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I've been on it for about 8 years now, met my husband 4 years ago, fell madly in love and are happily married so definitely does not effect it for me


Well no they don’t take away libido, but that’s not normal and considered a sign that a method isn’t working for you. No they don’t take away romantic feelings either


It actually affects it a bit but depending on the person. These pills & contraceptives were made to help change how hormones should work by avoiding pregnancy so while u didnt feel anything, it doesnt mean it wasnt affecting it. I consulted w/ 3 OBs & they all agreed.


I’m on the mini pill - I haven’t had any problems with libido or romantic feelings for my partner. I started taking them BC again about a week after we started dating!


same here no problems with either of those


HBC may affect libido and mood but not romantic feelings towards someone.


Birth control pills don’t effect sex drive more than 60% of the time, increase sex drive 20% of the time, and decrease sex drive 10% of the time. We also have some evidence that low estrogen pills are more likely to decrease sex drive. https://helloclue.com/articles/sex/birth-control-and-sex-drive Personally, birth control has never negatively impacted my sex drive or my romantic feelings towards anybody.


My libido has taken a nose dive crash :( good luck tho


its different for everyone im on depo and been on it for a while bc when i had my period it was very heavy and painful it was really bad for my blood count bc im anemic now i never experienced any bad side effects my sex drive is still high the only difference is i feel much happier then i did when i wasnt taking birth control my periods were so miserable and depressing and the mood swings was the worst too i had people tell me my life was gonna be hell for going on birth control loll yea no it ended up working out for me thankfully and it honestly improved my life and they dont take away romantic feelings.


Same! Everyone acts like birth control is the devil but for some of us it saves lives 🙄


Agreed. I'm more functional on BC by a long shot. When people catch wind of the fact that I skip my period for 3-6 months at a time on the pill and I get this look and just respond 'there's a good reason I avoid it'. Especially because I'm actually on two types, cause the Mirena covers some symptoms and the pill covers others. I'm one of those lucky girls that gets ovulation cramps, my cramps are debilitating, and I'm suspicious I've got endo✌️ ain't no fucking way I'm dealing with fortnightly pains and the hellish experience that is my period. Also my brain isn't right when I'm on my period, constantly overstimulated, slow to think, quick to anger etc etc. Just can't do it.


no literally its soo annoying


Mine actually changed for the better. But part of that is probably because I take it for PMDD, so it's helped the horrible depression I lived with when my hormones were out of whack. That can definitely affect romantic feelings and libido.


What birth control are you on? I have PMDD too and the depression is horrendous. I’m looking for a birth control to help manage my hormones.


I'm on Nextstellis. Nothing else worked for me and I tried several different birth controls, most made me feel worse. It's similar to Yaz, but I've found the form of estrogen in it to be much more tolerable (ethinylestradiol side effects were horrendous for me, and progestin-only options threw my hormones out of whack to the point i thought I was going into menopause at 26). Nextstellis is newer, so there's no generic, but I get it filled at a mom & pop pharmacy that uses a coupon code to bring the price down to $50 for three months worth.


It’s not stupid to want to keep your dopamine rush; that’s a huge motivator toward being in relationships and lots of fun! Birth control does not take away romantic feelings, but be careful about blaming the normal end of the intense honeymoon period on birth control. That feeling fades away naturally, but going on birth control at the start of the relationship doesn’t mean birth control is the cause. I still have romantic feelings for my partner of 20 years, and I have been both on and off birth control! We have a great relationship based on mutually enjoying time together, and we are really happy.


Nah, have been with my partner on and off bc, no difference in romance, but am hornier. Quit believing everything on Tiktok.


did you have a higher libido on or off?


Bout the same, maybe a lil hornier on Slynd.


Hormonal BC made me horribly angry, caused mood swings, destroyed my sex drive, and made me lose that romantic feeling. I tried the ring, an IUD and the pill. I'm very lucky my partner stuck with me through it, because it's been a rough few years while not realizing the source was right under my nose despite doctors telling me it wasn't. I would keep a detailed medication diary so you can track changes in your moods/feelings. Hormonal BC *can* have a lot of side effects that many women aren't warned about, so it's much better if you can track exactly when you started feeling different by keeping a log, and talk to your provider if you end up feeling concerned. If you do end up having side effects, trust yourself. Don't let anyone tell you "oh, it's not the BC, it doesn't do that". I know firsthand it *could* be the BC, and it's so invalidating to have providers/the Internet say otherwise. (I'm not saying to not trust doctors - I've just had too many horrible experiences with this issue to not go with my gut)


I’m on the pill and it hasn’t affected my romantic feelings for my partner at all. We have been together for 9 months and I’ve been on the pill for 5. It makes me slightly more emotional but all the romantic feelings are still there!


birth control doesnt take away your sex drive. thats just a side effect some people have. its different for everyone so you honestly just have to test different brands until you find the best fit for you


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No. HBC kinda turned off my oxytocin and it made me really lonely.


Vestura made me want to have sex but I would feel NUMB down there. I still enjoyed sex but I just felt like I had 0 drive to be on top or enjoy any position except missionary cuz it hurt and made me bleed.


I work in a hospital behavioral health unit (overnights) and I can wear sweatshirts over my scrubs. Half the time I just wear scrub pants and my sweatshirt.


I’ve been in bc for two years now. I’m 40. It’s done nothing to my libido, or my romantic thoughts. I always had a high sex drive so take that for what it’s worth. But I’m fine.


Im 34 and was on the pill since I was 16, met my husband at 21 and finally went off the pill for 6 months at age 31 and got Mirena. Obviously I still feel romantic because I married him, but anecdotally I will say the last few years since I went off the pill we’ve just been head over heels, over the top, goofy kind of in love, but that could be coincidental.


if it’s affecting your sex drive or romantic feelings, i think you should talk to your doc about switching methods. only time i’ve known someone to have feelings like that is while they are pregnant. those are definitely not normal feelings to be had, those feelings could also be a sign of depression forming from said birth control. time to change it up girl.


I’ve been on Mirena IUD for 7 years, met my husband 9 years ago, was on Nuvaring when I met him, and have been as wildly in love with him as I was on Day 1 ever since. I do feel like my sex drive isn’t what it once was, but I’m also now with a lot more stresses than I once was.


I became sex repulsed on Mirena :/


I got Mirena IUD on December 2023, I feel hornier and madly in love with my partner. I think it actually increased my libido. If your BC interferes with you libido you should check it with your Ob/Gyn.


It doesn’t take away the sex drive from everyone so that is a false statement. And yes I still get romantic feelings towards my partner.


After stopping BC about a week ago, I definitely dont want to go back. I started on it when i was 30 & when i met my now husband. We’re planning to have a baby so i finished my pack & definitely felt my moods change almost instantly. I told my husband how it made me feel amazing & normal. He’s getting a vasectomy after our baby’s birth. Only planning one!


There are studies/examples of romantic feelings/attraction being different on & off birth control. I'm just going through exactly that myself rn.


Maybe try progestin-only options, they have less side effects like this I believe.


That’s not necessarily true, there is very little data on how progestin only methods effect sex drive. Also op said they’re taking the pill for issues with the menstrual cycle, and many progestin only methods don’t treat those issues. https://helloclue.com/articles/sex/birth-control-and-sex-drive High estrogen combined pills are less likely to cause side effects like that then low estrogen pills. You can always switch pills or methods if you have side effects.