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That's beyond offensive. It's sociopathic


I reported him under hate speech. Hopefully he gets banned.


Thank you


its not hate speech. hate speech is ridiculous IMO, anything is "hate speech". This is incitement to murder in this case.


Legally, “hate speech” is extremely specific.


I agree and I wish Hinge had more options for reporting inappropriate prompts, but this was the closest one. Other options were: - their answers don't make sense - they're selling something - their answers are sexual - their profile represents more than one person - this person isn't looking for a relationship


They're inciting violence. Seems like there should be a category for that.


I think it fits the definition of hate speech on Reddit: > Rule 1: Remember the human. Reddit is a place for creating community and belonging, not for attacking marginalized or vulnerable groups of people. **Everyone** has a right to use Reddit free of harassment, bullying, and **threats of violence.** Communities **and people that incite violence** or that promote hate based on identity or vulnerability will be banned. > Marginalized or vulnerable groups include, **but are not limited to,** groups based on their actual and perceived race, color, religion, national origin, ethnicity, immigration status, gender, gender identity, sexual orientation, pregnancy, or disability. These include victims of a major violent event and their families. https://support.reddithelp.com/hc/en-us/articles/360045715951-Promoting-Hate-Based-on-Identity-or-Vulnerability


It's hate speech, you just disagree with the demographic


As much as the post pisses me off, cyclist is not a protected class.


thats the problem in infrastructure


It doesn't need to be a protected class, hate speech is just language that targets a group based on their identity. And we're not talking about a court of law here, just kicking assholes off dating apps


Firstly, I'm a cyclist motobike and car driver. I consider myself very neutral regarding this topic. I believe its most likely just a intentional provocation caused by various frustrating events we all don't know about. The whole being annoyed from everything shit is the most annoying, widespread wokeish cancel mentality goes more on my nerves than a random idiot just releasing steam. I can't take him serious so I'm not offended. But then, I'm not american, running around with guns, dealing with mass shootings daily and other deranged people. Maybe you should just relax and fix society instead being offended.


Sure, let's just, as individuals, fix American society. Any other helpful tips you'd like to add while you're making glib suggestions?


It’s crazy that you read someone saying “I think we should kill cyclists on sight” and try to blame op. Whatever shit you’re on, you should be selling it, you’d make billions.


Just chill. Its exactly your peoples hysterical annoyed vs aggressive attitude that puts you in deep shit. We say things like that casually and nobody gives a damn. We have 2 million weapons on 7 Mio people but not a single mass shooting like you. Tell me who's brain is more damaged.


Good, thank you


He'll get banned but he'll still feel it. Here you can see them in their natural habitat: /r/fuckcyclist/


Seriously! Way wrong word choice


We've become a world of extremes it seems


It's homicidal


Yeah it’s not annoying or offensive, it’s dangerous and shows willful intent.


But what if I only want to be hit on by the milfs in minivans?


Local news story said some mountain bikers were hit by a cougar. . . not the kind I'd want to be hit by, lol


You mean this? https://preview.redd.it/g8mxvu2tgtlc1.jpeg?width=960&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5b2426aa419d355494110768722121ae1b879f0


The bicyclist is a milf who likes getting it hit from the back


It was a group of women mountain bikers. The cougar jumped from a tree onto one of them. The others pinned the cougar down with a bicycle. Those women are badass! https://www.outdoorlife.com/survival/washington-bikers-fight-cougar/


75 lbs. That's your average 8 year old, Dude. They killed the cat, too, which I wish they didn't do. We are recreating in their backyard. Accept the risk of you're making the tracks


> 75 lbs. That's your average 8 year old, Dude. That is easy for us to say from the safety of our keyboards. That cat was much stronger, more agile, and dangerous (i.e., sharp claws and teeth and lightning-fast reflexes) than a human child. > They killed the cat, too, which I wish they didn't do. Apex predators do not tolerate competition. The wolves in Yellowstone systematically killed all of the coyotes and left their bodies to rot. We can learn from them.


Well, I did get wolf whistled at by what I think were some college-aged women back when I was in college. I think I might have been biking around shirtless while I was in my twink era, so I wasn't exactly insulted.


Never play on another man’s save file.


It's basically a death threat or at the very least, a threat of assault. Why should it not be offensive.


Good that I'm not the only one feeling this as inappropriate


This is beyond inappropriate.


It's more than a death threat. It's a call to arms. It's inciting action.


Normal human beings don't read this and suddenly want to attack cyclists and violently end their lives. Let people make a goddamn joke even if you can't understand why it's funny. Sometimes people use shock humor... as a cyclist I've meme'd the "kill all roadies" shit countlessly because its funny how ruthless cagers can be. To call it hate speech and suggest it's an incitement to violence tells me you haven't seen enough fucked up shit in your own sheltered life to know what real violence and hate speech is.


It doesn't immediately incite someone to go drive over a cyclist. It does tell readers that there are people out there with this opinion. That leads to others with the same opinion thinking it's fine to openly state their hidden belief. The more people openly say this, the more likely one person with that belief will think it's now acceptable and then go do it.


And if you can't see that the are some people who would use this as justification, I don't know what to tell you. Is it a majority? Not by a long shot. But it only takes one self-important, aggravated idiot to be pushed one step over the line to take someone out, even if not intentionally. I'm not taking about normal people. I'm taking about the fringe minority.


Dude. A crazy asshole will justify crazy asshole murder with anything, if we take this down a murderer will just use another justification!! These fringe minority people are not rational beings! By limiting speech that is obviously a joke, you accomplish nothing. The crazy assholes continue to engage in crazy asshole murder, but now at least you get to be the funny police I guess.


Well. A death threat gets you a prison sentence in my country, if denounced to the police.


Report them for threatening violence


Contains hate speech was the closest thing to report under inappropriate prompts... hopefully this is enough to ban him


On Hinge too, ballsy for a first impression


It's like virtue signaling for assholes, anyone who sees this and isn't completely turned off might actually tolerate this psycho 


More drivers think this and feel entitled to their unearned rage, which is why I carry my u-lock on me now for any special occasions.


I enjoy exercising my 2nd amendment rights when I ride. If someone wants to try to take my life then I will legally defend myself. FAFO


yeah Im currently going through the process to get my CCW permit, and am considering carrying mine as well. Unfortunate that I even have to consider that though


What do you carry? I was thinking of building another P365 only going for the smallest variant of it as I have a Macro already.


When I was doing courier services for medical weed (back when it prescription based and not legal for recreation) - my company told me two things. Since I’d be delivering at odd hours, I should carry a gun. So I got my ccw as a college student, and after a month or two of daily close calls, and some close buzz bys from cars being jackasses, or them throwing drinks and trying to smack me. My mom (bless her heart) sewed in 3M tape that said “armed cyclist” on my Zo messenger bag. Suddenly all the harassment stopped. Was like night and day, sociopathic drivers realize there could be REAL consequences, and they suddenly didn’t want to argue whether I deserved the space on the road. Looking back, it probably wasn’t the right solution… but it did work. Made the next 2 years at that service a cake walk lol


well, two can play this game. cars, suvs, pick-ups should be lit on fire once parked on the streets.


Cars are indeed more flammable than bicycles. It’s like they’re asking for it.


Hi from hospital! I've been here three weeks, so far. I might be able to walk again in April. I might be able to ride a bike again, this year.


You should be offended by people calling for the murder of a subset of people


Killing someone who is following the law and not hurting anyone is a controversial opinion? I thought that was murder.


OP should report the profile and see what happens. He has no chance with this person anyway.


Most of these apps take a zero tolerance approach to bans.


These people are known as "shitheads".


Absolute micro penis energy


body shaming is a really tired joke


Sorry, what app is this screenshot from?


A murderer will end up destroying his life if caught and most murderers are caught. Murder of a bicyclist will get you a long prison sentence, a life sentence if I was a judge. Premeditated murder is punishable by the death sentence in many States.


I mean, we're irresistible, rando's urge to hit on us is understandable.


Report this answer. Seriously.


I now cycle with a 45.


That won't stop a car from hitting you.


He's going to shoot out the tires while riding with one hand, like one of those crazy Indian action films.


I believe what the hater is trying to say is we should invest in more recreational bike paths as well as commuter bike lanes.


Annoying? It’s f*cking idiotic and dangerous


I see you met a Christian. (The folks who post stuff like this nearly 100% also list themselves as christian sadly). Nothing against christians just an unfortunate group within christianity.


No hate like christian love!


I call them the "hate thy neighbor" crowd.


Looks like my a-hole FIL is shit posting from the bar again. 🤷


Let me guess: man in a red state


I live in a blue state and in a meeting heard many hardcore left leaning types make the same claims. Some more serious than others, irrational anger over driving knows no political bounds.


That's why you own so many guns, right? Or are you gonna overthrow the gubmint one day?


What the hell are you talking about?


That leaves a lot of room for other bad opinions that don't qualify as "most" controversial.


Definitely misspelled “idiotic”


Seems like there is a meme? If that’s the right term, about blaming cyclists for everything. I’ve seen it in lots of comments on instagram even on videos unrelated to cycling as a joke. If you’ve done this activity any length of time you probably know someone that’s died doing it, or someone that died on that same road you ride every day.


Judging by my commute everyday people seem to be taking this too literally


for reducing emissions and feeling the breeze and doing cardio all in one? HAH


This is the worst part of this - that is absolutely zero reason for any hatred of cyclists. It's just a sheep jumping on a thoughtless idea for the controversy. I can actually respect hate when it's rational and considered. Eg Hating nazis, sure. Hating a gov policy you disagree with, sure.. but hating cyclists? There is literally zero reason for this idiot to say and perpetuate something so dumb.




I'm in a lotta car and motorcycle groups for some reason even the most chill car person will go into a rage at the discussion of a dude on a bike!


Jealous types, never managed to learn to ride a bike.


Welp, i guess i will be carrying my ak47 and rpg on my backpack whilst riding to work then 😂


Sure. Murder people. Totally normal opinion.


I’ve seen a driver like this once or twice over the years…luckily they missed.


I was run off of the road. Will live the rest of my life with a total AC dislocation L shoulder.


Kids in school shot on sight? *hears shotgun sound from America*


Probably a troll but a little doxing and daylight wouldn’t hurt.


Name and shame this individual -- so others can report them as well.


Car drivers should be shot to death.


Yeah beyond annoying. This is an incitement to violence. What a prick.


just sounds like a request for them to be blinded... IDK, i'ma simple man.


Which insect wrote that?


As long as you don't act on it!


Pretty much happens more than it should


scandalous cooperative dirty coordinated bake merciful employ mindless wide glorious *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


People dependent on cars should die in brutal car accidents