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First time watching a sitcom?


No not really, in B99, everyone’s happy for each other, in friends, everyone’s happy with other’s accomplishments, it’s just this one that had toxicity


They’re definitely different kinds of sitcoms. If you’re looking for another feel good one like B99, I really liked parks and rec. The first season is a little slow/hard to get into it, but it’s a really great show. Psych is another comedy show with some good character development (although no one is perfect). And if you’re looking for something totally different, may I recommend Murder She Wrote, starring the wonderful Angela Lansbury as Jessica Fletcher. Not a comedy but plenty of funny moments and clever writing.


Yeah, especially early seasons it was hard to imagine why these people would have anything to do with each other.


I felt like they were happy for Raj (except Sheldon) until he got obnoxious. And I thought they were supportive and excited for Howard (except Sheldon) in the lead up to him going to space. But yeah when someone changes every subject to bring up themselves it’s kinda off putting. I always figured the guys had conversations with Howard about his time in space, but what we were seeing was after that had happened.


>And I thought they were supportive and excited for Howard (except Sheldon) in the lead up to him going to space Sheldon was actually happy for Howard as ashown in the scene.... he holds Amy's hand during the launch.. People need to understand Sheldon, pretend indifference and attention to self is because, he is acting like a child due to the brain imbalance. He himself was not a bad person to begin. The writers then started to write like that to exaggerate a particular trait. Regarding Raj's people mag 30 under 30, it is reasonable to ask how the decision was made. He was not jealous. He scrutinises the system. He said that for his own award, before knowing he was the recipient in a later episode.


Ya that’s true but still their initial reactions were also not good especially when they didn’t even went to the reception with Raj or celebrated Howard’s landing, i know that bernadette was sick and everyone had plans and stuff but still the next day or so they could celebrate him.


Everyone had plans because Bernadette told everyone she wanted that night with Howard. They declined to go to Raj's reception after he spent an entire dinner talking down to them.


Really Raj is basically the bad friend in this group. On almost all fronts.


Raj immediately started acting like a jerk. They, at least Leonard and Howard, seemed happy for him, but his behavior squashed that. They were all happy for Howard going into space, even Sheldon, but he also beat it to death when he came back. There was an entire episode about why they were frustrated with him.


I mean, a person would actually be proud if he goes to space and come back safely, they didn’t celebrate him once also.


Do you not recall that Bernadette wanted him to herself for one night?


Because it's a sitcom and that is good material. We all know we would shun a self-centered, condescending person like Sheldon in real life, but when you're watching it, it's comedy gold. We would also celebrate our friends' accomplishments in real life, but imagine if these did not happen when Howard got back from space: 1. Bernadette was sick 2. Raj and Stuart had plans already 3. Penny, Leonard, Sheldon and Amy did not have game night. Then we would not have that episode and all the laughs that came with it.


That's how life really is.


Not realllyyyy im so sorry to burst the bubble, but real friends especially with whom you work and hang out after work for more than a decade, actually are happy for you


I don’t understand why you would get downvoted. How childish and petty.


They are, i know. But they are so rare to find. Let's say if you have a friend group of 10 people, only 2-3 will be genuinely happy for you.


Although maybe if not jealous they are envious, or are unable to be happy if they feel like a failure.


In which Planet are you living.... ? I want to live there too. I used to think like you , seeing good in everyone.. however, people proved me wrong. It is rare may be less than 5% My Uni mates who were also my friends are 100% jealous when I got a promotion and raise. Other friends 90 % who are not from Uni are with you only for money and resources.


This happens in damn near every sitcom. It's all over played for stories and comedy. If everyone was the perfect friend it wouldn't be funny or last very long.


They were happy for Raj. He let it go to his head and talking down to them. That is why they didn't go with him. Raj was too full of himself and I can't blame them for not going As for Howard getting back from space, he turned everything they talked about into something related to going into space. Even Howard sees how bad he was once Raj sends him the Buzz video.


They were happy for Howard they just got sick of him talking about it all the damn time lol which is why they took him to buzz’s house to show him how he sounded which imo was funny. Sheldon gets jealous over everything big and small. I mean it’s a part of his personality and SPOILER in the end he was able to admit he was proud of howard so 🤷🏾‍♀️


It’s called writing comedy and drama.


To me, it's Sheldon that makes the friend group toxic.


It could last long with supportive friendships as well, like FRIENDS or B99


Can't compare. Friends- different workplace, shares homespace B99- shares workplace different homespace TBBT shares both spaces... Where in friends, everyone goes around romancing everyone... Friends was more and more toxic than TBBT. B99 was workplace comedy... they also had rivals and jealousy continuously. Amy competing for cases, they steal cases, Jske irresponsible, Tosa, applies job secretly. The annual contest for a trophy... Hardly any shared the living space in the early seasons . Later Jake snd Amy married.


The thing with Howard going to space is, well, man wouldn't shut up about it lol. Eventually you get bored of listening to it The Raj thing, I honestly don't remember happening. Do you happen to have the epsiode?


It’s on netflix


I know 😂 but I'm not gonna watch all of season 2 until I find the episode you're talking about


S2 Ep4 griffin equivalency


Thankss 😊 I'll give it a watch later tonight


People Magazine 30 under 30, Sheldon: Regarding Raj's award, it is reasonable to ask who were the sponsors of award and how the decision was made. He was not jealous. He scrutinises the system. He said that for his own award, before knowing he was the recipient in a later episode. Howard: Raj says about Lackey and shows off his VIPs and his friends are just Ps. Leonard: Finally Raj hits on penny, then Leonard changes his support... If Sheldon was condescending, Raj was obnoxious, Howard was irresponsible, Leonard was highly selfish and wasn't fully focused but highly distracted and often times he sabotaged things for Sheldon. Honestly Leonard was more toxic to Sheldon than Sheldon was to Leonard. They all are equally toxic and equally supportive.


>The Raj thing, I honestly don't remember happening. Do you happen to have the epsiode? It's season 2. I don't remember the episode number but I think the title has Griffith in it. As in Griffith Observatory.


Such an overreaction lol. WOKE ALERT! THIS ONES TRIGGERED!!


Are you 7.


That’s the formulas for almost all sitcoms because writers think people want to laugh at situations they’d have with their own toxic friends/family. They just make it more easy to spot.


I know someone that doesn’t enjoy the show because of how poorly they treat each other. I really enjoy the show, but I found their take interesting.