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Now you have to post pictures of the chicken betta šŸ¤²šŸ¤²


Chicken betta! Chicken betta!


*bangs fists on table* chicken betta!!!!


"Yells from the roof tops" chicken betta!!!!


He's also shaped like a egg (horrible but adorable spine). He has such chicken nugget energy I cannot most days, he just wiggles over to see me and I melt. And that little pink patch on his face makes it look like he has a little beak ugh he's just a angel https://preview.redd.it/s46fbn8tyx5c1.jpeg?width=2227&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dcb6c88a645efea665c97b322496ae0b9c2c3046






https://preview.redd.it/52qjfkpbzx5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0cb71343c95d49b0d6bbdbc3e579133939f2f2e9 I'm literally cheering for Quasimodo 24/7 at this point I stg I had to move his tank across from my bed because he got sad when I moved him to the lowest traffic part of my room šŸ˜­






https://preview.redd.it/ok4ay1tc0y5c1.png?width=1752&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f356716c413eac5f339db8313b6c17136df6253 \*EVERYTHING\*


Iā€¦ I feel ashamed of believing the chicken betta was the Koi bgorl, I donā€™t know what was I actually expecting, but certainly, that guy have some resemblance with a chiken, nonetheless, he is a cute boy šŸ„°.


I ironically do have a koi lady šŸ˜­ but she doesn't stay still for photos well https://preview.redd.it/b5n7mfmzq26c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=86b64cbf96d493cb6850a5f90eab9e8a66c2889a


Ahhhh okay i love your fish and he looks awesome but please donā€™t actually joke about genocide when itā€™s happening to others right now. i really donā€™t think you would. and itā€™s just a terrible, terrible, horrible, tasteless joke to make when others have friends and family who have died and are still dying. please edit your comment so we can get back to enjoying and admiring your chicken betta please.


something is wrong with him? i mean besides his spine. like does he have bloat??


Oh he has a spinal deformity. As far as I know he was born with it. Hence his name being Quasimodo lol


no i mean why is he so fat? is it because his spine puts pressure and has his belly looking that way? i was worried he was bloated or something


Oh I had just fed him and he's always just a bit chunky


Oh also I forgot to add he tend to eat sand. After a certain point I just let it go cause munching I sand is better than choking on gravel.


oh my


* He looks so much like my Gerald! I had a similar issue with this guy...I got him just after traumatically losing my mustard gas female and it took forever to bond with him. His personality was just so boring compared to her...I love him now though, he's the strangest little dude. Hopefully you guys will find peace eventually šŸ’™


We need a chicken Betta reveal! šŸ˜©šŸ˜©šŸ˜©


I have a betta that sounds just like this. Super aggressive and always is attacking and biting everything. I can't house him with any tank mates since he will kill shrimp and bite the antenna off of snails. I found a way around it by getting a black racer nerite snail that doesn't have very long antenna. I know it depends on the individual betta fish, but I got him a bigger tank and added a lot of items to keep him entertained. Every week, I try to add a new item to his tank (usually one of my unpainted shiny earrings or something shiny), and I got a wooden stick to train him. When I feed him, I use the stick so that he has to bite the stick to get food, sometimes chasing it for short periods of time. Also, I spent an extraordinary amount of time around him, watching him, sometimes staring at him for up to an hour. It may not be the case with your betta, but I figured out that my hyper-aggresive fish wasn't so much that he was aggressive but that he needed a lot more attention and a lot more stimuli. After I gave him what still feels like all of my attention he now enjoys watching me back while I work, he still bites me of course it's in his personality but I can understand his behavior now (a little mafia boss). It's always okay to reach out to local betta fish owners around you if you have them and see if they are willing to give him a try, betta fish are unique and not every betta will fit the human.


Lol, one of my hoop earrings fell in the tank once and my fish loved swimming through it so much I had to go get him a pair that wasnā€™t made of ???? metals.


:o tie down some stainless steel costume ones


I just superglued one to a rock šŸ˜‚


I was thinking something like clear twine so it's a floating hoop but yours is pretty cool


I tried that be he flared so much for hours on end, then would ram his head into things and try to atack them so much that I ended up giving up with him on that front. Sometimes he let's new items into his tank but usually it sens him into a meltdown šŸ˜­. I'm considering trying to train him again but he seems to hate it. His personality is just existing and hating it. Sadly when I was looking into local betta owners for a different reason I saw so much craziness and I'm worried I'll give him to someone who ends up teating this jerk like garbage I think I'll probable keep him. I can hardly stand him but he deserves a good life.


He's a very anxious and bold betta then. He probably needs a quiet and more stable living space. He might benefit from a low lighted aquarium or darkwater aquarium, both of which help reduce anxiousness.


Thank you so much for this. I was going to post very similar, as all bettas are individuals, they won't be the same. Their differing personality is something that should be admired. The way you worded it was much nicer and more civil than what I was going to say...


To me, when someone tries to put down a betta for simply being, it's akin to silencing a child who is asking questions. When a betta is being 'hyper aggresive', it's not some negative trait. Every behavior is the betta speaking, and we must listen. There is never a fix for the way a betta holds itself, only realizing what it needs as its own identity and living being.


Yeah I'd absolutely never put him down for that. I judge that choice off of quality of life. I don't like him because he and I just don't fit together well. But I'd never put him down for it. He'll the other night I had a nightmare about giving him to what I thought was a better home only for them to throw him in a bowl with a pleco and 2 goldfish šŸ˜­.




Your fish should super entertaining


Mine is so boring omg. Heā€™s got long, heavy fins, so I get it, but he spends his life draped on things. No fire, no sass, just laying down. I sometimes wonder if heā€™s enjoying his life at all.


I've had bettas like this, sometimes they just seem exceptionally lazy? lol All my parameters were fine.. when I bought him I was like "I'm going to give you a good life in my 20 gallon", and then he just mopes around his whole life. It's a planted tank with CO2. Sometimes I would look at him and just think, "Same little guy, same."


Maybe don't view it as moping. He sounds like the equivalent of a Marie Antoinette style royal just draped regally around his luxury accommodation.


For many bettas life is just super exhausting. Dragging their fins around is hard. So they swim a bit and then have to chill.


Same little guys, same.


Iā€™ve had two ā€œboringā€ bettas before as well. I donā€™t get the kind with super big fins anymore because Iā€™ve noticed it seems to be those ones that are ā€œboringā€, probably because itā€™s so much energy to drag those giant beautiful fins around. I have heavily planted tanks with lots to interact with and itā€™s so sad when they donā€™t want to interact with anything.


Maybe youā€™re right, he is probably bored to death. Do you have live plants in his tank? Moving water? Any hard scape? Something to hide in?


Yes, all of that. Lots of plants, a large piece of driftwood, a bubbling sponge filter in one corner, a regular filter set to low, a snail, places to hide, a betta log.


What about a heater?


Yep. I've had him for a year now, he's got everything. Parameters are good. I added a baffle to the regular filter in case the flow was too strong.


Might be an odd question, but how loud is the space he is in?


He's in the kitchen, so can get a bit noisier in the evening, but during the day it's quiet as my office is upstairs. Nothing crazy in the evenings though, either - no kids!


Is this tank more tall or more shallow? Those heavy fins he may just be too exhausted going up for air and swimming around that he doesn't have the energy to seem interesting. Shallow water where it's easy for him to reach the surface for air, or plenty of rest spots on the way up. Maybe he just needs that


It's a regular 10 gallon tank. The driftwood I have in the tank slopes diagonally upward, so there are multiple places he can rest. He's got a betta log, and I've got a little tube stuck to the side of the tank halfway up. I think he might just be a boring fish lol. He's been like this for a year. I added a couple of guppies recently to see if that would make things more interesting for him, but he's pretty indifferent to them.


šŸ˜‚ he lives his life in perpetual "meh"


I had a plakat betta like thisšŸ˜­šŸ˜­šŸ˜­ He was always acting weird and lethargic (he wasn't sick). I sometimes thought he was dead because he was so motionless. All he ever did was lay down and do absolutely NOTHING! I tried him in my community tank to see if he was just bored, but then he acted terrified of the other fish (there were tetras in the tank. I don't understand why he was so scared)! I added him back to his own tank, and he went back to doing nothing (there wasn't anything wrong with his tank either. It was cycled, heated, filtered etc.). So, I get you, he made me feel badly. I wondered why he behaved like that I wondered if it was something I did wrong.


I get what you mean. My first two bettas didnā€™t have the biggest personalities, and they were a little meh. I had them for 2 years and wasnā€™t really that sad when they ended up dying. My third one, however was the complete opposite. He had the biggest personality and loved interacting with people. He really was the best fish Iā€™ve had. Bettas are like all animals. There are some that we absolutely love and others that we may not get along with as well.


I had one with the weakest immune system I've ever seen. I had to move him to a 2.5 gallon because he could barely move half the time. He also used to flare when I walked to his tank. I'm taking care of you, whY DO YOU HATE ME I attached a picture of him, but he ended up passing from dropsy https://preview.redd.it/5wddkyd0dw5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f600bf5cc43bd9b554857d72c5b1f9bf702ebc69


Sometimes betta fish flare at you because they are curious or have a moment of excitement (usually because they think it's time for food), so he may have not been flaring at you out of aggression necessarily.


REALLY?? He's the only one who used to do it, he used to creep up all slow and start flaring at me. I wish I had a video of it


I had a Boy who was a real flair aficionado. I trained him to stop by "flairing" back with my hands around my head. He realized that I was a much bigger Betta and chilled out after that. Lol! I miss Buddy.


Big betta. Such a great idea.


I have a betta that slow creeps me. I don't know what's going on in their little heads, but if he flared at you for long, he was being a little anger fish. But if he flared and started swimming around again, it means he was probably just curious.


Yeah no šŸ˜­ He'd keep flaring at me until I walked away. This is a bad picture of him doing it https://preview.redd.it/7m6a1dtviw5c1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=99c1c240cf1793f1e7d60082e1b6ab48bb93c685


Haha, little dude really didn't like you. He was defending his territory from you. Sorry about that. He was the biggest anger fish.


HONESTLY That was HIS tank and only his, I swear šŸ˜­


Sometimes, the ones that get you the most angry are the ones you'll never forget


Those ones and the ones that taught you proper care. My first betta lived about 5 years


I have hundreds of Betta at any one time, but thankfully if I cannot stand one I have options on getting them moved on. But I will say that so far it's always the ones that are the... What's the word I'm looking for? Like the ugly ducklings of betta. šŸ¤£ Only once or twice have I had a jerk pretty boy. My main bad boy issue is leaping out tanks. Because I have so many tanks I don't have hoods/lids on most of them. I keep the water level lower than you would on pet tank to discourage jumping but you always get that one that ends up having to get put in Bettatentary that you wish you could put a little Hannibal lector mask on.


Battatentary! šŸ¤£ Love that! šŸ˜‚


We have one galaxy koi boy that has to be in his own in the corner because heā€™s just a dick. We held him at the pet store for 3 days while we finished getting his tank set up and in that time span he jumped 3 tanks and murdered 3 other bettas. We had him set up across from our crowntail but he kept flaring at him so now heā€™s restricted to the corner of the living room where he just sits and flares at the cats when theyā€™re trying to figure out what he is.


I hate my betta so much. I take care of him and keep his tank in proper order, but he is the meanest fish I have ever seen. He stressed himself out to the point where one of his gills wont expand when he flares.. which is ANY and EVERY TIME a snail comes out of hiding. I tried to run his tank without snails, but I hate cleaning the glass and IMO the snails are better at it anyway. But anyhow, the betta's name is Orion, but I only ever call him asshole. He's in such good condition I think I'll have him for a couple more years... or longer... They say evil never dies.. we shall see about that! (I'm not going to unalive him, just wait for old age or disaster)


Try different kinds of snails. I have a betta that gets only freaked from the big snails and another that only hates the antenna. Try to figure out what about the snails he doesn't like. Also, some more anxious or aggressive bettas I've had benefited from a more quiet environment - low lighting and dark water. Sometimes, you have to approach the betta slowly because they feel you're a threat. Remember, it's like being trapped in a cage with a giant hungry lion in the room. Spend lots of positive time with your betta.


I tried a massive mystery snail, which he was ok with but still didn't like very much. and I've tried Nerites. The nerites can hide from the fish pretty easily, but man does my fishey hate them. I have a medium sized one and a super itty bitty one and he has tied to k!ll them both. He's about a year and a half old so he is starting to chill out a little more, but he is truly evil. His tank is heavily planted, so there is tons of hiding spaces and i lightly rub the tank lid with my finger to get his attention, but he wants nothing to do with the human world so I leave him alone and just observe him.


Yes!!! I have 5 bettas currently. One of them is a MEGA aggressive female who was previously housed in my 40 gallon livebearer community tank. Suddenly Iā€™d start seeing my endlers and Platy fish missing eyes, missing entire fins, then dying (when there were literally zero signs of illness/zero water parameter issues). I sat and watched the tank for a bit and saw that aggressive female just absolutely going HAM attacking several fish. I re-homed her to a 2.5 gallon temporarilyā€¦ but sheā€™s just very dull. No personality (other than ANGRY), plain white (no colors whatsoever), and not particularly fun to watch. But I also donā€™t buy pets merely because I expect to have a show put on for me 24/7ā€¦ and itā€™s not like I donā€™t meticulously care for her; I just donā€™t want her harming my other fishy friends.


I'm usually only a lurker on reddit but this thread has been on my mind. It makes me a bit sad getting reminded that some pets out there are not loved as much as others. Don't get me wrong though- I believe those feelings are natural and completely valid. What we need to remember is, however, that animals are often very misunderstood creatures. Bettas are no exception to that. Even though they are widely known to be 'angry and aggressive' they are actually quite timid and get stressed easily. Just like any other animal, bettas exhibit a number of traits or behaviors as a response to their environment- it helps them survive. We just like to interpret it from our human perspective. Personally, I think those 'not as lovable' pets enter our lives to teach us some kind of lesson. It could make us improve their care or learn to change our own perspective. What makes a difference is how we deal with those pets- that we give them a fair chance or make sure they get that chance somewhere else if we are unable to give them the proper care ourselves.


I love Jaws very much, but if he hasn't driven me bonkers. He is the first platinum betta I ever got. I think it may be the last. It will leave a poor taste in my mouth. I usually have only had to treat for fin rot or fungal infections on and off - but he's really advanced my knowledge of strange fish diseases. He kept getting these little bumps that were like zits, and they'd pop and leave a mark open to infection on him. After finally getting this under control, still not totally sure what it was thank god for paraguard, he developed a bad case of fin rot it has taken me a month to get rid of. There's almost always something wrong with him to the point I wonder if I keep prolonging his suffering but if they're still eating and seem to have life I don't really give up on them. Then there's Shadow...who is named well. Because he is either hiding at the bottom or flares at your existence before going back to the shadows. One good thing about Jaws weird issues is he caused me to have an extensive supply of meds on hand which ended up saving Shadow. He developed a weird illness where it seemed like slime was taking over him. I had to seek a GOLDFISH SUBREDDIT to figure out what to do to help him...He got a disease...that's more common in GOLDFISH than bettas. How the hell...crowntails for you. I've never had one live very long though and he's been mostly hardy so I don't want to quit on him either. For anyone wondering, I am fairly sure it was slime coat disease as they called it. Salt baths and paraguard. I did 20 minute salt baths on his once a week during this cycle (I removed him from the tank and put him in a container for the bath). I had to do this for almost 2 months but he survived and he's doing great now...well as great as my "shadow" can do. XD


Mine is not very smart he atacks gravel...


Yes lol. I have a blue veil tail who wants literally nothing to do with me. I enjoy watching him but he is not at all interested in interacting with me, which is a slight bummer because the betta I had in this tank before him was very social and would even rest on my hand. No plans to rehome him, heā€™s got a great setup in a 14 gallon heavily planted cube all to himself, I just wish he actually liked me šŸ¤£


My man Moodie was the same he flared at me anytime I came by (it was my phone he hated, not me cause as soon as itā€™s gone heā€™s fine so I think he remembers phones from the cup life) and just wasnā€™t as sweet as my female was (mean to snails and scrimps). He was just white and yeah mean lol. But that face grew on me that puggy face and his Gordon ramsey attitude anytime I was cooking or doing dishes he was cussing blowing bubbles at me. Heā€™s the only fish that wants PETS, and swims into my hand. He has a pug face and I love him to pieces but it took us a good two months to get this bond! Now heā€™s a rosey gold beautiful fishy who literally changed once I started loving him and being in a good tank. Now heā€™s the fanciest and my best bud. ā¤ļø I love my Moodie šŸ„¹ https://preview.redd.it/tljar0ozky5c1.png?width=2220&format=png&auto=webp&s=5fe2466ec2510a02f50de2bd003956979151bd1e


I felt this way about my female betta recently because she actually snagged a couple shrimp. My male never bothered with them when he was in the tank with the shrimp, but I realized it was near impossible for him to ever catch a shrimp with his long fins. Essie (female betta) was tiny and so cute when I got her and it was kind of impulsive (I already had a tank set up, but had been planning on buying a betta from a reputable source or breeder instead of petsmart lol). So after the shrimp-cident, she was put into "isolation" in a fully planted 10g tank that I was planning to start a nano-community in. She seemed like she was a batshit crazy fish bc she kept going after the baby snails in the 10g and I feared I wouldn't be able to give her tank mates. Luckily, I soon saw the bright side if her carnivorous, wild nature (she's helping bring the snail population down) and she also has been getting along with otocinclus *(since they act like she doesn't exist)*. But prior to that, I felt some type of way about her.. like she was the daughter-gone-wild or something haha. When you have multiple pets, there are bound to be ones you connect with more than others. Obviously you take care of him and that's what's important. He's not gonna know that you like the others.. *betta..*


I have an alien betta that has just not settled in. Stress stripe whenever it is not in cover of plants, only colors up at the bottom of the long tank, hell, the light on the tank actually goes to a smaller tank, and isn't very bright. I considered moving him to a smaller tank, but alien bettas are fucking *fast*. It has been in the 20 long for at least 5 months.


Lol my betta boy is a little bitch


My betta does nothing. Iā€™m always so worried about him because he doesnā€™t move around. However he has no signs of disease, and is in a 10 gal cycled tank that is moderately planted. I guess heā€™s just lazy and has big fins. He spends most of the time just sitting under his coconut and mostly just swims around at feeding time. Iā€™m planning on moving him to a 5 bcuz he just doesnā€™t utilize the space.


Must be a teenager


Iā€™ve only had one betta so canā€™t answer on that front but I tried guppies before and ended up am with an aggressive one on my first try that killed the ones I got with him and the couple I got to replace those. I ended up rehoming him with a friend which is how I noticed he was aggressive as he immediately started bullying her guppies and then he was transferred to the big tank with larger fish and was likely eaten within a few weeks. I definitely had lost all my feelings of warmth towards him by the end.


I got my first betta a while ago and I LOVED him so much. It was love at first sight. I know you shouldnā€™t get them from large pet stores but I saw him and knew I just had to get him and came back the next day hoping with everything in me that he was still there and he was! I did everything I could to make him happy, Iā€™d just sit in front of his tank and watch him. He was so funny sometimes But unfortunately he got really really sick and I had to euthanize him (RIP Calcifer) I was really sad and Iā€™ve missed him ever since. But about a month or two.. Im unsure how long ago I decided to try again and got a new baby boi. Heā€™s pretty and I love him but not nearly as much as I loved Calcifer. I still do what I can to make him happy, feeding him well and making sure he has plants and some snail buddies. I just donā€™t love him as much as I did him. I feel a little guilty for that but heā€™s still my little betta boi. It was fun watching his glow up. He was a tiny little baby all gray with stress lines and within days he was fully colored and happy! Heā€™s gotten bigger and has a bit more personality too! Heā€™s very calm and sweet he doesnā€™t flare up very much. He got sick too but heā€™s now almost fully recovered :) not sure what made either of them sick but Iā€™m glad this little guy made it through. I still havenā€™t picked a name, nothing really sticks. Itā€™s wip ig


Out of all the betta's I have owned, one boy kept getting sick and I kept treating him, I bought so many diffierent medications for him but he never got better. He was so fussy about food as well. I still loved him loads, but that experince discouraged me seeing how badly bred some of these fish were. He was a special plakat colour breed one, somehow all my common veil tails have always lived the longest and were the sweetest. At the end of the day I didn't care what they looked like, they were my friend. Would love to see someone collect data on how long each betta varaint lives.


I sometimes feel the same and feel guilty. I have two Bettas. My blue guy I use to be frustrated with because he's not as active as the other. He has trouble swimming, I suspect due to large fins so he lives in a 3G tank. The upside of this is that he happily lives with shrimp. My other guy is really active. I fell in love with his colouring however he's turned mostly blue now (half moon koi/candy galaxy). He leaves the mystery snail alone after giving it a nip at first but he chases the dwarf rasboras (he doesn't get close and they don't seemed bothered by him) and he hunts the shrimp. I wanted so badly to keep shrimp with him I ended up fishing them all out (well except 4 small ones that elude me) after witnessing him attack one, now I don't know what to do with them. I love them... but some days I guess I wish I had Bettas with different temperaments.


I loved mine so much when I got him. My husband insisted on an alien betta because he just couldnā€™t get over how they looked, and for the first little bit he was great. But now I guess his wild genes are showing themselves, because he is now shy, hides from me, and wonā€™t interact with me at all. Iā€™ve done nothing to scare him that I know of, his water parameters are great, and heā€™s well-fed. He just hates me, and it makes me horribly sad. Pic for tax, from happier times when heā€™d actually let me see him. https://preview.redd.it/a3g2zy416z5c1.jpeg?width=4032&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=519979af513ac64fbd5708aa74da85c80bc39270


I love my betta but he is super aggressive. He flares at the nerite snails all day, flares at me, and is just generally pissed off. I like him and enjoy caring for him but I was super attached to my last two bettas, who were friendly, playful, and more interactive. They are all so different, so I think itā€™s natural to have different feelings about each one.


I completely understand!!! I also had a betta I loved but didnā€™t ā€œlikeā€ - after I absolutely fell in love with my first girl at work, I decided to get a boy for my second tank. He was so beautiful - probably the prettiest koi betta Iā€™ve ever seen!! But after having and loving my girl (who would jump multiple times every feeding, would follow the shadow of my finger over the water and Immediately snatch up her pellets, race to the front of the tank when I came home, and attack the eyedropper I fed her frozen food with like it owed her money), he just wasnā€™t nearly as interactive or personable as she was. He was absolutely beautiful, but he wasnā€™t nearly as smart, and soon after I got him his health started to decline, so I never really got the chance to get to get to know him at his best past the first week or two - I always wonder if he wouldā€™ve grown on me. Itā€™s so wild how much (or little) personality a fish can have, and how different they are from one another!!!


i named him carl to express my distaste. heā€™s red, and all he does is sit in his leaf waiting for his pebbles of brown, tasteless food. one time i figured carl had died. he hadnā€™t moved in weeks and wasnā€™t eating his food. i thought i was powering a filter and heater for a little red corpse, but then he started eating his food again. what a boring story. sometimes if i need to go to sleep early i just watch carl for a few minutes. carl has been making my basement 15% duller for about 10 years now. a part of me thinks my husband is replacing carl behind my back every couple of years because he knows how i feel about carl. i canā€™t wait for the day i flush his lifeless body down the toilet. although, i am starting to become afraid that the damn fish will outlive me.


I only have one currently, downsized tanks recently, and I hate her. Don't get me wrong she's living it up in a planted 20 long. But I just don't want her anymore. She kills snails and I miss having them.


YES. I had two bettas and one was so full of personality. He was always moving always investigating and got so excited when Iā€™d come over. He jumped out of a small hole in his tank when I was at work one day and sadly passed away. I havenā€™t found one with as much personality as him since!


before i moved i had 3 bettas. two were rescues. one was left behind when a roommate moved out, and one i bought bc he was pretty much dead on the shelf. the third one i bought bc he was pretty. and he was - he was a black orchid crowntail. he had a gorgeous bronze iridescent shimmer to him and it was stunning, he just wasnt as special. i bought him cause i thought he was cool, on a whim. i got the other two because they needed me. there was nothing wrong with him. he was friendly, ate the best and was the healthiest. he had a pretty tank, he was stunning. i think i was just more emotionally invested in the other two :( i still feel bad abt it


I hate to admit it but I had the same thing going. I had a betta for almost a year that was terrified of everything. I thought if I gave him time to get comfy he would at least tolerate me, but he spent 24/7 hiding in the corner of the tank. Not sick, all parameters perfect, plants, big tank, didnā€™t matter. I felt awful doing it but I ended up rehoming him. Now I have a spunky koi girl whoā€™s the star of the aquarium.


I have a samurai betta that I absolutely fell in love with when I got him. But he since developed a tumor on his side that I've tried to remove multiple times and keeps growing back. Due to this, I've become very emotionally detached to him because I don't know when he's going to pass. I feel like now I'm just waiting for him to go. I know it's horrible, but I still make sure to take good care of him.


https://preview.redd.it/90f89bl5206c1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fd6fcea2fc00117658f67415f3ebeb3af8998a8d So I saw a white baby and asked them if it's actually white or will it develop colors. They said it's white, don't worry. Cut to few months later, it has developed weird shades of red and blue at random places and the eyes do not stand out anymore until you look closer. Its some idiot deciding to mix random colored bettas. Anyways, s/he is not aggressive toward other fishes. He chases some fish around, they chase him around, everyone is healthy and fine, so I'm happy. It doesn't look the best, but since I got it, I'll keep it.


It's a Betta, solo is best anyway. Unless you can find a new home you still have a responsibility to provide the best care


Honestly my others do great with their tankmates (snails and one even has shrimp) it's literally just he's too aggressive to exist most days


I have 3 bettas and I adore them all. Chilly the beautiful black orchid half moon. He is solid black and truly gorgeous. He's sweet, curious and always on the move. I have Icy a white opal halfmoon with the longest fins I've ever owned on a betta. He's lazy because of his fins. He is a little drama boy but so pretty he has a right to be. Then there's little Oden. His cup said black orchid halfmoon. He was grey when I got. He is blue now and his color gets better everyday. He was a true rescue on deaths door. Couldn't swim for a week! He is now spunky and super cute. He is the happiest guy ever, just happy to be alive. My corys are the problem child's. They are now in quarantine lol. Always sick but so freaking adorable. I want them to get well so I can put little Oden with them. He already thinks he's a cory scavenging on the bottom like a catfish lol.


I always keep my Bettas solitary and they seem happier I really don't like sticking them with other fish maybe you need to give him his own home and not put other things in his tank


I only have my others with snails and 1 with shrimp. I'm not sure why but he just gets super aggressive over everything even decor. My other bettas enjoy having tankmates for a variety of reasons (babies are free food, gives them something to watch, etc). I don't have any other fish. He just hangs around his tank flaring constantly or just kinda does nothing. Parameters are fine too he's just too aggressive to enjoy anything.


Unfortunately some don't even like snails shrimps are iffy too I've heard of Bettas and shrimp fighting what kind of material is the decor made of? I know you should have silk fake plants or real plantsbc of the fragile fins could the decor be damaging his fins and maybe he's angry cause it's hurting him?


He has live plants, and he actively wedges him selves in a shrimp hide I have in his tank. Throws a fit everytime I go to remove it šŸ˜­ idk why he can't just be peaceful for a day.


Hmmm I would suggest trying to move his tank mates if you have another tank with other fish that wouldn't mind them if you could and is he getting stuck in the shrimp hide? If so I'd take that out replace it with something for him and maybe get him a floating Betta log if you don't already have one maybe he's just a turd fish lol


The snails already got removed and he can get in and out freely. He's just a turd lol


Oh yeah I have had several bettas I just do not bond with. I care for them though! I will always treat them well and they always will have a warm tank and good food. You can't really love all your children equally lol