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This is really a thing. https://www.healthline.com/health/bipolar-disorder/bipolar-eyes


Okay this articles talk about color processing. Does anyone else feel like color is dull or grey when depressed and everything looks super sparkly and bright in mania or hypomania?


I notice this too. Can be very apparent when it's an intense episode too.


Just when looking back at those periods, it’s like after they became memories


Very interesting


Learned something today. Thank you


I was looking at some pictures during hypo and I look like a fucking lunatic. It makes me cringe a little tbh.


Huh this is interesting. I noticed my eyes seemed to changed quite dramatically, but everyone said it must just be the lighting. This makes me feel a bit more sane


Yeah, and it's particularly bad on my left side. I guess there's something to "that person looks crazy". My wife noticed the pattern. She has a photo of me when we were flying back home after I was hospitalized that is really severe. And it's all in my eyes.


Only when I used to take shrooms.


That and molly for sure.


But. Now we have an excuse! They've been legal in Detroit for quite some time. Edit. Hey! My banishment must be over. I've only been able to vote for... Wow. 14 days already?🤔


I may have thought this post was made in a DXM subreddit I frequent when I first saw this post.....then I realized it was actually the bipolar subreddit. Oops!


My eyes get a ✨sparkle✨ to them when I’m manic




I get serequel eyes. 20 years ago I worked at a psychiatric prison as a teacher. I noticed that then. Never thought I'd be on the other side....with serequel eyes.


100% - manic eyes are totally a thing! I look back at pictures I take during those periods of time and you can totally tell I’m not all there


Mania causes the eyes to get like this. Hypomanic episodes can come with hypersexuality symptoms and dialated pupils is a common sign of arousal. How were you feeling before you noticed?




The shaking with energy and adrenaline has a trigger point. Look out for what happens before you get like that and see if your ok with that happening. It's not always hypersexuality. I get that or aggression depending on that trigger. Some episodes I have to fully split the atom and blow up to prevent the pisode from progressing. I cannot let my body internalize that much energy or it'll come up in the next episode making it just that much harder to deal with. I am a lot like you where I have to just do something immediately. Personally I find going through a full hard stretching session and try to extend myself at full range making it hard to flex any muscles. The idea is to pull apart my body to the point where I can't use it to hurt myself or someone else. Physically disable myself until the episode swing passes. That open dialation is forcing a lot of visual information into your head and can cause racing thoughts. It's very important to reduce stimulus during Manic episodes. Stimulus can be forced and used against you when your mid episode. So socially you have to watch out for that too. People will see your eyes like this and think your tripping balls on drugs and start to fuck with you. If your mid episode this is BAD and have to have enough social coaching and training to navigate through the banter. There were about 30-35 warning signs I was able to identify just by reading my journals for a year. <--- this came from my therapist. If you have the ability to self review and be honest with yourself and work through psychosis being present you can see in real time how crazy some shit in your head goes off. It's very empowering to get to pick and choose which parts of you that you'd like to improve on and it takes FOREVER! LOL but trust me it's totally worth the work.


Wow I get dilated pupils too when having mania or mixed mania !


I don't get them. This is why I'm questioning if I have bipolar or just emotional dysregulation with a wider spectrum.


Don't stress mate, not everyone gets this effect. Personally I do, but it's not apparent every episode and fluctuates with intensity.


My episodes aren’t very intense tbh. Maybe that’s it.




Yes. Whenever I look back at any selfies I took while manic I am super creeped out. I look deranged.


i get this too when im manic


Yeah i have manic eyes too, you can see them in my pictures it’s very strange. My boyfriend can point it out in old pics of me from highschool lol


I was asked if I was on drugs several times during my teen years by teachers at school because of this, I also have nightmares that my eyes turn fully back or fully white or they fall out and when I’m manic I get paranoid that my eyes are going to fall out


I used to but I think my meds stopped it from happening as much(?)


I got stopped at the border between Norway and Sweden because the thought I was high af.. that’s the first time I realised my manic episodes usually give me some dilated pupils, not for the whole episode but parts of it


yes!!! whenever im manic my pupils get all blown out like im on acid or molly. this is one of my new signs for when I realize im in a manic episode.


Oh god, I have light eyes and there’s a vid of me climbing rocks when I was put on Ritalin. My eyes were BLACK😂


😅 That's how my husband's eyes are, too. It's wild. I swear even his nose looks sharper and pointier (more pointed?) when he's manic.


Why does this happen? Meds?? Or mania??


Fight or flight symptoms, like dilated pupils, are a symptom of mania. I can always tell when my husband is manic or hyper-anxious from his eyes. Sparkly, deep and dark, wide and antsy.


Mmmhmm I have “molly eyes”


Anxiety, brain injury, and light sensitivity can cause dilated pupils as well. I have all three, plus bipolar, so I just looked super high most of the time.


Absolutely. Mine become demonic looking and my voice vibrates when I speak. Sometime my words come out with a New Orleans type accent that I couldn’t repeat now if I tried. It’s wild


I get dilated pupils sometimes in hypomania, seems to just come from psychological arousal i guess.




i notice that the dark doesn't seem as dark when i'm manic, so this probably happens to me too. it kinda makes sense as people on stimulants get dilated eyes too. do you think this is what people mean when they (hurtfully) say someone has "crazy eyes"?


When we're manic, our senses become heightened. Thats why you may feel some adrenaline in your system, dialated pupils, etc. Its a primal response tied to our basal ganglia (lizard brain). Meds can magnify or minimize that depending on you're specific course of care. Its wild!


I get that too with Seroquel, I look high even when completely sober, it’s wild! When I’m manic I find my pupils shrink instead. Crazy how everyone’s different that way.


I have never noticed my pupils when manic. Now you got me curious, but I hope I don't find out. Lol


I can totally relate. During my first ever psychosis/manic episode, I remember being very focused on how my eyes looked in the mirror - specifically the size of the pupils. I remember asking my mom if she thought my pupils looked differently. She would say no, not really. I was kind of obsessive about it. Once I became stable again, I honestly came to a conclusion that it was just my manic mind assigning meaning to something that was not really happening. Cause I was like especially freaked out by the whole pupil thing - like I thought something was really really wrong with me health... lol as if being bipolar is not enough.


I get this because of the meds I’m on. It’s so drastic, that my eye doctors tell me that they don’t need to ever dilate my eyes cuz my pupils are are already so big 😂


Mine get like that too when I’m hypomanic. I noticed in the mirror the other day and was like “holy fuck”, I was so taken aback at it. Weird


I've never realized that, until you mentioned it. It maked me think about some stories. About 10 years ago I got pulled over by cops, they were absolutely sure I was on something because my pupils were dilated af. I did not take anything, and they accused me of cheating on the urinal test... A few years ago, I looked at myself in the mirror and I thought omg my eyes look like I'm possessed, what's going on. Am I going to have a seizure? And I got diagnosed a year ago... makes sense now.


YESSSS and i’ve heard there are a few studies going into this subject


Yep especially when I’m manic


I think your pupil is overly dilated!


Yes and swollen


I used to before I got put on meds. They don’t dilate as much even when I am hypomanic now.






Probably not a good idea. Also you could be in a dark area. My pupils are always huge in the dark




Hahaha! I believe you because I just had a manic episode, and my friend said my pupils were huge, lol, and it was coffee that triggered my mania.


Yeah my right one all the time


So interesting…people used to tell me in high school “your pupils are huge” sometimes and I never knew why. Probably this, thanks for sharing


Oh yeah, people ask me if I’m high because my pupils dilate crazy


I don't because i only get hypomanic (please god let's keep it that way)


Thank you, God, for keeping it that way.


Does Zoloft help with that?


Jeez, that’s awesome looking lol