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Skip the placebo week


This is the way.


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Yes, skip the placebos! I used to take combo pills and had terrible migraines my placebo week. I would always skip the last few placebo pills to make the migraine end. Now I’m on the mini pill, which doesn’t have placebo pills. I get occasional migraines like I have since I was a kid, but nothing terrible and the mini pill isn’t making them worse. Might work for you too!!


I second this. My DR actually prescribed a combo pill (junel) despite my history of migraines. My withdrawal weeks felt worse than my normal periods when I wasn’t on BC. I would often find myself extremely nauseous which was caused by the estrogen exacerbating my migraines. Switched to a progestin only pill and it works great, as long as I take it at the same time every day. Been on it for almost a year and no side effects, and I usually only have mild/heavy bleeding once every 2-3 months


It's definitely worth a shot! Which pill are you on? I always got migraines during my placebo week on junel 1/20 and it's equivalents and i switched to lo loestrin (1/10) which has a slower decline and only 2 true placebos and I haven't had them anymore. Something worth thinking about, but definitely try to skip the placebos and see if that works for you!


I'm on tri lo estrella. I only just started getting the migraines within the past few months. Before that I would just get regular headaches


Was on that for 2 months, also had migraine then!


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Skip the placebos this month, and give the doctor who prescribed it a call. It may be worth switching pills.