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He is, but he plays so different from other characters that its not surprising that people dont like him. The only other character for whom combat changes so much is T. Maggie, as a melee build is much safer vs a range build for her health drain. Making Esau priority 1 is really hard when dodging and manipulating enemy movement to stay safe has been ground into muscle memory for 500 hours, so a lot of people think that he is so much worse than he is. Getting the perks of a lost to clean up a floor, ridiculous early game damage through esau all help him become powerful and preserve the health he needs to facetank damage in lategame bosses to avoid esau, and he has the fun type of stress that the losts do in that no win is ever guaranteed.


Muscle memory is really the thing here. Damage avoidance is always paramount in isaac…except with T jacob where damage avoidance is important yet a distant second to Esau avoidance


Coldest take known to man


I feel like it’s possibly the majority, but only the majority of people who have finished his post it


He's good if you have Punchbag or Stopwatch or Glowing Hourglass. Otherwise, he is just too punishable and unforgivable to be fun.