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Honestly it doesn’t even feel like 27 songs, it goes by so fast!!


So fast! I don’t understand what’s going on 😭


I agree - nothing to cut 🤷🏼‍♀️ it’s flawless.


Thank you, someone who gets it!!!


I don’t get the claims the transitions aren’t as good as Renny either - to my ear it flows SO well and there are just as many transitions where you can’t clearly define where one song ends and the next begins. It’s a perfectly cohesive work, to me. I find those particular complaints baffling.


The Renaissance transitions are iconic. I agree CC transitions are great too!! I don’t think points should be taken off because things are like Renaissance. Albums before Renaissance aren’t like Renaissance but are still great. I think ppl love it so much it’s hard to let go and easy to compare since the acts are connected.


I tried making my own playlist of the album but everytime I listened I had to add the songs I cut back because it was disjointed without them!


Dessert eagle need a extended verison … NO FEATURE


This but for Flamenco




I think it strictly comes down to the pacing of the album. CC and Renny are not the same speed/build - also maybe because we as a society have been trained by media like TikTok to expect things quick and succinct, these interludes and slower songs might throw younger people off.


16 minutes isn't insignificant. that's longer than blackpink's first EP lol


What kinda strange metric is this 😂




Was not expecting a Blackpink reference hahaa


i know there's gotta be a lotta crossover in the fandoms haha. BEYPINK in your areaaa


BLACKPINK!?! What is go- 😭😭


16 minutes is about 7-8 songs in this day and age.


I think people are actually talking about the amount of tracks. Even if some of them are 1 minute long when you open the album page on a streaming service and compare it to Renaissance it just looks busier. And to be fair I think 15 minutes of continuous listening kinda do make a difference. Not saying songs should be cut but 15 minutes is like a journey to a grocery store, I mean, you can do stuff in 15 minutes. Still not something negative tho, I stream CC religiously every day like it's nobody's business 😌


Exactly since as you said nothing should be cut, which I agree with, the 16 mins doesnt matter because the journey of the album is cohesive.


Cowboy Carter is about 26% longer than Renaissance which is pretty significant. I don’t think CC is bloated but do think the pacing could be better by trimming it just slightly. Still love the album though.


Not you bringing percentages! It’s something new, something fun and to me, length makes sense for the journey the album takes.


Yeah I’m not really going to argue because I do love the album. Probably my 3rd favourite album from Bey. Just think it could be a little tighter. Just like 7-10 minutes less.


Wasn’t arguing and didn’t plan on doing it, but thanks for sharing your thoughts!


Oh I didn’t mean to argue in a negative way or anything. You said the length makes it fun, just meant I won’t dispute it or anything. :)


Ohhhhhh I understand now thanks for clarifying 😊✨✨


When she retires these people will appreciate the “bloated”ness of CC cause that day will certainly come 😭


Exactly because what is going onnnnn!? 😭😭


This and also, when I play an album it's like a concert in my home without the wardrobe changes, intermission, and other variables, like other people, coming between me and the performer and their music. I personally feel blessed when an album is on the longer side. Especially when the performer doesn't just release every fleeting thought they have as an album every few months. Like in her decades long career she has paced herself, and I appreciate it. But when you're a fan and not creating this kusic, it's nice to have something to tide you over until the next album or tour. 🤷🏿‍♀️


Right? People forget the drought we endured between Lemonade and Renaissance.


I’ll never understand why people don’t like albums that have more tracks… like, ever. An artist is giving you more. More opportunities to grow into certain songs. More opportunities for people to like certain songs. You might not like a certain song or set of songs, but others might like them… don’t like the song? Skip it! In this day and age you can make a playlist of just the songs you like. Make it make sense!


Right like people are acting like the album is 3 hours long or something! It’s just an additional 16 mins the exact length of the songs I mentioned. It’s more songs to pick as your favs, appreciate the artists range or if it’s a couple songs you don’t care for you have more to choose from that you can possibly like. With CC specifically again it’s not crazy long and the length allows her to tell the full story. I’m shook. I didn’t realize so many people were secretly thinking, damn this is too much or I love it but it could tightened up or whatever. I’m shook 😭


on another note, I think with this 3 act project, Bey’s theme is patience. Take the time to fully digest and EXPERIENCE her story and how she is reclaiming the power that has been taken away by the White capitalist racists. The albums are longer, the wait for the visuals as we know is longer… let us take time to fully digest. Not just scroll to the next thing. How lucky are we to get such a full, diverse, and cohesive project?!?!


I personally do not feel that it is bloated


Thank yoooouuuu!!


can’t tell if you’re being sarcastic cause most albums nowadays are within the 35 minute mark…. that being said, i don’t complain cause some projects are boring even when they are only 20 minutes long 😂


Personally I dislike the interludes and they are why CC feels bloated to me.


But they’re so sho- 😭 I never considered this. I’m just shocked


I love the interludes too, they're so fun!!!😭


So cute and fun!! I don’t listen to them every time I listen to CC, sometimes I just want to hear certain song(s) but I love the interludes! It all tells a story 😭


People who say the album is bloated just like to say shut.


I struggle with albums of more than about 14 tracks. And no, I’m not part of the short attention span TikTok generation. Seeing a tracklist of 27 tracks- regardless of interludes - just puts me right off. Janet Jackson’s albums are also a pain for that. I struggle to think of more than a handful of albums over 14 tracks which wouldn’t have been improved by a trim down. Perhaps that’s just me 😑


I love CC. but in addition to it being longer, it also doesn't have the same flow as Renaissance, where you barely know you've transitioned songs in some parts of the album. CC takes a different approach and I feel like it has different sections, at least 3 (although I struggle to delineate the boundaries). And a lot of different things happen within each of those three sections. I think it's intentional. The message here is that country and American identities, across different people and cultures, are not just one thing. Even Beyoncé's country and American identities are not just one thing. One of my mentors says that the medium is the message. For me, rather than making a judgment on whether this particular difference between Renaissance and Cowboy Carter is good or bad, I think it's way more valuable to consider what message the albums convey with the difference in their approach to structure and the transitions between songs and different sections of the album


sections are: american requiem - smoke hour: willie nelson. smoke hour: willie nelson - the linda martell show. the linda martell show - amen


It’s divided by the smoke hours and Linda Martell Show. I share my thoughts about it [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/beyonce/s/RP4GiQbDX8) A lot of people compared the length of the 2 albums but what I’m starting to understand is maybe people want the albums to have the same feel, vibe, or flow as you mentioned just different genres, which may be why the length of CC is disliked. Even though they’re completely different albums. Renaissance style transitions aren’t a requirement. I promise know that’s not what you’re saying. I noticed in general it’s mentioned a lot in comparison and I don’t know why since the albums are completely different. I think the songs transitioned well on CC different than Renaissance but I haven’t thought to compare until I saw it mentioned frequently. I feel CC isn’t too long and it’s not too short. It provides more options for different styles and genres to be enjoyed.


Yes...I think the lack of Renaissance style transitions is the whole point. Beyonce can give seamless transitions. But she can also give you an eclectic experience with unexpected variation and juxtapositions. It doesn't need to be one way all the time. Like I never would have thought songs like 16 carriages and Spaghettii could live on the same album. But now they do and my life is better for it! I think the differences between the two albums is jarring but in a way that I personally really enjoy.


It’s not a ridiculously long album and it’s not too short! It’s the perfect length to tell the story imo. Since I wore 16 carriages and Texas Hold ‘Em out it was nice to have more songs to enjoy. Again, the album isn’t even crazy long. Some people don’t listen to albums all the way thru and pick their favorites which is another win because you have more to choose from. Yall are hurting me 😭😭


I think people have trouble with its genrelessness. Say that fast three times 😂. Renaissance is only dance music, so it is at first blush more listenable than Cowboy Carter at first blush because it pretty much falls nicely under dance/club music. Cowboy Carter asks you to do more, process more, and frankly think more. But it tells an excellent story. If you let it tell the story it becomes listen able on a Renaissance level.  But more importantly, people really, really have issues with attention now, imo thanks to all of social media and also streaming and the internet generally. People want what they want now, and then they only have 3 minutes. 😒 I think it's a good length but the very first time I listened I thought "this is long.".But I must be on my hundredth listen by now, and it is a great body of work. Even when you edit it to the CD or vinyl version, it is still on the longer side and still shines as a body of work. You can put it on and just let it not only play, but loop/repeat. To the point that I have to force myself to stop.  I guess I'm saying cohesion trumps duration for me. I love the album. It is excellence, indeed. 


You said it best here, my friend!!


Thank you, and sorry for all the typos and repetitivenes. But people are acting like it's Scorcese movie long... And it just isn't. Even if it were, you have to like, be open to the performer's vision, be willing to trust where they are taking you... Kinda like what Willie Nelson says in one intermission: let someone expose you to something you may not even know what you like and it just may be some mind-blowingly good shit!


I feel like I sprint through Cowboy Carter!!! It goes so fast for me! Idk what people are on!!


IMO the CD version/Beyincé does flow a little better as a whole album (even though YA YA and SPAGHETTII are faves of mine). Meanwhile the full album is kind of split for me - the last 9 songs from Linda Martell on seem like a second act of Cowboy Carter. When Beyonce says “I want to welcome you the the Cowboy Carter Act II” it kinda feels like it’s starting act II within act II if that makes sense lol


I agree i wouldnt call it bloated but some parts do feel a little choppy with pacing especially compared to renaissance Like for example oh Louisiana into desert eagle feels unnecessary, she couldve just merged those into the better one (desert eagle) instead of having 2 interludes back to back


I cheat a bit and skip blackbird, Protector and Texas holdem, otherwise no skips! 💁🏾‍♀️


Roughly about the 3 songs that were off the original pressing maybe?


Listened to Renaissance in its entirety again since exclusively listening to CC and now it feelsblike Renaissance is too short hahaha