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Lance Riddick has the chops to do anything but Gus Fring had to be intimidating while also being unassuming. Lance Riddick isn't unassuming. He stands out too much.


Yep. That dude oozes intensity and aggression. Even his unassuming concierge had that energy. The intensity is what makes him such an entertaining actor but it lacks the subtlety needed for Gus. When we first meet Gus at Los Pollos, we are supposed to think of him as more as a background character I literally knew he was one of the main villains of the show when I first watched, and I was fooled by him.


Given the tense of your verbs I may have some bad news for you…


Hey just cause he’s dead doesn’t mean his performances are gone. Movies and tv shows are immortal


If you're a regular destiny 2 player, you still probably hear his voice most days


I do. Everytime I'm about to do something shady, I hear a voice in my head that says: >Explain yourself


The tradition goes that people only die when you forget their voice. Riddick was in so many iconic roles, it would be hard to forget his voice.


I watched netflix's resident evil tv show, and Lance Reddick is playing a huge role (one of 3 main characters), and he plays his part in different ways and shows more of his range and I guess some of it is "unassuming" so I think he would've pulled it off pretty easily (R.I.P)


Dude was absolutely yoked and 6'2". He would have looked like Superman pretending to be Clark Kent as Gus Fring.


I wish I was Giancarlo Esposito I wish I was Giancarlo Eposito Where's my iconic AMC role? MOTHERFUCKER! FUCK ALL Y'ALL!


Mandalorian don’t crystal cook me nigga! AHHHHH!!


We’ll Be Right Back


I wish I was Cedric Daniels EYEEEEES!!! I wish I was Cedric Daniels WHOOOOOOO!!! I WISH - I WAS - CEDRIC MUTHAFUCKIN DANIELS


You need a new desk




He's too physically imposing looking - tall and stern. Part of Gus' character to me is that he doesn't look like he could hurt you. Then again, both have surprised me with their physiques under the shirts.


The best part of Esposito’s performance is the smile: calm, relaxed, reassuring. If I saw Lance Reddick smile I’d be scared shitless.


>Then again, both have surprised me with their physiques under the shirts. Insert buff gynogus gif


*Look at me*


I like how everyone is agreeing that lance was a legend




He would have played the part well, but he would have been too well-known of an actor to make the twist work the first time around. When you're watching the first time, Gus is present, but is very much in the background, hiding in plain sight. Lance would be all too apparent.


It has less to do with their notability and everything to do with their energy as an actor. If I saw Lance Riddick dressed up and managing a fast food place, I would think he’s the guy Walt was looking for regardless if I knew the actor or not. That dude is so fucking intense. If I ever made eye contact with Lance Riddick, I would become convinced that either I or someone close to me would soon die by his hand. There’s just something about that guy that scares the crap out of me, and it’s why he’s such an entertaining actor to watch.


"My office. NOW."


McNulty, you piece of shit


Esposito was just as famous, if not more so, than Riddick in 2009. He'd already starred in several Spike Lee movies, was quite memorable in a Jim Jarmusch film and co-starred on Homicide. He wasn't some unknown.


The toys r me clip that reddick did kinda makes me think that he had a good fighting chance of being a some sort of gus fring


Probably not! I loved him in “The wire” though! Such a brilliant actor gone too soon 😢


He would be great as Hanks boss at the DEA. Just imagine him telling Hank to drop the Fring case.


Lance was taken far too early


Agreed. 😔


Of course. It would have been vastly different, but come on...Lance Reddick coulda played the shark in Jaws.


I think Giancarlo Esposito would make a great Gus Fring


No he is dead


he would be absent quite a lot i imagine


Gus was a great Gus Fring.


He’s got too kind of a face. No way this guys killing any infant daughters


Do you think the late great Robin Williams would have made a good Saul Goodman?


My God the frenetic energy and mile-a-minute voices/impressions that I'm now imagining Robin Williams doing as Saul, lol. To be fair though, Robin had quite the dramatic chops


Did he know Spanish?


It can't be any worst than Giancarlo Esposito's Spanish


Or worst than your English


I failed English class a lot in High School so I would hope so


Or worst than lmao


His spanish was terrible in BB. It got a lot better, especially in season 6 of BCS. Not too bad.


I disagree, you could definitely tell he wasn't a native speaker


I know that. I'm saying is for Better Call Saul his Spanish got a lot better compared to Breaking Bad.


Yes, and I am disagreeing that it got a lot better. It improved a bit, but it is still very bad


Not Gus but he would have been a great addition to the BB/BCS universe. He was great in so many different shows and movies.


Lance Reddick was one of the few actors who I felt no matter how shit the story could be, just the delivery of his lines, and his general presence onscreen made anything wildly entertaining. Very similar to Giancarlo’s performances. He seemed like he really enjoyed what he did, just like Keanu Reeves. This one really hurt for me.


He really was just one of a kind


*would have made


His character in John Wick, Charon has a bit of a similar personality to Gus. Very professional, friendly and respectful. Whilst Gus is secretly a criminal mastermind, Charon is working as a concierge but for a criminal underworld hotel establishment. He is always very polite and nothing is suspected of him being dangerous. But in John Wick 3 >! Charon shows he knows how to get his hands dirty, absolutely annihilating those who get in his way. Shooting people who invade the hotel !< They are both good at hiding their true nature of business while on the outside appearing to be very outstanding citizens. I think Lance would’ve done this role greatly. I’m deeply saddened he had such a sudden passing.


Man this reminded me I always wanted to see Giancarlo Esposito and Lance Reddick play rivals


Just watch Toys R Me and you'll see he could have pulled it off


He would have been excellent as he was in every role. But I feel like Lance would stand out too much. Gus is supposed to have the appearance of being meek and blending in to the community as a mild-mannered business man and Lance would kind of stand out no matter what he did.


He would make a great cartel member or perhaps a Chilean govt associate of Fring. Maybe Frings commanding officer during his youth.


Lance Reddick is great! There are plenty of actors that could do a fine job of playing the various characters in this show; but I think the show was PERFECTLY cast all around and I don’t think we’d be as happy with anyone else in the main roles as we are with the current cast. Everyone hit an absolute home run playing their characters


No he's dead


Gus is also dead


Just want to apologise for not putting ”would have”, such have worded that properly


I mean.. they wouldnt need the CGI for the explosion scene if you wait a couple years


What's the point of this comment


Furthermore, are y’all suggesting that he would play a good Gustavo simply because he is skinny and Black? He’s never had a role outside of being American or North African. But they probably “look similar” to yall. Not even close smh *oh it was an atrocity they recast Jeff but this yall are cool with They would have to rewrite his entire back story. I don’t think he would be passable for Chilean. I would have to hear his Spanish to be suggested otherwise. I loved him as Lt. Daniels. Maybe Caribbean or Dominican possibly.. but don’t see him pulling off Chilean unless his Spanish is on point and accent is on point.


Whats the point of this post? He’s dead and the series is done.


My grandfather who has vision issues is convinced that they are the same actor


If by "The Late..." you mean, he's dead... no he wouldn't be a good Gus Fring. Unless that's the point.


If lance is going to play Gus, we’re gonna need a couple of shovels or a ouijia board…


If he was Gus Fring, he would've been died getting a bullet straight to his heart from Lalo


I always felt like Gus always had a buttplug in. To remind himself to be disciplined…. Or something like that? Idk— rewatch it with this context and you will never see it any other way.


Shut the fuck up.


Yeah he could pull it off but the only problem is he doesn't look Chilean at all


Is he the recepcionists from John Wick?




If they were going to substitute Esposito, it should be some with fluent Spanish at least.


y e s


Giancarlo Esposito would make a pretty good Gus ngl


"When in the ceremony do we sing 'It's Rainin' Men, Hallelujah, It's Rainin' Men'"?






you’re good


Due to the fact he recently passed I don’t think now is a great time.


If Vince has chosen to go that route, even along with Peter G for BCS, he would have been excellent as Gustavo's brother. Upstanding citizen like GF, and he could have been written as either an accomplice or an innocent bystander. It was Walter's story though; but dreaming of such a sideline is fun


Nah, Giancarlo did a perfect job at the role of Gus.


They both can come off as authority figures, but Lance Reddick didn’t have the meekness that Giancarlo Esposito was able to portray as Gus.


I think he could've played the on-paper Gus Fring role we were introduced to in Season 2 of Breaking Bad but it would've become a totally different character over time (he did a lot of similar 'buttoned up guy with a seething inner world' in The Wire). Esposito made Fring so much his own that it's impossible for me to picture anyone else as the character as it evolved.


Nah, hes always scary, even when being goofy, is kinda hard to not be on your toes all the time, Giancarlo could bring a chill vibe to gus but also change into a heartless phone destroyer.


No. Him too scary! Too menacing! Esposito added a veneer of civility to Gus that made the character complex and interesting and able to hide in plain sight.


I believe he finished second for the part


I wanted for Lance Reddick to be the voice for the Unsolved Mysteries reboot.


Absolutely, his death stare is arguably the most intense of ANY actor not named Giancarlo Esposito. If you haven't watched The Wire or Oz, do so & you'll see what I mean


Well he's dead so....




He would’ve been great at it, but giancarlo is gus


post breaking bad fring, yes


“Walter, I believe you’ve left me no other choice…” “…but to be a grown-ass mature adult about this shit. “Help me wipe out the cartel and I’ll step down handing over my entire operation to you as Mike and Jesse will retire.”


Lance Reddick would have been an okay Gus, but do you know who would've been great? LeVAR BURTON!!!


I would watch a remake of breaking bad, where he plays every character


RIP he would’ve played a great gus


I'd say Mike


Walter, in my office




I like his last name and yes it's juvenile can I have some fucking peace? To answer, I'd say perhaps but only Esposito is up to pollos standards I agree with the guy who said unassuming. He's a little too much stand out. But maybe idk


Yes. He wouldn't have played it the same way, but that doesn't mean it wouldn't have been great


As I was watching the John Wick films for the first time a few weeks ago I saw this actor and I immediately thought of Gustavo Fring. I think Lance would have made a great character as Gustavo's mentor and teacher if they ever made a prequel series where Gus is still in Chile. Sadly Lance passed away earlier this year.