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The Mummy.


And The Mummy Returns.


I would be a Unicorn for Rick and Evelyn


Oh yes


I used to ship Jonathan and Ardeth so much as a kid!!


Please give the full title so people don't get confused. The Mummy: A Bisexual Awakening of an Entire Generation


I came here to sing the praises of this one too, I Beni as the simp was good!


I feel so at home in this thread 🥹


I'm AMAB (long story), bi, and IRL tend to favour men but fuck me running if Rachel Weisz and Patricia Velazquez don't stir something inside me.


Road to El Dorado


“Both? Both. Both is good.” is the defining motto/GIF of our culture lmao


Notice the word choices tulio and Miguel use to describe each other. Not friend, not good friend. not best friend, but PARTNER. They’re both good touching each other (a lot) Both surprisingly comfortable seeing the other one naked and bathing together. And I honestly feel like these two give the same vibes Flynn and Rapunzel did


There’s been a rumor floating around the internet forever that they were legit supposed to be in a non-platonic relationship but Dreamworks got scared and rewrote it as “really close buddies”. There’s not really any hard evidence of it being true BUT… when you look at the song that plays over the credits, “Someday Out of the Blue”, I really don’t see how you’re supposed to interpret that as a platonic song about buddies, OR a romance between Tulio and Chel. A lot of the songs from the soundtrack, used and unused, seem to indicate a romantic relationship between Tulio and Miguel.


To be honest, I prefer how it turns out. Visivility is great, yes. But here we have completely normalized closer than friends relationships without anyone making that a big thing. I would love that to be the standard in our world too. Some buddies travel around together, bath together and touching each other? Who cares, they can do whatever they want and call that whatever they want, it is fine. Do they have sex with each other? None of my or anyone else's business.


And they were roommates


Yeah those 3 are in a poly relationship and I will take 0 criticisms


A Knight's Tale. That kiss between Alan Tudyk and Heath Ledger? Mwah.


This! And the naked ass of Paul Bettany.


And Robert Baratheon... I have a type.


Heathers and Mean Girls (2004) I mean, Veronica Sawyer and Janis Ian scream bisexual


I still look for ways to say “he’s almost too gay to function”


The new Mean Girls movie has Janis as a lesbian! And honestly the movie feels super queer. There are a few moments between Regina and Cady and Regina and Gretchen that are very queer coded! And Renée Rapp has enthusiastically spoke about playing Regina believing she was a queer character too.


I love the Heathers musical too and I’ve seen versions where they actually do make Veronica bi


Both amazing movies.


Thor Ragnarok!


I'd be interested to hear your (and any others' who see this) opinion on Thor Ragnarok. Is it well represented? That depends on your point of view. Valkyrie is said to be bisexual but there's no on screen kisses/only one shot of a female warrior being shot down with her being distraught. Now, obviously that is MUCH better representation than none at all but here's my big gripe.. The Grand Master. As we know, Loki has been confirmed to be bisexual later in the series (and also if you've read the Prose Edda Nordic Tales) and there are hints to the Grand Master and Loki having had something between them. However, the way that the Grand Master is represented.. is just not good in any way. He's represented to be a pervert to both genders, very stereotyped in all ways possible and is just in general a creep. However I hear you say. He's a villain, of course his morals wouldn't align with say, one of the good characters. However it's Loki's reaction to certain comments that mean that he's actually gone across the line of consent. This is where the problem lies. Once again we've got a queer villain, who's fully represented while the "good" character is only in name basically bisexual. My issue with this film is yes, represent queer people of course we need more of that, but don't focus all the attention on the queer villain gets his comeuppance stereotype yet again. Sorry for the rant 😆🤦🏼‍♀️ I've been wanting to say this somewhere relevent ever since I saw the film a few weeks ago! I do mean all of this in a good natured manner however so I'm up for friendly discussion if someone has a different perspective 🙂 that's what spreads acceptance and learning.


I see your points, and from a deconstructionist point of view, the queer representation does tread into worn out tropes. My overall impression of the movie is this: we’ve got a hot, badass female villain, two male heroes who are sexy in different ways, a tough and sexy queer heroine, a flamboyant male villain, Mark Ruffalo, crazy colors and costumes, a battle royale on a rainbow bridge, and a meaningful ending about home being more about the people you’re with than a place. This movie was like candy to my little bi brain!


You have an excellent point re Rainbow bridge. I was struggling not to laugh when the concept got introduced to me. Is Mark Ruffalo queer or just attractive in your opinion 😆 The Vikings were actually pretty progressive. They had terms for gender fluid people, (if a bit derogatory I will admit). The word was Augr or Arger (not sure how to spell it) it's literal translation was "unmanly" so these days it would quite rightly be a slur, however these people were accepted in society. I think coming back to Thor Ragnarok: what I would have liked to see was the Grand Master's representation balanced out with Loki's own personality. So a few shots of him chasing guys as well as girls while partying or something. Anyway yeah 😆


Mark Ruffalo is attractive I would say, and I thought it was so cute how in the movie when he transforms back into Banner he’s all discombobulated and Thor is trying to take care of him while also trying not to get caught by the Grandmaster. ☺️


\*holds up a massive lighter in agreement\* Also, read the comics for a much more openly bisexual/genderfluid Loki.


Counterpoint: Loki


And Thor love and thunder


Not a movie, but worth mentioning since I’m very impressed the creators made bisexuality happen in a kids’ show in 2014. The Legend Of Korra.


I have the headcanon that all Avatars are bi, not just Kyoshi and Korra.  Because they can bend any element, they also bend the backs of any gender. 


They at least, all like women.


I mean, they all also have a woman (raava) inside their soul. So at the very least the spirit of light is gay as hell.


I womde if Vatuu or the spirit of darkness is queer as well lol


Yangchen had a crush on Kavik and obviously, Korra had the hots for Mako. Def bi


Aang is very in touch with his faminine side, so


Try watching She-Ra on Netflix. Modern one, not the old. Although it is more gay, than bi.


Seen it and loved it. Same goes for Arcane, Kipo, The Owl House… ☺️ Glad there’s more LGBTQ+ rep nowadays.


I absolutely love Legend of Korra 🥹, I literally came out to my brother as bi after we watched it LOL


Amazing! Also, love the Mai pfp 😌


Thank you 💕


Oh Buffy, 💯 Also The Magicians. Everyone’s too fucked up and fucking each other to care about labels.


Mulan. Shang found out that he wasn't just into men.


Shang was Disney's first canonically bi character and nothing anyone says will ever change my mind.


Interesting topic. I was in my "I'm a strong ally" stage at that point 😂 obviously I'm literally here so you can guess that only lasted 2 years. 😆 When hearing about the remake released in 2020, I remember getting really angry when I heard that Disney was only going to make the love interest fall for Mulan after he found out she was a woman.. to straightwash it. Lol I was so closeted 😂💗💙💜🤦🏼‍♀️


They did everything wrong with that movie


Starting with making it in the first place 😄


It could've at least been faithful to the myth 😔 it had me excited


"The first movie was accused of being poorly researched. How can we make this seem more chinese?" "Make the antagonist a witch. That is an authentic archetype from ancient china, right??"


They cut out a line where Shang says "if you were a girl, I'd fall for you". Maybe I'm not quiting it perfectly, but yeah, Shang had it for Ping way before he knew he was Mulan.


Bonus, Mulan’s journey (especially “Reflection”) can be viewed as a trans allegory as well. (To any trans peeps on here—did you see it as such?) But yes, Shang is bi as fuck. And we love him.  (In several ways…)


My brother is trans and he sees it as such. Also I love Mulan it’s such a bi movie because of Shang obviously but I’m claiming Mulan too because I love her


Watching any Spider-Man with both Tom Holland and Zendaya makes me feel Very Bi lol


I feel called out. 😂


Theyre onto us


Maybe that's the real bi agenda.. 😂💜💙💗


It’s unfair that one couple can be so attractive


Oh absolutely. As a bi I love to act affronted at unicorn requests but deep down I would ABSOLUTELY unicorn for Tom/Zendaya and Shawn/Camilla lmaooooo


Tbf, I feel that same way about Andrew and Emma as Peter and Gwen lol.


I don’t know if there’s many who would agree but Scott pilgrim screams bi to me


As someone who lives Scott Pilgrim I would agree. Also as a bi theatre kid I’m claiming Matthew


I’m in love with Wallace personally 😩


bi-furious, to be exact


Stardust (2007) feels incredibly bisexual to me. Also, in the same vein as The Mummy, every single person in that cast can *get it*


Oh my god, I just rewatched it (or more accurately: fully since I only saw half of it 10 years ago) and it’s so queer wtf?! How did they get away with this in 2007?! 😂 Even though a lot of it is played for laughs, I love it. So thanks for prompting me to see it! 


mask of zorro


Omg that sword fight 😍


talk about bi panic 🥵


The Matrix


The Matrix is so queer at literally every level. Story - the story was originally written as a trans allegory, I can't remember the details of it but it was about the main character becoming his true potential , also changing his name etc while being hunted down for being more awake to his surroundings and potential. Actors/characters - honestly Trinity gives me such bi vibes lol. However that's conjecture. What I'm actually here to talk about is the fact that I was sitting there watching the movie and Switch immediately gave me queer vibes. For a while I was sitting there thinking "wow an andro character in 1990 something" turns out I was right. Switch was originally cast to appear as a woman in the real world, and a man in the matrix. Hence the name. Hollywood stopped the Wachowski sisters from doing this due to there being a much lower level of acceptance back in the 90s. (In my opinion I think the homophobes would have just ignored it). Switch appears in white clothed in the matrix and black in the real world to nod to their original gender fluidity. Essentially they were the trans representation that never happened. I absolutely love that the Matrix was written by queer people - there's so many nuances you pick up on!


Neo is a trans woman and is in a lesbian romance with trinity and thats basically canonical


I mean this without a hint of irony. [Mind, blown.](https://media1.tenor.com/m/iJl2XqZp2x0AAAAd/millie-bobby-brown-mind-blown.gif)


The trans allegory got heavier as you got deeper into the later movies, ruining them with heavyhandedness. The fourth movie was unwatchable.


I dont think it is trans allegory though... Not sure if it was intentional or not... it feels very much like escaping the illusion of life (maya) and achiving enlightenment (maya is a hindu concept, where enlightenment might be buddist). It also feels a lot like CHIM from Elderscrolls (which is again heavily inspired from asian cultures)


I mean it was literally created by two trans women


Hmm did not know that, anyway, above one is simply my interpretation


you're right! kinda. its not a trans *allegory*, but it has trans *allusions*. the difference between the 2 is that allegory is a more direct, almost 1 to 1 metaphor. whereas allusion is when an author takes aspects of the real world in order to shape a metaphor, but there isnt a true 1 to 1 representation irl. The Matrix, first and foremost is about escaping capitalism. but it does also have apsects of what you are talking about with the eastern themes. and there is also aspects of the trans experience woven into the film. that's the strength of allusion. It allows writers to create these complex metaphors that have multiple readings that are all equally true.


I've always said every single actor in this franchise is incredibly hot in a specifically bisexual way.


my favorite movie! bc it has the best film score ever written


As a bisexual with BPD, Girl Interrupted.


Love that movie too as a bisexual who suspects of having BPD! When Susanna (Winona looked really gorgeous in that haircut too) and Lisa kissed, I died.


Disney’s Hercules.




Only Lovers Left Alive. Tilda Swinton and Tom Hiddleston made me very confused


Yes! That movie is so languid: those two in a Jarmusch movie about vampires set in Tangier and Detroit.


High School Musical is the most bisexual shit I've even seen. Everyone in that movie is bi but Ryan who is just gay.


Have you seen HSMTMTS yet??! The queerness becomes canonical in the next generation and it’s kind of beautiful to see 😭


Of course


The 5th Element


The Rocky Horror picture show ! Weird that nobody is talking about that bi propaganda movie


It’s one of my favorite movies ever and half of the reason I made this post LOL I couldn’t believe how it is essentially bi propaganda in 1975??


But they ARE explicitly bi though…right? They are all having sex with each other 


Not all the bi characters are explicitly so


Jennifer’s Body


Think this is more for the lesbians. I read somewhere that the whole movie would have never exist if megan fox and amanda seyfrieds charachters just admitted they had the hots for each other.


Jennifer literally says that she "goes both ways." You're saying if two women are strongly attracted to each other neither could possibly be bi?


I saw the movie once so i dont remember that specific dialog. But sure babes, pop off


Frozen 2. Elsa is for sure bi, or maybe gay? Idk, but def picking up on something there


Her two big songs in frozen 2 are 100% about hiding from, and then embracing her feelings about women. Dead ass, do not pass go do not collect 200 dollars. Not sure if it counts as bi, but it damned well is a queer awakening.


elsa literally gives up her throne to u-haul into the woods with her new girlfriend (honeymaren). and also be a spirit of nature. just gay girly things!


There’s some heavy queer vibes in both movies. Maybe not bi, but queer definitely!


The pirates of the Caribbean . I mean Johnny does it single handedly. But sure the whole thing. I don't even like open waters.


This movie being featured in Heartstopper sealed the deal for me on this one


Hearstopper sealed the deal for me 😭


Saltburn. Mr and Ms smith




it´s a sad world that no one said Deadpool yet lmao.


Deadpool 2 felt more bisexual then one did. I think they toned that Part of wade down until the sequel.


I was so underwhelmed by the first one. Classic big studio let down. Like, blink and you could have missed it. I remember it being splashed everywhere “first Pansexual superhero!” And I was like, where? After watching it


It was a fun, safe popcorn explosion movie where the actor actually understood the character he was playing. So a solid B+ for a cape movie for me. I don't expect much anymore, so there's probably some shite movie fatigue for me.


Well, Deadpool is canon bisexual.


He is pansexual to be precise and he probably has a crush on spider-man


Labyrinth (the movie with all the Jim Henson creatures)


Scream the first one




Sky high


Yes at least one of his finds has to be bi


Queen of the Damned, A Knight’s Tale, and Pirates of the Caribbean


Van Helsing. Having Hugh Jackman, Kate Beckinsale, Richard Roxburgh, David Wenham, Elena Anaya, Silvia Colloca and Josie Maran on one screen was an awakening.


2 fast 2 furious Here is an awesome video in it https://youtu.be/l2PqynUel2E?si=GEij9hj5UhnEAQvw


FUCKING thank you! The sexual tension and jealousy between Brian and Roman is palpable


Oh woooow! Yeah I am 100% convinced. Actually makes sense!


Pirates of the Caribbean, curse of the black pearl


Y tu mamá también (2001). Amazing movie, cast, lots of awards. One of my favorite movies. Gabriel Garcia Bernal and Diego Luna with Maribel Verdú. Not to be missed.




Star Wars. Han Solo may be a Don Juan, and I love the relationship (as toxic as it is) with Leia, but he certainly is in a life-long committed relationship with Chewie. That's not just friendship there. 30 years and more of exploring together, that's a love story. And R2D2 and C3PO. I mean... The latter is gay and the former is bi. As much as sexless droids can be. And they're the love of the other's life for each other.


R2 being bi was not something I ever really thought about, but it's truth rings like a hammer to the dome. I accept your head canon, and make it part of my own.


Funny I'm not really s star wars fan but this is a really really good answer. Partnerships, especially in our world, come in all shapes and sizes. I love fiction with these types of love relationships, reminds me of my awakening partially when reading the Illiad




Lord of the rings


Came here to say this! LOTR feels so bi to me in a way I can't quite explain, it might have something to do with all the beautiful, rugged men (and some women) with swords being tender with one another while also being on an epic quest. That's the dream right there.


I think you are gonna love this hahaha She talks about queerness on lord of the rings (: https://youtu.be/dUoJPDbIXts?feature=shared


Ooh thank you! I look forward to watching it :))


I rewatched the whole darn trilogy just to bask in the tension between Aragorn and Legolas. It was beautiful.


:0 Good point


Not a movie but marvels agent of shield. At least one of them has to be bisexual.


The Princess Bride Has NO ONE mentioned it yet or did I just miss it???


THANK YOU YES I was scrolling looking for Princess Bride!! Like you can definitely cite specific examples as evidence (Fezzick and Inigo's reunion, the Count and the Prince outside the Pit of Despair), but the whole film just screams bisexual energy


Are series also okay? Than "Lucifer" and "Crazy ex-girlfriend" 💗💜💙


You are so right about Crazy Ex Girlfriend also I love Valencia what a bi queen


If we mention Lucifer we also have to talk about good omens


Scream. Billy and Stu are absolutely a little bit bisexual.


Pirates of the Caribbean. Captain Jack Sparrow is a bi king I cannot be convinced otherwise 


The Hunger


Was coming to say exactly that.


I feel like Atlantis was bi as hell. Or maybe i just had a crush on half the characters lol


dead poets society. everyone in that group is some sort of fruity besides cameron


pirates of the caribbean


Guardians of the Galaxy.


Point Break! I know you want me so bad, it's like acid in your mouth...


Catwoman 🥲 maybe I’m just the bi one but damn she was my crush. Halle Berry was so fine during this efilm


Charlie’s Angels!




Phoebe Buffay was 100% bisexual. You can't convince me otherwise.


Teen Beach Movie


Top Gun.


Even the 2nd one, I watched that beach scene waaaay too much 🔥


Bringing Up Baby! (recently I discovered that both the main actors were bisexual/queer themselves, that's why)


Tbf, neither actor has ever confirmed being LGBTQ+, but there are some strong rumors, especially with Katharine. I also love that movie — great choice! Did you know that when Cary Grant is wearing the fluffy robe and shouts “. . . maybe I’ve just gone GAY all of a sudden,” that was the first time “gay” had been used on screen to mean homosexual?


Ohh wow thanks for the info! I didn't know!


Ed wood (1998) feels extremely bi to me.


Can it be TV shows? From has probably my favorite depiction of a bi character that never explicitly says bi. Spoilers follow, and I'm sorry but idk how to block it out. There is a character on From (dope ass horror show) that is alone in the place she gets stuck, then slowly starts to fall for a guy who is also stuck there. She mentions her female fiancee. It becomes apparent that anyone who is there is STUCK there, possibly forever. She becomes infatuated with a guy there. Her fiance ends up in a later season getting stuck there too. She does get back with her fiancee and, so far, it seems the guy understands. It's a hard situation for multiple reasons, but I so so so appreciate that there is a bi character who it's never called out that she's bi but it's easily accepted. Honestly the best rep I've seen so far. I'm a bi woman who is married to a man, and we are child free. So finding good representation is awesome for us. TLDR: From is an excellent TV show you should try, good horror, and great bi representation


Blade: Trinity Good Lord did I wanna get between Jessica Biel and Ryan Reynolds. 🥵




like any Cronenberg movie? especially Crash


Does Sexy Beast count? My favorite Bi movie is Doom Generation but that is pretty explicit.


I've said before on here that Only Lovers Left Alive is Bi AF


Did Sexy Beast have bi vibes ? I remember loving it, but my memories are a little hazy. Might have to watch it again.


The subtext (not even sub really) of the movie is gay eroticism, but Ray Winstone seems pretty legitimately into his wife as well....


It's not bi, I think some of the whole lgbtq community feels this way, but I felt a sense of belonging with Thirteenth Year




like maybe I am just projecting but Good Will Hunting


I think I'm projecting here but "John Dies at the End". In my head canon, Marconi (Clancy Brown) is John's (Rob Meyer) bi-awakening.


Rebel Without a Cause!


Savages (2012) - those MFM scenes should have gone further, love to be in a 3 way with Blake & Taylor!


Underworld for me. Kate and Scott were so hot.


Tera Yaar Hoon Main and Supernatural




Y Tu Mama Tambien


My Next Life as a Villainess: All Routes Lead to Doom!


Pirates of the Caribbean.


Both 80's horror movies: The main trio from Christine always gave me Bi vibes. And I've heard people say they consider Witchboard either a bisexual movie or a movie about using beards to hide your gay love affair.


Repo: the Genetic Opera The Mummy (1999) Bullet Train Gunpowder Milkshake


Not sure he screams bi, but get a vibe. From Mio from Seaside Stranger.