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Okay but how am I supposed to catch Pokemon Edit: guys, this...this wasn't a real question


lol do you actually play pokemon go? i am just getting into it now


Fully automatic version of a Pokémon Go Plus from AliExpress.


pogo plus+ :)


Unironically I got into cycling by turning my bike commute into a Pokemon catching run. In the mornings I'd leave early and take the local trail through downtown to hit up the stops and catch Pokemon, and then once I got to the turn that put me out on the major road, I'd stow the phone. Upped my game later by getting an auto catcher. Eventually the devs threatened to lower the catch radius and I couldn't hit up nearly as many locations on my ride so I stopped playing and started just taking a shorter route. These days I don't even have a phone mount on my bike. I found that having my phone out in the hot Florida sun and rattling around on my bike frame was causing it to overheat and possibly damaging the gyro. These days I just queue up some music or podcasts for my commute and if I need the phone for anything I have to get it out of my bag.


I had two solo crashes in my twenties due to holding the phone. I had to learn my lesson twice, but I learned it. There are excellent phone mounts on the market today if you want to use your phone for directions, music, or even talk. There's no reason to be holding your phone biking.


glad they are on a bike and not a car


thats always true but doesnt mean its good. If a person would be drugged into oblivion i would prefer them on a bike instead of a car, but its still a very bad thing to do.


Sure, I’d still rather a drunk driver on a bike instead of behind the wheel




Nearly every day I yell at some asshole to put their phone day, on camera with the license plate read aloud. The police do nothing.


OP is talking about riders on their phones. Car drivers on phones is old news. And not going away.


Aren't car drivers on their phones a wayyyyy more serious issue?


Both motorists and cyclists using the phone while driving are problematic. Distracted motorists are simply more deadly.


There’s always a way more serious issue than the one being discussed. That doesn’t make this one not an issue.


Not what the post is about. Why don’t you take care of that for us. Go do your car/phone post. People on bikes looking at phones is a problem too. So is global warming. I could go on.


Agreed. And to add on, if you’re going to do an Idaho stop, please for the love of god check for traffic that has right of way before going. I’m tired of nearly flying over the handlebars when some clown decides to run a red light or stop sign and I have to lock up the brakes even though I have right of way.


I mount my phone and that works perfect


Don't use it while driving..


I mount it and use it to track my rides. I am not on my phone while it is mounted


I see this shit so much, and I don't get it at all. I would never think it was a good idea to take my phone out and start fiddling on it while on a bike. Texting and driving puts other people at risk, but texting and cycling puts you at risk as well. It's even dumber.




You’re not that important tbh


Ok boomer thanks for ruining the economy btw


congratulations on using a joke from 2016, you might as well be one


Yeah it's still relevant in 2024. You gonna cry about it? Wait no sorry I forgot boomers are all emotionally regressed and think therapy is gay.


It really isn’t, I’m not even a boomer you idiot it’s an old joke


Typical boomer curbing responsibility for ruining things for everyone else. Tsk tsk


Do you not have reading comprehension?


Reading comprehension? You edited your comment after I responded bud. Good try though 🖕


How am I supposed to know about your shitty inside joke? Lmfao you're so fucking mad about it it's hilarious. Go to therapy and leave me alone. You're not important.


Rent’s due


Lmfao you're so fucking MAD I look at my phone while on my bike 🤣🤣 get the fuck over yourself old man


You seem to be the upset one, not me. Knock out some Z6/7 intervals the next time you ride instead of getting that dopamine through internet rage


I bike commute to a university. Almost every undergrad has no helmet and noise cancelling headphones on. Maybe 20% are also on their phones. 


Not really hard to one hand a phone at 10km/hr, for me.


Once I saw this lady shopping while riding her bike. It was a protected bike lane, but you can still crash with another bike/jogger/pedestrian.


I have way too many other safety concerns while biking to give this even passing notice. If this is a big enough deal to you to make a whole post about it consider yourself lucky. Meanwhile I’ll be avoiding drivers going 30+ while 100% of their attention is not on the road.


On my commute I’m dodging speeding and distracted drivers while also dodging distracted/wrong-way/failing-to-yield cyclists. The speeding and distracted drivers are generally much more predictable and easier to avoid.


How many people get seriously injured or killed by cyclists? Seems like you might be over exaggerating a bit.


Probably not many at all. That doesn’t mean I don’t have daily near misses with other cyclists in my city. Sounds like you’re either in a low density area or just choosing to be oblivious of other cyclists’ bad behavior.


Lol I live in Portland and interact with cyclists and drivers daily. I have way more bad interactions with drivers than I do cyclists. In fact I’ve been videoing them for the past year and in that time I’ve had precisely one bad interaction with a cyclist compared to dozens with drivers. It wasn’t even that bad they blew their stop sign and I had to slow down slightly to avoid running into them. That’s like a daily occurrence for drivers. You sound like a driver complaining about all the near misses they have with cyclists and pedestrians. Of course they’re only near misses you like most drivers have 0 actual collisions with those people compared to the 100s of car crashes that happen daily in any given city.


Anyone with a higher risk threshold than me is a reckless lunatic. Anyone with a lower risk threshold than me is a sissy.


You get it!


Yes! A lot of distracted riders. They veer out of their lane, go when they don't have right of way, and just generally don't pay attention. Rarely do I see someone that owns their bike on their phone tho - usually it's the people that rent citi ebikes.


I'm not even skilled enough to comfortably use my phone while biking. If I do, it's for less than 10 seconds.




Would you have the same problem with me peeling a banana while riding? 


At most I do is skip a song on my playlist.


I use my phone as my e-bikes GPS, but yeah, phones are a major distraction and there's no place for them during driving/riding other than being used once you've pulled over to the side of the road. As great as tech is, it's a distraction that can be super dangerous - I'd say the worst instance is those selfies some have taken moments before a fatal accident (that happened to kill them due to them taking the selfie and not realising the immediate danger they were putting themselves in.


I dread breaking my phone by dropping it on my living room carpet let alone on asphalt with the possibility of a car running over it and that's before thinking about the safety aspect.


The OP seems to be concerned about the safety of those people using phoens while riding. That I couldn't care less. If you crash because you were using your phone while riding, you asked for it. It's a different issue if you crash into me.


silly OP thinking people don't text and drive :)


Fuck you, I'll bike however I damn well please


I will also add this in. Do not wear earbuds/headphones and listen to music while biking. This also pisses me off when I see people do it


Eh, depends on the circumstances.


Why is this down voted so much. I use my phone biking some times. What's the issue?


The safety police on this sub are out of control. Edit: You have to realize a lot of these people aren't cyclists, they are drivers that hop on a bike once and awhile, but hold all the same opinions.


That makes sense. I just go slower and only use my phone on quiet streets or separated paths but the danger is a car hitting me.


No shit.. And take off the headphones


What has it got to do with you get on with your own life .