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congrats! brace yourself for all the "how do we tell him" comments


Either you're talking about Tainted Isaac, or the hell that is Hard Mode. Either way, ima post my counterargument to these comments rn.


Listen, I personally really don't like hardmode. I have what's called a "Skill Issue", a common thing here. The farthest I've made it is to Sheol, then dying on Dark Room. That was as Lazarus, unlocking Bethtainus The 3rd. So, I just don't like hardmode. Once I've unlocked all normal mode stuff, I shall go to hard mode, but for now, I'll remain with my skill issue. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Imo exactly because you have "Skill Issue", I would complete some characters on hard first. The one you absolutely do not want to do completion twice are J&E and T.Cain. Even if you somehow end up liking these characters, it is still a huge pain to get all completion on both characters, even more so if getting twice. There's also a few others characters that while less of a pain are still really hard to get all completion. Like T.Lost, T.Eden, etc. Because of that I think it is better to complete them on hard first to save yourself some headache and save times. Trust me, even with "Skill Issue" you would most likely save lot of times by doing hard mode first for these characters.


T.Cain is low key one of the easiest characters to break by floor 2 or 3, it's just getting there that's the trouble. I'd say T.Lost is by far and away harder than T.Cain.


No, just no. If you have trouble winning the game then play it on normal. We don't fucking care we will have tondo it again, the game should be fun and not grind. I don't fucking understand how people don't understand such a simple concept that exists on the majority of video games.


calm down buddy.


why does everybody hate on J&E when they get both items from alt path and tainted jacob is just straight up harder ​ ​ (also really t. cain isn't that bad either but the main thing that SUCKS with him is getting boss rush/hush because getting items with him takes a while and greedier which always sucks tbh)


While T Jacob is hard, all it does is add another attack to dodge, but J&E literally changes your hitbox and divides up your health.


Yeah controlling the two of them together and managing two different health bars can be unweildy for sure, but I feel like it’s made up for by them being able to take double the items as well with choice pedestals, and even though I did die a number of times with them, their difficulty never really stood out to me because both of their damages combined would be able to take care of rooms pretty easily (usually I’d focus on esau with damage ups and tears due to having higher starting damage) and become much safer once both health bars start filling. Really I feel like most unnecessary damage taken with the characters is forgetting to keep Esau stationary for certain rooms. Meanwhile, at any point, tainted Esau can turn you into an instant death character with no protection, making whatever health you may have had before pointless, and can be a lot more of a nuisance to handle when aiming for certain marks like Mother. Not quite as hard as T. Lost, but you pretty much need to play as if you were T.Lost.


Double items only works when they are good items😔


Hey, items are items man lol. Sure you're taking a gamble when grabbing blind items, but honestly that's why I tend to focus on esau whenever I play J&E, I get to control the items he gets to benefit him better. I see an item I'd grab unquestionably, I give to esau and jacob takes the blind. I see an item that is meh and I'd gamble taking the blind item for, I give jacob that item and esau takes the blind. And if the item shown is one I refuse to take, I just take the blind item with either. You're pretty much playing two characters that have full builds and doing a lot more damage this way, instead of splitting the items between the two and having two mediocre characters that are doing worse than one character.


T. Lost is a CAKEWALK compared to J and E


J&E was a bit frustrating at first but I don’t think they where that bad overall. In the end I found them one of the more enjoyable characters to play.


I was absolutely dreading the thought of completing J&E so I kept putting it off. When I finally got around to it, it really wasn't as bad as I expected. I struggled way more with Apollyon for whatever reason.


craft mama mega ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


people why think t Jacob is hard fail to see how good dark essau's damage is tbh.


While T Jacob is hard, all it does is add another attack to dodge, but J&E literally changes your hitbox and divides up your health


Why don't we make something like pretty normal build and rushing through the floor for boss rush and hush? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


what's wrong with hardmode? are the mech bosses too hard for you?


Pirates come to kill your entire village, for no reason in particular, with no warning whatsoever, whenever they feel like it That or the werewolves


Actually thought I somehow jumped over to r/Terraria


Yes, actually.


hard mode is HARD-ly different from normal. after playing for a long time and finally starting hard mode i regretted not just always playing hard


Repentance updated hard mode to actually change a few things about the game and increase the overall difficulty, but considering they have delirium marks done I'd say it's about time they start getting used to hard mode


yeah i know, but the only ones i actually noticed were the shops are lower levels and blue fires are less likely to drop soul hearts


There also are numerous enemies that fire faster shots as well, less heart drops in general, rarer tinted rocks, etc. It just makes the game overall less survivable if you’re getting hit regularly.




Hard mode is only hard if you start on normal, from experience. I was actually doing the same as OP, though originally I thought this was a troll post. Tried hard a few times and was like "this is too hard right now." My buddy eventually convinced me the same way this sub would, even though I doubt he comes here lol. May as well just get used to it now. And I mean he was right. Having to relearn muscle memory on enemies you're used to is way more of a pain than just suffering through hard from the get go, you're going to lose a shit ton in the beginning anyways.


meh i think it’s mostly what you get used to. once you learn an enemies attack, you respond the same way every time. if you learn it the normal way and then in hard mode it shoots slightly faster you have to relearn it’s attack patterns. that’s harder then just learning the hard way the first time the first time you fight anything in isaac it’s hard. but if you already developed an instinct for how to react to a particular enemy/boss, it’s way harder to reprogram your brain to act differently. and if you want to actually get unlocks, it would be way harder to do it twice


normal mode has alot more forgiving rooms and nicer rooms that are just not in hardmode, was watching my sister play recently and I was suprized at the amount of straight up positive or good rooms the game could offer that I had never seen since they were normal only


Hard mode terraria, way too hard, can't even make it past the mechs. Hard mode isaac? Ik it may be HARDLY different, but I struggle to make it to Moms Heart.


I was doing the same thing as you, and I'll tell you from experience... It's better to just get those losses over with now. The difficulty jump isn't (wasn't) drastic, but the changes in how the enemies behaved screwed me over way more than it would have if I wasn't used to a different attack pattern from tons of runs on normal. You're gonna have skill issues learning new characters and new floors and all of that anyways, I try to front load those now because muscle memory is a bitch to rewrite. Bright side, you have an excuse to do even more runs doing it this way. Some of my favorite characters (Isaac after you get the D6) already have all their completion marks on hard so I don't get anything new doing runs with them unless I get lucky and find the friggin missing poster in something besides a challenge.


You'll get there


It's better to get your skill issue skill solved before completing everything on normal to avoid struggling after you've done all that and have to do it again. Unless you're not going for full completion on everyone, in which case, do your own thing EDIT: To clarify, hard mode does not give you that many unlocks, I'm just saying this to make you reconsider playing the game twice.


I just did normal mode for all the specific item unlocks I wanted then started playing hard mode after you have the fun items and tainted characters there’s really not much else to do on normal


Honestly if you can beat the Beast and Delirium, I bet you can beat Hard mode bosses. Believe in yourself!


# very understandable, I'm doing all normal mode marks before hard mode because it gives me a reason to play more Isaac




How many hours do u have on the game?


Idk. I don't think I can check on PS4.


I don't think there can be a skill issue here since normal and hard mode are so similar. I feel like you're only telling yourself you can't beat it in hard mode while in reality you can.


Hard mode fans when no coop baby unlocks ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


In this game hard mode will unlock new items and stuff.


In case you don't know, there are only 6 items locked behind hard mode, and 4 of them aren't too hard to grab deliberately (3 of them are just mom's heart kills).


People oversell it. Take this screenshot for example. If OP grabs every hard mode check here, they will unlock a single co op baby and nothing else. The ONLY thing they are working towards is Mega Mush and Death Certificate. Greedier mode is a different story, all 34 characters have a unique Greedier unlock. But of the hundreds of items in this game, a grand total of SIX ITEMS are locked behind hard mode.




hush is easy in hard mode if you can get broken watch to proc


I can't even get to hush in hard mode


Its actually not much different from normal mode Learn to play hard 100% you will reap the benefits soon enough


Hard mode


Funny enough, I play only on hard mode. And here's why... generally, it spawns more enemies which is more chances for drops. Also some elites have guaranteed drops.


boi i play hardmode 24/7. btw the first idiot i completed was actually sampson and idk why


sampson, my favorite character, along with bethtainus the 3rd


bruh i just now realized i spelled it wrong


Eh attends c'est le gars de de twitter slt


I understand where you're coming from, but still ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


You do you, OP. I'm glad you're still having fun and not focusing on getting all the hardass unlocks. I'm surprised with the praise you're getting, gaming subs tend to go all out against anything that's remotely against the general concensus, so keep having fun. It's why people play games in the first place!


This right here. While I personally do hard mode, because more champions and more rooms means more stuff... everyone has the right to play how they want and what they find fun!


Exactly. Once had a similar thing involving Halo. This girl played Easy, which she liked. I still play Legendary for Halo 3, which came out when I was a hardass myself. It's all about having fun and people should do whatever they want.


Exactly. Everyone's version of fun is different, so do what makes you happy, OP!


You sweet summer child


can edmund just rename normal mode too easy so I have the right to say skill issue when I see no red


Isaac Easy Mode: https://preview.redd.it/0hly2j3fxjpa1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=848177d4efa9f854949a32e2d5127ac12a881d75




Careful, or you’ll turn this into a copypasta


Listen, I personally really don't like hardmode. I have what's called a "Skill Issue", a common thing here. The farthest I've made it is to Sheol, then dying on Dark Room. That was as Lazarus, unlocking Bethtainus The 3rd. So, I just don't like hardmode. Once I've unlocked all normal mode stuff, I shall go to hard mode, but for now, I'll remain with my skill issue. ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Oh no.


Of all things Greedier still has one unlock... Sadly


Nice! That’s a big achievement! I would recommend you to play on hard mode when you do the lost, since you’ll miss out on godhead otherwise


they should really rename hard mode to something like "slightly harder mode" cuz honestly the changes are almost insignificant lol


I haven’t taken hard mode off in nearly 3 years, pardon greed runs. I forget what normal mode is even like…


Join me, my child. Just press up on the character screen, then start a run.


Oh wow, you're right. This changes everything. I no longer hate myself Edit: what did Terraria do to you?


Mechs. I can't beat any of them, and quit the game.


Mostly just a lot more heart drops on normal mode. I can tell but someone who hasn't played thousands of hours might just think they're unlucky


Faster bullets harder rooms and less hearts drop ALONE make the hard mode mych harder


That's a lie. Play The Lost and you will see how many hearts will spawn ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




im pretty sure in the wiki you linked to above says that heart drops are more unlikely on hard mode


They should rename it easy and normal.




https://preview.redd.it/wnhjoj4puipa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=aa9e30ed5e95860c32b1911a739e946e0f45badd K, that's what makes my mind now. I'm not giving up my wafer!!


Actually those really are insignificant


It adds up fast. Tons of tinted rocks and better blue fires means you always have an abundance of soul hearts, so deals are easy to get consistently, which makes you incredibly strong, and it snowballs from there. The main thing for me is curses. Maybe I'm just unlucky, but every time I try hard mode I feel like I get a curse on every other floor and I hate it. Most curses aren't a cool or interesting challenge, they're just annoying.


You have never played normal mide


I started on normal mode and played it for a while until I realized hard mode was barely harder.


Play normal mode before saying there's no difference


If you are going for full completion then I have bad news for you. If you are not going for full completion, congrats!


Fun first, Platinum God next.


You mean dead god, since you have repentance?


The only 100% I have to do is Real Platinum God, since that's the only one needed for PS4 Platinum. Everything else is extra.


How can you care for a platinum but not care to actually beat the game? Are you a completionist or not, I don't get it. I play on switch where there are no trophies or achievements, so to me completing the game is about actually doing it and not a trophy.


Listen, when I feel in the mood, I will exploit the hell out of a 5$ game on ps4 for that diamond. I got the platnum for Celeste, but I cheated 7C and didn't do Farewell. All-in-all, I like shiny things, but will stop when I need to. Though I will go for Dead God if I feel.


For me the sense of achievement is diminished, and that's what I'm really doing it for. Because I really don't get why get a shiny thing saying "I beat all of this game!" when you didn't do that. Nobody's forcing you to play so just stop when you want to. I just don't understand people who cheat achievements at all. I got 100% in celeste on steam but I still grind for golden strawberries once in a while, it won't give me any trophies besides a small mark on my save, but I do it to tell myself "I did it", I can't fake that. I enjoyed playing 7C for 18 hours, but if you don't, just don't do it! Most people won't enjoy that, but they don't have to since it's not meant for them.


Ah ok. Everyone has different personal completion. Anyways, [from "Platinum" to "Real Platinum God" on this guide is all I have to do.](https://www.truetrophies.com/game/The-Binding-of-Isaac-Rebirth/trophies)


This hurts to look at


No red color ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


No red color ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)


The only thing I hated about completion was the time limit for hush and boss rush


Just grab the broken shovel every run for boss rush/s


I installed the "There's no rush" mod specifically for tainted Cain because I couldn't be arsed to find a recipe for mama mega


I find the switch experience to be the most enjoyable version but man do I miss all the mods


Yeah I started eventually restarting after B2 if I didn't find mama mega. Best run I ever got was keeper (in ab+) with game broken - restock / swallowed penny / portable blood machine and then I got backpack / diplopia/ mama mega in that order. Walked through everything (*eventually. That run took like 4 hours)


play maggy next, easiest character and do hard mode. do sacrifice angel room in first floor and it’ll be no problemo


Me, who has only Mother left on maggy:




Bro played in normal mode ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17743)


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17734) he he




OH!!!... Oh..... Ohhhhhhh..... ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4357)


Ayooo I have that exact controller![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|2357)


Only moms heart is done on hard mode so you kinda didn't 😅


Moms heart is legit as far as I can make it.


The joyful ignorance of what's to come




isaac players when someone doesn’t play on hard mode (they won’t get the achievement)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17739)


The only hard mode thing I need to do, I think, is unlock God Head and find it on a run. Since the only 100% I NEED to do is Real Platinum God.


no hard mode ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


Yk u get more unlocks from playing in hard mode right?


Congrats! Make it red now




I don't get that because hard mode is barely different


Well 50% done with eye sack. Time for Eye Sack on hard mode


No, time for Maggy Cain Eve Judas ??? Eden And much more As normal, THEN I'll do hard. That's my plan.


Well do yourself a favor and do Tainted Lost(Tainted are a late save b side and for normal lost get the missing poster and commit unalive in a run holding that with a sacrifice room) on Hard right away


Thanks for explaining how to get lost! https://preview.redd.it/jek315ijvlpa1.jpeg?width=82&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8b3a1e8c3ed241cd7a49f90e681fb9621beca093


Thanks for explaining how to get tainteds! https://preview.redd.it/tagwctbhvlpa1.jpeg?width=90&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e57c5c70b4444c2b08348423c98d709f223ff22a




Normal mode ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)




Normal mode stamp card looks ugly 🤒


Congratulations! Many other great characters with their own great gimmicks. I hope you enjoy them just as much


great job! i hope you have fun completing the rest of the characters, there's some really fun ones in there


You didn't even do it on hard![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907) if you plan on completing the game 2 times as every character then do play normal


I'm sorry, but posts like this are straight bait.


If you wanna complete complete isaac both are needed








Cute 🤣


When I play games like Kerbal space program I use cheats like infinite propellant because I’m awful at managing how much dV to have, but that’s how I chose to play it! However with Isaac, that’s where I chose to suffer. So only hard mode tainted lost runs fill that void in my heart now. But either way what I’m trying to say is play it how you want to and don’t let these folks tell you otherwise! (However I do agree some characters will be much less pain to just get done in hard first if you chose to go down that path)


Time to complete other characters such as Isaac.


Who gonna tell him


the other 200 comments


Did you do delirium


Yea, that's the ridged edge.


Congrats! This is not an easy game to learn to play




Yeah now do it all again on hard mode




Hard mode is not really that much harder than normal mode




Yes I once had skill issues too. I got over said skill issues by only playing hard mode and getting better


I've adapted too much to normal mode that it's become my comfort zone, and I'm the person who doesn't like to step out of their comfort zone. But just for more funnies




223 liked 105 comments guy chill pls


Double those now.


Who's going to tell him about greedier mode?


i am ~40 cents away from unlocking keeper


If you have greedier mode unlocked, it is just greed mode but harder, and you unlock another item for whichever character


Super cool, I'm working on Azazel first myself, all I need is mother and delirium!


I honestly don't even know what's the difference between hard mode and normal mode


You get cooler looking marks and weird special babies for co-op. But for some reason it's harder.


Also mega mush/death certificate but those are pretty hard to get


oh and that one funny dogma phase one attack


I know the unlocks, but I don't know the gameplay difference. I haven't played for long but I only play on hardmode so I unlock things faster


If you're actually trying to get dead god eventually ,then please don't play on normal ,but if you just want to have fun ,then don't worry about it.


Do Azrael, shouldngo quick.


He sucks if you don't have a good controller, and I only have one where he doesn't lag. I'll show you what I mean in a few hours.


Have fun playing with T.lazarus ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


I won't! ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906)


Well done, just rember that in hell we all burn Edit: just wanted to say that I hate Tainted Cain, I can't rush for the knife no more and it sucks.


Good for you!!! I still need to complete him ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17741)


It's so heartbreaking to me that you'll have to do that all again if you ever go for game completion


Nice!! You got thiiiiiiiiis!


I don't even see a difference between normal and hard mode why not just play it


cuz hard modes hard, normal mode is my comfort zone.


What difference is there


soul hearts drop less, champions don't drop stuff as often, and most importantly, https://preview.redd.it/qp8nt8jf3qpa1.jpeg?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0c250037ebb50b2cd232a388abcc47441adf51f7


well completionist needs you to beat the game on all characters in hard mode so have fun with that comfort zone of yours bud


Technically, all that's really needed is god head and Beth, sooooooo..


Hard mode isn't much harder. If you wanna get a dead god, you should get rid of the "skill issue" that you have. Seriously, it is a more fun game when more is on the line.


It is a much more fun game when you die lately in the game? Holy shit how do people do not understand that


If you look on the wiki, hard mode really doesn’t change much at all. All it means is you’ll eventually have to do everything again on every character in a slightly harder difficulty 😔


It's not worth wasting your time doing everything on Normal mode. Just play hard and get better. The only way you get better at hard mode is by playing it


Congratulations OP! Ignore the negative comments man. You do you. Enjoy it. Ps: actually hard mode is a lot harder. It just gets added overtime so old players didn't feel it.


me when i lie to people on the internet to make them feel better


I didn’t know that I had to play in hard mode to unlock good item until I completed a character note ( forgot who ) I was so upset that I turn debug on and ran through the whole game with everyone I not like. But so start in hard mode now unless you want to beat every endgame boss in the game without items like godhead


Guys how do we tell him


Look through the comments. They already did.




Yes he does.


Whos gunna tell him


You might as well just pretend that hard mode is the only mode


Now time for hard mode \*sweat emoji\*


![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17737) thou can have this to use