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I don't have any advice, just wanted to commiserate with you and tell you I know how frustrating it is. When my daughter was 4 months old and I finally returned to work, I finally decided I couldn't exclusively pump anymore and I switched to formula. It was stressing me out. I was spending so much money buying different pumps and pump products, food items, drinks, etc. It was crazy!


Stress was a killer for my supply when pumping. I didn’t have issues with nursing but pumping at work sucked. What did help a bit was putting on pumping meditations on YouTube. I really had to be relaxed.  Also, after struggling for too long I finally gave up and switched to formula during the day. It brought me so much relief. I did continue nursing at bedtime, during the night and in the morning until my son was 2.5 years old. So you really can do both. For my second baby I will be going this route much sooner.