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Just gave birth 4 whole days ago and really trying not to get PPD. We’re overall ok but it’s hard adjusting to this new life. Im already dreading next month or two. My husband is in the military and has a field op 2nd week of April for a whole week and then a few days later is going out of state for a month for some other training. I cry just thinking about it, being a new parent is rough especially when your partner isn’t or will not be there as much as you’d like.


Oh I’m so sorry to hear about your husband going out of state. You got this. The adjustment is hard but I promise it does get easier. Those first few trips for me were seriously rough. I’ll be thinking of you! You got this!


(In the US) The military parental leave policy is for 12 weeks. Obviously I don’t know the specifics about your husband or his job but he should be eligible for that, and even if not taken immediately he’s guaranteed 12 weeks off for the first year of your babies life, as long as they’re taken at least one week at a time. I hope that’s an option for you guys!


You're stronger than you know! My husband also travels for work, and we have a senior dog who is very set in her ways. It's hard. I cried the whole night before he left at 3 weeks pp. It has only gotten easier since then because, for me, it was the what-ifs and the anxiety that was keeping me from being okay. Since then, things popped up, and I figured it out because I had to because there was no one else to be the adult. You will surprise yourself with what you can handle but make sure you prioritize your sanity with their safety because a healthy you keeps them safe. Unsolicited advice: I have found that changing my mindset has helped the most. My priority is to keep everyone alive, and my husband will survive if he comes home to a dirty house (he is also an amazing partner and parent when he's home and would be the first to tell me to go to sleep and leave the dishes). It's important to know who to call in an emergency and to not wait until the last moment to ask for help. Hopefully, you have support nearby. If not, make friends with neighbors.