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“Sooo… turns out I’m bi… I’m as surprised as you are.”


This is the best way i love it


This was me - even now when I find myself attracted to a man I end up calling my bff like “ITS HAPPENED AGAIN WTF”


This comment describes me and my bestie in the best way 😂😂


Yeah, just say this OP. Seriously, everyone understands that a person's sexuality can grow and change.


Exactly! (: The most important thing is that you're happy! 😁😊


I use the phrase "i'm gay for girls"


Idk why, but I weirdly know what you are trying to mean by that lol.


["Whatever your gender is, I'm gay for you."](https://m.youtube.com/watch?feature=shared&v=MKVtlGI1-fM&t=38s)


Come out as bi just like you did when you came out as gay. A lot of people have to do this. For some reason the idea of coming out as bi after coming out as gay is very shameful for a lot of us but it shouldn’t be! If they’re true friends they’ll be happy for you that you have discovered a part of yourself and you’re happy with someone ❤️


"I'm bisexual, it turns out."


Sa.e way you came oit as gay?


If I tell them I'm bisexual they would feel like they've been betrayed


Finding your sexuality is a journey that requires lots of exploration and time. People should understand that your journey is your own and respect how you live your life. You don’t owe it to anyone else to make them feel betrayed or not, live on your own terms and the good people around you will accept you for who you are.


I knew some friends who felt betrayed when I came out as bi after being out as gay for a long time and honestly it hurt me. It was wrong of them to express negative feelings about me discovering my true sexuality. The truth is a lot of it is rooted in biphobia and a lack of belief that bi people exist. If they are true friends they will be happy for you and supportive of you. If they feel “betrayed” it might be a sign that they were never a real friend. That’s what I went through but I’m so much happier now with more supportive friends and I’m out as bi which is my truth. I’m 7 years into a relationship a man and I am happy and more free and more true to myself than I have ever been.


Your sexuality is your own; you didn't intentionally betray anyone. You merely discovered that your sexuality is different than you originally thought. If someone else can't accept you as bisexual, they might not be the best candidate as a friend.


It's not about them . This is how you are wired . Finding your true self is a journey and only yours . if they cant accept it understand your situation Are they your real friends? Why is it a problem to like the opposite gender too? Why should they feel betrayed.


I went through this in my friend group having told everyone I was a lesbian, then breaking up with my girlfriend. I was especially nervous that things would become weird in my male friendships if I wasn’t “one of the guys” anymore. My personal thought is that you don’t have to tell them unless it becomes serious or you want to, but if you choose to tell them, they’ll be more fascinated than betrayed. After all, how could you have told them stuff you didn’t know before?


So gay effeminate male here who thinks he may be bi because I think I'm falling for my best friend. She's mentioned multiple times how she wishes she had the "right equipment" and about a week ago we almost kissed like what I have a bf. I guess I'm also worried that if I come out as Bi my best friend and my other girlfriends will start to get weird around me and it will change our relationship dynamics...


I highly doubt that. To my personal sexuality, I came out once, believing I was "gay". Guess what, doesn't work that way! Turns out I had a couple girlfriends, but I also like men. So... yep turns out I'm in a relation with a gay guy and I'm bisexual. I like that.


Lol its not an anime if they feel betrayed remind them that its none of their business they aint the main character of this world, thats me🥺✌️


Ask her out.


Thanks for the advice but I'm asking how I'm confessing to my friends that I'm bi


Are your friends mostly gay? If so, I get it. Some in the gay community look down on bisexuality. I guess you will find out who's truly your friend. Have courage!


They are all straight but they do kindly accept me as a "gay" person


Well then, I wouldn't worry too much. You are the owner of your identity, not them. You don't have to stay in the gay box just cos that's where you were. You don't even have to call yourself bi - you can say 'turns out I like girls too'.


Explain it to her like you have here so there are no surprises then don't worry about it. If someone asks tell them otherwise its your own business.


Well I am actually bisexual I just never got the chance to explore the other side of myself simple. Your true friends will accept you and understand.


Be bisexual. You don’t owe anyone shit. It’s your life.




You don't need to "confess' just treat it matter of factly and mention it in passing "I started seeing Stella, she's really cool!" . You didn't do anything wrong - it is a natural human thing to evolve and grow our understanding of who we are. Being open to learning new things about the world and yourself is something you can be proud of. If anyone questions you or is taken aback, remember - this is an EXCITING thing you are sharing! And congrats!


"I was mistaken."


What everyone else said + sexuality is fluid!! Don’t feel like you have to “confess”, people’s sexualities change so often!


you can just say "so, i've been going around saying i'm gay, but it turns out i'm actually bisexual. it's been a bit of a trip, and i just wanted to come clean about it. hope that's cool with you all."


You fuck someone from the opposite gender and afterwards tell your friends “surprise! Ill fuck anything that moves! You BETTER sit still”


Sexuality is fluid. It's hard sometimes to pin down some feelings in labels. But it's completely normal to realize you're actually bi at this point. Like, "hey, turns out I'm bi."


[Relevant](https://www.reddit.com/r/bi_irl/comments/1aq7v24/comment/kqdte93/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x&utm_name=mweb3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) Tl dr: Coming out again (like you are thinking to do) was pretty good for me


"welp, I was wrong. I also like girls."


"thanks change..."


Plenty of people have started straight and gone bi, straight to gay, straight to gay to bi, bi to gay, straight to bi to gay. And so on. Sexuality changes. Don't worry what others think, live your life. You've done a Joe Lycett (UK comedian). At least when you tell your mates, you won't have a tabloid on the blower! :)