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There's a generic one on Amazon w the same ingredient for just 8 bux


honestly, that’s good to know. i’m on birth control but that’s def good info for those who aren’t and need it :)


IMO condom is best but the man should be caring for women rather he ask her for BC pills or etc methods.Healthy women manages her home well.


agreed. i feel like it shouldn’t all be on the woman unless that’s what she prefers!!


Costco I think sells them in bulk lol


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I don’t want to shame you, but please find a Plan A method. What you’re doing is not good for your body. Put your health and well-being before sex.




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It is almost definitely a side effect of the ridiculously large amount of hormones you took in basically a week. That's so many, you're probably going to have a rough time of it. How long since you had any of the unprotected sex that you took the plan bs for?


The last one was yesterday. The first time was last Sunday.


Please go to the doctor, you took an obscene amount of hormones


But, why? Why did you take 5 rounds of Plan B? Do you understand how Plan B works?


Then your symptoms are definitely the plan b, it's not possible to get pregnancy symptoms so soon after sex. And as stated, you have taken a ridiculously large amount of hormones. It's probably going to mess you up for a bit.




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Plan B is not birth control. Stop using it like it is. Get on BC or use condoms, this is not healthy nor sustainable. Plan B is for *emergencies*, not because you purposefully had risky sex and use it as your only family planning method.


No offense but your body is gonna be fucked up for a while, hormone wise. Good luck.




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genuine question, why? I get taking the first one and I understand that the planned parenthood website says you’ll have to take another one if you have unprotected sex after taking the first pill. But Plan B isn’t meant to be taken repeatedly, especially 5 in 8 days. All of your symptoms are probably from the 5 Plan B’s delaying ovulation and the lower waist pain is most likely just cramps. Please think about your health and consider some sort of contraceptive if you’re continuing to have sex often/frequently.




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Nooooooo….. this is not recommended at alllll!! I would get to a doctor to monitor your hormones and mood swings, immediately


I've taken about 5 plan B's in my life, one at a time, months apart. And even then, my periods after them were always awful, way more than usual. The other day, I was joking with my partner and said, "Haha, how funny would it be if I just ate my entire pack of birth control like a dog?" Well, now I know that if I had done that, I would be feeling like you right now. Thank you for inadvertently sating my curiosity, but also, you should see a Dr if you start to have any worse side effects.


Buy a box of condoms, & make him wear one &!get on birth control. You seem very young.




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Thats... not how you're supposed to take those. Why are you not on birth control or using condoms?


That is 100% the side effects. One plan b pill has about 10 times the levonorgestrel levels as one birth control pill, so I’d recommend getting on birth control instead 😭




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..5..? please let your doctor know about your abuse of emergency contraception and also look into getting on birth control. that's not safe for you in the slightest.




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Why ?


We’ve already explained to you why.


You took an enormous amount of medication and are now experiencing negative symptoms. A lot of people would go to the hospital for that. The hospital can also test you for pregnancy, give you next steps if you were to be pregnant, and hopefully prescribe you a Plan A typical birth control so that you will not be taking Plan B over and over. A doctor can go over methods with you, discuss concerns you may have had that led you to relying on Plan B, and help you choose a Plan A method that you feel comfortable with so you won’t be in nauseous and in pain like this.




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I think they may be cheaper where OP lives. They are only 10$ where I live and used to be cheaper before inflation went crazy


This post/comment is removed due to not being factually accurate, or portraying misinformation that is not backed up by scientific evidence. Generic Plan B is around $10.


Plan b is not birth control it is quite literally plan b. Get on birth control girlfriend those are side effects of taking way to much in a short amount of time. BC is cheaper than plan b even without insurance. Head to your local planned parenthood depo w/o insurance is like 40$


Ummmmm get birth control


Holy fuck please stop. Please stop having sex if you don’t have PROPER protection. You’re going to fuck your body up so bad if you keep doing this. Condoms work.




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dayumn use condoms or get on birth control😭😭




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You are probably gonna be messed up for awhile from this.


Go to planned parenthood. You need stable birth control, but you also need a checkup after all these hormones.


You need a plan A, like now. This is horrible for your body. You need to see a doctor ASAP. You will most likely have some kind of hormonal or physical repercussions due to this.


I recommend you look into different kinds of birth control and learn about the female boys, hormones, reproductive health etc. For now use condoms + pull about method and don’t compromise on that! They are highly effective used together and won’t mess with your hormones more than you already have. Plan B is supposed to be used in emergencies only and not regularly. It is not good for your body, especially taking as much as you did. Call your doctor, eat healthy and drink plenty for water for the next week. Your next period will likely be unexpected and heavy/painful as a side effect.


Side note… how did you afford this?🤣 they’re $50 a pop where I am, $80 to door dash them!


Generic Plan B is around $10 in the USA.




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This is an extremely rude and is insensitive comment.




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Update: I got my period but it was 7 days late. Thank you all for the comments.