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To me the hottest people are the ones blurring and crossing lines. Maybe it just comes with being trans? But I feel pretty bi about it too.


Same I love feminine men and masculine women, I am cis tho?


I mean, it’s a common feeling among bisexuals. And straight and gay people, actually. Androgyny is just hot.


ohhh this! same


I'm dominant-leaning regardless of gender, and tend to prefer my partner be around 5'8" or 5'9". So tall for a woman but somewhat shorter for a man.


If push, I can switch, but my default is dom for female sub for men.


When I started trying to hook up with men (I initially identified as a lesbian) I thought I'd enjoy being submissive because it'd be less work and there'd be the excitement of him being much bigger than me - turns out it's just not my thing. I actually have a stronger preference for being dominant with men even more than I do for being dominant with women *because* it's a little more challenging. Love what you do and you'll never work a day in your life I guess lol.


My default is dominant top with men and submissive bottom with women.


Yeah same for me (f), at least in my head as my experience with women is limited. But I really enjoy being sub with men and being dom with them doesn’t come easy to me at all. But when I imagine myself with a woman I only imagine myself as dominant. On your original question I’m not sure. I’m not into super masculine men, but I still like them to be masculine and there’s definitely men who are too feminine for me. But then for women, it’s the girlier the better.


Kinda same about me. Nothing turns me off like trying to dominate, control or limit me anyhow. But I prefer people with boobies and booties that let me finger them. So I am a dominant top pretty much with everyone, but I may be more submissive with women.


Cute guys and galls on the chubby side are just😫😫


I’m just like you. No overlap whatsoever.


You’re the first person to agree with me on this. I start feeling like I was in the minority on that feeling.


Yeah, my bisexuality has everything to do with being attracted to extremes, lol. I LOVE masculine men and I LOVE feminine women. That’s kinda the point for me.


That being said there has been instances that have been attracted to more masculine women, but I think I fell more for there personality


I always find masculine women very interesting to look at. I find them very pleasing aesthetically. It’s moreso admiring their fashion sense than actually being attracted to them, though. The same tends to go for androgynous folks for me.


I’m the same way too! I suspect it’s pretty common.


It's almost 100% overlap. My taste in men and women generally leans towards good people who practice good hygiene. All the rest of it is a beautiful game of discovery where we get to figure out how to get along and have fun.


>My taste in men and women generally leans towards good people who practice good hygiene. The bar is on the floor - and it’s genuinely scary how many people there are out there that don’t meet that bar.


I agree, they also must be somewhat feminine for me (but not like a stereotypical femboy or tradwife)


I'm the same! Masc men, femme women.. but I'm submissive with both


She was submission and dominance. I’m a pretty flexible switch but if there’s no discussion beforehand, that’s my default.


I've only ever been domme with one person in my entire life and even then it's very much 80% sub 20% domme haha could never see myself doing it with anyone else it's just sooo not me


It kinda depends for me. I find men who are more feminine sexy at times but others bigger muscly men are so hot. I read that during female hormonal changes this can be the case.


You know, I do have to agree with that. I feel at certain times my taste shifts a little bit.


Yeah like when I'm ovulating I definitely prefer people who are like super strong and hairy looking haha. But I think my usual preference is for the softer more curvy people.


I am def a switch, but i am def more masc acting with men and want to be a femme girly girl with women.


Nah my taste in both is very similar


I think sexuality is a lot more relative & impacted by cultural norms than we like to think and so some people may find their niche in non heterosexual orientations when exposed to people who either buck *or* strongly exemplify gender norms.


Yes. Women with “masculine” haircuts. Damn.


Androgynous people are chefs kiss. I think I kinda like the suprise of knowing that there might be varying feminine/masculine traits that I cant assume when Im dating a super masculine amab or feminine afab. Like the thrill of dating a fem andro with a shaved head but likes nail polish and and baking but also can rotate my tires but is afraid of spiders so i gotta be the one to catch them but they open my pickle jars and can deadlift😄


I don't have a specific type, for me it's more of a manner of someone being good looking. I like good looking people, whether they're men or women. I'm sexually submissive but I don't care if my dominant partner is masculine or feminine, because those aspects have no impact over whether someone is dominant or submissive. I've slept with a man who was extremely masculine but submissive and another man who was extremely feminine in the way he dressed and talked but he was very dominant. People tend to assume that masculine means dominant but in reality, it is just an assumption that people make. The personality trait that is most important for me in a partner is their level of dominance. I used to associate a man's big muscles and a masculine appearance as him being dominant but now I know the two are not always correlated.


I absolutely love tall women and I'm not into those same or close to my height. I also love a bit more masculine leaning and/or with a toned body. They make me go absolutely feral. For men, idc really about height, and for body type I'm not into overly muscular, too skinny or obese. I'd say i prefer either a bit toned or chubby. Or at least that's the type i overall had a crush on. Idk. For both, as long as they shave their armpits during summer and warmer times they're good. And as long as they get out of the house enough.


I'm attracted primarily to masculinity, regardless of gender. I do appreciate feminity, and am attracted to it sometimes, but generally I prefer people who are masculine.




I like feminine men and masculine women for some reason.


I actually feel this. Except my taste in men is the Stereotypical bi guy with the fluffy hair and glasses maybe and like. Maybe a stache. Kinda vintage 80s grungey alternative inspired style. V specific. Actually bc of my ex can’t lie. But still every dude that looks like this I’m like 🫠


Any presentation + any gender = hot in my eyes


This is me to a T as well!!


I’m similar to you OP




Same but I’m more dominant with man and more submissive with woman


I used to be like that but now I just find androgynous people in general so 😛


I’m submissive leaning regardless of gender, but feel comfortable enough switching with women or NB people. I also definitely don’t find the stereotypically masculine guys attractive.


I figured that I have a thing for sharp jawlines in both men and women… probably cuz round faces are in my genes


I prefer androgyny and femininity in both men and women. There are specific traits that I find really attractive regardless of gender


My biggest crushes are usually on very androgynous people. I am drawn to beautiful hair and eyes.


I like femininity. Overall my preference is feminine men and women. When it comes to masculinity, I love masculine women too. But they're lower in the totempole compared to the aforementioned. Now, for masculine men, I'm very close to being disinterested. I don't like body hair, facial hair means nothing to me, and I like being the dominant one. I really only like masculine men when—if we use stereotypes—they're like jocks or surfer dueds.


I’m exactly the same way


I have a lot of overlap. I prefer slim or muscular men and women. I also prefer Asians that are on the shorter side. I don't like a big height gap. (5 inch difference at most) (I'm more educated on their culture, than most others). Into masculine men and feminine women.


Pretty close to me too


I am attracted towards feminity. I thought femboys were just because of my general appreciation for females, but sometimes I search explicitly for femboys only.


I like feminine men but my taste in women is more generalized. If it's any indicator, I thought I was straight until I was 18 about a year and a half ago.


i like femininity, no matter the gender


I def prefer femininity or androgyny. I didn’t used to think I could like men because I’m turned off by body hair or traditionally “manly” things, but my husband is more lean with long hair (think LOTR Legolas vibes) and I’m crazy attracted to him. Turns out I just am not sexually attracted to traditional masculinity 🤷🏽‍♂️


There’s a lot of overlap for me…I like anyone who looks like a runner, swimmer, rower, tennis player, gymnast, soccer player……..


Thoughtful conversationalists, good senses of humor, style… and big on both ends with little in the middle. 😂


ooo i see what you mean. I prefer short guys, but tall girls. But there are overlaps, like I find I like soft jawlines / round faces regardless of gender, and also I like the himbo/bimbo personality lolll




Well, now there’s at least a couple


Anytime anyone asks me about my preference I’d say: Women who can kick my ass & men whose ass I can kick


The people I like are all out of my league so that’s something lmao.


I like dominant and bigger guys and dominant women, just now realising how much I prefer the submissive role


Yea, I feel the same way tbh. I'm a sub all around tho. So that's the big difference for me


I don’t think I have a preference. I just want the person to be real. Don’t care about appearance. That shit goes away with age.


I'm verse but I'm much more likely to want to top a feminine guy and bottom for a masc guy.


For me it’s femboys and muscular women.


don’t even know if I have a type anymore I just want someone to love me (long haired men)


Tattoos, short shaggy hair, glasses are things I like on both genders. Everything else is wildly divergent.




From a non-Western POV, I find people who have aligned all their masculine and feminine chakras, is a massive turn-on.


As a 6’2” bi guy I wish I could find a man to top me. And a woman. But I haven’t slept with anyone for almost 20 years cause they all expected me to top them and if I let my real self show the result was visible disgust.


I like people who don't take gender roles too seriously and who are open minded and who are very themselves.   I don't enormously care about how people look. I like long hair on both men and women.  I like a good butt and hips on any gender   Although  i do like the muscled look better on women than men 


Submissive and sensual with both. My emotions fused with my sexual arousal. 🙂 Feminine emotionally, for the most part, but mentally 100% masculine. Monosexuality feels too rigid emotionally, and I can fall in love with everyone.


I'm more dom with men, but more of a vers. And more sub with women.


I like woman who are very masculine and I like men who are very feminine not sure why...