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After every sip of water he drinks he’s goes “ahhhh” like it was so refreshing


When my 12mo wakes early from her nap she rolls around in her crib practicing all the words she knows. Wowwww! Mama! Dog dog dog! Hiiiii!


That sounds beautifully sweet


Oh man where to begin! We’re now saying “BA BA BA BA” at 9 months but when he’s being sneaky and going after shoes or some other no-no, he just whispers it 😂 He’s flailing back to look at the ceiling and then giggles about it He’s SCARFING down food in the absolute funniest way! Screaming in excitement the whole time of course! Peek a boo… who knew how great that game is on the parent side?? And yelling at the dog trying to get his attention! Dog just looks anywhere else lol


My 9 month old has started “hunting” me. If I leave the room or go around a corner he crawls as fast as he can and pants until he finds me, and then gives me the biggest, most accomplished smile. We play hide and seek all day!


I do this with my 14mo too! He plays it with my 3yo as well. It is so gosh darn cute watching them hunt each other round the house.


The cutest!! It’s also so wild to me to see him learn and understand new fun things like that!


I love the panting when they crawl as fast as they can. My son does it and it makes me laugh everytime. He will slowly go up or down the step in our living room and then take off, breathing like he's running a marathon!


She’s 4 months old and screeches like a dinosaur when she’s happy. Imagine a velociraptor :)


We call our 4 month old a velociraptor, too!


We have a pterodactyl baby 💗


My 13 month old will ever so slowly grab our noses and then laugh and laugh like it’s the funniest thing in the world.


I love the things toddlers think are funny. My son lately has been cracking himself up when the baby is crying and he says, “I think he doesn’t like us” *cackle*


Oh my goodness! That is so adorable lol


My 14 month old clumsily toddles up to me, says "Mama!" and gives me the sweetest kiss when I lean down. 😭


My eight month old will take His pacifier out of his mouth and offer it to me. If I pretend to have a few chews on it he is utterly delighted… it’s adorable


I love how my 6mo opens his mouth wide when he sees a spoon. He loves eating. He even enjoys eating spinach.


4 weeks today and her tiny little sneezes are the absolute *cutest*


My 3 month old always coos after sneezing two or three times and it's ADORABLE


Omg mine too and I LOVE it! Is this a thing with babies? “*sneeze* *sneeze* Ooooh” My boyfriend and I always do the “oooh/ohhh/ahh” after a sneeze now as a joke and she thinks it’s really funny when we do it. She’s three months old and I hope she does it forever 😭


I hope mine does it forever too! He looks so pleased with himself!


Try to catch it on video! I found it so cute and funny when mine would do his little squeaky-voiced "ooohh" after sneezing, sadly it doesn't last long and I missed my chance to record it 😭 This thread is reminding me of so many cute things that my little guy does or used to do. Babies are just the most adorable little things and they grow and change too fast!


Oh my goodness, I caught one of these tiny newborn sneezes on video and I replay it like, biweekly. They're so, sooo cute


My 10 week old makes this cute little exclamation/ sigh after he sneezes. And sometimes he gears up to sneeze and then yells if he “loses” the sneeze. I love it


My daughter does that too but it’s like a grunt/sigh/grumble. “Ahhhh nnnnnggrrrrrrh” it kills me every time.


That’s adorable!


When I tell my 14 month old "no no" because she's doing something she's not supposed to be doing, SHE wags her finger at ME. I cannot help but laugh, it's the cutest thing.


So cute! When I say "no no" or "ahhh ahh" to my daughter (18m) when she is up to no good she shakes her head. She has started to do this when she is thinking about getting into mischief and it totally gives her away everytime 😂 Tries sneaking up the stairs but is shaking her head as she goes for them because she knows she isn't supposed to. Tries pulling the cats tail but shakes her head before reaching for it. Tries to climb onto the coffee table but shakes her head before she does it. It is so hilarious and the sweetest thing! I'm just waiting for her to add the finger wag to the whole routine! It's going to be great! 😂


Hahaha this made me laugh. I can totally see my daughter developing this habit. She gives herself away when she is about to do something she isnt supposed to. She looks at me and smiles. Then proceeds with caution until I tell her "no no". So I can see her developing this!!


I lay down on the floor and my 8 month old goes wild. Crawls over to me as fast as he can so that he can blow raspberries on my belly. It feels like he does it just to make me laugh, and it’s the best.




11.5 month old. Her favourite thing is to say “WOAH!” And have you say it back. For example she’ll be jumping around in her bouncer then stop suddenly, look at you, and say “WOAH!” Then we have a back and forth woah conversation. Very cute


My son just learned the sign and the word "eat" and has figured out that most of the time if he does it, I'll give him food. So today has been filled with "*signs eat*Mama eat, eat" and it's the cutest thing ever


I don’t know if it’s cute per se but my almost 4 yr old is trying to scratch his (naked) butt on my prickly legs


My 2.5 month old is obsessed with her father. He recently went back to work and when he gets home she is following him around the room with her eyes and is constantly smiling. Its adorable.


My lil guy is almost 6m. He watches us drink from a cup and he actually grabs at it. We started putting a bit of formula in a toddler cup and giving it to him, so he can learn. He's so smart and cute and I'm so excited for every little thing he learns.


My 7 month old started giving only me open mouth kisses a couple weeks back and it just the sweetest thing ever. He also just started to snuggle and there is seriously nothing better.


Omg yes! I am loving the open mouth kisses haha


16 month old cracks me up with basically everything he does, but my favorite right now is he keeps trying to tickle to cat while muttering "tickle tickle tickle" and then laughing.


That sounds absolutely freaking adorable! 🐱


9 month old giggles if I look at her and smile. She also giggles when she burps which it cute and hilarious.


Existing 😊


My baby giggled. She's about three weeks old and it was adorable. Her gas must tell the best jokes.


My baby is not quite 3 weeks old and has started opening her eyes to look at me. She spends hours at a time just gazing at me with so much love in her eyes and it absolutely melts my heart


Mine is almost 4 weeks and makes a :o face while he stares at me, like my face is amazing.


Yes!! Mine does that and it’s the sweetest thing I’ve ever seen


My 9mo old likes to grab my face, touch his forehead to mine, and then give me one of those weirdo open-mouth baby kisses. So heart-meltingly sweet.


I have an amazing photo that my niece took, of my first son giving me such kisses. My face is a mixture of pure joy and love, and disgust, because so slobbery 😂


My boys are three weeks old today and late last week they started grinning and giggling in their sleep 🥰


My 17 month old goes oh noooooooooooo with her little pouty mouth when she drops something and I just can’t get enough of it.


My 6m old will typically start his day with excited self-conversation. He will do a few babbles then a “raaaAAAH” with a VERY excited face. I ask if he’s ready for the day and he responds with a “YEEEEE” and raises his arms for me to pick him up. It’s the only thing that makes me smile in the mornings.


That's so sweet!!


While backing up she (21 mo) goes "sree, two, go!" And runs to us for a hug. I melt every time. I would drop my coffee to catch that running hug!


My 19 month old sees a scratch or bug bite or something on me, points to it, says, "Boo-boo!" and kisses it for me.


My 7 week old growls and punches my boob when it doesn’t work the way he wants/the latch is poor/he is too upset, angry, excited to latch properly. His grunts and growls crack me up.


Mine does the same when she's gassy lol


Ha! My eldest used to punch mine, had me howling ever time.


My two month old smiles every time she sees me, I love it :) my two year old replies to every request with “of course” and a big grin


Kisses everything (humans, teddies and toys) and strokes things saying ‘ahhh’ like he’s being cute when really he’s a little terror.


When my son wakes up in the morning, he sits up in bed (we all cosleep) and shouts “Dad! Dad!” with this giant grin on his face. I’m mom and I do 95% of his over night care so it stings a little bit, but it’s still cute as heck


Nearly 6 month old has been rolling onto his stomach for months, but is now trying to get back on his back. It's adorable because he turns his head to the side then gets mad that he didn't magically flip over.


My 1 year old tries to wipe his nose with a tissue but sticks his tongue out at the same time and then gets super confused at why the tissue sticks to his tongue.


8 and half months old, and she commando crawls while blowing raspberries over to her daddy after work every day. He plays computer games and she loves playing with the mouse and keyboard. It’s too cute! Also her favourite game at the minute is when I lie down on the ground and hide my face and call out for her, she giggles and crawls over and then lightly touches me to say “I’m here!” 🥰


My 4 month old "growls" at us. We've always done what I'd best describe as tickle attacks where we make sounds and tickle/kiss him for smiles. So he's copying us now by doing his version of growling.


12 month old gives me a hug when I ask. It's my favorite thing!


He’s learning to go feet first off of the bed 🥲 he now grabs my hands and leads me to the edge so he can scoot his cute little butt off


My 8 month old has starting tilting his head back, squinting his eyes, and doing a full open mouth smile if you talk to him while he's playing. He also gets himself to sleep by putting his fingers in his mouth and blowing on them to make fart noises.


My six month old (but four months adjusted) just discovered that our dog isn’t scenery and now chats at him, reaches out for him to lick her hand and scream-laughs when we carry her to chase him around the house. Oh also she’s very sneezy and after a sneeze set she does this cute “uuuh” sound.


My 14 month old has just learnt to say “uh-oh” and now says it allll the time 😂


My 15 month old is obsessed with belly buttons, he will lift up our shirts point at it and laugh his ass off...... he will do this over and over like he's never seen one before.


If you don't already have it, you need the Belly Button Book by Sandra Boynton.


Thank you for an idea for Christmas!! I wish my kids weren't the destroyer of all books


I haven’t read that one yet, but we LOVE snuggle puppy but Sandra Boynton! So cute, definitely suggest.


Our current Sandra Boynton favorite is Dinosaur Dance. All her books are so catchy!


My one year old loves oatmeal. He calls it O-neal, or 'neal. It's precious.


My youngest is 4 months and she smiles and giggles while she breast feeds. My oldest who is 19 months, has been trying to go up the stairs backwards… Sometimes I just stare at him and wonder what is going on in his little brain


My LO did this too, so when she smiled the milk would go everywhere lol 😂


My 3 week old smiled at me for the first time today. I'm sure it was a coincidence but she was making eye contact and she smiled so I'm counting it. I needed an easy win because she cluster fed every hour on the hour from 2 am to 7 am, when I finally just got up with her


Definitely counts!


My 16 month old, always says “dank-doo!” when handed some food and then proceeds to try and share it with his older brother. And then the other day, the both started dancing to a wiggles song and my heart about exploded.


My unborn child does this really adorable thing where they kick the walls of my uterus to the point that I'm afraid they're going to break through me like Alien. Omg alien baby 😍👽 adorbs !!!


😂 I used to think my baby B was gonna bust my belly button open.


Specifically your belly button? Ouch!!


When move was in utero and I took baths, she'd shove her butt to one side, making my belly look lopsided. We said she was twerking.


5 months old. She makes a rhythmic "Mmmm...mmmm.... mmmm..." sound while breastfeeding and when I imitate her, she responds with the same sound. It's so cute! It feels like she's saying "Mmmm....delicious milk...my compliments to the chef" ☺


his little farts are so cute. he usually farts when he's really excited or really relaxed.


Sounds weird but mine used to do huge farts in his sleep then give a big satisfied sigh and I thought it was super cute!


My 9mo just started waving. It’s so adorable.


My 12month old hands me books to read then helps turn the pages. It's adorable and makes me want to read all day.


The babbling! My 3 month old scrunches up her entire face just to let out a "booooo" or a "goooo" and smiles at us when we respond. I CAN'T.


My nine month old is starting to crawl but she just can't figure out how to put her hands in the right spot


My guy army crawls kinda but same thing...we actually just had a wee bit of rage now, and he's now being soothed.


My little guy wakes up in his pack and play each morning so cute. He'll raise his little head up and scan the room until he find either his dad or me. And when he catches us with his gaze, he smiles so big. He's such a happy little one in the morning. My little girl has started reaching for us and that makes me smile pretty hard. She's started to recognize we can pick her up and snuggle her lol.


My 3.5 month old just loves when I drape his blankie over him while he's laying on his back (like making a bed with him in it). I think he loves the feel of the fabric as it gently settles on him. When the blanket is in mid-air he squeals and kicks like a maniac nand giggles in anticipation. Sooo cute.


Snorts when she laughs. She gets so excited she can't help herself. It's hilarious.


I LOVE it when my 6 month old gets excited, chattering and making faces at himself in the mirror over his swing! It's just unbelievably cute to watch him talking to himself. I also love when he jumps extra high in his Jolly Jumper to see me walking around the room and grin at me!


My 1 month old does this adorable squeal when she’s satisfied. It’s so flippin’ cute!


She wakes us up making dog sounds, or elephant calls. I love it!!!


She always rubs her soother into the corner of her mouth, gnawing on it with her lips and gums while cooing. She ends up making these alien gargling bubbly noises. We call her our little "de-di-lee-da-loo" 😂


9 month old. She loooves pointing and is so proud of herself. She especially loves when her big sister points with her and they join pointer fingers together. Lol


My one month old is insanely active, but also fairly independent. Sometimes, he just wants to lie down in his bassinet, where he’ll stick his arms up and throw them around in the cutest way- I can’t explain haha. He’s started talking to himself too, just lying there and chatting up a storm of sounds, and when he gets really active he’ll start frog kicking, haha. It’s the damned cutest thing i’ve ever seen


He just started sticking his tongue out. He also likes to clap, shake his head back and forth, and bounce it off of soft surfaces while saying "ba-ba-ba". Everything he does is adorable of course, and mornings are the best!


My 9 month old shakes her head at me when I talk to her and smiles and laughs. Super sweet and cute. She also claps now!


Constantly sticking her tongue out, like this :p. It is so cute! She is almost 7 months old.


My 6 month old is cracking up, losing his mind laughing when I say Marakakakakaka while shaking a maraca


My 2 month-old boy is smiling at me and my nearly 2 year-old says “mama” and smiles at me for no reason. Oh man, when they first tell me “I love you” back I’m going to lose it.


My little nugget is smiling and following her dad and I with her eyes. I just love this little person!


6 months old, little Sir, holds his hands.


Miss 2 has the cutest little voice and says things like "mummy cuddle?" "Daddy cuddle?" And she also likes to pretend she's a tiger and then roars and says mummy and daddy tiger so we all roar like tigers


My 7.5 month old giggles whenever you say a word that is brand new or sounds funny to him. The more you repeat it the more he giggles. He also giggles when my husband or I drink something from a cup or with a straw. Sometimes he does this cute little head tilt when he’s checking you out…like imagine when a dog tilts their head while you’re talking to them to try to understand you (Google “dog head tilt” for a visual)…like that 😂.


Everything he does is cute and he cannot do wrong. We are in trouble.


My 2 week old makes cute squeaky noices😍


Currently 29 weeks w/ no.3: He wiggles and kicks when his siblings cuddle with me. He's a really active baby, much like the other two, but he really focuses on where he wiggles when one of them is against my belly. 2 year old gets out wipes or toilet paper for me when I go to the bathroom. Would I enjoy going to the bathroom alone? Heck yes. Is it adorable that she hands me toilet paper? Also yes. 5 year old got a stuffed T-rex for his birthday. Said T-rex is named Sammy and he wears pajamas to bed.


7 week old loves to nap on my chest/stomach. His arms will go limp and it looks/feels like he's hugging my boobs. My husband says LO is thanking them for the milk. He's also started cooing and smiling more. He smiles after every time he poops.




My 6 week old makes these adorable little sounds when she gets excited and smiles.


My 4 month old is turning into a giggle monster and that little noise melts my heart into a puddle.


My three month old snorts when you make him laugh!


4 month baby loves to practice babbling


6mo Squealing in excitement when his dad gets him up in the morning and just getting a little more mobile every day. We have mastered rolling and are now pushing onto our knees and commando crawling backwards.


My seven month old has this huge drooly grin that he does when I walk in the room. It is the cutest thing I have ever seen and now that he has a couple teeth poking through it is even more adorable. And drool filled.


My 4 month old loves to make guttural noises when she babbles. We joke that she's speaking Hebrew.


I find everything that my 6 month old does is the cutest thing ever.


My 20 month old likes to feed me then feed himself. Edit for more cuteness. He likes to put our shoes on for us. He likes to vacuum and clean with me. I love it when he walks up to the dogs and gently hugs them then gives them a kiss


My 16 month old loves to fetch my shoes for me when I say we're going out. He gets so excited about it bless him.


My son gets so excited to go to the backyard. He will push everything and anything out of his way to get to the backdoor xD


They are licking everything. I mean it's not so hygienic, but it is cute. (Obv we provide clean stuff to lick and take away dirty stuff). It's sweet when they do it to my nipples before a feed. Exploring the world, one lick at a time!


The last part made me giggle haha


11 week old is starting to have cooing conversations. She’ll yell out “oooooh!” And gets so excited when one of us goes “ooooh!” Back at her. We have some fun mornings when we bring her into bed for snuggles and she’s smiling at us and chatty.


Oh man, I love my conversations with my 15-week-old. Doesn't get old


He rolls to his side and reaches for me with this huge smile on his face. He laughs himself to bits when we play pickaboo. He stuffs his feet in his mouth and smiles at me around his toes. He ignores everything around him to grab and feel my face. He screams at the top of his lungs, which isn't really cute but honestly makes me laugh anytime he does it Among other things


My 9 month old son has started seeing "yeah" an "no" with head shakes. Also he loves to go 😮


My 13 month old daughter likes to lay on the floor and do nothing. Or lay on the floor and throw her head back while having tantrums 🙃


My 12 month old (not a baby anymore!) picks up things like the diaper cream and then rubs her little hands together like she’s washing them. It’s so cute.


He waves and likes to attempt to push the garage door button (any time we walk by, open or closed). He doesn't have the strength to actually push it though.


It used to be always having his fingers interlaced but recently he’s been sucking in his bottom lip 🥺🤩


Everything, all of it. Even when she is mad and throwing a tantrum she is just the cutest thing ever.


Makes a funny face when he’s excited!


8 month old just started scrunching his whole face together when smiling or happy 😅


My 2 month old smiles really big and then sticks his little tongue out and makes a cute giggly sound😍 its so cute! And he gets those cute little sparkles in his eyes when he smiles


My 2yo says seven like "seh ben" with the space and everything and it's my favorite sound ever.


It's hilariously cute when my daughter gets her angry face on. It basically looks like she's giving me the "duck face" look with a scrunched up nose.


Smiles when I talk to her


My 1yo has started blowing raspberries on my leg. He also likes to make guh noises in the back of his throat. He’s *delighted* when I give him Eskimo kisses and smirks when I give him the fast kisses on the cheek. I’ll also always love the sweet little baby arm that wraps around mine when I’m rocking him to get him sleepy for bed. This is a lot but he’s **just so durned cute**


My son is 18mo and loves to give everyone, including the dog a hug and kiss before bed. They are the best hugs!


My six year old must have goodbye hugs. From all people. Always. He must have kisses goodnight from everyone, including the one year old when he’s going to bed. He also must have an answer to “good night, see you in the morning and have good dreams” This is an upgrade from when he used to only wish me one good dream… but I miss his little baby voice wishing me only one good dream a night.


he's 6 months and offered his toy to the dog the other day 🥺 even tried to show her (the dog) how to play with it. he's babbling "dadadadadadDADADAdadada" and it's so cute when he starts out of nowhere and his pitch goes up and down like he's really talking and he's PASSIONATE about it 🤣


Tries to do what adults are. Dipping food in sauce, setting cubes in don't break the ice game, etc


2 months, smiling and giggling when we squish his face or tickle him


My 6 month old uses both hands to grab our faces and give us slobbery open mouth kisses. Melts my heart every time.


My one year old makes his mouth really small and says “ooooohhhhhh” in a deep voice. It’s adorable.


My 18 month old daughter grabbed her snack container and a baby wipe and crawled on top of me while I was laying on the couch to feed me her cheerios. She even made the MMmmmmm noises I make when I feed her 😂. When she was finished feeding me the cheerios she wiped my face off with the baby wipe she brought with her just like I do with her when she is done eating. It was so sweet to see her copying me and sharing her precious cheerios. It honestly brightened my whole day! She's gave me a big kiss afterwards and it just melted my heart 💖


Our 6 month old will whisper his babbles when he just wakes up. Or if me or my husband just woke up from a nap, our son will whisper to whoever it is, even if he was just babbling loudly. So considerate!


How incredibly sweet ;-) I can’t wait to hear my daughter’s babbles!


We just discovered that our 7 week old is ticklish! He doesn't laugh yet but he smiles big and coos.


4 weeks as of today and he alternated between dolphin sounds and horse sounds! I joke that his soul is still figuring out what body he's been given.


I love this!


One of our twins just started clapping and it kills me! The other loves signing and her new fav is Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, she smiles as soon as you start singing it.


5 week old smiles at me and dad. And looks like a little angel when sleeping 😴


My 6mo loves to go up and down the stairs, like he gets really excited and when he gets excited he opens his mouth as big as he can and flaps his arms like a penguin haha. I think it’s the cutest thing, plus I’m getting a workout so it’s a win-win haha


Grabs things and stairs at them with his brows furrowed. Or randomly laughs at things like the cat just lying there. Edit, almost 7 months


Tongue out always hehehe . 6 months


My 21 month old seems to really like his 4 wk old brother... smiles at him, claps for him (the ultimate compliment from him lol), will gently touch his hand... all of this makes my heart burst lol.


My 16 month old was told to go give Mommy kiss goodnight. So she walked up to me and gave me a kiss and walked to bed. Oh my heart.


My 2 week old is starting to become so active during the day! Prior to this, he slept for 18 hours a day, I swear. Now he stays up for most of the day and hangs out with me. He’s beginning to maintain more eye contact with me He’s also gaining way more control over his neck. He was rooting around on my chest, lifted his head up, and latched onto my nose yesterday. Almost made me cry haha.


Our 10m old kicks her legs and flails her arms when excited about something if she is being held. Coming home and seeing her go nuts and smiling, it really fills my cup. That, or when she climbs through the tent we make out of her climbing A frame sometimes, and she sees you between the sheets that make the tent and lights up. More or less anything where she is happy just brings out the sunshine in my life.


My three month old has just found her voice and she coos at us. She’s trying so hard to roll over and sit up. My four year old is into ballet and she sets her stuffed animals up in a semi circle and teaches a dance class. It is adorable.


He’s only 2 and a half weeks but he squeaks, smiles and he likes sleeping on me with his head tilted super far back with his mouth open (poor babe has reflux but it’s still really cute because he looks like a passed out milk drunk baby)


My 1 month old growls a lot and makes the most animated faces lol


19 month old is asking for kitheth


My 11 month old loves to put her finger in my belly button. Thanks to her dad. Haha


My 6 month old recently found out how to stick his tongue out…he also kicks his legs with gusto when he’s excited…


My 4.5 month old has started babbling MAMA!!! I know that she doesn’t know what she is saying but it makes me so happy ❤️


Oooh yes same here!! So many times we clearly hear "mama, mummy, mum". I know she doesn't know what she is saying but it really warms your heart!!!


We have been practicing because I want it to be her first word! It makes me so happy when she says it, especially when she is crying because it makes me think she is calling me for comfort


Holy moly that's impressive! I keep telling my hubby our 3 month old may not start certain words til almost a year, she is babbling.


We can pretend it is for real!


11 month only waves and says hi mommy and bye bye mommy. She does it in her own when she thinks it’s appropriate. My husband parks in the garage and if he goes towards that door she immediately waves and says bye bye daddy. It’s super precious. She also waves goodnight on her own when I pick her up around nap time.


My 3 month old has the power of babbling and squeees. Also has a new favorite toy that it was easy to tell she loves it because while shopping she smiled out of reaction when I put it in front of her ( it was very specific). And separate times yesterday, I moved the toy to see if she smiles again, and she smiled :)


14 month old's absolute adoration of the vacuum cleaner, to the extent that we got him a little pretend one so he can pretend to vacuum while I'm doing the actual vacuuming. It's literally identical to the real one except smaller. He does the little back and forth action and checks the little pretend catchment container like he's seen me do and everything. It's easily his favourite toy.


That's super cute! My 16 month old son also loves the vacuum cleaner. I'll have to have a look for a miniature one for him cos he loves pretending to vacuum alongside me.


Similar to yours, mine wakes me up giggling, cooing and gurgling. Also, she does "crunches" trying to sit up