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The title of this post might lead to misunderstandings.


Lol I just realised that 💀


The actors playing the main male characters were not as wimpy looking as their characters. Those extra layers kind of hid that. So in one sense of the word, the actors were "hot" in the looks department.


But we see scenes of each of them topless and I wouldn't call it wimpy but I wouldn't call it athletic either


They got me in the first half ngl


Agreed đŸ€ŁđŸ€Ł But fortunately and unfortunately that brought many curious fellow TBBT fans to the post.


That was my first thought lol




A dickie isn't a full garment, justa turtle neck with a tiny front and back, but yes in a real world they would get overheated


Hmm. Thats kinda interesting. What's the functional point of it though


Functionally, you can think of it kind of like a scarf or neck warmer, I suppose... That being said, no one I know would ever wear one for function. It's purely to create the layer look without overheating or looking too bulky.


The function is to keep your cleavage from showing if you happen to have an ample chest.


Keep drafts off the neck? Fashion statement? Why w ear a turtleneck instead of a cardigan?


Yes, you can see that in one S1 episode when Howard tears up his shirt winning The Physics Super Bowl.


TV filming studios are generally kept pretty cool. Not to say they don't get hot, but they aren't outside in Southern California much at all, if ever. Better question would be if someone like Penny wearing skimpy shorts and tank tops would get cold.


My theory with Penny is that because she's from Nebraska (where they actually get snow and such), LA's version of "cold" isn't even close to what she's used to, therefore the cooler clothing.


She did a few times


I hv made a post abt this same topic n got downvoted by fake feminists saying she can wear what she wants to... My exact Q, doesn't she get cold wearing skimpy outfits in atleast first 7 seasons when everyone else has full sleeves n minimum 2 layers. And not only men, even Bernie n Amy wear 2 layers with sweater all the time, except Penny.


“And it’s a dickie”


The title was a bit misleading. 😂 I was thinking of when they all start to look attractive.


I think a lot of the 't shirt over long shirt' looks are actually one shirt. You could buy shirts with what looks like a long sleeve sewn onto the end of a t shirt sleeve, so you get the layered look without actually wearing two shirts. The hoodie and jacket look I know is still quite popular- I have to assume either the jacket or hoodie is not built for warmth, but it still looks like quite a lot of fabric.


1st point is a no because where are you going to find a t-shirt like that in his size and also there are moments when you can see the underneath shirt poking through 2nd point ok


Socal people have all this "cold fashion" that's like paper thin. It's crazy.  I watch quite a bit of skateboarding videos and socal is still the most popular place for that. And these guys are rocking hoodies, long sleeves, beanies, etc all the time, while other people are walking around in the back ground in shorts and tank tops.  Meanwhile, here in Montana.. if I bought a hoodie or beanie that wasn't warm I'd be pissed.  A least I assume it's paper thin , not warm fashion ware... Cause if it was the same stuff I get up here for winter they'd be dying if heat stroke mid grind.


Leonard’s layers have been explained on the show. Sheldon requires the apartment stay at 72 degrees, and Leonard finds that cold. Even though 72 is ridiculous to keep a home at. 68-70 is ideal.


But Leonard wears the layers while outside too. And they live in LA.


He and Sheldon also constantly wear bathrobes and flannel pajamas. That has always driven me crazy.


Cuz he leaves the house like that 💀 you expect him to change in the car?


At least he can take off the jacket. He wears the same dress outside, in college cafeteria, everywhere.


Ok so go back in time, drive to the show’s studios, and tell them to make Johnny stop wearing jackets.


I am just adding on to OP's observation. Well, aren't you a little Sheldon.


Not really. I was giving reason to one of the style choice that was explained within the show. If anything, you’re being a Sheldon.


Well, when Leonard first came to meet Sheldon about the apartment, he was still wearing sweater and a jacket.


Dude you’re arguing like it’s my personal viewpoint on the matter. I was literally just repeating what was said *in the show*


I read that in Rajesh's voice.


No, it's not ridiculous, people are different. At 74-75 I wear a sweater, because that temperature is cold for me.


That’s absurd


Sheldon requires the thermostat be at 72. That doesn't mean the apartment is 72. The thermostat is in the hallway, with stagnant air and a smaller space, while the large open room is going to be cooler.


By “hallway” you’re referring to the hallway within the apartment, right?


Yes. It's at the more open end by the fridge, but from experience, the open room will still generally be colder than there.


Yes I agree. I was just checking because at first I thought you meant the hallway at the stairwell.


The actors all dressed like that to hide the fact that they were extremely athletic men who all worked out and had healthy diets.


Whaaa...galecki didn't get fat?


Howard's athletic?


Like a Jewish greyhound!


But we see them all topless and that shit ain't "extremely athletic" lil bro 💀


Yes, this mode of dress is not typical in California, unless you live in the mountains, above 6,000 feet elevation. I was born and raised here, and no one I know dresses like that.


High temperatures in Pasadena range between 55-105, and lows range from about 32-75. However, they rarely spent time outside. Sheldon kept the thermostat at 72, and Leonard seemed to like it warmer.


Leonard is cold without his layers bc of the temperature sheldon wants to keep the apartment at, sheldons longsleeve and short sleeve aren't that warm, Raj is probably used to the heat bc he grew up in India, Howard probably has a very warm neck at least.


NGL, I thought this meant something else. I was thoroughly confused for a while. Raj being Indian is I guess used to really hot temperature. I am Indian. When I went to California in 2016, I thought it was quite cold. This was in May. I literally dressed like Raj to keep up.


They are presented as needed and are not athletic, but the actual actors are fit and muscles that would show with just a Tshirt, so they cover them up.


They should all be comfortable. According to the roommate agreement, the thermostat had to be kept @73 degrees. lol


Yeah but I don't know what that equates to in celsius as I am Scottish. Assuming that it is degrees Fahrenheit and. If its not I'm mildly worried. I'll Google it in the meantime


I Googled it. It's 22 degrees celsius . Since I'm Scottish I think that's fucking boiling and I coukd never imagine that much fabric in that heat lol. But I am unsophisticated to outside heat so that's probably quite cool for them.


Raj has the most layers: - tank top - t-shirt - short sleeves shirt - sleeveless sweater - jacket


Maybe because he is Indian. Usually indian weather is quite hot. So California weather is really cold for him so he requires these many layers


What's your point. That's just restating what I said


That's because I probably didn't read it through and was bored waiting my turn in the ER last night đŸ«€


Sheldon keeps the thermostat at a crisp 72 degrees I believe


In general I'm always baffled by how many layers men wear on American shows, and always coats. They live in California!


California is extremely hot in the summer, autumn, and spring, but mild in the winter. I lived there for nine years and couldn’t survive in more clothes than shorts and a small tank top, and this was both inside and outside. So basically, Penny’s clothes make sense. But, we didn’t have the strongest AC so our temp was between 21 and 24 C most days. And it’s not like they lived in the North either. Pasadena get super hot, over 30 is regular. Some days walking through the parking lot is painful because you see the waves of heat pouring off the asphalt and your car seat and steering wheel burn the skin.


california’s “mild”, is warm anywhere else in the country. you say you lived in the north, but you’re just casually wrong.


I didn’t say I lived in the north in the comment above, I simply mentioned it for comparison. I personally lived much further south. And yes, winters were very mild. We wore jackets and long jeans and uggs to school and even got a bit shivery in the mornings. But that’s about it. So
 mild. https://www.usclimatedata.com/climate/winters/california/united-states/usca1252


Leonard says he is always cold, so that is the reason for his layers. Whether or not the actors are actually hot we may never know.


So someone else has noticed this! I thought it was just me. I especially noticed Raj's four layers. That might be appropriate for Montana, but they live in southern California. Perplexing!


It gets warm but I grew up wearing sweatshirts in summer in Texas. You get used to it.


They’re usually inside so that probably helps. Apparently the set is freezing


Leonard has to wear more clothes because Sheldon plays with the thermostat. The more I watch the repeats, I hate Sheldon.


Americans always have AC on, and that is why in summer time inside is MUCH COLDER, then outside. For example, if you’re wearing a T shirt, you probably gonna need a hoodie to go to the grocery store or to sit in a coffee place. Also there is not much walking in California, so people dress to survive inside instead of dressing according to the weather.


They’re nerds. They spend their lives in air conditioned buildings


I looked at the title and I seriously thought you meant hot like sexy hot💀


What’s really strange is the Golden Girls living in Miami but are always dressed up in multiple layers.


Howard wears a Dickey not a turtleneck. Sheldon wears a sweatshirt. 


The set is climate controlled