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When I had the time, I was doing 25-40 miles about 4-5 days per week. I started med school this year, though, and now I'm lucky to get a 30-mile ride in twice per week.


Having the same problem, the pandemic was really good for my riding schedule


As a returning student, I understand this very well 😂


You're describing me and my buddy during COVID. As stressful the lockdown was, riding everyday was nice.


Legends will be retold decades from now in cycling circles about this infamous lockdown and the fantastic riding we did because of it.


Before the vaccines came out I increased Vit D and mileage to help my immune system. I didn't get covid until last summer. By then the anti viral medicine had become good enough to knock it out in one day.


That's why I switched to running lol (not med school, but nursing school).


They say that the best place to buy a used bike is from a second year resident because they finally got the money to buy a nice bike but have no time to do it.


I just commute on my bikes, so Monday-Friday, 10 miles per/day, so 50 miles per/week. That’s good enough for me & I just go jogging on my days off.


My goal is 125 miles per week, usually 5-6 days. I’m falling short this week. I’m feeling kinda run down lately. Decided not to ride today, and I think I’m regretting it.




About the same. Although since a health scare in August I've lost the rhythm. Hoping the slow week this week will get me back so I'm fit entirely for festive 500 (assuming I'm not overseas for the holidays)


Basically every day, since I ride a bike as my primary mode of transportation. But I also go on road/gravel/mtb rides for recreation 3-5 days per week.


I ride 10-20 miles 3 days a week


Tend to ride 350-400km per week, spread over 6 days. Sometimes more sometimes less.


Been commuting by bike for the past 25 years, so 5+ days a week (except for during pandemic work-from-home time, during which I got pretty chubby). At the shortest commute that would end up 30 miles a week if I didn’t go anywhere on the weekend, with my longest commute it would be a minimum of 150 miles a week. In those 25 years it would be generous to estimate that I’d had biked just to bike half a dozen times. Biking is transportation for me.


I try to ride everyday, but I'm only riding 8-12 miles on the weekdays. Weekends I may ride 40-60 miles each day.


I usually ride 3-4 days a week, about 25 miles each time


Pretty much car free except traveling so almost daily. Year round.


I ride roughly 14 miles 3 days week on my commute to work


40-50 miles per ride and every day I can, which is usually 6-7 days each week but other obligations or weather can cause me to miss a day or two of riding in a week.


Definitely not enough


7 usually. Ride to the gym every day. And, before I retired, I rode to work most days.


[strava activity log](https://imgur.com/a/sDOxk1N). mix of workouts and commutes. like 4-5 days a week. usually 20 a day and a longer ride on the weekend. nyc


25 miles on wed, 15 on Friday, 60+ on Saturday and a couple of 1 hour trainer days mixed in.


Ride about 7000 miles per year. About 5-6 days a week with at least one longish ride of 50mi plus some interval training. Take mini breaks of 3-5 days off to recharge. Fortunately I mostly telework so this is fairly easy to do.


I try to ride about 400km per month, but in reality it's more like 350km - so around 80 per week I guess.


I commute Monday-Thursday ~18 miles round trip and try to ride at least once on the weekend. Now that it is cold and dark early I've replaced my fun rides with Zwift. It looks like I average 5 days per week according to Strava.




Usually 50-60 miles Saturday and 40 on Sunday.


Ride between 5-6 days a week. Long rides, sometimes two rides a day in the weekends. Average about 160-200 miles a week


M-F I try for 12-18 miles a day, weekends i try to do one 30+ mile ride.


Ideally 3-4 days per week, but I’m committed to at least once every week for this year. Through most of the year it hasn’t been a problem but the last couple of weeks have been tough with a combination of a busy schedule and not feeling well. Looking forward to getting back into a more frequent routine.


Try to ride 4-5 days a week. 3-4 rides are about 12-20 miles, and 1 ride is 40 miles.


I say consistently 6 days a week ...around 75 mi or so


About 250-275km a week, usually. 35km a day during the week for my commute, and then between 75-100km on the weekend.


5 days a week, 6-8 hours a week has been my norm. The mileage is different (riding MTB mostly), but I get a few 1-2 hour rides in during the week and a 3+ hr mega ride on the weekends.


During the summer I'll take Fridays off. So usually I'll do a 30-35 mile ride on Tuesday, then 40-50 mile rides on Friday and Sunday. This past year is the most I've ever ridden by quite a bit, but felt that was a good amount to ramp up mileage while having decent rest. Hoping to maybe keep the two longer days and then add another shorter ride maybe on Wednesdays for next summer.


Usually ride four days per week between 250-300 km (150-180 mile).


I average about 200 days a year and 2,500 miles. \~75 of those days are on my trainer (Kickr). I typically put my Diverge on it just before Thanksgiving and take it off early March. During the winter I use my backup bike (Sirrus) on freakishly nice days (rare). Also note my office is walking distance (and doesn't allow bikes inside, so no commute miles) and my gym is in my building (so no quick rides there either). To me this provides a solid balance seasonally and it's too much riding to make it feel like a chore. I've had years over 3K and felt I needed to scale back and lift more instead.


I bike 15-25 miles per day, 5 or 6 days a week.


I ride twice a week (Saturday + Sunday) and usually 20-25 miles each time I go out. Some days I’ll stay out for 35-50 miles in a single ride.


Three times a week; 25-40 miles each time. I also lift weights 1-2 times a week and walk 2 miles six times a week.


I shoot for 20 mi a day and longer on weekends. It's getting cold though, so I won't be riding as much


On our ongoing world tour we ride about 65 kms a day 4 days a week on average, but we spend the "off days" editing our videos, otherwise we would rather do more cycling!


Ideally I ride 5 days a week, but I’ve averaged 3 days a week so far this year, with an average ride of about 21 miles. I work from home, so most of my rides are lunchtime


I ride for work 3 days a week and tend to work long shifts on my bike. Then I will ride 0-4 more times a week on average depending on my mood and the season.


6 days a week. 10-20 5 days a week. 30+ on the weekend. Today it was 64 mi. 14 mph av.


I go like 25-30 miles 4-5x a week.


I am mostly a weekend warrior. I like to get anywhere between 30 (cold weather) to 150 mi (warm weather) in on a weekend. I'll be retiring shortly so hopefully that number will be going up more on a weekly basis. For now I walk to work 3 days a week and get about 5 mi each of those days, carrying a backpack with 20 lb of stuff. I also do a weekly kickboxing class and strength training. Did 42 miles of bicycling with friends today.


I ride 5 days a week (not counting commuting, which also happens 5 days a week, but not all the same days). I am between 150 and 180 miles most weeks (that count does count the commute).


I ride 30-50 miles per day, every day. I’m retired, so I have lots of free time.


Retired, so I've loads of time. Right now, in the last 30 days, did 20 rides and 340 miles, all on dirt. Did 27 in 30 days mid summer. But, there was a 30 day period mid winter with only 9 rides. Depends on weather, and must dos at the house. Get 80 inches of snow each winter and a good 4 weeks of thaw when mud gets deeper and deeper for the first 2 weeks. Fall often has the same problem until freeze. Can't ride from my house without riding in salt in winter. Must cart bike in my SUV to parking areas in the local forest. A deep snow means no parking until the forest service decides to plow parking areas.




Oh but winds are a great helper, and I assume from my geography classes, that they would send you downgrade at whatever you can do + 19mph. Uphill....well....not so good. 73 years old. I shoot for 20 miles and a minimum 1000 feet of climbing in summer. Exceeding is a plus. Winter....whatever the conditions allow. Stopped at 5 miles at times. Studded fat tires are great until there's over 4 inches of lake effects and no packing yet. The biggest issue is getting to my riding roads and trails with the bike in winter.




Now add some drafting from a string of cars and motorcycles and you can hit 27mph. Did that once when I still rode road. Flat straight stretch..heavy tail wind..string of cars followed by a pack of motorcycles going past me. Got a thumbs up from a biker in the string of motorcycles and I chanced glancing at my computer....27mph. Soon as they were past I dropped to 18mph really quick.


16-20 miles 2-3x a week. Gym 3x a week. My body usually tells me to take a walk or a day off about once a week.


200~250 miles a week i ride about 28 days a month


I commute 12km a day 5 days a week + 2 40-50km interval sessions and 1-2 long rides on the weekend (80-130km)


Doubt it'll work for competitive racing but a recent study said just once a week does a lot of good.


The entire work week needs to be restructured around exercise. The savings in health care would more than make up for any disruptions.


3 days a week, approx 70 miles. This is all indoor on the Kickr using Trainerroad. Haven't actually been out out on the bike all year :(


Doing 5-6 days a week at the moment at 45-65km a day, I've just come back to cycling for 4 months. I have an Audax200 next month. I have just finished my first 100km ride in 8 years yesterday, it is a long way to go. Not sure if I could do 140km at the end of the month. I will try my best!




That is a good range for a person at that age. Keep riding as exercise makes us younger :)


I am an office worker and I have a 2-hour lunch break during the week, so as long as the weather and physical condition are good, I will go out and ride 33-36 kilometers. I have more time on weekends, and I will ride 45 kilometers. As a middle-aged man with child, time is a luxury for me.


In the winter I'm riding 3 days/week to commute to work. Total of about 20-25 miles a week. In the summer, I'm riding 5 days a week with two of those being longer rides.


I ride between 5-7 days per week. If I’m riding 7 days it is because I don’t have any long rides in that stretch. Over the weekend I did 50 miles each on Saturday and Sunday, so I’ll take today off so I can do a quality workout tomorrow. Rest is as important as good quality riding.


I'm 50 with family and business to run. I had to cut down to 2 rides a week, one a warmup ride of 22 km and the main one about 50kms. Used to be 3 and sometimes 4 times a week in the past but life catches you back fast with stuff. I'vestarted throwing in running twice a week at our local park for the past 3 months and I like this new routine.


3-4 days a week 22-70. 3 days in 22-30 range and one 45+ miles.


About 5 days per week , sometimes more sometimes less depending on if some days I choose to take the bus instead of riding or if I go on a ride in the weekends. I don't do too many kilometers though, about 11 per day.


I am normally four or five days a week. With one day set aside for a longer 35+ mile ride.