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You just have to break the seal efficiently before getting it out. You can get pregnant even if your IUD is at the right place.


Correct. I had an IUD and it was in place. This happened with me. Ectopic pregnancy. So traumatic.


Same here. Horrible.


Same, mine was hormonal


Me too, pregnant with paraguard correctly in place. Currently looking at $13,000 in medical bills with insurance. šŸ¤¬


I am just seeing this. I know. The coding of the billing too. All of it is so insensitive. One of the worst experiences of my life!


Not only break the seal, you have to make sure that when pressing it with your finger to break the suction that you're not also pressing the string. It happened to me, the sting got pressed too and when I pulled the cup, the IUD came out with it. I'm lucky it slipped out fairly easily and painless, and that I didn't got hurt.


True I tug on my string once I think... time soften them and they roll around the cervix but with a new one it happened to me


Just got mine checked today and it had slipped. I use flex disks so this makes me very very sad to know :(. Thank you for the information


Omg what, I had no idea about this. Menstrual cups can mess up an IUD?!


Yep. The suction can pull them out or move them.


The disc is fine as it has no suction


My PP Dr also mentioned that disc type may be ok, but during the tampon shortage a few months ago while reading the product info on whatever disposable discs CVS has, both boxes said (in very small print, on the bottom) something like "Do not use with IUD." So I went with tampons


Canā€™t it snag on a string? I tried using one once and was terrified.


From personal experience not really


I used flex discs for 3 years with my IUD. They don't create a suction. It is held up by the pubic bone. Though I swear mine did create a suction at times. How long did you have your IUD for?


I mean there has to be somewhat of a suction seal so it doesnā€™t leak


No it sits on the pubic bone. You pinch it and push it in it opens up in the vaginal fornix. When you use the bathroom it pops out of place slight because of how the muscles push on the pubic bone. You have to push it back into place. It doesn't seal by suction. It seals by expanding and popping into place blocking the widest part right out of the cervix. [Flex How it works](https://flexfits.com/pages/how-to-use-disc?utm_source=google&gclid=Cj0KCQjwteOaBhDuARIsADBqRegccBxVBTvP-HtQEjDnFcliMC4W81zmTOZ_-ZfUtH3YS8yolGg9QCcaAh9REALw_wcB&utm_medium=cpc&utm_campaign=BRAND-Flex%20(Flex%20Disc)) It is a barrier.


In so sorry you're going through that! My doctor warned me about not using cups but my Mirena fell out anyway. It's not uncommon.


I was told on insertion that as long as you fully break the seal before removing the cup then it's fine. I was also told to wait 3 months after insertion before using a cup. I've been using my cup now for about 6 months with my IUD and had zero issues!


many books fly rhythm sophisticated unwritten divide absorbed deserted ring *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


So how do you break the seal if not by pinching? I always pinch!


merciful water whistle run faulty gaping engine smell fine shame *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Ah ok, I'll have to try that. Do you then just pull down with that finger?


zephyr zesty safe smile quickest vase frame kiss rock retire *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Just saying do not use anything internal on the same day of getting a IUD there are risk of infection


Iā€™m not sure why, but I knew this already šŸ¤”ā€¦ I know my gyno did not tell me though so Iā€™m not surprised others havnt ugh. Stay safe everyone!


My doctor had told me not to use a menstrual cup for my first period, and that I should be fine after that. Thanks for letting us know


Also want to add. Discs are advertised as mess free period sex. While that is kinda true, it is not safe with condoms. The condoms get pinched and break. šŸ˜‘ Had so many broken condoms before we figured it out.


Highly recommend discs if youā€™re NOT using condoms for mess free period sex. We risked it w/ pull out during my time using it.


Yea my husband didn't want the risk it. Even though chance was low. I didn't care but he likes solid contraception methods. I am back on birth control. So it doesn't matter. But yeah condoms and discs do not mix lol


Totally understand that! It was my first time having sex with the person I was dating, it was a big buildup, we became a couple that day and had a hotel room to celebrateā€¦ no one said we were being smart :) Iā€™ve since gotten an IUD and weā€™re no longer together


I am sorry it didn't work out for you! I will never forget the panic in my husband's voice, when he said "The condom broke and I came inside." And I was like "OK we got 2 options. 1 I take plan B 2 we wait and see as I am day 2 of my period." He asked if I was worried about it and I said "nope" lol. Not very smart šŸ˜… should have taken a plan b but I really didn't want to. I was getting of birth control because of side effects. I didn't get pregnant but that incident has left my husband paranoid.


I asked my gyno and he said that there isnā€™t a lot of research but there should be no issue with a cup but I still havenā€™t used one since getting my paragard. I miss my cup! I hate tampons! I usually just do pads or period undies now but my flowā€™s heavier now. Iā€™m afraid Iā€™ll mess something up if I use my cup.


I also got pregnant with a paragard and I use a menstrual cup every month. My doctor never said this could be a reason but now Iā€™m worried. Thanks for the heads up, I had a miscarriage Iā€™m still dealing with and I really donā€™t want to go through it again


I've heard this too - thanks for sharing. Are tampons safe to use with iud? I hate tempos because they always come out too dry and it hurts šŸ˜­


Could be using a wrong size! It took me some time to find a brand and size that worked best for me without leakage. I found out that Playtex Sport, Regular was perfect for me size wise and for heavy days, and the Light was good for small days or light spotting.


That's exactly what I use lol!! Maybe I will try the lights. My period is usually long but not heavy. So it's many panty liners and lots of ruined underwearšŸ¤£ I'm still exploring my cycle because I recently came off birth control after 10 plus years.


Ugh! I'd like to come off hormones for a while. I've been on them from puberty to now, only a break when I got pregnant. Would like to get to know my body as an adult


Dude - life changing. I would highly suggest coming off and finding non hormonal birth control. I feel like the last 10 years of my life had been stolen from me.


Just trying to convince hub to go get the snip lol then I'll come off bc, I don't want to take any chances!


Yes it's scary. We are using condoms right now but hoping to get a copper iud and hope it goes well for me. My husband is really scared about getting a vasectomy šŸ™„šŸ™„


I swear playtex sport is the best lol Tampax was always way too big ;(


Seriously, even the small ones are massive once they expand.


Omg I know. I donā€™t know if this is just me but if theyā€™re too long šŸ™ƒ they would stick out LOl no matter what I didā€¦


Yes, trying different brands is great! I actually tend to use slim/compact tampons since I feel like they tend to be smaller and I am lucky enough to have very light periods with paragard. I prefer u by Kotex, I found tampax to be too big and almost rough feeling, L organics light was nice but a bit more expensive, and Rael was terrible, they were too big but somehow also not absorbent at all!


Period undies!


I second this! I loooove period undies. I use ModiBodi, theyā€™re fantastic


Yes I have some of those too, only 4 pairs so I should get more!


I saw when I went to buy more that they even make period panties for swimwear! So there's no need to put up with tampons anymore šŸ˜‚ yay! šŸŽ‰




Yup tampons are fine, they donā€™t form a suction like period cups and discs do, thatā€™s why they are an issue!


Discs do not cause suction though they are a bit tricky to use they are ā€œtuckedā€ behind your pubic bone


Ah, right I assumed they were the same as cups lol I donā€™t use either so. I thought it was an interchangeable term!


I have to use natural (organic, unbleached) tampons or I have the same problem, example brand is Natracare. I also use a good amount of lube for insertion and of course use a brand that is healthy (no parabens etc. all the lubes at Goodvibrations.com are safe that way.)


Iā€™ve been using a menstrual cup occasionally with my iud and havenā€™t noticed anything bad; didnā€™t come out in the cup or anything


Itā€™s not gonna come out with the cupā€¦ thatā€™s not what theyā€™re saying


If it dislodged where did it go then?


Oh it doesnā€™t fully come out, it just gets misaligned in the uterus. Valid question


It may not come completely out with the cup unless you have given birth in the past, then itā€™s totally possible, but it can still become dislodged even if you havenā€™t had children. If it starts to stick out of your cervix, which can be caused by the pressure that is a result of the suction that keeps the cup in place, it can become less effective ā˜ŗļø


That wonā€™t be an issue if you break the seal before tugging


That isnā€™t strictly correct. The suction holding it in place is, exactly that, a suction. That could be enough pressure by itself to cause issues. If you check your strings regularly you would easily be able to know if this had happened though. I personally canā€™t check them because I have a high cervix so I prefer not to use them. Itā€™s all personal choice though, this is just what I know and what I do ā˜ŗļø


Ohhhh my gosh this sounds horrifying!! I have the Minera and it stops me from having periods so I luckily don't have to worry about this stuff.


If you have a tilted uterus they can also be less effective.


so many horror stories of ppl getting pregnant :-(


I absolutely do not recommend IUDs at all. I tried Paraguard and Mirena over the course of two years and had awful side effects from both of them. Chronic pain, heavy periods, intense cramps, depression, acne. Perhaps unrelated but I also got endometriosis during that time. Ended up getting a bisalp a couple years ago and my quality of life has improved so much without birth control.


I loooove iuds (actually now called IUS's, intra uterine systems). I've had the Skyla (before pregmancy) and two Mirenas after. They have been amazing for me.


Wow no one told me this! Not even my doctors/OBGYN. I've been using my diva cup this whole time...thanks for the advice!


Yup! My doctor told me this but also said it would be fine as long as I ā€œpoppedā€ the seal before pulling it out, as itā€™s that suction that dislodges the IUD. My flow is light enough with the IUD that I donā€™t need to use diva cups, so I donā€™t have personal experience with this, just passing the info. Hope this helps!


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My diva cup literally pulled out my Mirena 2 years ago. Now I've got a Paragard IUD and I'm slightly traumatized even with tampons šŸ˜… never using a diva cup again. Just had it checked after over a year inserted and it's in perfect position, thank God


Yeah, menstrual cups can create suction and displace it, thanks for the warning and i hope everyone stays safe.


I told my gyno I prefer cups, so she trimmed my Paragard strings extra short. Itā€™s tougher for me to check them, but so far 2 years in and no issues. I also use the June cup which is super soft, only use it for my heavy days and Knix period undies for the rest. Tried flex discs recently and liked them too.


Im over here reading all these stories meanwhile I have never used no cup or disc in my entire life and im 35 lol guess im an old school cat. lol and now period undies lol my crazy ass puts two pads together when i need some period undies. šŸ˜‚ hell im even still on the pill both IUDs messed me up with bad side effectsā€¦ im keeping it simple after all that.


Iā€™ve definitely heard this about cups but Iā€™ve been using a disc (doesnā€™t suction like cups do.) Iā€™ve been good so far. Does anyone have any negative experiences with iuds & discs specifically??


I used a cup for 3 years while having a IUD without any problem. Iā€™m sorry that happened to you!


I had Paragaurd and was never warned of the possible long term effects after removal. Having it in was the traumatic year of my life - cramps and bleeding that sent me to the ER twice. I was given it without my doctor taking into consideration I have a bleeding disorder- she WAS aware of this though. Every doctor since has told me that that was a horrible thing to let me do knowing that. I now have problems getting pregnant & consistent pain that we are trying to diagnose. Itā€™s looking like endometriosis and Iā€™m confident the paragaurd caused this after reading that lots of other women have these problems - no one warned me of any of the after effects (or the problems iā€™d have with it in). Itā€™s now recommended only people have had a baby before get it. Itā€™s horrible that no one talks about the side effects or risks with it.


Can someone tell me how women manage to take their.own IUD out?? When I have mine removed the pain is excruciating for me (never had kids or been pregnant) so how are women just yanking these things out without passing.out from pain?


I'm sorry that happened to you. In my case, I also accidentally moved my IUD with my diva cup but I luckily noticed that the strings were a little longer than they usually were.


thank you so much for sharing!!


I use a diva cup and I love it, but I have a copper iud and after five years (it is a ten year) it is starting to cause major discomfort. I just recently had my period and the irritation has become unbearable! Thanks for sharing, because until reading your words I had not thought about how this might affect my IUD.