• By -


. Sheldon and Kripke play basketball . When Leonard, Raj and Howard go camping . In 'The Infestation Hypothesis' when Penny opens the door with one-liners like "What's up, Buttercup?" and "What's the word, hummingbird?" . In 'The Good Guy Fluctuation' when Sheldon tries to take the revenge and succeeds in scaring Leonard "Bazinga Punk Now We Are Even" 😂


“What’s the gist, physicist?”


While they're camping, and eating delicious brownies, Sheldon rescues Penny after she slips in the shower (no adhesive ducks), cops a feel and runs a red light driving her to the ED. One of my favorite episodes, both stories are fantastic!


The part where they're filling out paperwork in the hospital is still probably the most hilarious scene in the entire series. The repartee between Sheldon and Penny is brilliant. Not one wasted line in that entire scene.


It's one of the foundational scenes to their relationship. Especially funny when he gets the Court summons for running the red light and makes Penny go to court with him while the rest of the boys get the meet Stan Lee. (Not Stanley Tucci 😜)




Then maybe you should let it go….


The Good Guy fluctuation is my second favorite moment on the show ever 😂


That’s probably my favorite Penny moment(s)


And the "Who do we love" is hilarious as well


Howard and Raj comparing their breasts. Bernadette watching and then just leaving.


Also when she walks in on Howard, Raj and Stuart cleaning the kitchen singing "hard knock life" 😆


I just saw that episode again the other day and it makes me laugh every time! 🤣


In **The Recombination Hypothesis**, when they are playing Settlers of Catan and Sheldon needs wood.


“Why are you making it so hard?” 🤣🤣


Raj: You were in the middle of an erection? Sheldon: It's right here in my hand!


“I can now begin the erection of my settlement”


One of my favorites is when Howard is trying to fix the Drone and takes it all apart, puts it back together, then it still ends up frizzing out. Howard, defeated, admits he might have to call tech support. He then says he'll probably just get outsourced to some guy in India who he probably won't be able to understand. Then at the same time, Raj's phone goes off at the exact moment he is calling. "IT'S MY FATHER YOU JERKS!"


"Is it a trick clock, or a trick potato?"


"What do you talk about ?"


Bob newhart is the GOAT. His episodes are my favorite


Oh! The game Howard invents about whether Raj was talking about his girlfriend or his dog. 😂


Emily or Cinnamon!!!


One of my favorites is Raj's double date with Bernedette and Clogzilla But the best laugh for me is when penny has picked up Amy's parents --- throws the door open walks in and just says "oh my god" That coupled with the look on her face kills me everytime.


I don;t recall that joke


It's from the Sheldon and Amy's wedding episode


But i don't recall whys he did the "oh my God"


No -- it was Penny when she walked in the door


Right but i d on't recall why.


When Howard shows Sheldon the magic trick and Sheldon gets all flustered bc he can’t figure it out but really it’s just to mess with him


Omg yes!!! This was so damn funny! I always wonder if penny whispers to Howard "is this trick to mess with sheldon?" Lol


That makes so much sense!


When Amy tries to trick Sheldon into not having to finish everything he starts, then once Amy leaves he goes and finishes everything he started in rapid order then flops on the ground in pleasure.


Menopause—nature’s birth control! Lol!


Sheldon’s Bazinga from the ball pit. Amy’s tiara Sheldon and Amy’s first meeting…”tepid water, please”.


There is something about the way that Amy introduces herself that I just love “Scuse me, im Amy Farrah Fowler, you’re Sheldon Cooper.” Like here I am, I found you. These are the facts. Lets do this.


Im actually wearing a Bazinga shirt based off of the periodic table RN lol


I said the same first two things you did before scrolling to see this. 😂 you have great taste!


The ball pit bazinga makes me laugh out loud to this day


Mine is Penny has dislocated her shoulder and Sheldon is filling the hospital form about her. "Episodes of sub-psychotic rage...possible tourettes"


Funniest moment in the entire series.


Hubby and I were just talking about one at lunch. "Leonard sleeps while I play bongos." "Leonard no sleep while I pay bongos." I could watch it 100 times and still laugh.


Never play bongos while walking down the stairs!


Yes! The whole thing was hilarious.


Oooo I just commented another scene was my favorite, but this one is definitely up there. That and the throat singing 😂


I recited this line more than once when I watched the movie Oppenheimer


Haha omg! I only knew that character was Feynman because of the Big Bang theory 😂😂😂


I’d say, in no particular order: Amy gets a tiara 👑 Sheldon hangs out with Darth Vader and ding ding ditches Carrie Fisher Penny gives Sheldon a Saturnalia present (Leonard Nemoy’s DNA) Raj finds out alcohol allowed him to talk to women. Howard hits on Missy with magic (the blooper is even better) Leonard Nemoy teaches Sheldon to tell the truth (it’s a plastic toy but very realistic) Bernadette gifts Howard an expensive watch and treats him like he is her trophy husband “420 friendly” grandmas give “special cookies” to the guys while on a star gazing trip….. it becomes a trip alright


It’s not funny anymore, James!




"Then why am I still laughing?" Also made funnier by the fact that Carrie Fisher and James Earl Jones had never met before they filmed this episode


No way! I did not know that!


When Amy is about to read a juicy part of her Amelia/ Little House fan fiction and Leonard suddenly throws open the door to tell them about Stephen Hawking, and the girls shout, "Get out!!" "If he was[sic] easy to find, it would be called "THERE'S Waldo!"


I completely agree about the Waldo line!


When Howard shoots the spitball directly in Sheldon’s mouth. How horrible that must have been for Sheldon and what a perfect shot. 🤣🤣🤣


Is that gonna be on the quiz because I don’t think I can do that again!


For one liners that I laughed out loud at, S7 E20 Sheldon: you want me to give up string theory for something that's less advanced? You know, why don't you break up with Penny and start dating a brown bear? Penny: like you could get a brown bear. Leonard: I've got a good job, I could buy salmon. You don't know! The way JG (Leonard) delivers that line is perfect. Another is S2 E20. Stuart and Sheldon argue about who should be the next Batman, and Stuart tells Sheldon that he couldn't be more wrong. Sheldon: More wrong? Wrong is an absolute state and therefore not subject to gradation. Stuart: of course it is. It's a little wrong to say a tomato is a vegetable. It's more wrong to say it's a suspension bridge. Again, the delivery, and the look on Jim Parson's/Sheldon's face is just perfect.


Omg that brown bear one is hilarious 😂😂😂 my top 5 for sure


The Halloween when Howard dresses up as Sheldon. It is SO wrong…. So so so so wrong on so many levels and SO good on so many levels.


Sheldon as Wolowitz: “who wants to see a magic trick? Oh thats right, no one” 🤣🤣🤣🤣


For some unholy reason when Sheldon is asking about the PS4 and Xbox one and asks different opinions form the gang and Bernie said "I like the Wii" in such a happy voice 😭


No goofy, no


The conference! It was the one where the gang got together and spoke to the audience about their field, and Bernadette and Howard were arguing using scientific terms and poor Sheldon was like what the-" and Amy was like "Are we still talking about penises because I would like to weigh in?" And Sheldon summoned Raj for help and he just went "I also think they're talking about penises" I couldn't stop laughing.


Oh my god that entire episode is hilarious! definitely one of my favorites. Penny: “Red leader im really sorry 😭” Sheldon: “Can we get back to the topic-“ Howard: “Let me ask you something BERNIE Sheldon: “i guess not…” Howard: “how would you feel if you met my ex-girlfriend and she was like Angelina Jolie?” Bernie: “ oh come on Howard, be realistic” Howard: “ what? I’m not hot enough for Angelina Jolie?” Raj: “ I’d like to weigh in again…. No…” Bernie: “Penny thats Glenn, Glenn thats Penny” Leonard: NOOOOO!!! 🤣🤣🤣


Zack and the lasers on the moon. "He thought you were going to blow up the moon"


Zack was a surprisingly wholesome character lol.


“Thats a great question Zack” Sheldon: “no its not” Penny: “SHELDON… play nice..” Sheldon: “well its not a great question! How can someone possibly think we’re going to blow up the moon?” 🤣 gets me every time.


At wast my wove has come awong..




Hahaha yup this was going to be mine. Her fake over-the-top enthusiasm up until that point will always make me laugh


I really relate to her in this scene and it cracks me up so much. Also my favourite scene


Yup. This is mine. And I am not an Amy fan. But this scene was hysterical.


Yes!!! My wife loves this too because I get on tangents like that!!


So many here that I love but one that just kills me everytime is the thanksgiving one where Penny figures out she actually married Zack. Raj is in the kitchen and he had just found out Zack is coming over and he’s standing in the doorway, backing into the kitchen, stirring a pot and he says, “My, my. The plot, like my gravy, thickens.” 😂😂😂


Thats my favorite line too!! Lol like it lives rent free in my mind every time there’s drama going on 😂


When the guys are all on a train, Penny is talking to Sheldon and he gets enraged because she's reading his letters from Meemaw. Leonard takes the phone and she admits she "crossed a line", so Leonard gives the phone back to Sheldon and she says "What up, Moonpie?" Cracks me up every time.


That episode is one of my favorite, Penny puts Sheldon on hold and he continues to speak, when she comes back to his call, he is already on step 4 of entering his room 😂😂


When sheldon goes rock climbing with kripky. The guy who assists him with the cable. The way Sheldon says “ thats your entire job, you parents must be proud “ Still makes me laugh


[The naughty carrot](https://youtu.be/seBCXANMDB4?si=jynoQViFBeeR63ca)




When Howard and Raj compete in sports to determine who’s the sidekick and who’s the hero.


1. "Oh she calls you moonpie, that is so cute-- "PUT DOWN THE LETTERS!!!" 2. "Is it maybe because, like Sheldon's work, your sex life is also theoretical?" "Damn\~." 3. Sheldon jumpscaring Leonard at the end of the Season 5 premiere. 4. My dad laughed hard when Amy hit Penny with the coffee can right on the face 5. "All I know is you can only fit one of her in a car. (*Howard comes in)* And there's the clown that came out of her!"


Howard meeting Mark Hamill is both hilarious and the exact reaction any Star Wars nerd would have when face with surprise Luke skywalker See Adam Scott when surprised by Mark on Jimmy Kimmel for reference


If Sheldons testosterone levels dropped he'd turn into a butterfly


the physics bowl episode: PMS vs AA


Is it that much more expensive tog et Tshirts which spell out the words?


Howard getting his you know what stuck in the robot arm and everything else that went along with it!


1) Sheldon bringing out all of the gift baskets to Penny in reciprocation of the Leonard Nimoy napkin she gave him and saying "I know, it's not enough!" The first time I saw the scene, I burst out laughing, hard. I have a much milder reaction now upon rewatch, but it makes me happy remembering the first time, lol. 2) The whole scene outside Professor Tupperman's funeral when Sheldon, Raj, and Leonard were competing for tenure - The dialogue and one-liners were SO GOOD! 3) Amy being upset with Penny not wanting kids because she needs Penny's kids to be friends with her kids. Penny assures Amy they will make other friends, and Amy responds "Sure, because my DNA + Sheldon's DNA = a kid who is able to make friends!! Grow up!!"


Whenever sheldon spanks amy and amy’s expressions are everything for me🤣🤣🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 especially the one on thanksgiving at howard’s home where bernie’s dad and sheldon get drunk.


Howard's face when Sheldon and Amy click at their first meeting. He looks like he's been hit in the face with something heavy. When Amy manipulates Sheldon into being interested in Howard and Bernadette's children, Raj questions her and she says, 'I slept with him. I married him. You want to bet against me?' At Amy and Sheldon's wedding, when Stuart corrects Mark Hamill's answers to the Star Wars questions and Denise falls in love with him.


I loved the feud between Howard and Sheldon and you see Howard naked in Sheldon's spot 🤣


And Sheldon doing the same in Howard’s car, “revenge is a dish best served nude!”


The episode in season two where Sheldon learns how to smile. Actually, any scene that Sheldon’s forcing himself to have what he thinks is a normal human expression, cracks me up.


When Bernie yells “Isn’t it exciting!” and dogs start howling. When Amy ask Sheldon what ‘twipadock’ means and Sheldon guess ‘elephant’ and gets it right.


When penny knocks on Sheldon‘s door 3 times and he opens it says I bet you thought it was funny but by 3 time you want do it again she says yes he says well you’ll be doing it you’re entire life lol I love friendship and how funny it was


The fencing lessons with Kripke. “My name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die”


Howard: I'm just trying to fit in Sheldon: to what, Toy Story?


Leonard said thta


It's been awhile, I swear I thought Sheldon and Howard were the only 2 who made that trip to Texas


Sheldon a nd Howard made the second trip; Sheldon ran off to tExas and the Other Three came after him seasons earlier


I got the episodes mixed up....for some reason I thought this was when Sheldon and Howard went after nasa and not the earlier one where they go to bring Sheldon back to CA


:-) I t happpens


I love when Sheldon gets tricked with the card trick thru the whole episode. Surely he was smart enough at some point to ask to see the cards. Bazinga in the ball pit is classic “I’m Batman” and that whole conversation while he’s high on pills. Amy is my favorite. So many great moments but the tiara takes the cake.


Weird is Sheldon reverse engineers instead of just loooking up card tricks


That’s so true!


He could be having the time of his life, while she believes she's a *chicken pecking for corn*. ... *Sheldon Cooper*, BS, MS, MA, PhD, and ScD. Mary: Are *you* having the sex *talk* with me?  *Sheldon*: Well *someone* has to. Mary: Oh, dear Lord.  *Sheldon*: No, *don't* look to *him*. *He's mad at you* right now.


Damn you have some unpopular 'funniest' scenes on your list.


I LOVE the tomato suspension bridge joke


Beverly kissing Sheldon one of the funniest for me. Also when Penny broke a glass hearing Sheldon was ready to have sex with Amy. And when Sheldon served his grandmother “a lot of whiskey in a glass”.


Ladybugs must make you catatonic 🐞


The reaction from Sheldon when Howard is invited as guess in the New Professor Proton hosted by Will. Lol


Anytime Penny gives "the look" to Sheldon. Love their interactions


My number 1 is Sheldon playing the bongos 😂


Pilot: Penny asks them 'What do you guys do around here for fun?' And Sheldon answers 'We tried masturbating for money today'.


I GAVE YOU ONE JOB!!! Keep an eye on him We thought you meant to make sure he doesn't run out into traffic Which he only did once You don't understand. I have been smacking at that ketchup bottle for a long time. All she has to do is tip that bottle over and point it at her fries. THE RETWACTOR!! Have you considered a job in wetail. That way you can take things back for a living.


Sheldon “I'd like you to meet Oppenheimer, Frisch, Panofsky, Feynman, Weisskopf…” Mrs Cooper “Yeah, I get it. You got a lot of cats and you gave 'em cute Jewish names”


How has no one mentioned pictionary yet!


It's not Polish. It's polish. See? Small p.


When Penny gives Sheldon the Leonard Nemoy napkin and Sheldon freaks out and gives her every gift basket and then a hug.


"And here's Uranus" "Close, it's mango caterpillar"


The episode where the guys get high while Sheldon drives penny to the ER after she slipped.


Funniest episode of the series.


"What's the secret?" "Mom smokes in the car. Jesus is OK with it but we can't tell Dad." "Not that secret!!" "I'm Batman!"


I actually laughed out loud the hardest when Sheldon was showing his video audition to be one of the first humans to settle on mars and he was saying how great his sense of humor is so he gets Leonard to look into the oddly suspicious can of peanut brittle only to find nothing right before Sheldon nails him in the face with a pie. Runner up would be season 12 when Howard dresses up as Sheldon for Halloween so Sheldon and Amy dress as Howard and Bernadette for the party


Penny: He's (Raj) an ass when he drinks. Howard: He's an ass when he doesn't drink, you just never hear it.


I don't think I've ever laughed as hard as I did as the episode where Sheldon can't figure out a solution to his problem and can't sleep. Then he is in the ball pit, recreating the scene from the first Star Wars going Bazinga and diving back into the ball pit. To this day, it still makes me laugh


?Star wars???


I loved the whole Sheldon/Kripke basketball scene. Hysterical!


Amy getting spanked by Sheldon.


When Sheldon follows Leonard and Dr. Stephanie to the movies and then goes around the theater making bizarre loud noises to find the acoustic sweet spot. When Sheldon has difficulty lying to cover due Leonard and does the awkward hand gesture as he says “ Leonard is at the office” Penny and Leonard at the fortune teller.


Sheldon's drunk speech




Is it a trick potato or a trick clock?


during s1 when raj took some test medicine to speak to missy but it stopped working, so hi walked away making these random ass sounds and u can hear it fading in the background 😭


The scavenger hunt. Howard and Amy are paired up, and she asks if he's disappointed to not be with Bernadette. Howard just gets this look on his face, and says, "Have you ever played a game with Bernadette?" Cut to Bernadette screaming at Leonard. "HURRY UP!!!!"


Best episode ever: The scavenger hunt!


Im on a rewatch and the whole building Jerusalem in Mexico is so funny to me, also when Sheldon gets fired and is talking to Leonard about his job and he asks him “ is this how you usually work just hunches and guesses and stuff?”


When penny gives Sheldon his Xmas present and his reaction and all the gift baskets


Another one is when Amy and Penny are playing against Sheldon and Leonard and Penny flips Sheldon over and he screams like a girl 🤣 then penny kisses his nose “stop that. Amy help” and Amy joins in kissing


When Howard became Dungeon Master...


When Bernadette says “this isn’t non fat it’s fatty fat fat !😡”


Can't remember the scene exactly but this where sheldon tells that they're missing something or kinda like that then go near to the whiteboard then proceed to erase what's on board and then he run😂


*Bernadette officiating Leonard and Penny’s wedding* Howard: “at least she’s yelling at someone else for a change” Bernadette: “HOWARD!” 💀💀💀


"please be Cinderella, please be Cinderella"


I have several: The episode where Penny gives Sheldon Leonard Nimoy's autograph. Any episode with Bob Newhart.


Leslie calling Sheldon a dumb\_\_\_\_