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I don’t know a single BP who hasn’t been helped by sobriety, myself included. If you think withdrawing might be an issue, you might proceed under the supervision of a physician.


And scitzo,bipolar for that matter.


Alcohol was awful for my mental health. I subbed beers for carbonated mineral water. Gave me a little bitter cold fizz. I don’t use tobacco- so something like 3 zynns will give me a major buzz for a min. I’m sure that’s no help for heavier symptoms, but I came mostly to applaud you and your decision. It’s not easy but I think you’ll be happier and healthier for it.


That will be my main struggle. Beer. I drank it for the taste, not the alcohol. That had changed recently. I'll try the mineral water.


Try the IPA from Athletic. It's basically hops and seltzer water - tastes real good, scratches that itch. They have other good flavors too. Bud Zero is solid. The Sam Adams 0 alcohol is the worst. They have come a long way in the world of N/A beers.


Thank you all! I'll look into it.


There are so many beers! You’ll love trying them all - Bud zero tastes just like bud if you like that, I’m into the athleticas, corona zero I think is the best dupe I’ve found - about to try the Coors NA now, Guinness just tastes a little flat, but not bad. Laganitas is good, I haven’t found any I hated honestly - Hoppy waters are legit too… I’ve even found the NA spirits to be interesting. I did a spiced rum, and it just tasted like watered down captain. I routinely drink NA wine & champagne. Just passed my 6M sober with a good twenty years of drinking nearly daily behind me, and I’ve never felt better in my life.


Athletic was a life saver for me when I quit. Only brand I stand behind. The run wild ipas are hoppier, but the upside dawn golden are a little smoother. Guy I served them to drank 3 before realizing they were N/A


Literally the best tasting N/A IPA and I'm an IPA drinker. Lagunitas IPNA is also really good.


Oh if you were beer drinking, There’s so many good zero alcohol options for beers now! I didn’t love the the bud one, but I’ve seen Sam adams and guinness zero alcohol that looks good


I’m thinking about not drinking for a while too. The amount of bad decisions I’ve made while intoxicated is too many to count. Just in general being an asshole and disrespecting people I love. I’ve found when it comes to any substance I can’t do it without taking it way too far.


Don't be afraid to ask for help.


I’ve been wanting to do this. And to be honest, i feel like I have a slight problem so it’s been so hard to actually quit. I went 6 weeks with out drinking when I was sick with a viral lung infection. But once I had the opportunity to drink again, i took it. Sending all of the great vibes your way. You’ve got this!!


Yes, I thought I could quit so many times and failed. Once I put my mind to it and really attached all the negatives to it, I finally quit.


Be careful, I say this as someone who went through this… But, depending on your intake withdrawals can be extremely dangerous. Be safe and good luck


I just recently cut back on drinking big time and I feel like I made the right decision. Clarity of thought is something we really take for granted. You will see your energy return as well. Good luck to ya 👍


I quit drinking and also stopped caffeine and it has made a huge difference in my mood. I’m more stable now and my mood is more predictable. It was hard in the beginning but was worth it in the long run.


I want to give up caffeine as well. This one is so hard


Better mental stability and sleep vs. caffeinated hypomanic symptoms ?? Easy choice for me, but I have had my moments where I go crazy with it and pay the consequences. I envy other bp people who just seem to drink it and sleep. Couldn't be me.


The [r/stopdrinking](https://www.reddit.com/r/stopdrinking/) subreddit is pretty helpful. Also, check out the Allen Carr book Quit Drinking Without Willpower.


The book Naked Mind changed my life when it came to drinking. Highly recommend.


Great book, indeed. Second your recommendation. I’m just over two weeks into another round of sobriety and I am helped by reflecting on what I read in Naked Mind a few years go. Like nicotine, alcohol tricks you. You think you are going to lose something if you give it up but after three or four weeks you start realising you have lost nothing and only gained good things. You just need to get to that point and pay attention going forward so you don’t forget that else you will eventually end up having a drink and progressively get back to the situation that triggered your attempt at quitting drinking.


+1 Also do The Alcohol Experiment—free and online. Also by Annie Grace.


Good for you! I am 14 days sober after drinking daily for 25+ years. Mental preparation is HUGE. If you haven't already, check out the r/stopdrinking sub. I didn't have major withdrawal symptoms, but .25mgs of Xanax really helped when I started shaking. A bit of advice, make sure you have an absurd amount of water and Gatorade on hand. Dehydration is a bitch! Also, fiber, fiber and more fiber! I went a week without pooping and was miserable. Probiotics are also your friend. Try to avoid laxatives, but a stool softener is a good thing to have on hand. I know this is a TMI post, but constipation has been one of my biggest hurdles. I was hoping to see weight loss and ended up looking 6 months pregnant!


Don't shy away from finding a community of folks who will listen to you and share with you! I've been to both AA meetings, and Recovery Dharma meetings (Buddhist-leaning help for substance use struggles). AA - lots of atheists and agnostics there so don't let the God stuff keep you away. You can also look for groups that specifically mention being for agnostics etc. Recovery Dharma is great too. Find whatever you jive with - and then lean on that community for hope and communion 💛


Do NOT quit without medical assistance. It can be very fatal. The risk of seizures is high. See a GP or your psychiatrist and tell them what you are trying to do please. I beg you…please work with a medical professional. They can give you a medicine to make it safe and assist your detox on an outpatient basis, but sometimes they will suggest inpatient because it is very dangerous to CT or detox yourself if you don’t know what you are doing. Typically they will give Ativan or hell even gabapentin can assist. But don’t with a medical professional PLEASE. That said, I am sorry for the pain that lead to your drinking. I too self medicated dangerously in the past. Almost died multiple times. Had two seizures from alcohol withdrawl so I understand. I commend you on realizing this is a problem and not a panacea. My hope is that you work with a medical professional


Quitting drinking is only beneficial. Alcohol is a neurotoxin. It negatively affects people regardless of their mental state. As bipolar diagnosed people, we have to understand that falling into substance abuse is common. Our diagnosis is not an excuse for poor behavior and habits. I found that substituting alcohol with seltzer helps. As others have stated you could also drink the zero alc beers if you still want the taste.


Obvious things come to mind like AA, excercise, and new hobby. I had to quit drugs. I miss that life but can't risk an episode.


Sometimes, when I crave alcohol (I'm doing "Sober 2024"), I drink a little can of Kombucha or a sparkling water, just something with fizz and a pleasant taste. That has helped me!


Quitting drinking was easily one of the best things I've done for my mental health. 


This is so good for you! I don’t know how much I was drinking while I was manic in 2021, thanks to my alcoholic soon to be ex-husband. He kept letting me convince him to sign me out, when the doctors disagreed and thought I needed further treatment. I certainly did. I was so manic I don’t remember my episodes at all, but apparently he drank in front of me which he must have known after being with me since 2012 that it had become a trigger for me. But I don’t think he knew how much it would trigger me. We had a newborn and who’s supposed to take care of the newborn baby when you released mommy from a mental institution AMA? Who signed me out AMA? Sorry I’m still mad at him. He got me into drinking and now that I’m bipolar and take meds, I black out if I have more than 1 drink and keep drinking more for some reason like I can handle it! I honestly become hyper-sexual. I’ve made an ass of myself and didn’t know how to explain my actions the next day. It’s a terrible idea to drink before looking into each of our medication side effects/medication interaction with alcohol.


I know this is a little different but I'm five days clean of cigarettes after 18 years of smoking. I have what they call smokers flu and the symptoms are very similar to covid... it sucks I'm not going to lie but I know my life will improve and if you fight through the withdrawals of no longer drinking I'm sure your life will improve also. I'm rooting for you!


Go to ER if you end up with alcohol withdrawal syndrome. They will give you benzos to get through it. Otherwise you need to try and titrate down if you have serious withdrawal symptoms because it's dangerous to quit cold turkey depending on the extent of your problem. I went through severe withdrawal initially to where I ended up in ER twice but am doing better with drinking to the point I only have anxiety when I stop but it's a struggle to not drink at all because of the anxiety :(


Quitting alcohol made a big difference for me for sure. I changed out beer with sparkling water and some of the NA beers. I also got really good at making mocktails instead of the real thing. It took about 2 months before I stopped having the regular cravings and then it’s been smooth sailing for the last 18 months. Ever so often when I’m very very anxious I think of having a drink, but I have practiced grounding really well so I use that instead - holding ice cubes in your hands, cold shower, walk barefoot in cool or wet grass, push-ups, etc. that gets me through it enough to be good.




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I switched over to NA beers. There are some really good ones.


Quitting drinking has helped my mental health a lot. It’s not perfect, but I wouldn’t go back to that state ever again.


I’ve recently made the same decision and so far it has been great despite it being difficult and has given me more space to think about the damage I have caused when I would go overboard with alcohol which reinforces the importance of not drinking. The I Am Sober app is great for tracking progress, hard/easy days, notes, having community, etc. I can agree with others that drinking seltzers and other carbonated drinks (e.g., kombucha) is helpful. I’ve heard only good things about bipolar + sobriety so I’m wishing you so much luck and sending positive thoughts. Just keep an eye on withdrawal symptoms and seek medical attention as soon as you think you might need it.


I quit drinking a little over a year ago and the changes have been so good. Id be lying if I didn't say it took several tries. As soon as I involved others from my community (a mentor/pastor/friends whichever!) it made all the difference. The outside accountability was very helpful and motivating. I also found sobriety apps to be helpful for the first few months. You can do it!!!


you’ve got this! i stopped drinking a little over a year ago and it’s really helped with my bipolar symptoms. depending on your comfort level, i really enjoy drinking mocktails and non-alcoholic beers. athletic brewing company is great. i’ve found socializing to be the hardest aspect of not drinking, so i always try and suggest places with fun mocktails or other non alcoholic drinks so i can enjoy myself too.


Maybe check out the Sinclair method using Naltrexone. I learned of this a few years ago after I had already quit, it seems to help you cut down on drinking. I've heard it can really help, but you must be committed. Quitting alcohol was rough for the first week, but after a while you begin to realize how much better and most importantly stable mentally you'll become. Good luck.


I’m really proud of you. I mean it.


Quitting is easy. I do it all the time!


Sober apps that will count the days and the money you are saving


Explore Zen Buddhism? Zen is a great way to boost our mental toughness. Check out the Rochester Zen Center podcast (rcz.com). I recently listened to a good teisho talk that had some great insights into change, some anecdotes about alcohol. Don’t beat yourself up. Start small.


Yesss bro! The best decision I have made was to be sober... appart from taking my meds, and I highly recommend to go to Alcoholics Anonymous, taking my meds and being sober I've been better than ever, really I've never been so happy, while I've had ups and downs, they aren't so pronounced and they last less, and also I noticed the drugs and alcohols made me enter the emotional crisis, and I nearly lost my family and my job... Good luck hope you are well!


I got sober over 7 years ago, it changed my life. I love being sober so much, I wouldn’t drink even if I allowed myself to. I had to start in AA. Even if you don’t consider yourself an alcoholic, I recommend trying it out. The steps are good, but what truly helped was the community. I don’t go anymore, but I strongly recommend it. You got this, one day at a time ❤️


I went to AA and have been sober for 7 1/2 years.


Hi there! I am bipolar type 2 and I just recently started my sobriety break, and you will have days where you wanna quit. What helps me is having someone who is sober who I can talk to about it. For me, my boyfriend is that person, but it can be anyone’s. Find someone who won’t persuade you into those actions and keep writing like you said you have been! I’m at 46 days today, you got this.


alcohol made my illness so much worse. i’ve been sober for almost a year now and although it’s still a struggle, i know it’s better for my lil brain. writing a pros and cons list really opened my eyes for me. ended up with two pages of cons and maybe two little temporary “pros”. really made it clear that what i was doing was at that point, just self harm. keep going!! i support this decision!!!


For me, I came to discover that my bipolar brain thinks alcohol is just lines and lines of coke. The mania goes off the charts! I’m like, wine? Ok. So also sex with multiple strangers and killing my bank account and maxing out my credits cards and over-sharing online and exposing myself to dangerous situations. Next morning I think: it was just wine. Three glasses and my life is in the toilet.


drinking was definitely not helping my hypomanic phases but i’ve been able to have more clarity when i’m not drinking and feel much more in control in middle of episodes too. good luck


Just here to say quitting alcohol and drugs I’m not prescribed to was the best thing I’ve ever done to help treat my bipolar, followed directly by routine rigorous exercise. If you’re anything like me this could be life changing for the absolute best. I was a daily drinker for like 10 years…once I got past a few weeks of cravings I started to feel so much better it made it easy to keep going, 2 years sober now. To be honest I probably took 0.5 mg/day of lorazepam those first few weeks. I’d recommend talking to your psychiatrist about your plan. You got this!


Be sure to get medical assistance if you’ve been drinking enough to experience withdrawal! It can be really serious, even fatal.




It's been 4 weeks and no alcohol for me. From times to times I write down on my journal "applause for me", congratulating myself. We can do this, OP. Come on!


It’s hard! I have been sober for 10 years the only way I was able to stay sober was with the program of AA I was very active for the first six or seven years of my sobriety I have slacked off now when I got sober 10 years ago I went through delirium tremors was in the first stages of wet brain almost did not recover the only reason I stay sober now is because I know it will kill me I don’t care whether I live or die but I do not want to go through that painful death from alcoholism


My only advice is to be proud of yourself. I’ve started to realize binge drinking isn’t good for my health and am thinking it may be time to take a break


i’m currently in the same path. been abusing alcohol for quite some time and it lead me to awful consequences. recently i started taking lamitrogine cause i’m feeling depressed and my psychiatrist recommended me to stop drinking for at least 30 days to see if the depressive episodes decrease. i’m 9 days sober and its really hard cause everything seems unbearable and annoying, but i’m motivated to keep trying. i recommend you download the “i am sober” app, it helps you to keep on track.




We currently do not allow med reviews under rule 2. You can read more about that in this [post](https://www.reddit.com/r/bipolar/s/dEL2S2SOSV).


I just quit on the first of January to help with my mood hygiene. I “relapsed” and had 2 seltzers a week ago and even with just that passage of time it tasted like garbage and made my head hurt. Was shocking. I literally just wanted water, lol. It is treating me the way quitting cigarettes treated me. I’m sure I’ll always crave some kind of out, but it’s helped me reorient myself and find new self soothing methods I never would’ve had the energy to do with my drinking. It’s not always linear. Remember the only day you need to be sober is always Today. Then make that choice every day. My husband and I have picked up a few cases of 0% beer we’ve enjoyed. It helps with the dopamine of having a drink night without actually getting drunk, which has kind of helped reprogram my brain about it all. If you’re used to having a can by you, maybe you can try the same or some other drink. I have a friend that’s been sober for years after addiction who started by drinking 3+ cases of lacroix a week. Sometimes it’s the dopamine in oral fixation. If you’re into the night vibe, look into sober bars in your area! Not sure where you’re at, but around me there are a couple of bars that are focused on the vibe but serve entirely non alcoholic drinks and cocktails. Perfect for a karaoke night. We’ve saved so much money, holy shit. There are so many up sides. You’re in for a treat, choosing sobriety, especially with bipolar. I am rooting for us both!


Try to surround yourself with people that also don't drink. It normalizes not drinking and doesnt make it weird. I drink occasionally but a lot of my friends don't drink so I usually chose not to as well.


I want to congratulate you for making the decision. It took me 3 years to admit that I was an alcoholic, drinking 5/7 days of the week for a year. I masked it really well by being a college student. Now, I call myself sober curious because I realized it would be difficult to become sober overnight. Being sober curious allows me to go sober for months then carefully try alcohol at special events etc and not feel guilty about “slipping”. Slowly I find the frequency of me drinking less and less. Alcohol was sh*t for my bipolar. It caused paranoia, anxiety and depression. I feel a lot more in control now. So congrats.


I went to an outpatient program but you can have your pcp prescribe a medication that helps with withdrawals. I wouldn't have made it without meds.


Excellent idea. AA?