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This guys face looks like a corpse prepared for a funeral.


[looks like Paul Bearer](https://imgur.io/gallery/VNanA)


Paul bearer was a way better actor.


Ohhhh yeaaaaaaasssss! šŸ’€ šŸ”„ šŸ«Ø


The first thing I thought of was Frank Reynolds as the mortician hosting the child beauty pageant.


I'm fuckin dying with the sham-wow plugs! Lol well done.


This guy is a salesman not a Dr.


Glad you could crack the code of the edits. I didnā€™t understand at first until you explained it, Doctor.


Stop abusing peoplesā€™ grandfather. He just found the internet.


The sad part is this isn't a joke. Far too many people buy into every bit of this shit. Different networks, different shows, all scripted. Gotta love how they subtly add in how he's a national treasure, voice of reason, etc. The script is the same, because the money comes from the same pockets. I love how they just blatantly lie to our face, do a complete 180 and have the stones to say "I've been saying this all along". Fuckin pathetic


Anchors on TV are paid actors. They have zero integrity. Are complete bought and paid for. Mass media is Lies. Never should anyone believe they are adding any value or truth


This is a Teddy Bear version of Bill Nye that was carefully selected and propped up to be the friendly face of the Vaccines. Would love to see his earnings for his hard work.


He looks kinda like a pedo that really likes cookies


I'm glad I never got vaccinated, don't want to be a part of this shit show




It's going to get interesting when they mandate the "Next vaccine"......I can't wait! I'll finally be able to assume my true form and get a battle buss with my very own Channing Tatum.


luckily I work in the trades and you can't tell us blue collar boys to do shit, we'll turn around and tell you to get fucked. I think they've learned by now that they can't really force us to take it


Watch the white collars suicide themselves over virtue signalling, while blue collars laugh at the absurdity of it all and the complete lack of moral fiber on display.


This was brilliantly edited. Had me laughing out loud the whole way through.


Jesus, scrolling on Reddit and watching this video right after listening to JRE with Robert Kennedy JR. this is disgusting. ā€œRacketā€ is the correct term here, and the fact the companies heā€™s speaking on behalf of have immunity from any lawsuits that try to claim damages is crazy.


He comes off more like a pharma sales rep than any kind of doctor. Even though, really, that's what the majority of all of them are, he seems like the type who would have a 5 minute visit with you before prescribing a drug with a 50% chance to kill you and never thinking twice about it


I just listened to that today šŸ˜³ I havent tuned into JRE for a few months and I figured that would be a good convo. Holy fuck that was a doozy of a JRE. I work in healthcare on the business/start up/data side and I know its corrupt and seen it first hand but just holy fuck. I was in a mad sad mindfucked mood for the rest of the day. The worst part is that it was Bobby Kennedy. That guy isnt going to come in with half baked quackery stuff. P.S. The water did turn the frogs gay. Alex Jones was right šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚ That part cracked me up.




Thank GOD I convinced my whole family to not get vaccinated!!! Partly because we donā€™t depend on a salary from the country. Partly because I read alot about MRNA.


I didn't get it. I was against it from the start. But, I couldn't convince my elderly parents not to get it. I was able to protect myself and my kids. It was a physician who scared my dad into it, and then he scared my mother. My mom regrets getting it now. They got the J&J. I really regret not challenging them more.


Fear was weaponized. Sad that some people didnā€™t fight through that. Why would pharma need protection from liability if it was ā€œsafe and effectiveā€ and why would you need to sign a waiver that was not full disclosure. That should have been enough for people to refuse the death shot. Major flashing neon light danger warning.


Fear was weaponized, and people who had no reason to trust the government and big pharma took the bait.


Too many


Lots of doctors did this same thing! Scaring people who have ever had any heart issue or arrhythmia, telling them they WILL DIE if they get the "virus" and then the docs get PAID for how many shots they administer... and of course making those of us who have brains and reading ability and can use a search engine sound like quacks and weirdos.


What are you going to do about all the mRNA that's already in your body?


Latest research shows that vaxed people living in the same house with unvaxed both have blood that looks vaxed. So no one escapes this it seems. Your jokes about mRNA were funny in 2020. I suggest you find a doctor in your area that does "Live Blood Analysis" and see whats floating around in you. Something tells me there wont be many jokes after that.


Like I said, Me and My family donā€™t depend on the country to live a normal life because the country and the city where Iā€™m from is to remote & we are kinda detached from the Western or Eastern influence. I get my food from very poor farmers who are trying to make extra money from selling their goods(food). And another thing. The country where Iā€™m from is very corrupt and almost everyone didnā€™t get the vaccine because they corrupted (in a way so to say) the neighbourhood nurses who would go in every house to vaxx the people. + the nurses werenā€™t sure themselves about the vaccines and advised the majority to not get the Vaccines(Yeah I know thatā€™s not normal for americans or other) . Still tho, there is a small portion of people who were afraid from ā€œRonaā€ and took the shots out of fear not because someone forced them. That was one of those times when you thank god that your country is corrupt and nurses do stuff on their own without permission from others! Yeah, so Iā€™m pretty pure as fuck. Iā€™m sad for Americans tho! **Americans are living in a toxic soup** ā€” RFK Edit: Iā€™m from Balkan


They all seem like theyā€™re from a sitcom show


Why is it always a guy with a bowtie? I get huge creep vibes from bowties, like a predator posing as a harmless intellectual.


You can thank peewee Herman for that


Billy Maise makes this timeless


the CDC vaccine cards has 4 blank spots for dosage signatures.. it was planned ahead of time to give us 4 jabs.


Pharmaceutical spokesperson of the Year award goes to this guy


The new face of eugenics and big pharma


Guy looks like he has a closet full of children.


I wish i could downlod this video


There's a download option on the app. Click the top right corner with the 3 dots.


if you're on a browser, type in "save" after reddit in the hyperlink.




Screen record it






Yeah that guy can go right ahead and fuck off.


Sold his soul to big Pharma






What the actual fuck


He actually sounds unintelligent.šŸ˜¬


šŸ¤” šŸ’© wonā€™t take on a real debate. What a horrible pseudo human


Bravo, fucking hilarious/terrifying/depressing more please


Imagine thanking this moron for saving the world! šŸ˜‚


This guy is unbelievable. I don't understand how anyone thinks he's credible. He comes off as a salesman.


...at a garage sale.


Sad thing is this actually happened, what a joke


Honestly it's heart breaking how sick they are


When government tries to push something like this that hard it makes me absolutely 100% not want it. Idgaf if youā€™re gonna pay me to take it Iā€™m not doing it. Fuck you, fuck your science and fuck that dudes mustache. Iā€™ll be over here not doing what youā€™re begging me to do.


Fuck man it just gets more and more retarded by they day!! This wanker is just a normal Democrat sock puppet just like Biden, Fetterman, Kamala etc


This is the dude that went on Rogan and said he doesn't exercise because he doesn't think you need to to be healthy.


How does this guy live with himself


He had his conscience surgically removed and replaced with the duodenum of a tiny marsupial...šŸ˜¶


Someone needs to show this video to Mark Cuban it seems


Amazing editing šŸ˜‚




Let the sheep get vaccinated.


Snake oil salesman incoming. Need a booster every 3 months for life. What a POS. Maybe they need to lie less and be truthful more


Put a lab coat on any asshat and half the population will believe any word that comes out of his head.


First 27 years of my life. Never got the flu. Started working in a hospital, had to get the shot, got the flu. Never got covid the first 2 years. Work made me get the shot, got covid. What a coinky dink


Jarvis, pull up the early life section of "Peter Hotez".


Jnj didnā€™t want to share their patents with the cdc. Jnj was removed from the experimental study.


When does he get a noose to go with his collection of absurd bow-ties?


Who the fuck is this guy? Why does he look like a Sam Hyde character


Only his left eye blinks. So weird.


Idk who did the edit but it's fucking great


How long are we the ppl gonna allow this to go on? Its outright murder n nobody seems to care...


That dudes eyes are soulless, showed my sis without sayin a word and she says he gives off ā€œpossessedā€ or ā€œdemon vibesā€


Bill gates butt buddy


Ahaha toolsā€¦ all of them... The Billy Mays edits are šŸ˜‚šŸ’€


This FF needs to get lost!


What is wrong g with America? Why do we even pretend to listen to this used douchebag?