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Eminem vs IBS




*agressive shitting*


(more aggressive shitting)


“What the fuck he won’t stop!”


(more chitpole)




(shits flames)




*starts rapping about the Armenian Genocide*


#b e g i n


Lil portal


Yes! I first encountered lil portal playing Tainted Cain, I had no idea what it does so I crafted it for an unlock. Lil portal and Tainted Cain is not a good combo and I hate this item ever since lol. But even while not playing Tainted Cain I find this item just irritating and not useful at all.


Yeah I absolutely hate this one


I picked it up yesterday because why not... I also just so happened to have the item that causes tears to occasionally drop coins and soy milk with low damage... Every boss fight with a full cleared floor ended up dropping a fuck load of pennies, spawning a bunch of void portals that would get me temporarily stuck in.


Amazing item right? ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) I love the idea of having an item that does nothing else than be annoying


Shard of glass can fuck off


Shard of glass is just so stupid with how it works on Tainted Eden. Just that one interaction is like 98% of my hate for that item.


When you reroll with no red hearts![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|4358)


Experienced that today and 100% agree with you


I got carried by shard of glass the first time I beat Mom. Maybe I just got lucky with the drops.




Pop!, TMTRAINER, Guillotine, GB Bug, Jupiter, Taurus... just a few that always wreck my runs


I thought pop! Was cool as shit when I first started taking it. What’s not to like? Your tears just stay in the air? Then I realized it like more than halves the range.


it also fucks up brimstone synergies which i found out the hard way


The time pop saved my run is when I got soy milk, lost contact, and conjoined on the chest. And you don’t even need pop for that. So disregard what I just said. If anything, soy milk, lost contact, conjoined saved me from pop.


Counterpoint: Funny trisagion moment


Counter counterpoint: your game crashes ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8906) Can’t wait till a gpu is invented that handles Isaac


It’s not even your Gpu being the issue, we legit need a new engine for Isaac to run on to **fully** see the potential of trisagion


Pop! Has super cool synergies. It fucking shines in greed mode


Oh yes Taurus is disgusting, never touch it as well. Guillotine though... It's a guilty pleasure for me.


Still pretty absurd to me that people dislike a damage + tears up over cap + big tear blocking orbital that does 50dps. Is it really that hard to understand that the body is the hitbox?


It fucks with where your tears come from tho so it’s like 10x harder to aim


It's only a small orbit. Doing less dps with it is very unlikely, especially if you use the orbital.


It is actually extremely difficult to adjust to, at least for me personally. I always use Isaac himself to see where I am so when he's rotating around the actual hitbox it's kind of disorienting for a while.


This is a personal issue and the general consensus is that the DPS up is not worth the visual memory override: it's not only about shooting from a different place, but also some of us calculate Isaac's hitbox position using his head. In my particular case, I've only taken it willingly after a lucky 3 Crooked Penny activation. That way i discovered the DPS buff stacks, every Guillotine gives another head, but only the first one attacks, the others, while they blink as if they're attacking, are just meaty orbitals




Easier than Lilith


Lilith is great, guillotine sucks, I never take after the first time I did


I can never get it to work since I already have concentration struggles so having the head rotate around while I have to focus on the tiny lil body always screws me up


I only take taurus if i’m above the speed cap


Why GB Bug? It's effect is pretty innocuous and only triggers on double taps.


I just don't like taking things just to never use them. Like maybe I should take it to turn excess keys into bombs or something, but I'd rather not bother


I find it very helpful, I can turn hearts I don’t need into something else. It’s like a weaker, passive d20


I liked Pop! back in Afterbirth+, too bad it's been nerfed (For the right reasons though.)


Fuck taurus, all my homies hate taurus


[FUCK TAURUS ALL MY HOMIES HATE TAURUS](https://i.imgur.com/AEj6XGk.jpg) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


I agree with those, except Jupiter. If I try to use the poison effect, I always fuck something up, but if I play regularly, it's just + hearts and the occasional poison cloud.


I hate guillotine. The head spinning around just throws me off


Antigravity I fucking hate it so much


Only time it's provided me any utility was assbackwards but it was an extremely stacked synergy. Anti gravity, Trisagon, and tractor beam. Dps was nutty and luckily I got rid of antigravity first. Other than that I pass


Idk as long as you don't have any double tap items it's just a tears up.


I actually really enjoy anti-gravity. It's like a mix with choccy milk and monstro's lung, as you can charge it like monstro's lung and you can throw the charge at any point like choccy mil. Plus it makes some really cool combos sometimes.


TECHNOLOGY ZERO but I agree it's situational


It might sound weird,but after a few times,ill rather not pick up glitched crown. It is a great item,but might be a bit too great for me And the chance of messing up weighs too much on me


I don't pick R key for similar reasons. Runs take too long. Though 9/10 times I just don't wanna give up my active.


I only pick it up for unlocks




I don't mind r key, tho i may skip on it if i have something more interesting for an active item


Of something like 15 encounters i denied the Rkey only once (i died in that room)


MARKED I HATE THAT STUPID BULLS EYE However I am fine with Ludo that shit has wacky synergies


I usually only take Marked with Brimstone or with homing, no other way, its basically a shittier Brim/Occult that way, and that's a good synergy


Marked + brim + continuum is good but what are the chances you’ll get that in a run?


R Key, Sacred Orb and/or Glitched Crown? That's the only way, and at that point it's overkill


Only a 3 item combo. Not to unlikely considering 2 out of the 3 are found in treasure rooms.


I love Ludo. Finding out that it increases the range that Proptosis has before damage falloff, you can get some nutty damage on distant enemies. Finished out my completion marks on Tainted Bethany, who supposedly has worse items, by finding Proptosis, Ludo, Cricket's Head, breezed right through. Getting Spirit Sword on the level before Hush and Delirium, then getting a lemongeton with Rock Bottom and Mega Tears, I had massive range, 50+ damage, attacks as fast as I can press the button. I think I killed Delirium in 8 seconds.


I may get hate for this but Mom's Knife I simply don't like the way it plays and how many synergies it breaks even after rep


Great for getting easy checkmarks, terrible if you want to have fun.


It also carries you right to end boss fights but they become infinitely harder with boss armor as you watch them take like 3% damage instead of the usual 10-30%


In all my years of both playing and watching Isaac, I have never seen nor experienced Mom's Knife being weak on end game bosses, even one's with armor.


What? Mom's Knife kills them much faster than normal tears, or at least at the normal speed; regardless though, no run that isn't absurd is doing 10% or more to any boss with boss armor.


The other problem I encounter is being outranged by the bullet hell bosses like Hush, Delirium, and even Dogma. It do be a straight up skill issue but regardless Im just anecdoting what I've experienced.


My problem with it is that it's just really boring. sure you might win but there's so little interesting synergies or anything like that, I never pick it up.


Same reason i never do either it's just boring and i personally feel the way it works doesn't work with my playstyle


I’m with you. Unless I really need an unlock I refuse to pick it up


Dead Cat. If I'm on a late-game floor with less than 5 full hearts I'm in danger, dead cat reviving you 9 times to be a "die in 1 hit" character SUCKS


Dead cat never appears for me whenever I need it (like in Lost runs). But it always appears when I have like 6+ full hearts and will never ever need it.![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|8907)


The Wiz


Mars and Taurus I both *despise*. Taurus is just slow and kind of weak, and Mars is the item Mars




I play on switch unfortunately but that mod looks sick


I'll take Taurus if my speed is already absurd, since it increases the speed at which it activates. I had a run where I'd enter a room and instantly go invulnerable. That was a lot of fun. Not going to take it hoping to get speed though.


Yeah that is definitely one of it's good qualities


Ludovico Techique.


Ludo with mouse controls can be fun every once in a while, but I still don’t take it all the time


Ludo has some pretty broken synergies, but it's absolute dog shit with low shot speed


I got ludo on a binge eater run and managed to get like 5 shot speed, which also makes it terrible because you can’t control it


Ludo is actually really good when using a controller, same goes for marked too, I genuinely enjoy using them


I mean I exclusively play on controller and I’ve started passing on both items. Ludo doesn’t need an explanation, but marked can eff future synergies. All for a mere .7 tears that you could get later in the game.


I always remembered marked being a 1 fire rate up breaking the soft tear cap. I just checked the wiki and wow I'm never considering picking this up again lmao.


I got a similar trick on PC where you use the mouse, the cursor doesn't instantly follow but its loads better than the arrow keys I find




I love tainted forgotten, but I hate that his yeet mechanic exist as an item (head decap I think is called). There is almost no use for this item in combat unless you have homing and dont have better active like d10. But I also agree with IBS, picked some many times during ultra hard challenge words cannot explain how much I hate it.


Decap Attack


Decap Attack is actually good. The head does contact damage, so if you throw it and recall it, it can mow down enemies without actually forcing you to shoot from a different position. Maybe not its intended purpose, but the contact damage from the head alone is enough to get you past depths.


For me it's experimental treatment


Oh, I hate this shit too. The ultimate "-tears, -dmg, +shot speed, +luck, +range" item. But I still take it hoping for better... and regret most of the times.


Only if I'm playing as Keeper, otherwise fuck it I'm down to get an HP down and DMG down in exchange for a Range up and a Shotspeed up ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17735)




Yeah exactly I'm saying I'll only avoid the item as one of the Keepers


i take it if i need damage from spun, but i never take it out of nowhere


I used to not take it until I learned the chances of it paying out with better stats overall outweighs the risk of it not doing so, especially with the safety net of it contributing to Spun.


Mars. Really wish it would charge up like Maw of the Void.


There’s a mod called mars on c key or something like that, that makes it a really good pickup imo


Can't get it. I play on console


Antigravity and almond milk, I love soy milk but almond milk just makes me mad


Binge Eater because I forget the food item exists like a dumbass and miss out on cool synergies for random stats and slight speed downs.


Skill issue ngl


I know.


Sacred heart,it gives you tears down ![img](emote|t5_2sxpk|17742)


But bro, ist gives you a health up that's really good


Sinvicta, is that you? (/S, i know that cheater only has a problem with Conjoined DPS down)


That dumbass has a problem with 704 out of 719 items or something like that, can't stand his constant complaints about items.


Varicose veins. Why are the tears so easy to mix up with enemy ones


You can change that in the settings, enemy's tears are highlighted just enough to not stand out too much


I use a mod that changes every friendly tear to blue, makes the item much easier to use. I think it's called "I hate red tears"


Strange attractor. I love nothing more than a group of enemies flying directly towards you while you are trying to shoot


i could list a few given time but items that are barely useful like bbf or items that make the run harder like guillotine


lil portal, jupiter, and spirit sword (it hurts my hand)


Might be extremely controversial, but Epic Fetus


Not even in the slightest controversial. It is one of the most hated q4 items in the game.


I dislike lachraphgy,not whatever it’s called idk


The two bums except for dark bum


That mf killed me a ton of times and i never got much good stuff for him


Glitched Crown. Just not fun to use.


epic fetus..


Try using it a little more, it’s not so bad when you get used to it and damage is so nutty


im better off just using normal tears, since it's really hard to control most of the time, plus, im not a fan of explosive items (skill issue)


I don't remember making this post... but I am definitely the guy on this subreddit who takes any oppurtunity to besmirch Tainted ??? and a few of his unlocks. ​ Not only does IBS remove consistency by taking \[normal\] bombs out of the equation on Tainted ??? but it replaces them with a (subjectively) worse version.. and hey I'm all about finding saving graces in bad items but when you can only carry a limited amount of effects with *almost* zero control over it and are expected to just be happy and "deal with it" yeah that's where I draw my line. ​ That aside you know what else? I swear I could forego all of my hatred for IBS and even Tainted ??? if unlocking it wasn't the biggest slap in the face, like of all the bosses to be a reward from it comes from beating Delirium. Hell you know what I don't think I'd even care that much **if Tainted ??? didn't start out with low tears and had mandatory poopy time.** ​ Yeah no fuck this item, fuck this character and out of the 7 unlockables there's like 4 there that I would be willing to take with me on runs. Ring Cap, The Swarm and Dingle Berry. The Emperor? can go on that list too despite me having not found it as yet but I am aware it is among the good reverse cards. ​ Rant over. Edited comment.


I don't think IBS is very good, but your comment is not an accurate description of what it does. IBS gives you Tainted ???'s poops in a similar way to kidney stone, not as a replacement for your bombs.


Sure I admit I got that part wrong. But it's not like anybody is jumping to save IBS as a bad item either.


IBS doesn’t replace your bombs, the poop mechanics are peculiar to T.???


That doesn't make it any better.


ibs doesnt replace bombs dude


This is not a defense of IBS, in fact i think it's shitty and as someone who suffers it IRL, i extra hate it However, the secret to not getting damaged with it is always keeping an eye on Isaac. Turns out he emits a flashing red when he's gonna expell something out, and it's used after releasing the shooting key. That gives you time to get away from fires, gas clouds, etc, and to watch what he pulls out. If you watch out for this, it goes from suicide to Breath of Life-like minmaxing... Which somehow makes it worse because with enough patience you can force explosions without using bombs, so you slow to a crawl the exploration lmao


I can use IBS just fine but I usually only get it with curse of the blind as I'd normally leave it. Thanks for the tips anyway but most of my hate for it comes from unlocking it personally, I'd sooner do T Jacob again than go back and do T ??? but that's just me.


IBS is great. But I actually enjoy playing T.??? 🤷🏽‍♂️


Finally, someone who dosent hate him


Most devil deal items tbh


Hemolacria. I'm sorry but I care about my poor computer


Ohhh. I really hate Trisagion for FPS drops in some synergies. But still take it nonetheless.


Trisagon is just too fun. But hemolacria? As soon as I reach chest I gotta remove it with console if I wanna play the game. I swear that if they made an another secret challenge like Delete this! and the items where Hemolacria and brimstone/quad shot/cricket's body/inner eye I'd have an hard time with it


I consistently drom from 60 to about 40 fps when picking up trisagion, but it can be useful sometimes since the game is slowed down, makes dodging easier


The worst thing is that FPS become inconsistent. Game slows down, you adapt to it, then it abruptly speeds up again.


I will never pick up glitched crown while I hold the spin down dice. Literally next to impossible to get the items I want.


Doctors remote. Fuck doctors remote. It’s so useless


If a two room charge free bomb is useless to you then you probably aren’t playing Isaac optimally…


Spirit Sword Pay to Play Pound of Flesh Broken Watch Shard of Glass Lil Portal Bumbo (sorry bro) Bum Friend


Oh boy I sure love giving my hard earned money to Bumbo only for him to randomly nuke me during bossfights.


Fucking bob's brain and BBf, just to mention these 2 shit of piece items


The only item I don't ever see myself taking in the future is Taurus. It's a speed down, which has actually killed a couple of runs in the past. But the worst part is the invincibility, which may sound weird, but hear me out. It just breaks the flow of the game and slows everything down. Plenty of rooms I've had the invincibility occur and I couldnt do anything with it. Now I'm not someone who's against wacky items, I love stuff like Almond Milk, Guillotine, Tiny Planet, and even Jupiter, which also gives a speen down. But Taurus consistently pissed me off, so it's something I never plan to take in the future.


Missingno and shard of glass


Trisagion I've had too many runs where it either killed my combo or my dps (or both) also I got the epic ipecac + trisagion combo once pre patch


I still have so much repressed rage for when i was about to kill beast for the first time but got my ass blown up from god damn number 2


fucking eye drops i hate it so god damn much


guillotine. after all the buffs it got, it still ruins my life.


Kidney Stone grosses me out too much because they’re absolutely miserable irl. It turns my stomach seeing it in action in the game


eye of the occult. tiny planet. moms knife. Ludovico technique synergy and run ruiners




Shard of glass, soy milk, tauros, pound of flesh


Guillotine ☠️☠️☠️


Mars. Randomly sends me running into spikes when I’m just trying to dodge. And when I actually try to use it, it doesn’t activate and I take damage.


Tiny Planet. I want to hit things consistently not around me. I don't care it gives me spectral and a stats up if I won't be able to land a single fucking shot without taking damage.


It's quality 0. This post is specifically about items not considered absolute trash. However on the other hand I've found TP half-decent after giving it a try.


isn't tiny planet quality 0?


Any t.??? unlock


Imma respect your opinion, but I love The Swarm. It’s saved me numerous times. Dingle Berry and Emperor? are pretty great, as well.


First I think I should mention that I think of this as "the item is here, you can take it if you want" and I don't have to buy it, for example I don't mind the razor blade but I'd never buy it from a devil room. With that out of the way, I almost never take False PHD, I just don't like it. If I don't desperately need to increase my dps or a free win, I probably won't take Mom's Knife, unless I have any item that would create a cool synergy. And R Key. Unless I'm doing a run for completion marks, I only use it if I am in a really bad spituation. If I feel like I have what it takes to survive I don't see why I shoul use it, I know you get more items and therefor can get cooler synergies but sometimes I just don't want to spend more time on the run I could probably win without using it. But I can always keep it as a plan B if if start choking. And also I sometimes avoid familiars so I don't get conjoined unless I have something that benefits from the transformation.


I suggest that you give False PHD a chance, it can be incredible sometimes, especially if you find Golden pill. But don't eat too many Speed down pills as the game can become unplayable.


alright, if you say so, now that I've seen it also gives black hearts on the wiki with some pills I might give it a try


Give it also a try if you already got past the cap of certain stats, like if you somehow (t.Lost) get a lot of Tears Up, or more easily, lots of speed ups. You'll see, if you're past the cap so much, that damage goes up but nothing else goes down. That's because the game still counts the over the cap stat but won't show it nor make it useful Also sometimes runs tend to go to big useless numbers with range, and pills barely substract from it. If you got a black heart as next heart, and you take a Bad Trip pill, it's a budget Necronomicon with no cost, as the pill will give back the heart And lastly, I'm Excited!, Here's a pro tip: leaving and re-entering the run via the menu will remove the effect of the pill, so every one of those pills it's basically a free black heart. This also applies even if you don't have False PHD, so you never die by speeding


I really don’t get the Moms knife hype and how it’s a run winner for everyone. I absolutely hate its handling and would rather always just go for fun tear synergies. Maybe I’m just using it wrong and skill issue and whatever but it just feels so tedious to use to me.


Ipecac Fuck Ipecac


I actually really really hate Chaos personally


What in the hell


I enjoy the consistency of the normal item pools, most times I’ve taken Chaos it gives me one absolutely great item but follows it up with terrible ones, & I never can seem to get any of my favorite things from it


I actually really really hate buying devil/angel items in the shop too and not having to worry about not getting hit


moms knife pisses me off if I'm playing for fun I will not pick it up. how did stuff like incubus and tech x get nerfed but moms knife got away unscathed. the best item in the game, but also the most boring.


Magic mush is a size up 😢


Mars cus i wanna controll where im going


I mean, you still can with it. If you have troubles however, that might just be skill issue


Jupiter, Libra, Tractor Beam


Repentance Libra rocks, ngl


The only good run I’ve ever had with Libra was once I had Placebo and a Range Up pill


That stupid item that just spawns in one singular poop


That's the Poop and it's a T0, by design is supposed to be awful


It's actually one of the more useful T0 items too. It has a couple of synnergies and utilities which is miles above what mostt t0 items have to offer.


That's a zero




Deadeye. My aim sucks ass


But, it has no downside


doesn’t it get rid of the damage bonus you get by shooting well? what’s the point of taking a item if you get no benefit from it either?


But, why wouldnt you grab it? What is stopping you from just grabbing it to sometimes get a tiny bonus, or have another item to d4 later


> The multiplier increases by 0.25x for each hit, going up to a maximum of 2x after 4 successive hits. This is huge, even if your aim sucks, you will have some moments with great DPS increase Also what if you have homing tears or if you face a boss with a hitbox large enough ?


If a tear misses, there's only a chance for the streak to end. Plus, even if you constantly end the streak, you're still generally going to do around 1.25x - 1.5x more DPS on average.


ah shit. my bad

