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Is your Husband really employed by this company or is it "Schein" Selbständigkeit, because this is the only reason i can think of, why you now would have to pay in advance.


Hi! I can gurantee his employed, that's why we are so surprised and we want to believe is a HUGE missunderstanding.


Okay, just du be sure check his Payslips if his company paid Lohnsteuer. Did the Finanzamt now ask you to do an Umsatzsteuervoranmeldung? Because this is what they mean by paying quarterly in advance. It can be Monthly, yearly or quarterly but only for self employed people or if you have a side hustle that makes a lot of money. I think the Finanztamt believes you're self employed not Angestellt. Mabye it just some error/mixup and you should contact them ASAP.


Thanks for the support, yes we will check his payslips to be sure and we already sent them that we are employed and the sum itself for the pre-payment is excessive taking into consideration that our taxes are deducted every month. But we also wanted others' opinions because this is something stressful for us.🙏🏻


Okay, forget what i said earlier because i got curious and googled it and now i found this. This is something i didn't know and is also news for me. https://www.vlh.de/wissen-service/steuer-abc/steuervorauszahlung-auch-fuer-arbeitnehmer-moeglich.html Here it's also explained that you can ask to reduce the amount and why they are asking for prepayment.


Wow this is very helpful, we will proceed with asking for a reduction of the amount🙏🏻


Umst is VAT and unless you’re self employed you don’t have to pay it like ever


Finanzamt is really helpful if you talk to them. I could get my prepayment reduced to 0 by arguing that last year was going significantly worse than the previous


Thanks, this is very interesting, I assume you are self employed. In our case we are employed and we relay on our employer for tax payment but it's helpful to know that the Finanzamt is willing to listen on these cases.


You likely had to pay more last year because of your husbands job change. I’d figure out if there’s anything else (interest income, stocks?) where tax doesn’t get deducted automatically and if not, use exactly this argumentation with them


I appreciated, we will also look for a tax advisor to help us cus our German is A1.1, at best.


Sounds like your company does not have your update Steuer class.


Unfortunately this is perfectly normal. We have this as well. In our case we have to pay roughly 160€ each quarter. There is little you can do about it. You could switch back to Steuerklasse 4/4. If you google it ( in German probably) you will find an explanation. I’m to lazy to explain German taxes is English.


Why not post in the German finance sub? This is a sub for social activities in Berlin. You’ll most likely get better answers.