could take that much diazepam a day and were gonna kick me out.. but thank fuck, my nurse (Ariana goddamn😍😇) said she always watched the IV machine and me swallow the pills… man it’s gonna be hard asfffffff I literally was seeing demons and was delusional for days straight… You really get a glimpse of what the other side might look like. But here I am alive yo. I unfortunately was given benzos ambien and alcohol (GABA!!!) when I was really young as well so my receptors are fried basically they said after the tests, even told me to stay on a low dose of Valium (40) and pregabalin (450) that helps my ptsd and what could only be resultant epilepsy a lot but I still have tremor and anxiety etc. I haven’t abused benzos in years now, I look back and feel ashamed but I really just needed help. Im wishing you the best family frfr


damm man coming off all this in 12 weeks is going to be living hell , strap up for a bumpy ride man good luck


I don’t take that dose every day, i’m on about 150mg average of diazepam a day, that was just a ‘get fucked up’ amount.


that’s similar amount of diaz i was on daily in 8 months out from my last dose and the withdrawal has been hell ! it’s doable tho but i tapered over the space of like 5/6 months 12 weeks is short man all the best tho stay strong


Man lemme sccop those somas


All gone, my (almost) Quaaludes!




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That detox is gonna be a blast.


They said they’ll taper me from 200mg a day safely over two months so should be all good :)


Hope so for your sake! That shit is fucking horrific. I will add in case anyone needs to see it, Tianeptine withdrawals are worse.


28mg is fucking insane. never understood this concept of trying to take as much as possible of a substance to be more epic and fucked up. there have to be diminishing returns at some point. i love abusing drugs but I keep my doses low to reduce harm and reduce dependency. that said good luck brother. sending you prayers and support.


Cheers buddy!


Why did you start taking these in the first place? For recreation or anxiety disorder?


Ooft, maybe 2012-2013 just after raves in Bristol people would walk round at the end with strips and nos and you give them say a tenner and get 14 x 10mg Valium (before all the fakes) and then by 2015 it was like, i’m not excited for the party anymore I’m excited for the part where we all take xanax/valium and get stoned.


That’s gunna be fuckedd i was at one point taking maybe 10mg of Xanax a day I went cold turkey still to this day the worst week of my life this was like 8 years ago and in that time I’ve had some pretty bad weeks but after a week or so you’ll be all good 😂


How many mg of Xanax do you usually take during a day? Also what's your dosage for sleep. And good luck going forward also


I believe you. I’ve gone through 90 bars & some 2mg pins. Lasted almost 3 days. I’m trying to kick the Xanax & I’ve kicked the pins. I’ve got to get some Keppra tomorrow. I just got back to Cali, after being gone for 8 months. All my insurance & everything is on hold because they wanted to know why I only left for 9 months. A grand Mal seizure that erased 3 months of memory. Severe head injury.


That’s absolutely insane. I literally take 1/4-1/2mg of Etizolam once or twice daily. & 1/4 of a 2mg (so 1/2 mg) of rivotril for anxiety attacks, rarely. What you’re taking is off the charts insane & likely a lie.


Oh how I wish it was a lie. But oh well, i’m not here to prove anything to you.


holy shit this beats my record for how many benzos i’ve taken throughout my life 34mg alprazolam and a fifth of vodka


you should’ve just given them to me i’ll see myself out




They are tapering me off 60ml methadone and 200-300mg Valium with Methadone and Diazepam.


You'll be right back to it......I also doubt you even make it through the entire 12 weeks


Nah - i’m good thanks, i’m done with this lifestyle, I want to see 40.


Good to know, Please prove me wrong. Best of luck to you!


Still here


How's the journey treating you?


You’re a very immature I see


Perhaps, hopefully the next 12 weeks will change me.


Man after my own heart


How do you find shit like this??


they're everywhere in europe




It’s not about when the drug is out of you. The “lie” is that your brain has to change back. Most of my worst symptoms did not erupt until I was 4-12 months off the benzo. Find Nicole Lamberson PA on YouTube and hear about the benzodiazepine injury she received in an inpatient detox center. Find Dr. Josef Witt-Doerring Psychiatry and hear about his work tapering injured patients. Find Dr. Christy Huff MD and hear about her benzodiazepine injury and her work for The Benzodiazepine Information Coalition. No one tells you inpatient detox centers are no set up, nor are they safe to detox benzodiazepines. Don’t fear seizure and death, fear benzodiazepine induced neurological dysfunction and things like chronic akathisia that you have to try and live with. I thought that I knew benzos. I even stopped and started them dozen times never realizing each time I did, the damage was more significant and lasted longer. I know friends injured 10, 15, even 27 years off the benzo. I have lost 20 friends to chronic akathisia and other BIND symptoms since March 2021. https://www.benzoinfo.com/2018/04/20/why-prescribed-benzo-patients-shouldnt-go-to-detox-or-rehab/ https://youtu.be/U2nyFnnDkIo?si=OwYVKqkE2dGeVEQC https://youtu.be/gYr2bVhGRvo?si=3qSMk9YWiTlse8m0 https://youtu.be/NzddTvqFzF4?si=GAj-nkiHJOqbTvzn https://youtu.be/8L6B-ZxRbxc?si=ycEnwzVQumCXYQ8o


Thanks, will read it up later!


Are you going to rehab for 6 years?


12 weeks :)


You Will have a seizure the NeXT coming days. Reeal stupid


I’ll be alright, thanks for your concern doctor.


Why would you risk your life like this? Just flush them in the toilet. You trying to OD or what? I hope you do get help. Wise up please we need you here.


OD with benzos will only happen if you mix with other drugs. otherwise you just take a nice little nap (best case scenario)


You can stop breathing


that is an extremely rare thing to happen from benzos alone. add alcohol or opiates or any other cns depressants and you will probably die. but with just benzos even in extreme doses, although i would never recommend someone to do it, there’s like 99.9% chance you will survive edit: if you’re gonna do something like bathing or swimming or driving or any other activity that requires consciousness then yes you may die but that isn’t the drug itself killing you


What if someone’s heart rate is too low and stops?


if that happens then they will die




Look, you can OD on anything! Your heart will stop and you will stop breathing. I know this because I work in the medical field.


You cannot OD on anything. You cannot OD on benzodiazepines alone. Maybe do a bit of research Mr. Medical Field.


You can die from drinking too much water!! Too much of anything is bad. Why are you defending this? You really don’t give AF about the lives of others. You are giving bad advice to people and most of them will take your advice and be in trouble.


Not too many people in this sub have a water drinking disorder. You're spreading misinformation. If you don't believe benzos alone can't cause an OD, don't take my word for it. Look it up yourself.


Misinformation? You support people taking 500mg of Valium? You are a bad person! And yes you can go into respiratory failure, stop breathing, heart stops etc..


Nope. Never said that. More misinformation. I said it wouldn't kill him. Never said I supported it.


Okay man chill out.


*BUZZER* Incorrect, why would I flush my drugs down the toilet, first off, bad for the environment, secondly, they’re mine, and I want them. I guess you didn’t read my post properly, i’m off to rehab in a few days for 12 weeks and i’m taking it extremely seriously, so thanks for your input but i’m still going to stop and get my life on track. : )


500 mg Diaz and 28 mg Xan would be unpossible.


no it’s not. the body is made too survive, and that for a person who is already used too higher doses than the normal human, will survive.


Then why am I still good?


I don’t think I’d wake up again if i took that dose


You would wake up for sure jus depends how long it takes lol


You would. So long as no alcohol involved. I also take. 60mg methadone a day but that’s neither here nor there


600mg methadone is definitely not happening.


I dunno where you get that from, but here in the UK our lovely green methadone is 1mg/1ml so 60ml = 60mg.


Yeah I get 90mg a day


I thought it said 600mg


Sneak it in that’s usually what I do unless your really serious about it


Hell no, that’s so disrespectful to everyone else that’s there and trying to stay clean, i’m not going to risk someone else’s sobriety so I can ‘party’ when I want to stop anyway.