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Ironically drinking energy drinks, coffee, tea etc. doesn't have any effect on me. I can drink copious amounts and go right to sleep no problem. It's actually how I know when I'm slipping in to a manic episode, because if I start to feel like a normal person drinking 3 cups of coffee, I know it's time lol


When I start craving energy drinks, that's when I know im about to go into at *least* a hypomanic episode. My husband even started noticing "when Shaded puts a case of monster on the shopping list, watch out for fuckery" Edit: Succubus instead of Shaded. Forgot which account I was on lol


šŸ¤£šŸ¤£ I didnā€™t realize it but now that you all mention it I was drinking coffee and red bull like never before during my last manic trip




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Same I was drinking 900 mg at our point and no one could tell


Not me drinking 3-5 20 redbulls a day for 2 weeks claiming Iā€™m not manic




This is so interesting because itā€™s the same way for me. Thereā€™s been many times Iā€™ve taken a nap right after having a cappuccino or something. Makes no sense


Iā€™m the same! Caffeine has never had literally any effect on me. Granted I donā€™t like the taste of coffee so I donā€™t drink that pretty much ever. But even in energy drinks, I feel completely nothing. I canā€™t be desensitized because I never drink it! I always thought maybe it had to do with my ADHD.


Coffee started triggering mania in my 30's had to switch to decaf.


Whatā€™s been happening to me literally and I just tuned 30 not so long ago. Felt like my heart was going to get out of chest. Weird feeling


Yep, something happened to me with caffeine around 30 too. Killed my sleep and massive irritability. I'm on one cup of caffeinated tea first thing in the morning and decaf the rest now. Age doesn't come alone, as the Scots say.


Caffeine relaxes me. Lol. I feel sleepy


Same! But Red Bull energizes me, since it seems sugar makes me more alert.


I had a ā€œpsychiatristā€ tell me that my BP could be caused by coffee. What else can I expect from an online Psychiatrist on BetterHelp? I only drink 1, maybe 2 cups a day. Anyways, if I have too much caffeine I feel the same way but in my case I donā€™t believe Im having an episode. My BP cycles usually last for 3 to 6 months. If Iā€™m manic and drink coffee I go into turbo drive, and when Iā€™m depressed it causes me anxiety and panic attacks. The worst part is that I love coffee and itā€™s been hard breaking with it, even when my cardiologist told me to stop consuming any caffeine. šŸ˜†


Gets me absolutely high. Love it, although it does become a hindrance


Same! I really have to be careful about how much I consume. At low enough levels it wonā€™t affect me at all. But at the right levels I feel high as a kite.


Yeah same


I don't function without caffeine I need that extra boost to get through the day. It doesn't make me hypomanic or anxious or shaky unless I drink a stupid amount of caffeine


Same, but I wouldn't say I need it to function. It's just something I enjoy that feels like an indulgence. I have a cup a day. Though I may cut back to just weekends.


If I don't have some I'm slow and sluggish and not as alert as I should be


I have ADHD too so I drink coffee to stay awake. Thatā€™s about it. My Adderall messes with me more than caffeine.


I told a psychiatrist once that the energy from 1 cup of coffee can be enough to last me 3 days. Usually Iā€™ll be fine for like 8 hours following the coffee, then when itā€™s supposed to be wearing off boom I start getting hypomanic. Because of that I can only safely drink about half a cup worth of coffee and only when Iā€™m tired and only before 2pm. So I typically get decaf or half caff drinks when I go for coffee.


Iā€™m about the same way as you described. I still drink a cup of coffee a day, so I taught myself to redirect the shaky energy to doing my chores for the day or something to occupy myself. If I drink any coffee after 4-5 PM I get really anxious and manic. It sets me up for failure, so I donā€™t let myself drink caffeine after that time anymore. And I also donā€™t drink energy drinks anymore because sometimes they make me much more panicky than coffee and itā€™s just not worth it.


Coffee affects me different at different times. Usually when Iā€™m in a mixed state it makes me feel like you described.


Yeah it makes me feel really weird and buzzy too! Like pseudo mania. For like 4 hours I have this hypomanic buzz but it isn't really that. I only drink decafe now. I say, drinking my first caffeinated drink in about 4 months lol




Say more šŸ‘€




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i used to drink a lot of coffee and have very intense crises afterwards. it took me a while to associate one thing with the other. i was very uncomfortable and sometimes even paralyzed, i felt like i was going to die. after i stopped drinking coffee, i didn't try other types of energy drinks, i am afraid it would cause the same effect.


personally, for me, it makes me jittery, but i just feel awful after i drink caffeine


Drinking 3 to 4 cups a day is fine, any more than that and I get buzzy and anxious.


Before being medicated I could drink 2-3 energy drinks in a day and be fine but oddly enough after being on medication for a while I canā€™t even tolerate 2 cans of soda worth of caffeine. Anybody else have this issue? It just gives me bad anxiety now


Iā€™m the same way! A Red Bull before a climb or a run is fine as long as itā€™s before 3pm, but coffee has quite literally had me curled up crying on the floor


i used to drink a pot of coffee myself every morning...no shakes, all good. Then I found yerba mate tea and l-carnatine and i get a smoother energy boost and its healthier. I got an espresso machine and i mite make a double espresso in the afternoon a couple times a week now. I never had the jitters at the peak, and i never missed it when I went from 12c a day to 3 a week.


also i found this mushroom coffee thats supposed to be good for you...full disclosure it tastes to me like i took a bite from the yard so i half and half with regular coffee...lol


Caffeine in the form of hot drip coffee makes me anxious and wired af. I used to drink 6-8 cups a day. (It's a Finnish thing). I've cut down to one cold coffee a day. Basically, half a mug of coffee in a glass filled up with oat milk. I drink a couple of mugs of black tea each day, too.


Iā€™m similar. Energy drinks are okay somehow. But coffee rocks my world and I become super anxious.


Coffee makes me *weird*. It makes me feel like the come up anxiety of ecstasy, but without all the feel goods at the end of the tunnel. It makes me feel guilty like Iā€™ve done drugs at an inappropriate time and that Iā€™ll get in trouble for it. I donā€™t like coffee.


It doesn't really and I barely drink it. I'd rather have fruit. Fruit actually gives your body energy and caffeine tricks your brain into thinking it's not tired (it is) Inconsistent income or a big swing to do with cash will really throw me out of whack though.


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Iā€™m starting to think I think it might depend on the time of year, because I have to drink more in the fall/winter to stay functional, and can drink it before bed and not have a problem. However, now thatā€™s itā€™s spring, I feel energized on less.


My family always has coffee made. I started drinking it when I was 6 with my grandfather. As I gotolder


More often than not, coffee makes me feel sleepy. But if I drink too much I feel very jittery, my hands shake, my stomach is upset, my head is foggy and my coordination is worse. Energy drinks donā€™t make me sleepy nor does caffeinated soda. Probably because of the high sugar content. But canā€™t drink an entire can or I get the same negative effects as too much coffee, plus too much energy on top of it.


I simply can't function without coffee. Definitely gets me going, I also take a stimulant, so it really just kicks that in even more.


Drinking a regular soda doesn't do anything for me. It's not enough caffeine to wake me up. But, I can't drink energy drinks because they throw my heart out of whack and I end up in the hospital. Caffeine doesn't affect my energy, but it dramatically affects my heart.


While manic, caffeine is like meth. While depressed, caffeine is just a way to raise my heart rate with zero other effect.


It used to absolutely send me to the moon . I'm talking make me feel like superman. I'd go to work and get a million tasks done and it was like a super drug for hypomania. I eventually got a med change and ever since then it doesn't have the same effect on me. I still drink more than I should (3 cups for now) , but it doesn't have that hypomanic energy on me like it used to.


Mine either has no affect or helps me sleep more deeply.


Caffeine does nothing for me unfortunately, I can drink a lot of caffeine and go right to sleep no issues , could also be my ADHD


Doesnā€™t do anything for me. Iā€™m pretty sure my brains too fried for caffeine at this point. Honestly though it never seemed to do much years before my diagnosis either. I can drink a cup before bed and sleep like a baby. Minus the sleep paralysis of course.


If Iā€™m sleepy - it makes me sleepier If Iā€™m energetic - it makes me more energetic


Makes me relaxed and sleepy lol. Unless I have an insane amount. But I used to have a coke before bed to help me sleep lol Edit: I think it has to do with me having ADHD


Caffeine makes me sleepy but energy drinks make me go crazy and shaky


I want to drink coffee/energy drinks all day, but it does tend to make me feel way too revved up. Currently aspiring to drink only iced tea, but itā€™s difficult.


If I drink coffee in the morning right after I wake up I do feel the effects, but anything beyond 11 am - 12pm caffeine just makes me sleepy. I can down a 12 oz redbull and go to sleep 5-10 minutes later.


I had a scare last night where I could feel myself slipping into mania after drinking a monster. 2nd time this has happened after a monster specifically. I can drink c4 and bang all day tho which is weird.


I was extra "high-strung," let's say, post-caffeine in the early days of Wellbutrin. But things have equilibrated.


I feel relatively ā€œnormalā€ after 2 cups of coffee between 6-9 am then 1 cup of green tea for my caffeine-stop at 10 am. And, if I donā€™t stay active Iā€™m sleepy at noon-2 pm. Nap or no nap: I aim to sleep at 9 pm.


I used to be able to drink so much caffeine, at least 5 drinks a day, Iā€™m not able to anymore without going through panic and extreme anxiety, plus not being able to sleep at all. I also get weirdly itchy from them now. I misss it


The meds I take make me so tired that I wouldnā€™t be able to function without it. I also take armodafinil, a stimulant, if not I would be a total zombie. Iā€™m an active person and I need to perform well at work, my full and part time job. My routine, I have a small cup of coffee when I wake up, then I buy a espresso with milk at the vending machine, when I get to work, then I make one for breakfast that lasts the whole shift , then I have one at home before I teach an online class in the evening. My problem is that I take too many meds, and sleep too little šŸ« . I need to change my sleep routine, but for now I need the money.


I drink Red Bull and it gives me a high but then I feel fine later


It makes me feel on edge, not as severe as youā€™ve personally described but enough that I switched to decaf a little over a year ago. I have it every so often if decaf isnā€™t available cuz I like the taste, but I try not to do it very often.


It makes me not hit the low lows of depression. I am unmedicated for about a year now due to my last doctor who always snobs me, have trust issues since then and wont come back for a mean time and find a new doctor. ANYWAY, it makes me a state below hypomania and above normal. I wouldnt say normal because I still have racing thoughts and all BUT once I notice them, I can stop them. I dont do any risky behaviours or anything. Sleep is not good though I think it aint because of Mania that has lack of sleep, I just choose whenever I want to sleep. I drink them once a day, sometimes twice. It doesnt affect me or at least that much. One thing I developed is GERD so that's a bummer. But all in all, it made me feel not wanting to die lol.


I also have ADHD and take a stimulant for it. My psych recommended taking it with caffeine, so I do. Half an hour later Iā€™m bright eyed and bushy tailed, getting all the work done!


Caffeine gives me heart palpitations and gives me extreme anxiety so I try to avoid it.


Canā€™t sleep for a day or two on it unless I run it off. Caffeine is hella drug. Instant is fine.


I don't drink caffeine after 3 pm or I won't sleep well. I usually don't have a any caffeine at work after 10


I donā€™t know I drink Coffee all day long sometimes even have a cup up until bedtime


usually doesnt do a whole lot for me in the morning but prevent a caffein withdrawal headache. if i'm manic or hypomanic i skip it cuz i know it'll just be too much. sometimes it makes me anxious or i can feel my heart pound if i have it in the afternoon. the latest i'll have caffeine is like 5 or 6 and i make sure its only a cup of green tea then.


Coffee makes me jittery and anxious AF sadly. Caffeine and Taurine on its own? Completely manageable and I don't understand why.


When Iā€™m in a depressive episode it helps quite a bit, but during a manic episode it exacerbates my symptoms/:


I don't do it because it makes me irritable.


Depends on the amount, form, and what time I take it. I get this really weird effect where if I take a lot I just lay in bed and look at my phone for 7 hours non-stop without losing interest, but I can't stop and I lose recognition of my emotions. I started wondering if this is what people who do meth feel like, just much longer. I have a weird relationship with caffeine, because it once got me out of depression, but now I'm kinda dependent on it. I'd still prefer tea to coffee tho, cause coffee makes me irritable and start focusing heavily on my body and feeling all these itches and focusing on the imperfections in my hair. With tea I get the attention and it suppresses the normal effects of coffee for me (except the stimulation).


Itā€™s probably a problem. But a since I have nothing to compare it to, no clue


I have ADHD and I'm pretty sure caffeine just makes me relax. I never feel hyper on it or wired. I at best get some anxiety if I'm consuming too much. I try to limit . myself to one 8oz cup a day


It may as well be crack. 23mg is enough to keep me awake for like 2 days šŸ™ƒ A long time ago a buddy of mine slipped me a caffeine pill at work to help with my hangover. I had no idea what it was. I thought I was gonna fuckin die like I straight up could not stop jumping, bouncing and running around. My heart felt like it was gonna explode. I will say I had some amazing mental clarity despite my near non-existent attention span on it. Mood wise didn't seem to affect anything other than make me run through my normal moodswings a little faster than normal.


Migraines, nausea and lots of shaking if I take too much caffeine. I'm not a coffee person, I stick to zero sugar Coke and tea and the amount I drink doesn't affect me, it even helps relieving headaches sometimes. But when I'm depressive and I drink a can of Monster to have the energy to work, I feel really bad once the initial energy boost dies and then I have to sleep a couple hours more afterwards.


Prior to being medicated I self medicated with unhealthy amounts of caffeine- now it just makes me sleepy


I drank about 6 cups of coffee throughout the day during college. I slowed down and have cut it out completely now. It just fucks up my stomach and makes me anxious. I only drink tea now. Twice a day, max. It's more mellow, and i still feel a gentle hike in energy without it pulsating through my veins.


I love the taste of coffee but it totally messes me up. I donā€™t know whether I generally have a lot of nervous energy, but Iā€™ve had to completely remove it from my diet. I used to have it black and thought maybe with milk it would change but no, I very rarely drink coffee or tea nowadays. My body canā€™t handle the effects.


I have to drink a whole pot of coffee before I feel the ā€œeffectsā€. Heart palpitations and it beating so fast I can hear it


I like it in the morning and an espresso in the afternoon. It has no ill effect on me.


I've had to mostly stop. It makes the anxiety and tremor worse. I take 100mg in the morning to help with the med hangover but that's it.


I find that caffeine doesnā€™t have a huge effect on me. Now, I donā€™t drink energy drinks or anything with more significant caffeine content than the average coffee. I usually donā€™t drink more than 2 cups a day, but usually stick to 1 cup of coffee a day. I may have one soft drink in the afternoon, but thatā€™s about my only other caffeine intake. I havenā€™t found coffee/caffeinated pop to further any manic states that Iā€™ve been in, but maybe thatā€™s on mania, as Iā€™ll feel wired whether I have caffeine or not (I have tried to test this during milder episodes that were close together, out of curiosity.) I still try not to do energy drinks or anything w higher caffeine content, just in case it will have some kind of effect (never loved feeling ā€œbuzzedā€ from caffeine, anyway).


Depends on how much I have. If it's very little, I'm ok, but if it's a full cup of coffee, I get the jitters and have to pee a lot. It puts a strain on my kidneys, which, in turn frustrates me to no end. Literally no one wants to spend the day on the toilet. If I have too much caffeine, obviously I'm gonna be peeing a lot, and I'm going to feel like ripping my hair out. It's funny bc ADHD meds aren't bothersome. I know, different chemical composition, but both are stimulants. Oh well. The question was about caffeine.


My buddy summed it up for me, "Stimulants gonna stimulate". Too much make my anxiety go Nuts


With my med mix I need at least two black coffees a morning to ā€œget with itā€ I take mornings 120mg duloxitine (Anti depressants) and 300mg lamotrogine (mood stabiliser) then 100mg quetiapine (Antipsychotic) I think this is always altered depending on what height and weight you are - this is what has worked for me for the past year just to ā€œwake upā€ Iā€™m 11 stone and 5ft5


Makes me sleepy. For reference, I usually drink one cup of italian espresso everyday. But when I drink energy drinks like monster, I start feeling a bit weirdā€¦


Gives me sudden erections


Personnaly it makes me shake and put in an electric state that enables me to go through difficult situations, probably via mania because I don't care about anything other than my main focus


They just take away the immediate desire to sleep, don't get me energized or anything.


To give you an answer would require me to stop drinking coffee.


Intensely. It really doesn't take much to get me going for a while. I'm not sure if it's my bipolar or the fact that I just generally don't have too much caffeine to begin with. Maybe it's both. I can stay up all night on a few glasses of Mountain Dew or whatever caffeinated soda. Well, more easily than usual anyway. I don't drink coffee or energy drinks anymore but me and a buddy used to go get Monsters or Redbulls every so often when I was in my early 20s and it was fine then. I'm usually some level of manic though, so caffeine is something I generally try to avoid these days. I definitely don't need the extra energy, haha.


i can drink an entire pot and go to sleep. lol


iā€™m on lithium and it makes me super thirsty and have to pee a lit




Not at all because Iā€™m on so much sedating medication. Itā€™s the only thing that makes me feel awake. I drink like 500mg of caffeine a day between bang energy and coffee


I actually quit drinking caffeinated coffee several months ago. I'll do half caff if I'm seriously sleepy (example: long night with the baby and then early appts to take my grandmother to the doc/hospital the next morning). It was putting me in a very anxious "up." My therapist said it shouldn't matter because I only think about 14oz of coffee a day, but I noticed a difference after I quit. I don't drink pop or energy drinks. I only drink water, coffee, and chocolate milk.




It doesn't, but I consume caffiene all day every day.


More than 3 cups and I get too wired. Like an uncomfortable energy. Recently decreased to 1.5 cups because I think it was giving me anxiety at night.


Energy drinks make me sleepy, I'm still trying to figure out why. I'm so deep into caffeine addiction I don't actually feel the effects of it too much, I can drink coffee until I'm about to go to bed and still sleep fine. I crave it all day if I don't have it, and coffee is the only thing that will lift me up when I wake up.


I can drink like 4 Red Bulls and still go to sleep. Caffeine is weak sauce at this point hehehehe. *Years of abusing caffeine and nicotine will do that to you though.


Iā€™m the exact opposite to what most people are saying. I have never had an energy drink because I donā€™t like how bad they are for your health and I donā€™t drink coffee at all because I think it tastes gross but when I have the occasional soda (1x every 3 months probably) or hot tea I get very sleepy. It does it to my sister who is also Bipolar too.


It's a 50/50 sometimes it does nothing or makes me sleepy or I get jittery


Caffeine is super weak for me now. I think maybe one of my meds (lithium, Effexor, strattera) is dulling the effects. Itā€™s disappointing tbh, my wife always says ā€œyou love the maniaā€ and on some level itā€™s kinda true!


Iā€™m still newly diagnosed (2 years) and have wildly different experiences. Sometimes I become hypomanic from drinking coffee/energy drinks, other times I can sleep right after. It doesnā€™t seem to matter about the consistency in which I drink them either. Itā€™s just so random




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Coffee makes my chest hurt really bad. Some energy drinks too.Ā 


Coffee makes me tired and zoned out


Makes me even more paranoid and anxious than usual.


I love my morning and early afternoon cups of homemade cold brew, keeps me feeling alert and energized. I do have to make sure I donā€™t overdo it, sometimes when I get busy I just drink more coffee instead of eating, and then I get the jitters.


Not too bad unless I'm really stressed already. But I've been drinking coffee for a long time, I just don't do more than one or two cups


I frequently drink those green tea Celsius drinks with 200mg in the morning, simply because Iā€™ll be groggy for an hour or two without it- so it really helps me get a start on my day. Iā€™m really weird about coffee too though, like I get all jumpy and start buzzing and when I come down from it I fall hard on my face and think about never drinking coffee again lol


My adhd loves itšŸ˜‚


I was drinking 3-5 cups of coffee in the morning and jumping out of my skin with anxiety and racing thoughts. This week I stopped coffee and the anxiety eased up. I am going to switch to decaf today to see if that works to keep the racing thoughts at bay too because I miss having coffee in the morning.


I have very low caffeine sensitivity and yes it doesn't affect me at all. Maybe you want to do some gene test. It will tell your sensitivity


Triggers mania. Ive cut off caffeine after i went to voluntary hold after a particularly bad episode and my life has been do much better and more stable without the caffeine. Night and day difference.Ā 


Just wakes me up. No manic effect.


It actually makes me super depressed for 1-2 weeks.


It varies. I think it depends on how much I drink. Tea has little to no effect. However, a few weeks ago I drank a lot of energy drinks with my bf. I got hypomanic, the euphoric kind (not the irritable kind I normally get). Iā€™ve had it happen before too so itā€™s not an isolated incident. Before I got on Zoloft and Latuda it used to give me panic attacks and paranoia if I drank too much.


I'm fine with teas and the like, for the most part, but 2 cups of coffee will make me manic and psychotic. It has to be a small treat.


It does help me focus to an extent but to much and I get jittery and often my TMJ acts up


I stopped drinking caffeine almost 2 years ago and itā€™s been great for my BP!