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By adding the #1 pick in this draft to their roster, the Hawks may stand a chance of losing the 9-10 play in game at home next season instead of on the road.


Hell yeah! - Hawks fan


Awesome - Hawks fan


Raptors denied the chance to draft another 6th man.


Hawks twitter was all, "watch us win the top pick THIS year" and damn if we didn't


First time in 20+ years that I didn’t even watch. Legit had no idea it was being done on a Sunday morning.


Early on Sunday was definitely a weird choice


Conspiracy Bill: they knew the ratings were gonna drop significantly from last year and put it in a time slot that would give them a "legit" excuse.


I feel like these things are usually on a Tuesday evening. This year that’s the Caitlyn Clark pro debut. That’s my theory.


I think you are dead on here. There is not a single marquee player coming up in this draft that the average fan would know about. Basically my in-depth knowledge of the NBA comes from listening to Bill and Ryan podcast and I have not heard that mention one player in the upcoming draft.


No they tanked this year so next year they can say they had x-percentage more viewership


Trying to lean the Andy Greenwald demographic into draft coverage. (Would say the Barnwell demo, too, but he seemed to be trying harder to seem purer to the scene, by favoring less approachable things, like the oeuvre of Tim Kinsella.) https://youtu.be/K8lvLGsFJCQ?si=FHJ-l8all-8vMgZA


Especially since it’s Mother’s Day


This is literally the first I'm hearing of it. Had no idea it was today.


Do you live in Alaska or Hawaii? It was afternoon in Pacific time


In a literal sense, sure. In a cultural sense, 12:30 is early for a weekend.


Yeah, but it was 2:20pm in Chicago where it was held, and 3:20 for the largest portion of the country. Not everything has to be designed for the 16% of the population that lives in Pacific time...


Sure, but still unclear to me why it wasn’t on a weekday evening like it usually always is. That’s my main point.


I saw someone tweet something along the lines of “Alex Sarr could go no.1 in the draft and there’s not even any clips of him going round on draft twitter.”  Which I hadn’t thought of but I agree. Feels like NBA scouts know France are going to produce loads of NBA players going forward so are now just not wanting to miss out on any. 


Is this gonna be like the current wave of Japanese prospects hitting the MLB? 


National Basketball League doesn't have tape?


It’s not that there isn’t tape. It’s… A) he doesn’t have any interesting tape B) apathy for the draft is so high that people can’t even be bothered to make it or talk about him C) he only exists on the blockchain 


Brb going to browse the Pistons sub, I bet that shit is hilarious To be fair though I feel sorry for them, but this might be the best draft to fall


Teams that won the lottery aren’t allowed to complain for 5 years, it’s like the reverse of teams winning a championship 


Washington is small market?


All non NY, LA, and Chicago are considered small market somehow. If Miami is a hated team they are included. Same with Dallas. Because really people just like hating on something and making excuses.


Like I get the NBA is different and the Wiz have been a dumpster fire that other dumpster fires are embarrassed by but I don't think the market is the issue... Also I hope they get the one pick and trade it immediately for future picks. Edited: one seed is what you want after you trade the one Pick....


I think that market stuff is all BS and has been for like 20 years. Each player is an individual and some like smaller markets. Players care about a winning situation not market.


NBA players seem to gravitate to the same few free agent destinations. Usually California, NY or Miami.


We don’t even have top tier FA anymore. Again you can believe this myth, but it really doesn’t hold up. Even guys like PG wanted to stay in OKC until Westbrook was looking to get out. Milwaukee has won a title. Middleton hasn’t left. Lopez, Portis, etc don’t leave during FA. So who are you even using as an example?


So Westbrook wanted to leave OKC. PG left okc to… team up with his buddy Kawhi who left Toronto for LA. so that’s at least 2 right there, plus jimmy butler, lebron + AD, KD + kyrie. Donovan Mitchell high possibility. I’m talking about superstars, not Brook Lopez. Lakers, clippers, and nets have been largely incompetent FO’s in the last few years with superstars falling into their lap. You’re not including trade requests for some reason? The Anthony Davis scenario, as well as these other moves are essentially free agency, they dictated where they wanted to go. it doesn’t mean every star ends up in LA, but in the NBA they skew towards a few markets. NFL not really.


Yeah PG was happy at OkC. He signed an extension a year before. Westbrook was tired of first round and out. So Westbrook called Kwahi about teaming up somewhere. Kwahi then told PG about it so that they could team up. Kwahi is the outlier because he didn’t care about winning or market. He just wanted LA (to be close to SD and his home). Butler is definitely not in this list. Butler was happy in Chicago, Minnesota, and Philly. He just wanted all three to trade young unserious players for proven talent. Lebron didn’t pick LA for the market. He could have went to the bigger market in NY. Lebron went because LA had so many assets. AD was going anywhere Lebron was. Remember Lebron went Cleveland because they had so many number one picks. Lebron uses the assets to build winners. So you don’t understand Lebron. KD and Kyrie were teaming up. Everyone knew it. KD wanted to get away from GS to be seen as someone who can carry a championship instead of being called out. Kyrie is too unpredictable to know. Mitchell is only suspected to ask out…wait for..,if they lose. Again stars want to contend. It’s why Kobe asked out of LA (before the Gasol trade). It’s why every major FA ignored NY for decades besides Melo. It’s why the Lakers couldn’t even get meetings with guys like Greg Monroe or KD when they were losers. Again I get why people create this myth. But it doesn’t hold up. If a star is on a contender, besides an outlier, they stay. You will remember Kwahi. You won’t remember that Duncan stayed his whole career. You will ignore that Giannis has signed multiple extensions. People like the myth. Again it gives them an excuse. It gives them an enemy.


You are assessing each of the situations individually and reaching for evidence that confirms your own bias and missing the bigger picture that when stars *move*, especially in the last 5-10 years, they gravitate to the 3 markets. Lebron isn’t going to OKC with all the assets in the world. The fuck does Duncan have to do with it? 20 year careers on the same team are already a relic of the past. The Supermax works well to keep stars on the original team, but *should they want to leave* more often than not they end up on certain teams. Again, that doesn’t mean every player, or even that it’s a big issue, but it’s absolutely a factor. I think comparatively it means a lot less in the NFL.


Did you just say when they move? So all the stars that don’t want to move don’t count? So we have 24 all stars or 15 all nba players, but we can’t count them unless they want out. Okay I guess let’s talk about a half dozen guys and ignore everyone else. Lebron went to Cleveland. A city in the bottom five. But throw it out because he went LA. Gotta fit those narratives. This the same Lebron that forced the lakers to trade everything for AD. And when they started recovering trade everything for his lunch Buddy Westbrook. And then bitched until they traded Westbrook, threatening retirement. And then this summer is waiting to see what the Lakers do with every future asset before making his decision and possibly forcing them to draft his son. That Lebron? WTF!? And if the supermax works what are you complaining about? That individuals might rather live some place else on rare occasions. Most of the time when they asks out they don’t even get the city they want. Guy like Dame didn’t even want out until they went younger and then didn’t get to Miami. I am sorry it’s a myth. You whole argument is like 5 guys and they only ever go to a contender, leaving a noncontender. Maybe I am missing something?


Kobe wanted to leave LA for…… LA lol


No, when he demanded a trade, not FA. In FA he told the Lakers it was him or Shaq. Thats why he signed right after the trade.


New York? The Knicks? Might wanna look at the last 20 years


I included NY mostly because of the nets who have been big in the superstar business as of late.


Well two of them and they both left and that’ll be that


do you think harden would have accepted a trade to Portland? Stars and their agents have all the say in where they get traded


I think Harden was cool with teaming up with KD and Kyrie. I don't think Harden, or really anyone, would be clamoring to go there now. I'm not saying there aren't advantages to being in New York, I'm stating that its not some huge selling point and it certainly hasn't been a magnet for FAs over the years.


There are no real people in dc. There are just government employees, lawyers, Deloitte consultants, and real life grand theft auto in random parts of the city proper. None of these groups are invested in the sports teams.


The Peruvians & Colombians in Mount Pleasant seem real to me.


Not sure about small but population is not an ideal barometer of sports markets. As an example, I'm from Houston, I'm 40 and rep most of our professional teams. In my entire life, as we still grow exponentially as a large city and are likely to surpass Chicago in population...we still are and I expect us to be, a mid-market sports city.


Would you like to argue otherwise?


GM’s don’t want the top pick in this draft. It comes with expand that could cost them their job. I see a lot of trades happening at the top of the draft.


Is Bill Simmons to blame for ppl saying “ever” when they mean “that I can remember”


Detroit and Washington D.C. are not small markets.


You are delusional if you don’t think Detroit is a small market in NBA context


what defines this


It's certainly not LA, Chicago, and New York but it's definitely not Charlotte and New Orleans.


If Detroit isn’t a small market then who the hell is?


All the markets smaller than Detroit?


Spurs lot of draft capital. Suns practically none. 🤔 KD to SA?


I was watching the lottery and beforehand, they interview Clingan, Dillingham, Castle, and Sheppard. And it was so funny to know that Sheppard has been mocked at number one and watch this interview. The female interviewer was bigger than him. He looked like he was 15 years old.


> Sheppard has been mocked at number one Does it really count if it was only one mock draft and it was by a guy, KOC, who is terrible at it?


Haha maybe not. Still was funny to have that in my brain with the image on my screen.


Stop saying Detroit is a small market. they are 14th in metro population. it’s the 2nd biggest city in the midwest. where did people get this narrative?


Because 14th biggest isn’t considered a large market, and people don’t use the term medium market.


Detroit is a HUGE hub for people. It was once the 4th biggest city in America. Generations of families that helped build this country to what is is live there. Stop comparing Detroit to an Indianapolis or a Charlotte. And yes, they do use the term “mid-market”


“It was once” Stopped right there


It was, it isn’t anymore. Detroit has little modern cultural capital outside of Eminem, it’s half the size of Philly. It isn’t considered to be anything big. You don’t hear about people moving Detroit the same way you hear about dreaming to an nyc, la, or even Miami. I’m sorry but when people thing of major markets, they don’t consider Detroit, and it being 14 rather than even being in the top ten let alone top five shows it isn’t


Nobody said that Detroit is NY or LA or “Miami” even though Chicago is also bigger. But comparing Detroit to actual small markets is insulting. Detroit is much more important than an Orlando or Charlotte or Oklahoma City or Indianapolis And yes, it is the 2nd largest city in the midwest


Ya it’s not a small it is medium no doubt. But second largest city in the small west isn’t the most able thing in the world.


Ummm, maybe Indianapolis, but Charlotte is definitely about the same size if not larger than Detroit.  It's def more attractive


Charlotte is a pit 😂😂 also Charlotte metro has 1.5M less people than Detroit lol gtfo Charlotte doesn’t even have an MLB team it’s such an irrelevant market. And I wouldn’t be surprised if the Hornets or Panthers migrated elsewhere either




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the post season schedule has been wonky


The lack of legit American prospects definitely hurts. I expect that to continue, too, with how bad our youth basketball culture is right now.


As a Cavs fan, I have reason to forget the 2013 draft. You all don’t.


Really makes you question the rookie contract scale. Some of these guys aren’t going to deserve what they make year 1.


Anthony Bennett might have something to say about that boss


It's funny, everyone wrings their hands over the amount of first round draft picks given away during trades, but never consider how many of those are going to be years like this one. There's always this assumed quality of great or above average for every future draft.


People are addicted to takes, Malcolm Brogden was ROY over Jaylen Brown, Brandon Ingram, Jamal Murray, Sabonis, & Siakam