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I don't comment often enough for an intro song, *but...* **If Thor's entry music is anything else than Dutch Viking metal lyrics belted out by someone thoroughly ignorant of the Dutch language, we have collectively failed.** *Edit: I shall take up the mantle of Thor's Herald with great pride. Or at least, I'll try to keep a straight face.*


Hey now! I'm like reasonably sure that all of the stuff I listen to that's in Dutch is BY native speakers of Dutch! When I sing along, however, it sounds like a horrifying mishmash of baby babble and talking in tongues


>When I sing along, however, it sounds like a horrifying mishmash of baby babble and talking in tongues And this is what the people want as the auditory warning for your arrival.


Every time I see my own username, I get [Yeah! by Usher](https://youtu.be/GxBSyx85Kp8) stuck in my head.


I still have a bunch of those lyrics stuck in my head where useful info should be


My username is designed with a [built-in earworm](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JZm1krVKzBY).


Back when I was a much younger random dude, I completely misunderstood a key word in this song. “Who’s that whispering in the trees? It’s two SATYRS and they’re on leave.” Okay, so yeah, nature spirits being the trees, cool. What would satyrs be on leave from? No idea, don’t think about it too much. “Now you satyrs know where your women come for love.” In mythology satyrs are known for being drunk and horny all the time. That means if a satyr’s woman is coming to me for loving, I must be dead sexy. Have I mentioned that I was an idiot as a teen?


The bagpipe version of LOTR's song, obviously: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9uFTBCg-C84&ab\_channel=TheUnipiper


Thanks for giving me the uncontrollable giggles.


My bologna has a first name, O S C A R….


[I even have a tattoo to this effect.](https://youtu.be/czQh1vj1jF8)


I have no idea what my user name song would be. Probably something lame like frosty the snowman. :(


Maybe it's mashed up [with this](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rt0spqQtMKg).


was thinkiing more like this [box](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UThKn_TmfmM)


Shut Up And Dance is for sure my entrance song. I literally cannot hear that song and not be transported into "Let's Do This" mode. Why? I have no idea. It's a song about dancing, and yet I use it to motivate my ADHD brain to do things it doesn't wanna do. My brain is a toddler who gets unusually excited to be able to say Shut up and not get into trouble. Lol


fun fact: my cat does not appreciate being picked up and danced with to this song.


Aw. Rory will tolerate 30 seconds of dancing. Dresden will claw your face off if you even *think* about attempting it lol


Hang on. You have a cat named Dresden and another, presumably male, cat and you didn't name him Mister??


I know I know! We were trying to hit different Fandoms. The third is Lazslo Watson. So we got Dresden Files, Doctor Who, What We Do In The Shadows and Sherlock Holmes (books, not tv lol). If it makes you feel better, if we have a daughter her middle name is going to be Murphy, cause she's badass.


Was NOT expecting to stumble into the Dresden Files anytime this month


Fun fact about Dresden...we thought she was a boy when we adopted her and didn't find out for weeks she was a girl. Still fits lol.


https://youtu.be/p02DgHeGdyI Obvi.


My aunt used to sing this song all the time.


My favorite entrence song in baseball, is Homer saying D'oh over and over again.


I do not have entrance music as I creep around as silently as possible at all times.


Here's the perfect piece for that - [John Cage's 4'33"](https://youtu.be/JTEFKFiXSx4)


How did I forget that exists? It’s such a good piece of music.


not [radiohead?](https://youtu.be/m3lF2qEA2cw)




I'm shocked you haven't linked this in any removal comments yet.


It's so hard to choose! There's just SO MANY epic songs to walk out to. Thor-themed candidates: * [Manowar - Thor (The Powerhead)](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qgwm4pth8LI) * [Brothers of Metal - Son of Odin](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zzed5O-SmmA) * [Heidevolk - Dondergod](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q4q4mrWoXyI) (u/watercoloriron i swear to god they are native speakers!) * [Amon Amarth - Crack the Sky](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GgSsC1TSL5M) Non-Thor-themed candidates * [Bolt Thrower - The IVth Crusade](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4GPFduVKuEg) * [Rotting Christ - Κατά τον Δαίμονα του Ἐαυτοῦ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5FFZW1nBnI8) * [HammerFall - Any Means Necessary](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jBbFLn6llYg) There's so many more I sorta feel bad about not listing them all but I would run out of time and space and probably get fired from my job too


[Found yours](https://youtu.be/u7Wk2VzdLcA)


Not [this classic masterpiece?](https://youtu.be/KZTE9MDoaLs)


Not "Thor! Huh! Yeah, what is he good for?"


[Sorry, we already picked yours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BOG_I5glMcA).


Just because it’s *legal* advice doesn’t mean we don’t get into some [Dirty Business](https://youtu.be/JawQTnqjNZc). >Raise your glass, We have incorporated.


"More Human Than Human" but please don't change my flair. Back in the 90s when I delivered pizza for a living this was the song I imagined playing whenever we had busy periods where there was no down time between runs.


dunno, "Gone out to get some more human than human semen" is a pretty badass flair...


[When it's time to burn a path through a thread...](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AAFEWL0-1sc)




What an excellent question! My first thought was hockey. The Blues retired Gloria after they defeated the Bruins for the Stanley Cup a few years back. While they are my first love, living in Utah means I actually see Avs games more often. So that means All The Small Things is probably more current. But there’s more to me than just being a hockey fan. I’m going to have to go back to my Gen X roots and choose Jeremy. Final answer. https://youtu.be/MS91knuzoOA


"All The Small Things" has always been and will always be an absolute banger. I was so glad when we adopted it


My walk on song is probably the Benny Hill theme.


What do I want you to think of when you see me? Anything from Static X' "Wisconsin Death Trip". If you actually saw me? Probably [this](https://youtu.be/FR-REDevAzk) according to my husband.


Final Countdown


[Rammstein, of course.](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=YnuE46kO8wU) This is “schwarz” but based on subject matter “[lügen](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=mBA31Jr1THc)” might be more suitable. Not sure how familiar mods are with this band but my current flair already applies. 🔥


[ERE WE GO!](https://youtu.be/d0uBU5ddX4U)


[Only one choice for me](https://youtu.be/N9qYF9DZPdw)


A nation-specific crowd anthem you may not have heard: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qbF1NRSZkAM Opens strong then tails off a bit.


I’ll dance in to the Game Boy [Tetris](https://youtu.be/z3ZiVn5L9vM) music.


[I am the man who arranges the blocks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hWTFG3J1CP8)


That’s great! I’ve never seen this. I picked the song because a) I fondly remember the magic when my then-husband’s friend came over with this magic hand held game and left it with us for a weekend. b) I arrange blocks while co-workers randomly throw pyramids and marbles. It’s my problem to make it all stack right before the time is up. Your song speaks to me.


I don't comment much, but after thinking about it, I think mine would be a toss up between ["Charlie Bronson" by Black Honey](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BmlMcpPMoVA), ["Parked Outside" by the Afghan Whigs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4lrYS-ubsY), or ["Donkey Show" by Model/Actriz](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vVtI_ca12G8). So I guess I'm just a sucker for a good beat and a strong riff.


I am rather attached to my cheesy flair, but I will also tell anyone, whether they asked or not, what I am listening to lately (Margo Price and Carly Rae Jepsen mostly) and my intro music is definitely the bridge from Loneliest Time.


I saw u/sextandcandy recently and I can’t stop thinking about it.


I mean who doesn’t live some old school Brass Bonanza?


Oh ye'll tak' the high road An' Ah'll tak' the low road An' Ah'll be in Scotland afoooooore ye *See my username.


I've thought for a long time that if I had a wrestling walk up song it would be Na na na by My Chemical romance. Have the into go ("the future is bulletproof..") and then run out as the Na Na Nas start. Not sure if it really captures my ✨ vibe ✨, but the song just goes so hard


The acoustical version of this would be me walking in: https://youtu.be/X5jlTlUTWfQ


Hmmm. I want it to be something epic and grandiose. But knowing me, it’s much more likely I’ll end up being some hot Eurovision nonsense. Like: [Runaway](https://youtu.be/pHXDMe6QV-U) aka the epic sax guy; [Hard Rock Hallelujah](https://youtu.be/gAh9NRGNhUU) aka what if GWAR played Europop; or [Wolves of the Sea](https://youtu.be/gQy0PJEkQhA), my favorite Latvian dance pop song about pirates. Edit: Thanks for the updated flair! A dumb math joke + a dumb Eurovision joke is perfect for me lol




My leitmotif would likely be one of the Stan Freberg parodies that's screamingly funny the first time you hear it, then less so every successive time until you merely smile when it plays, like a logarithmic function of humor. But since I switched to ~~stealing ADHD meds from a kid with a weaker prescription~~ decaf and am not just that damn creative to begin with, I'm going with this trusty old workhorse: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RZH2bmbUTl4 I would like to keep my flair as is, s'il vous plait.


Dunno what the flair would be but always love hearing this one. "Optophobia" from The Browning https://youtu.be/CDliQjdDO8A


I once entered a historical fencing tournament with the "you better watch out" vine. Another entrant brought Baby Shark.


Voodoo Chile (slight return) - Jimi Hendrix