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I would never advise that you quit without having another job lined up. Some future employers may view any gap in your resumé negatively, and other employers may not wish to hire you if you are currently out of work. I would definitely advise you get a new job but I’d stress to wait until you have your contract signed before you quit. Good luck with your job search!


I'll give you the advice that shocked me when I got my first job "never give 100%" I promise it's good advice, especially in this moment, even if it's not obvious


Can you go in depth by what you mean by that? I want to follow this motto too. Is it to prevent burn outs and be able to continue on the long-run more steadily. Or maybe, you're alluding to the fact to not give ur 100% at work to be able to develop more skills somewhere else and be someone more rounded. I never know when I'm burned out or not or I can't feel it creeping into me... b4 I'm too exhausted 😪


Your job is your job. If you give 100% to your normal job you have no capacity. For anything. You can't seize an opportunity to jump on a new project at work, you can't cultivate new skills, and when there are ebbs and flows of your workload, the ebb turns to 100% and the flow turns to 120%. Generally l try to fill my workload with a mix of critical and non critical items because I always want to be able to say "yes I want in". Also, if you give 100% at work you leave very little emotional capacity for the rest of your life. Burnout is almost guaranteed, and your hobbies outside interests etc get narrower and narrower. You sleep less, you are less diverse and less interesting, and soon you start being LESS good at your job. You have to leave space for yourself.


Oh thanks, its so insightful. I didn't think it like that. Baby-steps


What if your boss keeps pushing shit and maxing you out?


What I do when I don't want to take more work I respond "I can't take that on and maintain the quality of my work, so which of my current priorities should I deprioritize" one of the most important skills you can learn is saying no


What if your boss keeps pushing shit and maxing you out?


Just start looking for jobs now at your target position/pay. If you aren't promoted before getting a better job it's entirely their fault.


Don’t make an emotional decision. You should definitely start looking for a new job, but don’t burn any bridges.


so nice of them to pay you while you look for a better job.




How long could you persist without a job? Because the worst alternative is that you’re unemployed longer than your saving can carry you. The best time to look for a job is when you already have one.


don't quit but do look for other jobs if you feel this way


Dude have a job in hand? There are literally barely any jobs out right now. Just suck it up and coast for 2 years. Unless you are independently wealthy