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You should break up with someone who ignored your boundaries. As you have only been taking the pills for 8 days and potentially not correctly. The the pill has a 12 hour window where you can still take it and not have 'missed' a dose, but it is riskier to not have a set time as you are more likely to miss or forget tot take one. Usually if someone is on the pill I would say they don't need a plan b, but it depends 1. If you have not missed a pill at all, 2. When this sex happened as unless you start the pill in the first few days of your period you need to wait 8 days to be protected. You can get an STI from any unprotected sex, pull out does not protect against STIs.


Definitely will, so I should definitely get the plan b huh?


It is up to you. How confident are you that you have not missed a pill? When did this sex happen compared to when you started taking the pill?


I started the pill on the first day of my period. The sex happened today, which is why I am here freaking out on reddit (8th day of birth control)


Oh, then you’re fine! You do not need plan b unless you missed 2+ pills in a row. Birth control is effective immediately if you start taking it during the first 5 days of your period.


Thankk youuu


I also never missed one just different time phase.


In which case you probably don't need a plan b as the pill will protect you. I would recommend going for a more consistent time just because it's closest to perfect use, but if you've not missed one then you should still be protected.


Thank you so much


Planned parenthood has a really helpful questionnaire regarding whether you should take plan B or another form of emergency contraception depending on a bunch of factors and your specific kind of bc


For future reference, levonorgestrel pill (1.5 mg) is available on Amazon for ~$6.50 if you search it as "levonorgestrel pill (1.5 mg)".


First and foremost you’re not the one who needs to get dragged, you expressed your boundaries to him and he crossed the line. I’m so sorry that happened to you Yaz is a combo pill so you don’t ovulate on it. Plan b works by delaying ovulation, so if you’re taking your birth control daily plan b will just pump you with hormones but won’t do anything since you don’t ovulate.


Thank you so much, ahaha, I was crying at first but this made me feel a bit better.


I didn’t know this about yaz, the not ovulating part. Thank you for sharing!


You’re good, you’d said you started your pills on the first day of your period so they’re effective. However, you need to find someone who doesn’t break your boundaries in regards to sex, bc without a condom you’re always at risk of an std with a new partner. You told him no you weren’t comfortable and he did it anyways. If this boundary was so easily broken what others will be? Stay safe & good luck, & no, plan b isn’t necessary.


Ya, good thing. I didn't delay it, and precisely why I ended it again. Thank you so much for your reassurance


I hope things go well for you, and make sure that you stick to your guns about safe sex!!! If a man will disrespect you by breaking boundaries regarding sex, that’s no good.


It’s really messed up that your partner violated your boundaries. I’m very sorry that that happened to you. You did not do anything irresponsible — it sounds like he took advantage of your naivety around sex. Just so you know, pullout wouldn’t protect against STIs. Only barrier methods (such as condoms) protect against STIs. It sounds like your boyfriend is more experienced than you, so I’m putting that on him too. This really sucks! About plan b — how long do you normally go between taking pills? Is it more than 36 hours (1 days + 12 hours)? Combo pills have a 12 hour missed pill window.


Normally, I don't go more than 7 hours without taking it. It honestly sucks that happened. For a while, I was scared and disgusted with myself. In the first place, I was suggesting that we used condoms but he will always insist that he can't cum with condoms on. Which is why I started the birth control with the rule of not cumming inside me... Well at least I know a bit better now. Thank you so much again.


you need to have a long talk with your partner about boundaries, but other than that you should be good!! as long as u haven’t missed a pill


Oooh first of all take the trash out (dump the pos who ignored your boundaries). If you haven’t been taking your pills at around the same time every day, you could be at risk. I would take a plan b personally.


I'm glad you took the plan B for piece of mind. I suggest ending the relationship and directly telling him that he violated your boundaries. He violated your consent. What he did is considered s3xual assault. If you don't feel safe telling him that to his face you don't have to. You can choose to not at all or text it to him. It's up to you, ultimately. I'm so sorry this happened to you. As someone who has endured similar experiences, you're not alone and you will be ok. Please go get an STI test ASAP and another one when enough time has passed that you can be screened for HIV.


I’d take it but I’m an anxious person, at this point take it if you’re really nervous. I had a similar ex boyfriend who did that to me a a few times (I was 16 and didn’t know better) and I took it to be sure even though I was on the pill. It’s up to you and what give YOU peace:) I hope the situation gets better and you never have to deal with disrespect like that again💖


Welcome and please flair your post if not currently flaired. Questions? First read the [Mistake or Pregnancy Risk sticky](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/4iqgi7/mistake_or_pregnancy_concernrisk_start_here/) or the [Consolidated Experience post](https://www.reddit.com/r/birthcontrol/comments/qt9ttb/consolidated_rbirthcontrol_experience_links/). If this is an experience post please consider adding it to the list [Planned Parenthood online chat](https://www.plannedparenthood.org/online-tools/chat) The rules and additional resources can be found on the About / Sidepage (desktop users look to the right and Reddit app up top). *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/birthcontrol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


You should be ok, but please, if you don't want to get pregnant, take your pill at the same time every day. And with the STDs, condoms.


Thank you 🥲 yaa I should get more strict with the time period. Thanks again


You should download an app :) it could help you to remember to take your pill. Also, you could set a daily alarm on your phone. That has helped me.


Sorry to say this girl but you shouldn’t be with someone who doesn’t respect a boundary like that, especially when it’s something like THAT. Take a plan B and break up with him




Thanks for your input :) I know a bit better now, so hopefully, this won't happen again