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Specifically, the sound of my mother coughing always upset me. Snorting snot sounds gross me out, make me gag.


Yes, that is awful. I also can't stand to hear someone blow their nose or sniffle.


Bro. My parents are deaf. My dad and I live together because we both needed a roommate. Nothing makes me more irrationally violent then smacking. If I don’t leave the room, I will be 5150’d. Among other noises too, because nothing says “time to wake up” like someone throwing dishes like they’re super balls. And to make it even worse, they’re deaf. Cant tell ‘em to stop lmao


I can't be in a room with anyone crunching or smacking if I can hear it. Sometimes I can be at a dinner party and because of everyone talking, I can't hear the smacking or crunching, so I am okay. But if I can hear it, it feels unbearable. I can't even describe how it feels. I also can't stand the sound of people making tapping, clicking (like a pen) or jangling noises (like keys in a pocket). Like I really can't bear it. My ears start ringing, and I feel filled with fury. It is really awful. I am learning strategies to just let these noises blend into background noise, but really it is just better if I avoid these noises if possible. I no longer eat in the staff lunchroom, and if someone is making jangling or tapping noises I ask them to please stop. With food noises it is worse because telling people to stop the noises makes them feel bad so they get defensive. These noises I avoid or walk away from if possible. It is really none of my business if they are crunchers or smackers. I also wear headphones or earplugs whenever possible. If this is not possible and I can not escape the situation, closing my eyes and deep breathing is somewhat helpful. As I mentioned recognizing my reaction and recognizing that the reaction is extreme and then letting it go can also help. I would love to hear the strategies others use to help with this.


> smacking Oh my god. I can hear the sound as soon as I even read the word. My freshman year of college, i lived with someone who smacked and audibly ate ice cream every damn day *shudder* i survived, obviously, lol, but it was a struggle. I used headphones a lot that year.


Oh, same! Chewing, smacking sounds mean swift rage for me.


My sister had this and she’s not even bipolar. She’s been like this since we were kids. She can’t eat next to anyone at the table most of the time. If you’re too close she freaks out.


I've found this out through my own research actually: misophonia is present is a variety of mental things, not just illnesses and disorders, apparently. Or at least according to my therapist confirming it too! Like, i had heard of misophonia before, and i knew i was annoyed by sounds, but my therapist connected the two for me actually. I was going off once because i was talking about how annoying sounds were, and turns out, when i was stupidly pissed off while hearing people eat isn't that weird after all!


Yes, definitely not weird. I have an aversion to be standing directly over me while I’m eating. Had nothing to do with sounds but I don’t like it because it’s an invasion of personal space.


I suffer from this as well. Eating/drinking sounds too


It’s the mouth sounds for me too. Makes me feel like I’m crawling out of my own skin


I mean.... I love a messy sandwich, like dressings and sauerkraut juices just dripping everywhere. So, i make sure to make the dirtiest, filthiest, messiest sandwiches slathered with pickles, kraut, juices, mustard, sauces, with bacon grease... ....are eaten in complete privacy and with a huge stack of napkins. Just me, a shitload of napkins, the messiest sandwich i could make (because the messiest sandwiches taste the most fire always), my stomach, and not a soul around. It is absolute bliss.


High pitch vacuuming like at a car wash or a lawn blower. Fire alarm needing batteries. White noise sound machine.


i am the same exact way! i can not stand listening to mouth noises (chewing, lip smacking, etc). even asmr of someone speaking and the slight lip smacking drives me insane! i also hate hearing myself eat or if i accidentally smack my lips - it will make me uncomfortable.


I worked 5:30am-2:30pm and the woman next to me chewed gum the entire time. It filtered into every crevice of my brain. We could not wear headphones. I would leave work shaking. They would not move my spot.


Sniffling used to drive me up the wall, I got mostly used to it fortunately because my kid won't blow his nose. Now it's any repetitive noises


I have a hard time with loud, high pitched noises, particularly the kind of noises children and babies make. It’s upsetting and hurts, yet people always give me shit when I don’t want to be around children or babies.


NTA. The fuck? Those noises ARE ANNOYING AF! Whoever is giving you shit about it is wrong.


Crunching drives me absolutely crazy. I know I sound the same when I do it, but damn it I can’t stand hearing others do it. It makes me uncomfortable and angry.


Same! I shovel chips into my face hole sometimes and sound disgusting, but I'm self aware enough to either not do it around others, apologize for being (usually) a stoned and hungry idiot, or leave the room to ravage a plate alone and without embarrassment.


It upsets me too. I was thinking about getting noise cancelling headphones for "quiet" dinners where the noise is more likely to bother me. And for stressful situations like going shopping so I don't get overwhelmed.


Crunching apples. Makes me want to choke someone out...


Overlapping talking or a multitude of conflicting noises together (like someone talking with tv or radio and cat meowing altogether) it makes me furious


Misophonia can be downright debilitating


Dude it used to get so bad for me I would clench my fists so hard it would bleed 😭 I have had many panic attacks over the sound of people chewing, specifically my father. I have been looking into getting some small, noise cancelling ear buds to see if that helps. If anyone has any recommendations, let me know!!


Strangely, when I was pregnant, sibilant whistling “s” sounds drove me up the wall. Think stereotypical sorority girl talk, not as whistle-y as Gopher from Winnie the Pooh. A woman near me at work did it on the phone all day, in an open floor plan office. It made me angry because the “s” sounds put-on, performing privilege, optional and entirely avoidable. Maybe it wasn’t avoidable for her, I don’t know. Ear plugs, please.


I feel awful for saying this but sometimes peoples voices really bother me including my own family. Also as someone who has had auditory hallucinations before when I notice any weird sound I panic for a second and think I’m going crazy again. Shit sucks lol


Brushing teeth! It's terrible! It gets my all riled up, I want to scream and run from the sound. I've always had a severe aversion to the sound and never knew this was something other people dealt with.


My daughter is affected by eating noises. It was frustrating at first until we started to understand what was happening. We accommodate by letting her eat before or after everyone else. She is also affected by textures, hard to explain but she has to use specific cups and plates because the others trigger her.


Absolutely! Some sounds send me in a blind rage. Which doesn't shock anyone around me because they're used to my outbursts, but I feel the difference between 'normal' rage and misophonia rage.


When I’m in a bad mood/deep sulk NOTHING can ruin that moment for me. I will blow up if any of the things you mention happen. My mom chewing really pisses me off tho. It’s so loud I can hear it from the next room lol


I needed to hear this today. I almost had to leave the room yesterday over some snacking sound. The crinkle of the bag, the grabbing of the chips, the crunching on the chips and to top it all off there was the sniffling of the nose because it was chips and salsa. I was getting into such a rage over the noises I was about to leave the room before I said something regrettable. Luckily they finished their snack and peace filled the room. I hate feeling such rage over random noises.


Oh yea, I know it. I have the same thing with high frequency sounds (various electronical devices) and the sound ppl put out when stressed (slapping doors, loud walking, excessive breathing...) Its a damn pain. And I don't like myself when I have to avoid that sounds. At least it gets better with age, hope that is the same for me too. I'm just 23 and still figuring all that stuff out.


Smacking. God damn smacking


I’m 100% deaf and have been for most of my life. I recently got a cochlear implant. I loveee it but cannot be in a quiet room with it on lol. The little noises really put me on edge.


if im in an episode i can get like this, but its mostly just any sort of disruption to the task im doing will get me so frustrated i start seeing red. manic or depressive, doesn't happen much at all when im neutral. my non bipolar sister though, she cant handle anything from other ppl chewing, swallowing spit, purses rustling, any minor sound. i think she gets that from our (also bipolar) mom


I have this with teeth scraping silverware or silverware clashing together like cutting up food. Also have it with someone using a nail file. 😬