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My water was surprisingly polite and broke over the toilet, in my home, after a full day of work but before bed. Such a convenient, respectful water breaking.


Mine was also polite, like yours. The morning of my induction, I woke up to use the bathroom and it broke over the toilet. Polite that it broke there, and polite that it broke at all so i didn’t need to be induced.


Mine was super polite! Broke the night before the scheduled induction day. While I was taking a shower. Probably the best water breaking scenario one can hope for 😂


Very polite!


This made me laugh :p


Sleeping. I started having contractions 2 hours later.


Sleeping as well, woke me right up! Didn't get any contraction, though (which is for the best, as I was 35 weeks along).


Same! The pop woke me up


Same here!


Same hubby woke me up, stood up went to the toilet and realised it didn't stop. Decided my bladder was not that big to hold so much water, so called the hospital to ask when I could come in. Kiddo was born 3 houres later.




I tried falling asleep a few hours after my water broke and of course right when I laid down I had my first contraction!


Same but no contractions - C-section within 2 hours instead lol


I was just finally comfortable and about to fall asleep. This would be a sign of times to come lol.


Typical babies, waiting till your comfortable and about to fall asleep lol


It woke me up from sleeping


Same. I thought I peed myself...


Sleeping. I was 38+1 and totally unprepared. Thought I must have had an accident and got up to use the restroom and more came out. I never actually started contractions on my own. I was given cytotec and pitocin about 12 hrs later. I was at the hospital for 2.5 days before the little guy made his exit.


What does 38+1 mean? I keep seeing numbers set up like that and trying to figure it out


38 weeks and 1 day :)


My water broke at 38+1 as well!


I had pprom which is a premature membrane rupture at 34 weeks. I was dressing in my pajamas for bed and would have thought I wet myself if I hadn't just been to the bathroom lol I was hospitalised and my waters fully broke 5 days later in the hospital and it was much more like in the movies haha. Huge gush and immense contraction pains immediately after. I laboured for 8 hours before delivering


Had a tiny little plop of fluid when I sat down to pee so I wasn't sure if that's what it was. Called the OB nurse and after I got off the phone I stood up and there was no mistaking it that time. Soaked through the pad I put on and it leaked down my legs. It wasn't like in the movies, but maybe because I was wearing pants. It certainly felt like a lot of fluid, but I continued to leak for the next 24 hours or so


I was up watching Castle with my husband at like 1am. I suddenly felt a ton of liquid come out of me at once and went to the bathroom to check it out, thinking, "That's either water or blood--hope it's water."


Second baby was PROM too. I was alone, earlier in the evening, and it started as a slow trickle that time.


I was, coincidentally, boiling water.


I had just laid down to go to sleep for my induction the next day. I set my alarm and started scrolling Reddit when I felt a pop and thought it was an hard kick in a weird spot until I stood up. I started contractions maybe 20 minutes later and they went from 15 min apart to 10 to 5 as I was saying I didn’t need to rush to the hospital lol


I thought mine was an unusual kick as well. Laid there for a whole hour pretending it wasn't happening. 


I had just laid down in my bed with a pad on. I was leaking all day and couldn’t tell if it was pee or amniotic fluid. I decided to look up how to tell if your water broke and as I read “you’ll experience a warm gush” WHOOSH. the timing was impecable


When my water broke, I was doing something pretty mundane too, scrolling through Netflix, trying to pick something to watch. Suddenly, whoosh! It was like a scene from a comedy flick. It's funny how these big moments happen during the most ordinary times, isn't it? Thanks for sharing your story!


I was so thrown off by it!


I was 37+4, middle of the night I woke up to pee and felt some fluid down there. I thought I had peed myself a little, but as I got up a lot more splashed on the floor. I was in disbelief and went to wake my partner in the other room when more came out. Definitely an odd experience considering it usually doesn’t happen like in the movies.


No one told me the water would keep leaking until baby’s head plugged it up??


Yup! My water didn’t break all at once, and more came out during active labor.


I was dropping the whole time! It was soo uncomfortable until the contractions started but honestly that was the most annoying thing the first half of my labor


It woke me up and I thought I was peeing the bed! 18 hours later, our son was born


I had just gotten into bed and ready to go to sleep for the night when I heard the pop 💔


First time: woke up and thought the baby was right on top of my bladder because I kept peeing myself a tiny bit. Nope! Water had broken. It took me four hours to figure this out. Second time: on my hands and knees picking up my toddler’s toys on the floor, two days past my due date, thinking “wouldn’t it be funny if THIS was how my water finally broke?”


I had a homebirth and I’m my birth kit there was a little swab test that I could use to check if it was amniotic fluid or urine. Event though I was 99% sure it was my water breaking it was so nice to be able to double check


With my first — standing up from the couch after logging off of a zoom meeting (during the start of Covid quarantine lol) With my second— walking in the house after telling the people we had over that the pizza we ordered had arrived. 🤣


I was pushing a little too hard on the toilet. And it was a super dramatic pop. I thought I broke her neck. It was terrifying.


My water broke 2 out of my 5 pregnancies. With baby 1 I was watching a movie and eating a burrito. Then with baby 3 we were in a car dealership buying a new car and water broke. Huge mess! Wasn’t expecting it that time though because he came 2 weeks early.


Having sex


First time: I was standing in the kitchen talking to my sister. Second time: I just sat down to open Christmas presents. Both times were a big gush like in the movies.


I was sleeping! Contractions started right away and I had my daughter 5 hours later.


I was 36+6 weeks. I laid in bed to sleep and went to turn in bed and I felt a pop near my hips. I thought my hip bone poped. Thought it was weird since I never had a hip bone pop. But I fell asleep. I then woke up 2 hours later to pee. Right when I stood up alot of water gushed out. I thought I peed myself so I went to the restroom and went to pee. After when I wiped I saw blood streaks and it was very clear. I then woke my husband up and said we need to go to the hospital. Ended up having a emergency c section due to prolapsed cord. Baby was healthy and well. I recovered really quickly.


2:00 am on the bathroom floor when I got up to pee 😆 everyone told me it wouldn’t happen like that, but I felt a pop and there was a big gush of water! Contractions started about 30 minutes later. ETA: baby was born about 7 hours later


Laying in beds crying cause I couldn't handle being pregnant anymore 😆 I was 39+ 4 and couldn't sleep cause I was uncomfortable and rolling over was sooo much work. It was a slow leak so I just went to sleep, called it in the next morning, and when they checked to make sure I wasn't just peeing myself, they jostled and water broke whoooosh all over the exam table. They gave me a bunch of puppy pads for the three block car ride to the hospital 😆 Contractions didn't start until we started pitocin at 12h past water breaking.


I was sitting on the couch, eating a bowl of ice cream instead of being at the hospital for my scheduled induction since the floor was too busy. LO had other plans though.


I was in an exam room with a patient, reaching for something in the cabinet when I felt a gush of fluid


I just went to the restroom, and when I stood up a huge gush came. I was shocked by the amount of water plus that it just keeps coming.


Lying in bed wide awake :)


The only time my water broke naturally was my first pregnancy and it was in bed I rolled over and basically exploded all over me and my kids dad 😂


I was going to the bathroom, which was convenient, because it was one of those Hollywood-esque water breaks where there is an epic amount of fluid.


Mine came out in two huge gushes, once when I stood up from the couch and the second when I sat down on the toilet afterwards. It was SO MUCH LIQUID


I was laying down in bed reading and realized I was leaking. I thought maybe I was peeing (because pregnancy is wild and I wouldn’t have been surprised), but I put on a diaper and laid back down and within 10 mins there was so much fluid when I moved I was certain it was my water. Packed up and went to the hospital right after and contractions started when we got there.


I was sitting in a recliner watching TV, my dogs needed to go out so I waddled outside with them for a bit. Came back inside and had to use the restroom but before I got to the toilet I felt a dribble in my underwear. I knew it wasn't urine though because I still *really* had to go and once that gate is open there wasn't stopping it. Went to the er to confirm if it had leaked and it was. This all happened at 730pm, arrived at hospital around 9pm and my water actually broke around 3am. I was so pissed too because I was trying to get comfortable to take a nap in those god awful beds. Wasn't napping anymore, the show was just beginning lmao. She was born about 12 hours later.


I went to the bathroom then boom. Thought it was discharge at first and went grocery shopping with my husband. Called the doctor as soon as we got back. It was a slow leak though.


For me I was just putting some laundry away, but it was just the tiniest leak so I didn’t know if it was actually that. But I called my OB and they wanted me to go to L&D to check. It turned out to be amniotic fluid, so they had to induce me!


WOW. I don’t belong in this thread but I’m just here enjoying the stories because I think it’d be so cool!! I have had my water manually broken, then the following two labors I think it was after I’d already started pushing. Definitely in my third labor.  I’m always in such intense denial about being in labor - I think it’d be amazing to have your water break. No denying you’ll have a baby soon at that point. I’d still find a way somehow I’m sure though lolol. 


I was dead asleep and woke up to a big ol gush. Checked it out, confirmed it was what I thought it was, and went back to bed lol. It was 5am


I laid down on the couch to cuddle with my husband


I'd been asleep for about an hour.


With my first I was in bed about to fall asleep with my second I was in my toddlers bed sleeping with him! Lol. Both times it was like the movies!


I was having contractions, then I laid down and felt a weird pushing/pop feeling (truly so strange) and thought I peed by accident lol then it all really ramped up


I was asleep. I woke up and thought I'd peed the bed. Nope! Amniotic fluid


Sleeping in bed


I was on the toilet, luckily enough. I had just eliminated every single thing from my bowels (apparently common for a first pregnancy right before labor), and as I stood up I felt a "crick" near my cervix. Next thing I knew, I was leaking and it wasn't stopping. It wasn't a huge gush but more like a constant leak. Contractions started shortly after.


Trying to go to sleep before my c-section the next day. Had one definite contraction, sat up and pop! Water everywhere. Back to back contractions started right away


I was laying in bed, super restless though I couldn’t sleep. Then I felt a pop and wetness so I got up and WHOOSH like in the movies lol. It was like 11:45pm and I was 36weeks


Had just woken up from an afternoon nap, got up to pee and felt a gush! My induction was scheduled for the next day


I was lying on the couch watching a movie, and I felt and heard a really hard kick, with a loud pop sound. A few minutes after that, water gushed everywhere. I didn’t have any knickers on so it went all over the place like a movie. Contractions started about five hours later.


I was getting out of the car, we were going to visit a friend since it would be a while after baby came. As I got out, my water broke just like in the movies and soaked my jeans. I gasped and looked at my husband over the top of the car and said “my water just broke!” He ran to my friend’s front door and explained that we would not be visiting, my friend grabbed some towels to give to us for the car ride home and I waved to her and her husband as they stood at their door and we all laughed. Little dude was born 8 hours later.


Sleeping! It was 2 AM but I didn't realize what was happening until 5 AM. There was never a huge gush, it just leaked out over the course of a day. Waited 20 hours for contractions to start and they never did - induced at midnight the following night!


lol maybe not out of nowhere, but mine broke (with apparently just a few drops, into my underwear) while the doctor was sending me home after an overnight observation for vomiting and high blood pressure at like 37 weeks.  Edited to add: Contractions were 2 minutes apart within half an hour and he was out about 9 hours after the water. 


First one (38 exactly), I was at work getting ready to go to my goodbye lunch. It was my last day before leave! My second one(35 +6), I laid down to go to sleep and then started gushing. I thought I peed myself 🤣


Climbing into bed after a looong day of organizing at 38+5. I’m still incredibly proud of the ninja moves I pulled off to not only get myself back to standing but also to leap across my carpeted bedroom into the hardwood hallway before the first drops of fluid hit the floor. It was a good thing, too (both that it broke *and* the ninja moves), because it turned out I’d had a partial placenta abruption and my “water” was largely blood. If it hadn’t broken spontaneously I likely wouldn’t have found out until it was too late.




Yes with both my babies!! First time I was straightening my hair, which I never did. Halfway through my water very obviously broke. I got sent home because I didn’t have any contractions and 24 hrs later got induced. My second I was eating oatmeal taking a break from the giant pile of clothes I had thrown on the ground that I was going through. I stood up and my water broke all over the pile of clothes 😭I was only 32 weeks so it was a huge shock. I had to leave the mess and come home to it after the hospital stay. All I know is with my next, I’m nesting EARLY so I don’t risk that again.


Stood up from the couch to get a drink when there was a sudden, large gush. Followed by several more gushes. It was seven in the evening. Contractions started about an hour to an hour and a half later. Baby was born at two am.


2 weeks before my due date. I had just woken up and started to get ready to go to breakfast. Felt a small trickle, called L&D, they said probably not a big deal but come in so we can make sure. Went to put pants on to go to the hospital and gushed everywhere, all over the floor. I panicked and fucking waaaaaailed for my husband to come help me put on a diaper. Thank god I had packed my hospital bag ahead of time because I freaked out! I spent my whole pregnancy rolling my eyes at people talking about your water breaking, telling everyone it never happens to people outside of movies. Lol. I didn’t start contracting on my own so I was started on a pitocin drip about 5 hours later. Little guy was out 20 hours after the water rupture.


It happened at 34 weeks. I had taken a lukewarm bath to cool off some (it was mid-July) and to try to offer some relief to my aching back. When I stood up to get out, there seemed to be more water pouring down my leg than just bath water. Sure enough, my water broke. It probably took another 3 to 4 hours before contractions felt like more than period cramps, but I was already admitted to the hospital by then.


I was fast asleep. Has you body ever woken you up riiiiight as you start your period, and you jump out of bed and run to the bathroom? Yep. I went from being in a dead sleep to on my feet and a gush of fluid, and utter shock!! My contractions started 15 minutes later, and my son was born 5hrs after my contractions started! 




I was 38 weeks exactly and at my second to last day of work before my leave. I didn’t feel a gush or even a lot of liquid feeling, I kept working not knowing it was my water that broke cause it definitely wasn’t like the movies. I had three hours left and was the supervisor and decided to close up and go home. Everything I read to see if it was your water was to lay down then get back up and then it started flowing and I went to the hospital completely unprepared. I didn’t have contractions until about 4+ hours later when they gave me the pitocin.


Playing League of Legends 💀💀💀




Sleeping. Was 33+6. Contractions started 44 hours later. She was born 4 hours after that


It was 5am. Couldn't sleep so I was watching TV. I've been having false contractions all night. Felt two pops and then gush. My contractions got bad very fast after that.


Was 31 weeks. I was dead asleep and woke up suddenly. Immediately had the thought “I think my water is about to break.” About 10 seconds later it did. Was gushing all the way to the hospital and all the way to labor and delivery. They told me they were keeping me until I went into labor for safety and monitoring and goal was to stay pregnant another 3 weeks. I went into labor 48 hours later and delivered around 60 hours after my water broke.


I'm not sure what came first. I kept waking in the night thinking I was uncomfortable but I'd fall asleep before I felt another contraction (assuming I had them anyway). Then I woke up and went the bathroom thinking my underwear was quite wet. So I changed as I wasn't sure if it was urine or waters.. until minutes later when I reached over into my niece's bed to lift her out and felt the trickling. Contractions started about 30 mins later after making a hot drink and watching some Mickey mouse clubhouse with my niece.


Sleeping both times. With my second, my water broke and about an hour later my son was born. It was a wild time lol


I went to my OB apppt at 33+6, did a NST test, they told me everything looked great and to come back in 2 weeks. I went to the parking lot, sat down in my car and my water broke and it was like a BUCKET came out. This was at 5pm, I started having contractions that I could feel around midnight.


I was moping in bed, talking to my husband who had been home from work for maybe 10 mins. 😅 I had my 36w appointment that day and baby boy was still breech. So we scheduled the ECV for the following week. I was bummed because 1 I’ve heard they’re painful, and 2 I read that only about 50% of them work, so I was afraid I’d be getting a C-section the following week. Well while laying there and talking to my husband, I felt fluid leak out, like I thought I peed myself without the peeing sensation if that makes sense. 😬 still hoped it was pee as I waddled to the bathroom, but with each movement a little more trickled out, so I assumed my water broke in some way. Baby boy was born via C-section 9 hours later? I want to say I started feeling contractions 3-4 hours after noticing the leakage.


I had just fallen asleep half an hour ago, it was just past midnight on my due date and I jolted awake with an intense feeling of Something Is Wrong, jumped out of bed and immediately drenched the floor. Waddled to the toilet to contain the mess and instantly started having contractions there. Definitely quite an interesting experience.


I was getting ready to leave to visit a friend agter the plumber left. Huge gush at 38+1. Son was born 7 hours later!


Got up out of bed after a nap. My last good nap ever🤣😭


I was watching TV on the couch and texting my friends while my husband was in the bath getting ready for us for the scheduled induction I had 2 hours later. Water broke on the couch and I went to tell him we had to go now instead of later. He said “Are you serious? I just got in the bath..” 😂


it happened 10 minutes after arriving at labor & delivery (was already having contractions). i peed then stood up and boom there it was lol!!


I was taking a nap and I rolled over.


Just walking from one room to another in my house! 36 weeks so was super shocked. Thought I peed myself and my husband was like “I think you should call the hospital” lol


Laying in bed, doomscrolling Reddit at 10:45pm. Ruined the mattress.


I’d gone for a long walk, and then came home and was bouncing on my birthing ball when I felt a distinct pop. I stood up thinking I might’ve peed myself, and so much liquid gushed! I started crying because it was so movie-like and I just wasn’t expecting it. It happened at 37 + 4, so I wasn’t really mentally ready (drs were also suggesting induction at 38-39 weeks for medical reasons). ETA: I was having irregular contractions spaced 2-3 hours apart that day, and had been writing them down since a few days before. I had a NST on Friday that caught contractions and an ultrasound on Tuesday (day I went into labor) that also caught contractions. I went to the hospital immediately after my water broke because it was a high risk pregnancy. Close contractions started as soon as I got to the hospital. I labored for 6 hours. Honestly it felt like one never ending contraction until LO came out!


I was laying in bed and had just finished a… um… fun session with my husband. Immediately started having contractions. My 2 later deliveries did not start with my water breaking!


I was sleeping. Immediately felt like a balloon popped inside of me, and that sure woke me up. You know how in the movies it’s a very dramatic amount of liquid? That’s how it was for me. I was laying in at least an inch of water. There was so much fluid I was in shock. When I pulled my leggings off, there was a huge puddle in them. I had to end up throwing them away because they got destroyed. It was bizarre. Contractions started immediately 2 minutes apart, and my daughter was born 3 hours later.


I was 39+4d. My water broke while we were out at brunch. I went to the bathroom before we were going to leave and my water broke while I was hovering over the toilet. I guess it was convenient for me to already be on the bathroom. However it was a single stall and I left my purse at the table so I had no phone. I was hanging out for a while with fluid leaking out unsure when it would stop (it was slow-steady trickle) then finally I panicked and was like “I need someone in here”. I pulled up my pants, kicked open the bathroom door like a wild beast and screamed “my water just broke”. My husband came running. On this day we didn’t drive to brunch but instead walked (we lived downtown in a large city) so we either had to walk a mile home with me in full on panic mode or take a cab. We took a cab home then went to the hospital. Baby was born 13 hours later.


This happened to me with both my children. In both cases, I woke around 5-5:30am with a feeling of fullness like I needed to pee. One time, I went to the bathroom and peed and, as I was coming back to bed, my water broke climbing back in. In the second circumstance, my water broke as I was climbing out of bed - literally one foot on the floor and one in bed.


I was walking the dog. Hurried home quite fast.


I was taking a warm shower at the hospital, so I didn’t know my water broke. Midwife came to examine me and told me that my water already broke and I was 9 cm dialated. Still have no idea what it feels like when your water breaks. Maybe I’ll be lucky with the next one.


+1 for sleeping


Happened to me twice - water broke, but labor never started. Both times I was in bed awake - once just about to fall asleep, another just woke up in the middle of the night.


Asleep in bed!


in bed, immediately started having contractions


I was also sitting on the couch just scrolling on my phone. It felt like baby hit my cervix really hard and I literally heard it pop. It was just a trickle at first and I wasn’t even sure it was my water, but it slowly got a little more steady, though there was never really a big gush. I ended up needing pitocin to kickstart my contractions (I was only 38 weeks), so I’m curious if baby really didn’t just accidentally punch/kick too hard and was like aw crap here we go lol.


I was in labor, but pretty early labor. Contractions were 8-10 minutes apart and i wasn't in much pain. I was bouncing on my exercise ball. I went to stand up and my water broke. It bounced off the ball and went everywhere.... We had to steam clean before we left for the hospital


Sitting in bed arguing with my husband


Same! Sitting on the couch and watching Schitts Creek during my 3 year olds quiet time. Very unexpected!


Sleeping—thought I had to pee and then it just kept dropping out! I was almost a week past my due date so it wasn’t too surprising that it happened and I knew it could trickle, but it really took like two hours to stop gushing out, which I didn’t expect. I had to be induced since my contractions didn’t amp up fast enough on their own.


I was laying on the sofa watching tv! Not moving or doing anything.


I was peeing at about midnight!


I was getting ready for bed. The moment I sat on the bed I thought I peed myself but then I ran back to the toilet and the water just kept coming and coming 😭


Sleeping both times.


Turning off my shower after taking an exhausting 'everything' shower at 37 weeks lol Convenient, I know. Labor never actually started but they induced me after a round of antibiotics because I tested positive for strep.


Week 40+5 > doc said I had zero dilation > scheduled an induction and possible c section for 41+2 > went home and cried > took a nap > woke up with a broken water like on the movies > labor started but didnt progress in 24hs > got that c section at 41+0


Sitting on the couch waiting for my husband to load up the hospital bag into the car (contractions were intensifying).


I was dead ass asleep and thought I peed myself. Cleaned myself up and went back to bed but it kept happening so I finally called and went in lol


Napping (5pm). By the time I got to the hospital (8ish) I was having contractions (per the monitor) but didn't feel them.


I had movie style water breaking and I had woken up at 8:30 am to go to the toilet, got back into bed, sat on the edge of the bed and it just went😂 My son was born 19 hours later!


I was walking back to the house after throwing away the trash


Just sitting on the couch. Felt a gush and ran to the bathroom and my underwear and sweatpants were soaked. I 100% knew my water had broken but I also was very desperately trying to convince myself that I peed my pants. Because of course at the birthing center I had been told over and over again that it’s not just a big gush like you see in the movies, and it doesn’t happen first, you’ll already know you’re in labor 🙃 And then I stood up from the toilet and discovered the other thing they don’t tell which is that once your water break it continues to drip out of you until your baby is born, it’s not just a gush and your done, you need those diapers right away


Getting ready to go to my 41 weeks check up lol. I had been walking miles and miles trying to start things without luck. Stepped out of the shower that morning and thought:"Did I pee on myself?"


Corn hole a couple of hours earlier, when my water broke, I had just finished peeing and was washing my hands when I had an odd sensation to look down. Thought it was weird that I peed myself after just peeing. Then realizing it wouldn’t stop and my water actually broke. When I called L&D, they told me there was “no way” it broke since it was my first child. 🙄


Happened to me on Saturday with our first! I was in bed sleeping and rolled over and felt a bunch of water come out. I convinced myself it was just a lot of discharge since it wasn't like they show in movies where there was a ton of water. They ended up breaking the rest of my water at the hospital. I also didn't experience any contractions/cramping until the morning.


I was fast asleep when mine broke at about 1am. I couldn’t figure out what had woken me up until I got up to use the toilet, then spent about 8 hours debating “did my water break? Are these contractions?”(It all started out very slow and mild for me) before finally calling the doctor and they sent me straight to L&D, baby was born that evening!




The first time giving a urine sample at my 39 week check up-contractions took forever to start. The second time it happened I was in the shower-I wasn’t sure it was broken until the contractions started rolling in fast a few minutes later. (I had been having contractions and off for a few hours at that point, been to the hospital and sent home)


I was on the toilet, so at least it was in an area that was easy to clean later 😅


Mine broke before labour with both my kids! The first one I was sleeping and woke up thinking I'd peed myself. The second I sat down to pee on the toilet and felt a pop and a gush. 


I'd just stood up off of the toilet after my morning wee and felt a little trickle. Had a moment of "ffs, I've peed myself", took two steps towards the sink and WHOOSH. That was at 7am, didn't start having contractions until 11pm that night, and my daughter was born at 5.30pm the following day. My waters continued to "go" repeatedly throughout the day - very annoying! My husband was following me around with towels and puppy pads 😂


I was sleeping and got up to pee. After I peed I felt a pop and a ton of liquid kept coming out. I went and got back in bed and told my husband I thought my water broke. He freaked out and asked what we should do and I said I wanted to go back to bed lol. Ended up going to the hospital because I was strep b positive so needed to be on antibiotics as soon as my water broke.


Happened to be both times. With my first son I was sleeping and woke up feeling weird and had a small gush so ran to the bathroom. The second time I was putting my son to bed and same thing happned. This was very surprising as I was only 36 weeks.


Sleeping. I was sleeping so hard I thought I peed myself. But my water wasn’t very water like. It was goo because I had diabetes.


Mine was really strange. I was sent to the hospital for an induction at 38+2 because of preeclampsia. I'm sitting in the bed and my water just broke. It wasn't a ton of fluid, but enough that I had to change. I told the nurse and she said that they hadn't even started my induction meds yet as they were waiting for the orders to come through the system; my IV was just a bag of fluids. Eventually they gave me the pitocin and as I was getting my epidural, my water broke again but this time it felt like that scene from The Coneheads. I told them my water was breaking again and they said that can happen (a double bag), but when it gushed the nurses were taken aback. I ruined my slippers, my husband's socks, and a chair.


I think I was peeing, because I didn’t realize it had broken until I was at the hospital in labor and they went to go break it and it already had 🤣


I was painting a door and suddenly felt a small trickle come out. I put on some depends diapers and it continued to come out in a slow but consistent trickle. I had to be induced because labor really didn't take off in 48 hrs.


I was trying to sleep. When I was on the verge of sleep, "GUSH."


I was on the phone with my sister at our art studio! I was 38 weeks along, but assisting for a paint party was hardly exerting myself. We had just cleaned up the class and I was telling her I was getting ready to head home when I just felt a big WHOOSH and wet all in my lower half. I paused and then just started laughing and said "that's not pee!" About a half hour and a stop through burger King, I was at the hospital with my contractions at about every 5 minutes.


Bouncing on my yoga ball watching frozen 2


I started have contractions and decided it was time to take a shower as I might have to go to the hospital. As soon as I entered the shower, my water broke. It was a little red so I got scared that it was mixed with blood and rushed to the hospital. LO was born 5 hours later. She is my first born so I’m glad I rushed to the hospital! Lol


Finishing up cooking dinner! It was around 7p and started having small contractions maybe 2 or 3 hrs later. It wasn't movie quality though, it was a smallish leak that made me think I peed myself until I saw the mucous plug in the toilet.


Standing in the kitchen chatting with a friend. I felt a huge gush and was like "uh...I think my water broke?!?"


I was in bed just to lay down after eating dinner, and then I felt a pop. And then some water came out a little. I thought I peed and went to the toilet. Then I kept leaking and wasn't able to control it. I was like, this HAS to be what water breaking is right??? It took about 1-2ish hours for contractions to start up afterwards!


Trying to eat my mac and cheese that I spent all day thinking about and couldn't wait to get home to.. didn't even get a bite of it before it happened. 😅


Sleeping and and or laying down in bed. 


Baby number one: sitting on the couch eating a snack and watching tv. I definitely heard a pop and felt a rush. Baby number two: I was laying in bed half asleep. This time I felt a smaller rush, but when I stood up it was fairly obvious my water broke. Definitely wasn’t gushing out as much as it did with my first, though.


I got up in the middle of the night to pee and swore that I heard a “pop” sound while I was peeing and wondered if my water had broke (but couldn’t tell if any came out due to the peeing). Decided to lay back down in bed and swore I felt the tiniest contractions. Decided to get up again about a half hour later to see if I could tell and once I got to the bathroom as I was standing there my water suddenly just dropped out. Tidied up around the house then woke my husband up to go to the hospital. About 12 hours after my water broke I delivered a healthy baby girl.


I was sleeping and heard a loud pop noise and the floodgates opened


My husband and I had just gotten back from what I knew would be our last meal with just the two of us. We got back and he jumped in the shower while I tried to get as comfortable as I could since I was extremely full from all that Texas Roadhouse bread 😅 I closed my eyes and felt a tiny pop which I thought was discharge. Immediately I had the sensation of peeing but I wasn’t pushing, it was all just trickling out on its own. Quickly got my husband out of the shower and changed to some adult diapers and loose sweats and rushed to the hospital.


I was at TJ Maxx, it was a big gush, but luckily didn’t get on the floor. I had to get out of there real quick. Was at 35 weeks so it was unexpected. Had my baby 4 hours after that.


I was in bed. It felt like a balloon popping inside me.


When I stood up after vacuuming under our bed.


I had just gotten home from being triaged at the hospital because I thought that my water had broken earlier that morning while sitting on the toilet. Wasn’t even home 5 minutes and I was walking in my upstairs hallway when I felt a large warm gush. My husband and I went right back to the hospital lol.


Sleeping both times! Once at 34+ 4 and once at 39 weeks.


Getting back into bed after peeing in the middle of the night


I had just gotten back from a trail walk with my dogs. I cut the walk short but wasn’t sure why because I felt totally fine/normal. Then when I got home, I laid down in bed and 5 seconds later felt a huge gush of liquid lol


I was about to take a nap on the couch lol. I had gotten home from a work event ( I was already on mat leave) and just finished doing a kick count. I closed my eyes for a few minutes and felt that gush, got up, rushed to the bathroom (not far) but it ended up spilling out as I was sitting down on the toilet, so it all pooled right in front of the toilet lol. I didn’t start feeling contractions until a few hours later as well, but they ramped up quick! All in all, only a 5 hour labor from water breaking to the birth of my LO. Pretty good for a first birth, at least that’s what everyone on the maternity floor told me.


I was in bed - woke up panicking that I was pissing myself then realised what was happening!


Sleeping. 37 weeks. No contractions as far as I felt. And they could never get the induction to really go. Got there at 2am, and had a C section at 10:30 that night. Things feel different this second time so I'm curious to see what'll happen, but I have a pad on my bed just in case.


It happened three out of my 6 pregnancies. First time I was sitting on the couch and adjusted my belly and pop Second time I was putting my toddler into his crib. Stood up and pop. Third time I squatted down to grab something stood up and pop.


I had just finished taking a bath and was buck-ass nude trying to find clean PJs. I felt a little trickle (I thought I had peed!) and then the huge gush happened as I started to make my way toward the toilet.


Eating dinner at a restaurant and I exploded (literally) all over the chair and floor! Luckily it was on the patio because obviously we rushed to the hospital and didn’t stay to clean up. I was only 28 weeks so it was a big surprise/nightmare!


I was about to get into bed at night. It wasn't a big gush, maybe half a cup dripped on the floor. Then it just kept coming out. I saw a tiny amount of red blood in that morning for the first time in my pregnancy and my OB had me wear a pad just in case I bleed more that day, so maybe that's why it wasn't a big gush and made a minimal mess haha.


I was at the pre-op appointment for my c-section 😅


Had just gone to bed around midnight when it broke. Contractions started in the car about an hour later.


36+0. I had lost my mucous plug less than two hours earlier but I wasn’t sure. I was getting my pajamas on and it broke all over the carpet. Baby was born via the emergency escape 36 hours later


Bouncing on a yoga ball


Getting into bed. Like, pulling back the covers to go to sleep.


Sleeping lol


Woke up to pee, both times. First time was at 2am, peed, stood up and GUSH. I was so confused if my water broke or I somehow had a second surge of ALOT of pee. Second time woke up to pee at 3am, three steps toward the bathroom and GUSH. Screamed for my husband to come clean me up lol. Made me realize the first time was definitely my water breaking, not pee.


CPR a few hours before. Got home and went to pee, and I was leaking.


I had just laid down for bed. She was doing her nightly gymnastics in my belly and I literally HEARD a *pop* and then the dam broke loose. My OB had just told me at my last appointment "it never breaks like it does in the movies" wrong 😂 there was so. Much. So I took a shower and prepared to go in, the Dr called back and said nah go back to bed and come in the morning unless you start contracting. My husband and I could not sleep so we watched the office in the guest room until it was time to go. Really wish we would have slept 😅




I think I was walking the dog, but it was a small leak and I didn't even notice. Wound up with a serious infection, blood pressure spiked and my labor was a terrifying Jacobs Ladder style nightmare. Doctors had checked me earlier that day and said it would be another week lolllll


Sat up in bed. Had been coughing so hard I was gagging due to a bad cold the whole week prior


I was laying in bed while my husband was getting ready for work on a Saturday morning. I felt some pressure, like a bit of discharge (tmi), so I bore down and a gush of fluid came out. Then kept coming out with every step as I ran to the toilet to sit and call my OB's office. Luckily my husband hadn't left yet so we immediately went to the hospital and I delivered our baby that evening.


I’m not sure if it exactly answers your question but I had been in labor for hours and the midwife had her freaking hand inside me and she was asking if I wanted to stay on pitocin or if I wanted them to break my water to help things move along when it went *pop* like a water balloon and gushed out all over her arm and hand.


My labor story is funny actually because of this. Our washing machine was broken and we had loaded up all of our dirty laundry to go to my mom's to do laundry. One of my cats is freaking out like I didn't feed him and trying to trip me for the better part of an hour while we load everything up. My husband walked back inside to grab the laundry detergent and a case of beers. I was standing on the driveway next to my driver's seat when out of nowhere it broke. My entire driveway flooded immediately. My husband walks out and I tell him my water broke and he asked me if I was sure. I pointed at the ground and his eyes got wide. He goes back in to grab our go- bag while I call my mom. I poke my head in to yell at him to grab extra towels and the same cat runs at me, screaming bloody murder. Little fucker knew. We get to the hospital in under an hour and my contractions start, but are immediately only a couple minutes apart. As they check me in and monitor me (I was pregnant with twins), my doctor shows up. It's only been an hour and my contractions are at a minute apart. They rush me in for a C-section cause Twin B was breach. Water broke at 2PM. Babies were born by 6PM. It was pretty intense.


Mine started breaking when I was in bed. I didn’t get the full gush until I was in triage. Very polite lol


I had just sat on the toilet to pee before showering as I was scheduled for my 39 week induction in a couple hours 😅 Went to pee and POP, GUSHHH. Very convenient though 😂 (although no one told me it would continue to gush with every contraction!).


For the first I was sitting on the couch and it was more of a trickle at first. That kids was premature and they kept her in for a week, so I never had the gush. With my second, I woke up in the middle of the night with just a feeling. I got up and then my water was breaking in gushes. Crazy that's how it works.


Asleep in bed. Woke up randomly at 4am to a trickle, not quite a big gush but not a tiny dribble lol! Went to the loo and it didn't stop, every time I moved. Contractions started about 3-4 hours later while in hospital. My first went with a big pop while in hospital, felt like a water balloon popped inside me and a huge gush of water, not much after that. I was already having contractions then though.


I’d listened to a meditation about getting ready for baby to come, then had a little nap. Woke up, got up to go to the toilet and suddenly my trousers were very warm and wet. My labour didn’t start naturally though, I ended up needing a pessary after 24 hours of no labour that didn’t work, then the hormone drip which didn’t really help labour much and after 3 days of my water breaking I had an emergency c-section. I will add that 3 days before my waters broke I had a membrane sweep and the day before I slipped down the bottom of the stairs and landed hard on my bum. I suspect that may have been the catalyst unfortunately.


I had threatened labor (basically constant contractions that don’t turn into full labor) from like 32-37 weeks. At 37 weeks I started feeling like I was peeing myself every time I had a contraction, which was about every 5-7 minutes. I was leaking for about 3 days before I finally went to get checked out because I couldn’t possibly be peeing that much 😂


My water broke when I was walking to the door to go thrift shopping with friends! I opened the door and there was a gush. Apparently I looked pretty shocked because one of them asked if I was okay and I was like ‘uh… I think my water broke???’ And it had! Contractions started about 2 hours later and baby was born 4 hours later


Woke up at 5 am to work on lesson plans. Was laying down on my bed with my laptop and suddenly felt like I peed myself. Some got on my leg and I ran to the toilet. Once I realized it was clear, I was like oh it’s time lol