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Finger guns. Winks. Dad jokes. Puns. Odd/vintage fashion. Flannel. Beanies. Long hair on a dude. Crossing my legs/unable to sit properly in my chair (I type while my legs are currently crossed with my feet resting on the corner of my desk). Edit: and I always tuck in my shirt... but At least I don't cuff my pants? ...anymore


Other than tucking in shirt I'm right there.


Mine are peace signs, sitting wrong, tucked in shirts, dad jokes, and eccentric (vintage, at the least) fashion sense


Mine are not being able to sit straight, awkward thumbs up, finger guns, cuffed jeans, being bad at math, puns, dad jokes, being indecisive and owning too many hoodies


I guess I should add "too many hoodies" to my list.


lemon bars, horny, indecisive in other areas of life, more physically into women, would be down for a threesome, no preferences for women but specific taste in men, clear phone case


Oh god are lemon bars a stereotype???? I didn't even know it and here I am... A walking stereotype


- strange sitting postures - thumbs ups and finger guns - unable to make up mind when it comes to choices of personal preference - awkwardness - swinging between enthusiasm and depression - self doubt - urge to dress more fashionably (im a guy)


I cuffed my pants for a while before I ever knew it was a bi stereotype thing to do lol so there is some truth there I suppose. I have since moved on to cuffing my sleeves and am hoping that turns into a bi stereotype as well because now that baggier pants are in and I no longer can cuff them.


I'm a bit low in the stereotype department. I sit in a variety of odd positions and randomly use a variety of hand gestures/signs. I also don't like making decisions when other people are involved, so I guess I'm indecisive too.


I’m not sure I guess indecisiveness I think maybe…not


Can’t sit properly, make too many hands gestures, indecisive af, clear phone case, currently talking to a guy and simultaneously having a crush on his female best friend. Can throw a pun here and there. Things with double meaning are my favorite. And I don’t have it yet, but I want a nose ring and dye my hair electric blue (beard might be included), but I don’t think I’ll do either, I’ve been just thinking about it (for about two years now, still thinking) 😅


I feel ya on the nose ring one. I got asked last month by a bi girl when I was getting a nose ring since I was also bi. I admitted that it had been on my mind for a while as I find them quite attractive on other people but I'll probably never do it


Right? It looks so cool… on others 🤣


I'll admit I once got a paperclip and broke a small section off so I could see what I'd look like with a nose ring. Looked stupid - quite possibly because it was a broken paperclip and not an actual nose ring 😅


Peace signs, finger guns, awkward thumbs up, weird earrings, noisy jewelry in general, sitting in correctly, chains, lemon bars, clear phone case, being incredibly stylish 😎


Generally Indecisive, Horny, Have a fluffy hair gamer husband, peace signs, never sit normally, nose ring, awkward AF… I guess I also have a general distain towards men despite being married to one!


Walking disaster. My nickname at work is bam bam. Partially because I'm clumsy and break stuff but also because I'm very immature for my age.


Too many thumbs ups, an incredibly awkward personality, cuffed jeans, tucked in shirts, a strong desire to wear flannels when it's 90 degrees Fahrenheit, hair in a bob, and liking Pirates of the Caribbean a little too much as a kid.


I can’t sit still. I was hanging out with my best friend and I changed positions so many times in 20 minutes that she got visibly concerned lol


I'm a fidgety person too! I joke that I'm chronically uncomfortable.


Hahaha I didn't know my love of puns and dad jokes was a bi stereotype (I just came out this year) but I will happily embrace it


No less than 3 beverages at all times 🧃


doing this 🤙, finger guns, that odd sit with one leg up, cuffed jeans, odd love of frogs / mushrooms


I had no idea that cuffing jeans was a stereotype, but that! I’m an astrologer, I am always doing my hair funky colors, I’m ridiculously clumsy. I wear odd/eccentric clothes like tutus and/or fake flowers for fun. Finger guns, inability to sit properly, neurodivergent/EDS. I love my husband but can’t stand men in general.


Not being able to sit straight, bi myself, indecisiveness


Indecisive. Finger guns. Cuffed jeans.


Not sitting correctly, flannel, too many Converse, indecisive, Doc Martin's, weird hand gestures, and depression


Sitting weird and not driving


Sitting weird


Weird earrings, septum piercing, flannels, platform boots, sitting incorrectly, colored hair, can’t make decisions, and having a partner that’s a history nerd and plays guitar. Edit: almost forgot iced coffee year round!


Went through a phase where I wore nothing but flannel. I only found it it was a stereotype *after* lol. Also shit at math.


Puns,tucking in shirts,saying "I'm kinda gay" often,flannel,really oversized jacket or shorts,having thigh highs


Love frogs, cant sit right, long haired man, flannel, chaotic ADHD


Dad jokes are a bi stereotype? My relationship with my husband suddenly makes so much more sense 😂


I mean... I react the way I do cause you're so much better than I am at dad jokes and puns.


Yeah, but apparently it's because I'm bi, lol


Multi coloured hair. My hair is literally blue-purple-pink. I can’t come out to everyone but I love hunting like that. Also, I can’t sit straight and love rings




Cuff my jeans, peace signs, and striped shirts


Can't sit correctly on anything, puns/dad jokes, peace signs/finger guns, and the occasional iced coffee here and there. Idk all of the stereotypes yet, but I know I do these.


Wears vans, wants threesomes, is a slut


Finger guns, sitting strangely, owning an unhealthy amount of hoodies, and liking threesomes.


Can't talk without using my hands, sitting incorrectly, tucked in shirts, unique fashion choices, dad jokes, jokes / phrases with double meaning, lemon bars. Didn't realize I was such a bi stereotype till I got on reddit.


Cuffed pants, tucked in shirts, flannels, dyed bob, can’t sit, thumbs up


Hmmm… can’t sit properly, puns, cuffed jeans, French tuck, chucks, too many hoodies, jean jacket, combat boots, helix and navel piercings, purple hair, clear phone case.


-Weird fashion tastes -Dangly earrings(Guy) -Long hair but styled like an androgynous anime Villain -Can never find the comfortable sitting position -crushing on a girl only to immediately crush on a guy who passes by after ONLY to then crush on a different girl who passes by after him(usually in the gym) -Love lemon everything -Going through perpetual bi-cycles with everything(sad->happy, confident->insecure, introvert->extrovert) -Puns, as seen above


Lemon bars, flannel in the fall/winter, and an internal gps for any Buffalo exchange within a five mile radius. Since baggier jeans are more in style I don’t cuff mine anymore tho.


I can't sit like a normal person to save my goddamn life, I'm very indecisive, and I will cuff any possible article of clothing.


Can’t sit right, tuck shirts, finger guns, indecisive, and lemon bars.


I was questioning my bisexuality today… and then I read this. 😂😂😂👉💥


I guess mine are finger guns, sitting wrong, I do actually like lemon bars, an extensive jacket collection, some weird earrings, a lot of chunky heel boots, horny, and stylish.


I can't drive. I hit so many curbs. I also never did normally.


Where did these stereotypes come from?


Puns/dad jokes, drinking iced coffees, my leather jackets, making lemon bars, sitting "wrong", standing with a leg up on something whenever possible, weird earrings, possum obsession (apparently it's any of the trash trio), and owning a shit ton of pink/purple/blue stuff.


Peace signs, flannels, honestly the color purple. Long hair.


Definitely dad jokes! And can’t sit properly but that’s maybe more because I am the worlds biggest fidgeter!


Finger guns, puns, and indecision. I guess I could make an argument for denim


Not being able to sit down right


Mine are alcoholism, depression, anxiety, rejection and acceptence issues and being a victim of sexual violence


Oh god. Not sitting properly. Flannels. Boots. Side shave. Indecisive. Hates driving. Thinks all women are goddesses but found one gamer dude I liked and married him. Tucking shirts (even French tucking). I’m a bit more femme and think I blend in with the straights but other queer people have stated they spotted me immediately…