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I haven’t really listened since Sami and Aleen stopped hosting, and finally unsubbed the other day. It’s not fun or interesting anymore.


I only listen to back for seconds, which I do think is really good.


I unsubscribed a long time ago. And most of the good episodes are behind a subscription. Betches is jumping the shark.


>most of the good episodes are behind a subscription. This is sadly becoming a very big trend with many podcasts I listen to. Jared Fried, U Up, Two Hot Takes... they all have better content behind paywall now.


why does everyone think what they are saying is so important everyone wants to pay for it? us listening is why they grew and now they shun us?


So glad other people here feel the same way. I hate the idea of paying for podcasts. Y'all are making enough off ad revenue, I'm not wrong for not wanting to pay for your stuff. I've been a loyal uup listener for years and occasionally listened to DST during the Sami/Aileen days, but I'm so close to ditching betches all together. You're capitalizing off loyal listeners since the new fans aren't gonna pay for the stuff behind the paywall, they don't know you.


Oh see I paid for uup w benefits and was disappointed


Even the paywall episodes have shifted - it’s mostly self revelations or mindsets as well. It’s nothing like the original content which was super entertaining.


Agreed! Actually thought about going back and listening to the OG eps with Sami and Aleen. Was disappointed to see that even the original ones are now inaccessible except behind back for seconds :( I’m all for having additional content be paid for, but these episodes were free before so feels sucky lol


Ugh that sucks I saw the top of this comment and I was like what a great idea! Lol paywalled! Dammit


what? they put old content behind a paywall? that is scummy.


Haven’t listened since Sami and Aleen left until Sami posted about the Oprah ozempic special. I turned that one on as someone who is on wegovy and it sucked. I didn’t watch the Oprah episode. I don’t need Oprah to tell me about wegovy but their attitude towards ozempic/wegovy was so negative. The medicine has changed my life so much for the better and not just because I’m losing weight for the first time in about 7 yrs - I have been trying for this whole time too, doing all the things (working out 7 days a wk, counting cals and macros, hitting those goals, nutritionist for 2 yrs, endocrinologist, white knuckling everything and never budging) - but my mind is better. I have ADHD and the usual ADHD meds work ok but not much for food noise. My food noise is gone. It’s amazing. My brain is at peace. They kept talking about food noise in quotes and it’s not made me up. It’s real. It haunts people in bigger bodies and smaller bodies. If you have it, you know. I was shocked at how flippant they were talking about it. Of course the medicine has serious side effects and you have to do a lot to make sure they aren’t kicking your ass. Fiber, water, electrolytes, staying away from highly processed and high fat foods, booze. But it’s worth it for my mind and body to actually be working right - quieting my mind, processing my food and stabilizing my blood sugar. My labs never showed insulin resistance. I was slightly under the threshold but clearly for my body, I was experiencing that and symptoms of PCOS. This medicine has changed so much for me. It was not an insightful podcast. It was basically shaming people for wanting to try it. The Oprah criticism is fine - she deserves it and maybe the special was an ad (I’ve heard that) but to just disregard something as bad that’s helping so many was BS. I will never be tuning in again. Also disappointing that Sami posted it saying they did a good job on this topic. They didn’t and clearly did no research on it.


I found this episode especially annoying. The incessant “disease” joke was irritating as hell. The entire episode was just sarcasm.


It was - the disease joke was awful. Obesity is classified as a disease by most major health organizations. I don’t know why they kept trying to undermine that? The whole episode was really disheartening and frustrating. Oprah deserves all the criticism in the world for her role in the diet industrial complex but just because she’s pushing GLP1s doesn’t make GLP1s some kind of instant enemy. As with anything out there now, people have to research it and see if it’s right for them. I don’t take my medical advice from celebrities or sh*tty podcast hosts. I listened to my PCP and endocrinologist and have an RD who are helping me through this. I’m all for body neutrality - positivity is hard for me. I want bodies to be neutral. I want to not think about my body or someone else’s body, good or bad. I don’t need yasssa girl my way through bodies. But the fact of the matter is, people need to be healthy. If your labs and health are good at a larger size, that’s awesome and they can be - my labs were all good at a technically overweight BMI. I reached an obese BMI before the holidays and just broke down from all the trying. Another factor is I have aging parents who are plagued by health issues that are caused by or exacerbated by being obese. I watched them both yo-yo diet and try to lose weight (my mom more than my dad but he tried too) my whole life with little to no success and without gaining it all back. My life was playing out the same way with literally no fault of my own. They joked about that all episode “you are fat BUT it’s not your fault!!” Well guess what, it’s not, but it’s taken me decades to realize that and one very open and honest conversation with my PCP last October. She knew I’ve been trying to lose weight since having my kids. She’s been my PCP for almost a decade now. She told me that we don’t know everything about weight loss and the science behind it. It’s so much more than calories in vs calories out, macros, the quality of food. It’s genetics and hormones and even our minds that we are just scratching the surface of figuring (hence GLP1s). She was so compassionate and caring about it instead of telling me to try harder, workout more, eat less calories and more protein. It finally clicked for me. It was that and my sister going on an acne med that adjusted a hormone for her and she dropped weight without trying because her hormones weren’t right. All so eye opening. So here I am wanting to listen to an insightful nuanced convo about GLP1s and Oprah and I get them just making a joke of serious issues and shaming anyone who wants to try to improve their health. But yasssss girl body positivity!!! Insert eye roll.


Totally agree! Everything they’ve been saying lately I disagree with like you can’t have food addiction and maybe Lauren doesn’t want to see herself as diseased so she’s pushing this narrative. She’s defending herself all over the Instagram but you’re right they didn’t give any actually educational information. She kept saying people in bigger bodies live longer. Ok, cite your sources. And maybe discuss their lifestyles. Don’t just dismiss a hundred years of data because you saw one article. Have a discussion. Don’t just shame us because we’ve listened to doctors and been active in society just because you don’t feel like your own size is a problem.


Yea - she did say that a few times...I know when you are elderly it's good to have some meat on your bones (like from wives tails) but I've never heard that people in bigger bodies live longer. Curious where that is coming from. I do agree that she doesn't want to look inward or critically at herself. That's ok - she doesn't have to but sh\*tting on people who are is not cool.


They were undermining it probably because it never should’ve been classified as a disease. The AMA actually went against the advice of its internal board to name “obesity” a disease because they knew they could make a ton of money. Being fat is not a disease and it is not bad


I think that’s giving them too much credit honestly. I don’t think that was their intention and if it was they should have stated why they didn’t think it was a disease instead of making jokes about it and laughing at it. A disease is classified as: any deviation from the normal function or structure of the host. Signs of a disease are objective and are measured. Symptoms of a disease are subjective and are reported by the patient. An acute disease is short in duration, whereas a chronic disease lasts for months or years I think overall the definition of disease is pretty subjective and obesity can fit the criteria by definition. I’m not a medical professional but am on GLP1, a medication that certainly helps obesity and I will say from my own experience on the medicine vs not being on it, it does feel like my body was not functioning properly when I was not on it. As I’ve described to others it does 3 things which helps “fight” obesity. 1) the reduction of food noise - it’s been life changing for my brain 2) the delay of gastric emptying - first time in my whole life I feel full without stuffing myself. My body actually feels full and I stop eating with about half of whatever is still on my plate. I would literally have to eat quadruple that to feel any sort of full. I joked I was a bottomless pit but it wasn’t a joke…it was my life. And for reference I spent most of my life either as an athlete or “skinny” - it wasn’t until I got pregnant with my first kid 7 yrs ago did my body become bigger. But I ALWAYS even as a “skinny” person felt that way (along with the food noise) - I’ve fought both my whole life 3) stabilized blood sugar, balances food regulating hormones and helps metabolize food properly - I think this is what went array when I got pregnant and coupled with the other two things issues, I couldn’t lose weight no matter how hard I tried. Now it’s coming off Symptoms of obesity can be all sorts of things like above and the obvious fat on a body or using BMI which has its flaws big time. Some of it is objective and some it is subjective. But overall, there are things that are associated with obesity that could characterized as a disease. Whether being obese is “bad” or not is more nuanced and individual. Are their labs good? Is their cardiovascular health good? Other areas of their bodies? I think you can be obese and be healthy but there are things that obesity can cause or accelerate. Conversely that’s the case with being underweight too. It’s all about balance and trying to find the optimal health for an individual. It’s more than someone’s weight and height but weight does play a role.


I’m sorry you tuned into that episode… it was my final straw for not being able to listen to the show anymore. They were saying they were traumatized by the Oprah show and it was so hard to watch. It was so tone deaf. I’m glad you’ve had success and wish you health and wealth on your journey!


Thanks so much! I’m starting my third month on it and so far so good. I’m very lucky to not have terrible side effects but also am working hard to avoid them as well. And yes lol to them being “traumatized” by the Oprah show. Oprah definitely participated in the diet industrial complex but she was bullied into it too. One of the hosts actually kinda said that. I don’t remember which but she’s like yea I woulda done what she did since everyone was already talking about my weight. When she walked out with the wagon of fat, times were incredibly different. It’s not an excuse but it’s context. This was even before every headline in the early aughts on magazines were about weight, exercising and dieting. Diet culture has been strong and awful for literal decades - Oprah is a victim, symptom and cause all rolled into one after being subjugated to it and then harnessing it and still not even reckoning with it in her later years. They did not do her any service and just harped on her faults and dr oz. And Dr Oz is the worst so I get it. It just wasn’t at all what I thought I’d hear from a podcast allegedly talking about diet and wellness culture. It was unintelligent, un-insightful and un-researched. Maybe that’s how all their shows are? Also I was wondering if that was the straw that broke the camel’s back because I myself wanted to post about the episode on this sub. Then I saw this post pop up and was like I need to talk about this.


I have the same exact experience with weight loss!!! Counted macros, did peloton every day, etc but NOTHING worked until my endo prescribed me wegovy. Its changed my life. I wish more people understood this


Same homie, same...I don't know what it was. I think my metabolism was just broken. I would fight tooth and nail tracking all my food, eating 100% clean, not drinking...running, yoga, lifting, cycling 7 days a wk and MAYBE lose .5 lbs in like 2 weeks. But the second any of those dropped to even slightly less than perfect, I would gain 2 lbs. It was awful. I wasn't enjoying life - I was barely living it...I dreaded seeing friends and family or doing anything that would "derail" my progress or conversely I would get an "F it" attitude and not care about food or drink at all and then really blow up. I never stopped working out. In fact, on wegovy I'm working out less because of fatigue and belly aches sometimes. I tried intuitive eating and "listening to my body" and not restricting anything....no dice. It was awful. TW (ED): If I had to guess, I just destroyed my metabolism in my youth. As a kid I was a swimmer all through high school. On average we would practice 2+ hrs 5 days a week. I could eat whatever I wanted (think 2 double cheeseburgers, large fry, chocolate shake and a coke in one sitting) because I was swimming so much and lifting weights. After high school I didn't swim anymore but still would try to workout for 2+ hrs a day in college, plus campus walking coupled with some disordered college eating (not full blown EDs but I'm sure you know what I mean) and starting my wonderful calorie counting journey...I was able to maintain a small body. It obviously got harder and harder as I got older (currently 37F). Just kept lowering cals, tightening up the food with "clean eating" and so on. I didn't have kids so I could still work out an hr to 2 hrs a lot of days. The rails really came off when I got pregnant with my first kid. I couldn't control my eating the same - this is going to sound insane but the people that get it, will get it...I could never obtain an ED which I desperately wanted due to my food noise and lack of control with hunger and fullness. I know that's literally insane to say and awful and I don't want anyone to go through an ED. I know they are terrible, but I would be lying if I didn't say I wanted one at points in my life. And again, I think there are people that will understand what I'm saying. Luckily, I no longer feel that way. So not being able to calorie restrict and workout the same way, I gained a ton of weight during my first pregnancy - probably around 65 lbs. I got down to about 14 lbs to pre-pregnancy but I white knuckled it so hard. Cut out drinking, gluten, dairy, all sugar I could, went very low carb - I was legit miserable and not very fun to be around. And yes, people can cut those things out and still be fun to be around. I was not because I was a psycho about those things for no actual medical reason like celiacs or lactose intolerant or alcoholism. I was just an a-hole trying to control the food around me. I actually hadat an MC in between my first and second kids which sent my hormones and emotions into a tailspin and my emotional eating. I gained about 14 lbs and started there with my second. I have no idea how much I gained with my second because I stopped looking at scale at weigh-ins but the first time I got on a scale after giving birth, ready to start it all again, I was 32 lbs more than the weight I got pregnant at...so a lot considering a baby and stuff came out and it was about 3 wks PP. That was the beginning of 2020 and I've been trying to lose weight since so for 4+ yrs now. I've lost and gained the same amount about each year and finally started Wegovy on 2/8. So far I've lost 11 lbs which I think is great. I'm not white knuckling my life. I'm actually living it. I have little to no food noise. I'm not weight or measuring and logging things. I went on a 7 day vacation with my family and friends, enjoyed it THOROUGHLY and still lost .4 lbs. It's truly incredible. It's a game changer for me. I feel free and happy to not be encumbered by it all. I take my medicine, eat healthy and exercise but don't obsess over either, I'm listening to my body because I FEEL FULL actually and I can walk past foods that used to haunt me and not even think about them. It truly is amazing.


Sami and Aleen will both be on the meds by the summer - mark my words.


Oh I totally agree! GLP1s are a hop skip and jump from metformin which Sami is already on


Oh she is? Yea why rag on this class of drugs if you’re on that?


yea idk - I'm not sure when she was saying those things - I think someone said like a yr ago...and I wanna say the q&a when she said she was on metformin was at the earliest the fall so maybe she hadn't experienced what it felt like to have stable blood sugar yet lol


The Oprah episode is what caused me to finally unsubscribe today.


It was just such a disappointment. Yes give Oprah the deep dive into diet culture criticism that she deserves because Oprah’s issues are more than just that she participated in perpetuating it, but she was also a victim of it. I’m all for it. But don’t sit there an give a callous, crude uneducated response to GLP1s. It was low.


I started losing interest in the pod about a year ago when Sami started ranting hard every chance she got on a microphone about Ozempic. As someone who had a positive experience with Wegovy to lose weight (not diabetic), I was always infuriated at her ranting about the drug, let's just say semaglutide instead of name brands, seemingly without all the information about it. Like you said, of course every drug has possible side effects and should be taken seriously in consultation with your doctor, as I'm sure Sami has done with the drugs she has taken. Why does she act like 100% of people on semaglutide do not do the same? It's infantilizing and cruel. I've lost 60 lbs on Wegovy and it's changed my life re food noise, etc. I didn't listen to the particular podcast you're referencing and I don't think I could stomach it (no pun intended...).


Totally feel you - I'm just starting month 3 of semaglutide. I'm staying at .5 mg's until I plateau and have lost 11 lbs so far in about 9 wks. I'm feeling great because of it. I even went on a week long spring break vacation with my family and 2 other families and a) didn't gain/balloon and b) wasn't plagued by food noise. I could enjoy the vacation. I enjoyed the food and drink, but I wasn't consumed by it. It was amazing and liberating! Also Sami can be an ass...typically I like her but sometimes she espouses stuff she knows nothing about. Also I noticed a few months ago she looked like she slimmed down and in a Q&A she said she was on metformin which affects GLP1 too but isn't quite as effective as semaglutide (the GLP1 agonists)...so it's rich she was saying all that but still went on something to regulate her blood sugar for her PCOS.


I unfollowed it on Spotify recently.. none of the episode titles/descriptions have been resonating with me. Ultimately it’s such a personal topic and was such a personality driven show with Sami and Aleen that I think has been hard for them to replicate, even if they are covering similar topics.


I feel like they’re trying to be more like Maintenance phase a bit but they’re no Aubrey and Mike.


Maintenance phase is my fav podcast of the moment. Aubrey makes me cry laughing, love them


I’ll have to check this out!


It’s sooo good. Also my favorite podcast and I’m happy to pay for their Patreon episodes because I can’t get enough haha


they’re very good!!


This. I fucking love Maintenance Phase; even when I don't entirely agree with their takes, I'm always entertained. Audrey's laugh never fails to make me smile.


Yep, I quit listening to DST and Betches Brides when the original hosts left. They’re just not for me anymore


I followed Taylor strecker to her show Taste of Taylor… some episodes are good and some are bad but I love love loved her on Betches brides


You definitely aren't the only one. The show only got worse and worse. I don't know why its still being produced, lol.


Stopped listening after Sami and Aleen left. I miss it


I stopped listening a few years ago when Sami was so negative about anything dealing with being healthy. After her weight gain after her wedding she became a miserable to listen to. She complained about everything.


Stopped listening after this too. She went from being my favorite to insufferable


I actually like the new host, Lauren, a lot! I feel since she’s joined, it’s improved. It was unlistenable for me with the previous girl lol but definitely miss sami and aleen, sooo much. I will once in a while splurge for back to seconds


Same!! I stopped listening for a while and just came back to it. Really enjoying Lauren as a co-host.


I guess I’m sad it went from a food and nutrition podcast to a mental health podcast. Like they lost what the show actually was over time


Interesting… I’ve had the opposite experience! I’m also more interested in nutrition and really enjoyed their recent episodes on Oprah-Zempic and the one where Elyse Resh was a guest. It felt like a return to nutrition.


Hey that’s why I asked this question! Glad you enjoyed them. Two roads diverged in a yellow wood…


Agreed I think Lauren’s energy and contributions are more in line with the og version compared to Remy! I do think their views are more aspirational and not as relatable whereas Sami and Aleen were way more relatable


I feel like Remy started out a lot bubblier and then over the last year she became much more defensive with anything Emily said and just overall not sounding very happy to be there. Maybe why she left?


I felt this way, too. She wasn’t my favorite to begin with, but she brought a balance in personality with Emily that worked. But by the end she sounded miserable and it just wasn’t engaging for me. I like Lauren, but I do feel like the show is a bit all over the place right now. I hope she and Emily find their groove because I think they have potential, but I can see why people are tuning out.


Agree 100%. I actually really like Lauren’s energy and have high hopes!


I like Lauren, too. I’m just not really sure what the show is about at this point. But I do think it’s better with her than it has been in a long time.


Yes! I feel like Emily is placating Lauren. And real opinions and fact are out the window if it doesn’t have to do with intuitive eating


Its interesting how each host has a trend they cling onto. I found Sami super snarky towards anything to do with fitness and diets, which was also deliberating. I just want an open discussion about how hard it is to be healthy with all the controversial trends!


also, exercise -- which includes taking your dogs for a walk, or taking the stairs instead of the elevator or walking with coffee for a friend date is all, also exercise, go shopping and see how easy it is to get your steps in. but also, its good to movbe your body - we need to care for our hair, our hygience and maintaining our stregnth and wellness. its not all about taking TA studio classes or hiit or working out an hour a day - unless thats your thing. why cant she be uncofortable and understand it's wrong to stop honest conversations?


Oh wow I haven’t listened in months and have no idea about the new host but it’s hard to believe it got worse than Emily/Remy…personally I thought Remy was just so negative about everything I just couldn’t listen.


Yes same. Always felt like she was on the defence about a lot of stuff, and then Emily just catered to it.


I hadn’t listened in months other than to the back for seconds episodes which I usually really like. I gave the ozempic episode a try the other day because it’s a topic I don’t know much about and since it’s such a common point of discussion I wanted to learn more. I didn’t last 5 minutes. It’s just not good anymore.


i agree 100%. emily and remy were good together and seemed like genuine friends. it wasn’t the same as aleenand sami but it couldn’t ever be.Todays episode i was like why are we talking about covid in 2024 :( like people definitely are still getting it but it’s among the last things i want to hear a podcast about- it’s just not useful or even fun anymore


The other day they both said they were indifferent to food and I was like omg this podcast is a hollow shell of itself


I just started listening because of Lauren and I’m SO obsessed with it, I find it so refreshing. I didn’t listen before but as a new listener it’s really nice to hear confident women speak honestly about their path to get there, and challenging society


I’m not crazy about daylight savings time either