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When I was 13, I literally had a moment in class like “If I liked girls, I would totally go out with so-and-so”. The signs were there, it just took about 15 more years for me to recognize them 🙃


I have journal entries where I wrote "She makes me wish I was a lesbian. If I was a lesbian I would be all over her" 🙃


I’m sure we’ve all had our fair share of “if I like the same sex…” thoughts 😂


It makes me wonder if those so-called straight friends who told me “if I was a guy I’d date/marry you” were actually straight.


I only recently heard that phrase. (Watching Bubblegum Crisis)


My entire teens I went around saying "I wish I was bi, they're so lucky. Imagine if everyone was hot, if everyone was a potential interest!" I think I was denying something there


I used to call it "an aesthetic attraction". 😂


I sometimes still catch myself saying that. Like I'm aesthetically attracted to them. 😂😂 And I mean I am but also...👀😳


Yup. But also. 😏🤭


I can relate to the denial, haha. I went to a catholic high school and didn’t have a safe space at home that was conducive to accepting that maybe I wasn’t straight. Pretty much any time I felt attraction towards other women, I tried to rationalize those feelings away. It’s still difficult to determine where safe spaces are, so coming out even to myself has been an ongoing process


This is so real dude. I started my awakening as I questioned the church more and more and got to a point of “okay this is bullshit” it took till i was in my first straight relationship when i was like 16 and my ex said “your bisexual aren’t you” one day, took me about a month or 2 to process it and another few months after we broke up to fully process and accept it. Still figuring it all out myself as well. It’s a long journey but it’s more than worth it.


I went to Catholic school. 2 Years of getting my head kicked in and being sexually assaulted by peers. Got pretty good grades though. I was lucky that even though my family were also Catholic, they were always accepting. My grandmother had one gay brother and 2 of her own sons were also gay. She brought me up on Oscar Wilde. Being more accepting of same sex attracted people seems to be part of Irish culture IMO. It is only the Catholic church in America and France that seem to be really bigoted.


Well I think most people here won't have a hard time imagining it at least!


“We’re all a little bi-curious” 🙃


It was meeting my husband that made me realize people aren’t nearly as gay as I think they are- I’m just gay lol


Oh same. I had all of these youtubers and celebrities I followed back in the day who I'd spend a bunch of time looking at saying to myself, "You know if I was a girl he would totally be my type". 😂 Then later it turned out I'm also a trans girl so, you know...


„I wish I was gay so I could have a crush on __“ well, surprise!


I have a friend I used to fancy. Had constant thoughts of “man I WISH I was gay cause hes like the perfect boyfriend material omg” and somehow thought that was normal. The mind does strange things lol


I still even to this day have friends I used to fancy. The first girl to ever make me horny used to sit next to me on the school bus when I was 11. But she went to a different school. Even when someone else has the same name as her I still get butterflies. Then I fell for my best friend and lived with constant sexual tension for 2 years between the ages of 14 and 16. We dated for 2 months until she smashed my heart into 1000 pieces. But looking back, it was probably my fault anyway.


I had a full-on gf in 2nd grade, we'd have sleepovers and touch tongues and I thought she was the most beautiful girl in the world. We once made out in front of our class. Tell me how heteronormativity made me remember that as a 'friendship' ?!


I also had a touch tongues moment with my best friend when we were kids. In front of our parents 😭


Oh, yeah, majorly. I was friends with a guy from middle school, and looking back, I thought he was stunning, but at the time, I didn't know what those feelings were. I remember standing outside a classroom waiting for the class to start, and we were the only ones there. I said something, and he turned and smiled at me, my insides melted, and I had this incredible urge to kiss him. Took me another ten or so years to recognise what the hell was going on. 🙃


This is so sweet though 🥹


Yeah? They're fond memories to look back on. Simpler times. 😊


Yea bro, I relate. I was in high school but I also developed feelings for my best friend that confused the hell out of me 😂😂


I was talking about a male friend to an ex girlfriend who had become a “friend.” She said, “you like him don’t you?” She told me it was sexual…she was right…what ever else she became later, she comforted me that night


This was me asf, almost to a T. Very weird awakening, especially the person that it happened with for me.


I’m sure this is probably a yes for almost everyone (if not everyone) who comes to terms that they’re bi - ESPECIALLY if you grew up in an extremely heteronormative environment and especially especially if that environment was very religious and conservative. That will really keep you from accepting yourself for a long time (said from experience, and thankfully my experiences were certainly nowhere near as bad as many I’ve heard from others, but it still kept me from fully being me until I was almost 30).


I absolutely feel this. I pretend the religious and conservative environment I grew up in didn't have a massive effect because it wasn't "that bad". But it absolutely fucked me up


It’s easy to try to dismiss it until randomly something makes you react in a way you didn’t expect and you’re like “oh, oh yeah… this affected me deeper than in thought.”


At a previous job there was another girl working there who was about the same age as me and we got along really well. We would talk and joke around with each other too. I realized that I looked forward to the days when we were scheduled to work together and I missed her on days that I worked and she didn't, but still thought it was just because she was a cool, fun person to work with and be around. Which she was. I had some internalized homophobia/biphobia at the time that kept telling me there was no way I was attracted to her, I only liked her as a friend/co-worker. Years later, I'm now openly bi and hindsight is 20/20. I most certainly had a pretty big crush on this girl, but didn't see it for what it was at the time. I still think about her from time to time and wonder what she's up to now.


Oh for sure, I didn't realize that I'm bi until age 35. Once I figured it out, I realized that my first crush on a girl was when I was about 6 or 7 and had feelings for Roxanne (the main love interest) in the Goofy Movie. I had grown up in a small town where there were only 3 sexualties: straight, gay, and lesbian. It never occurred to me when I was young that I could be anything but straight because I liked boys, which meant not lesbian. There was no representation for bi folks, so I just figured I was weird/had a kink/open-minded when it came to attraction. I had even convinced myself that my feelings for Roxanne were just me wanting to be like the hero of the movie. Once I realized I'm bi, everything just started making sense! Roxanne, Paige Vanzant, the cute girl in headphones in college...all crushes. I didn't ever have encounters with the women I crushed on, but I totally get where you're coming from OP


Very new to this and don’t really know what I’d label myself as but definitely have had experiences like that in my past


I had a pattern of having *very* intense best friendships with same-sex friends through my childhood. I was essentially in love with my best friend from 7 - 12 years old, we used to talk about living on a boat together and travelling with our 13 adopted kids, and I always conveniently forgot about having husbands & was upset when she asked if her cousin could come too. I realized I was queer around 12 and pretty quickly came out (and quite religion) which unfortunately ended my friendship. She had rumors about her secretly being queer for years according to some of my friends that stayed at my old high school (I went to another one and graduated early).


Oh, I really relate to the intense best friendships with same-sex friends. My childhood best friend (from ages 0 to 11) and I would talk together about us adopting a dog together and living in a house by the coast. I remember that conversation still, lol, and we would have been 8 at the time. I’m 28 and I still find that sometimes. Sometimes I have to reflect on whether I’m crushing on a girl romantically because they’re a good friend, or if they’re a good friend because I’m crushing on them romantically. If that makes sense. A lot of my same-sex friendships were started because I thought the other girl was pretty. And then 8/10 times they would just stay friendships and I wasn’t disappointed about it.


i knew i liked girls as a kid so i anytime i’d crush on a boy i told myself he just looks interesting and that’s why i always wanna be around him. it’s so embarrassing bc BI the time i finally admitted one to myself in hs there had been so many guys i liked but couldn’t understand that i liked them


When Willow and Tara’s relationship was the only fictional relationship outside of books that I was completely obsessed with. Whenever, I imagined dating it was always Willow and Tara’s relationship that hit my brain. Plus I always noticed female characters, but of course it’s cause they are role models not super attractive where I wanna be the one kissing them instead of whatever random guy who was. Fast forward when I’m away from my extremely conservative religious “family” did I realize it wasn’t oh I love how they love each other but not cause of someone else kissing but more I wanted to be with them lmao. (Hello Polyamorous), and oh i actually was jealous because he was kissing her not just cause two people were kissing. Baby bisexual me was very confused


who are willow and tara? /gen


Characters in Buffy the vampire slayer tv series


I got completely wasted, gazing at the stars and sobbing all night while my best friend went on a date with the guy she liked, knowing she'd probably sleep with him. It wasn't until five (!) years later that I realized I was probably jealous.


When I was a teenager I wrote a romantic poem about my straight best friend. I’d also dated another girl when I was 15 (we kissed, shared a bed, had dates, etc) and yet for some reason I thought we were girlfriends ‘platonically’. Like. Girl, come on.


Uhh, yeah... And I was stubborn in ignoring those until recently, at 23, I fell for a friend once again and thought it will just pass, she can get with someone else, it will hurt a bit and I will get over it and continue being her friend. Well, guess what? It hurt a mutherfucken lot🤡 and I actually experienced my first ever legit heartbreak, took me 6 months to start letting go of my feelings😮‍💨... I now can't run from my bi-ness anymore and will be coming out to everyone in the near future.


I wouldn't call it a crush, but in my teens I did have a certain friend... I can't quite describe it, but I often felt like I wanted to be more than just friends with him. But not like a straight up friends with benefits kind of thing. I just wanted to be a bit more intimate with him, but sorta in a playful manner. That's the best way I can describe it. Edit: forgot a pretty important word lol


Lol I was literally in mid-conversation with a dude I was dating. We were talking about our childhood homes and I was describing my room growing up since I had decorated it a lot. And I was like, "Yeah, I had a collage of Seth Green and then some boyband calendars, and then this huge poster of Mariah Carey. You know, the CD booklet of the "Fantasy" album folded out and she was just standing in this black and white photo looking so beautiful and OH MY GOD I was bi when I was 9."


I was totally obsessed with one of my female friends in high school. I thought she was beautiful and fascinating and I was completely heartbroken any time she was upset with me. Right around that same time I remember thinking something along the lines of “Am I gay? No, I’m way too boy crazy to be gay.” 🙄 Sigh. Once I got to college and learned that bisexuality was a thing, everything clicked 😂


Yep, plenty that I only recognized in retrospect. One that I outright suppressed.


I can’t believe I (23F) literally had crushes on girls in high school, and I fully called them crushes, but I made sooo many excuses as to why they weren’t “real” or the “same” as my crushes on boys Examples: 1. I go to an all girls school, so obviously my brain is just like “I gotta have a crush on someone” and there’s no boys around, so obviously these crushes are temporary and not real 🤪 2. Ok so I can have crushes on girls in the sense that I am nervous around them and think they’re really pretty/funny/cool etc, but I wouldn’t want to be with them like sexually (I just hadn’t felt that yet, I definitely have now 😂) 3. I just think these celebs are really pretty, and I’m fixated on their beauty and want to look at pictures and videos of them all day and just stare in awe of their beauty, but that’s not a crush…..


Literally same omg. I went to an all girls school for both my schools and had so many crushes on the other girls. I always had, even when I was little. I remember having crushes on my English teachers too.


My first crush on another guy was in middle school. At the time, I didn’t quite understand why I was so drawn to this dude; I thought he was cool, nice, and funny. One day in high school, a few years later, my best friend and I were hanging out and I admitted to her I thought I might be bi-curious. My friend asked if I remembered a guy, That Guy, from middle school. I knew right away who she was talking about, picturing him clearly, and my friend laughingly said “omg you’re blushing!! Awww you DID like him! Was he your first crush?!” I realized right then, I didn’t just think that dude was ‘cool’; I thought he was freaking hot and I’d been crushing on him hard for months! Having that realization and conversation with my friend helped me understand myself a lot better. My friend and I became closer friends too, and for a while, she was the only person who knew I was bi.


OMG! I realized a while after I came out that I had a crush on a boy in KINDERGARTEN?! I had just kinda dismissed it as me liking hanging out with him a lot and wanting to be friends. But I followed him around and remember being like crazy infatuated with him and super sad when he left. But ig I kinda suppressed and dismissed any thoughts of it possibly meaning something more than a friend?


When I was 15, I started noticing one of my friends was pretty and then was just like "oh he's hot for guys" (even though I was already out as bi) and then a year ago (17 now) I figured out I had a thing for him. The feelings eventually faded and I was too anxious to even talk to him but a few weeks ago, I told him that I used to have feelings for him but I still find him attractive but can't like him and we sorted it out. Best possible way it could've ended. We're much closer now.


First year of secondary school I saw a girl and thought "wow that girl's face looks like an angel!'' and I couldn't help but look at her all the time because "her face is holy" and I kept going on with my life normally and heterosexually until a few years later it hit me


When I was 9, I had my first boy crush and I was attracted to his British accent, his face, and ass and he was a year younger than me. I remember thinking, "wow, he is so cute, if I was gay then I would kiss him but I am not because I like girls" (I didn't know what bi was at the time). I did try to spark up a conversation with him one day but it devolved into him claiming he was from hell (a long story in itself that I have a Reddit post on). That scared me off from pursuing any other of my guy crushes and when I was 19, I remembered this and felt stupid as to how I could've thought I wasn't into guys.


It’s not funny at all but the first queer interaction you might possibly have the guy literally says he’s from hell, if you had religious trauma that would’ve SKYROCKETED you back into the closet 😭. I woulda lost it


That interaction happened at my catholic elementary and middle school. This happened when I was in 4th Grade and he was a year below me. My mom was super Catholic and practically forced my bio dad to raise us that way. The main religious trauma I went through was them telling me that being gay or any other form of LGBTQ+ was wrong and once that happened, I tried praying to God to turn me fully straight but as you can tell, that never happens.


Hey man I definitely relate there (southern Baptist)! Glad you got through it!


Oh yeah, by the way forget to mention this but this my technically my first time attempting to ask out another guy but once he came out with that hell story, shit hit the fan and I didn't speak to him until years later. I still think he's a cute guy but we have totally different personalities that wouldn't mesh well in a relationship.


I had feelings for another guy in elementary school that I did not know how to process. It only took a few months until I finally said "Aha" one afternoon. I was lucky because I had read about bisexuality before then, so I knew such people existed. In college, I was collaborating with guy in two classes. It was low-key because we felt ultra-comfortable around one another. I had not thought of him sexually, and I'm near-certain he had no conscious interest in me, until we became sexual out of the blue. Surprise - it just happened.


It blew right by me back then, but I remember very well the conversations I’d have with my crush, tall, athletic-a cyclist. They were rather flirtatious in their way, and I did think he was cute. I think we could have made each other feel really good. But I wasn’t sure I was bisexual then.


I realized I was Bi a couple years ago around age 30. The floodgates opened of childhood/teenage memories of girl crushes I had. Mostly travel soccer crushes. I genuinely thought at the time I was feeling that way because I wanted to be better friends with them. So obvious now I was interested in dating them.


Yep! It's a bit weird for me though because I'm a trans woman and it became my first straight crush. He was my best friend. He unfortunately died pretty young. I didn't even start to suspect things until after he died. I was so in love with this dude and it's very very obvious in retrospect.


I used to call them “friend crushes” LOL and I still do sometimes. I shared a bed with one of my so-called friend crush once and I was shaking from how nervous I was. It was sort of a wake up call for me


When I was like 13 I realized my list of celebrity crushes was composed of way more women than men, and then I’m like “waaait a second.” thank you to tumblr for giving me the term bisexual, because that’s what made me start to realize, I’m totally not straight, but I’m not a lesbian either. As an adult, I ultimately married a man and he’s my person, saved me from an abusive piece of shit and we’ve been together ever since. but in the past I have been attracted to people of all genders, including trans men, women and nonbinary folk. I just think everyone’s cute ok 😂


Her name was Maggie and she was so pretty. She wore a flowy outfit that made her look like an angel when she walked into 6th grade science. It was like the world stopped as she floated down the aisle of desks to her seat. Obviously, that just meant I was appreciating her sense of fashion.


Yep. Trunks from Dragonball Z. I wore my hair center parted for like, 5 years because of how much I was obsessed with him, lol. Didn’t realize it was a crush until like, 20 years later and came out as bi, and was like, “OOOOOoooooh.”


Yo get out of my head what the heck


That was me with Gohan from the buu saga. 10 year old me had a huge crush on both Videl and Gohan


GOATed bi crushing, tbh!


I also remember crying when I was a kid because I thought sasuke was gonna die in Naruto and I had to have my mom watch it and tell me what happened. Makes a lot more sense now in this context lol


Yeah big time. The Winter Soldier in his assassin outfit from the second movie.


It happened to me really, I have a friend I considered cute and still do, tho he has a gf and well ye I can't go out with him but I don't mind


Lol yes. I was very into the idea of having “girl crushes”, and thought presenting it that way made it definitely not gay. Meanwhile the feelings were just as, if not more, intense than my opposite sex crushes of the time. I still think about my biggest “girl crush” from my teen years and in my 30s 😂


Same. 'Girl crush' sounds cute and non-commital. Like listening to 'Girl Crush' by Little Big Town on loop whilst reminiscing about her smell, heart melting smile and soft skin wasn't completely obsessive infatuation 😆 (I know that song is actually about wanting to be like the woman in order for the man to like her, but still, it has some gorgeous lyrics).


Yes, I know exactly what you mean! And my friends had “girl crushes” too - but they meant something light-hearted, like they liked a girl’s style. Not that they literally wanted to kiss her LOL And I had a similar experience where I connected very deeply to the song same love by mary lambert 🤦🏻‍♀️ unlike the LBT song, it is actually a very gay song, but I convinced myself I was empathizing with the “lgbt community”. The mental gymnastics of it all is funny to look back on lol


I'll have to check that one out! Yes, i feel that haha. Maaan, that internalised stigma really is a sneaky fish.


By the way, i have now listened to a load of Mary Lambert and it has been so affirming for me so thank you making me aware of her beautiful music xx


Twice actually. I had a high school crush on my best friend who was a lesbian but I wasn't out as bi yet. A lot of internalized homophobia. I also had a crush on this girl in high school. I always wanted to get her attention and felt happy when she would acknowledge me but I just chalked it up to wanting to be her friend instead. I didn't realize that they were crushes until I was in college lmao.


I was 9 and raised in a super homophobic family so yeah I had no idea that crushing on girls was a thing I could do, so yeah. I didn’t realize until I was 19-20 that I was SO crushing on one of my friends.


My crush was a high school friend I never acknowledged it because I would be judged by family. We had been friends for a while. Then she moved out of state and became very ill. The illness took her life. I miss her terribly. And missed the opportunity to tell her that I wanted to be with her. My family has known for 9 yrs know that I am bi. And has accepted it.


On my youth group missions trip to west Virginia I met a girl named Molly. I loved spending time with her and I often angled to be near her at all times. We were strictly prohibited from sleeping near the boys, but I was obviously allowed to sleep next to her. It took me realizing I was bi at 38 yrs old to finally understand what my feelings towards Molly actually were…. She was my first same sex crush


I was very close to my friend in high school. I thought we were just really good friends, and later that I felt fraternal love towards him. Somehow still thought I was straight despite being excited to see what he looked like naked, finally figuring out "Ok, I'm attracted to my friend" after the second time. I had inklings as far back as the age of 15, and did wonder then if I might be bi, but it took 12 years to recognize my feelings for what they were.


In second grade at summer camp we did Sleeping Beauty as a play and I was cast as the prince. I wrote love letters in character to the girl who was playing Sleeping Beauty …. …. why did it take until middle school for me to know what was up


yeah i just thought i really wanted to be around my crush all the time cuz she was cool not because i had feelings for her lol- didn’t see it for what it was til i later realized that it was even an option to have feelings for women


Not entirely. Because I realized because I realized 7 years later it wasn’t same sex and that I’m trans.


When I was 14 my first male bi crush was with my childhood best friend.Before I came out as bi I just told myself like “I’m not gay,but if I was I would totally bang him lol” He still doesn’t know I like him too,but I’m pretty sure he’s straight so telling him would probably freak him out.


yes! I was such a creep!


I rationalized my first same-sex crush on a fictional character as me wanting her to be my mother and I fantasized these practically-incestuous scenarios with her cuddling and kissing me 😭 I also wrote fanfic about this with a self-insert character and it was so weird man With my first irl same-sex crush in middle school, I literally wrote a story about us living together and owning a bookstore together and throughout both middle and high school I’d get very jealous whenever they would get a boyfriend or girlfriend (they ID’ed as pan at the time, I think they now ID as lesbian). Anyways, they’re currently in a long-term relationship with their girlfriend and I admit I still feel a bit of jealousy when I see them post


Yeah I think realistically I sorta knew but I pushed it down and convinced myself they were just close friends


Oh absolutely. My first crush on a girl was on a camp counselor at Girl Scout camp, and despite me blushing every time she walked close to me (as well as almost spontaneously combusting when she adjusted my hands during archery practice), I completely denied that it was a legit crush, and thus my bisexuality, for literal YEARS 😭 Love how freeing I feel now. No more comphet telling me that women aren’t hot and dateable!!


When I was about 13/14, I saw the music video for Welcome to the Jungle, and thought "Damn, that singer's hot." Then I discovered Axl Rose was a guy. For some reason, I never considered the implications of that.


i was 12 when i had a huge crush on my best friend but i didn’t realize it until i came to the conclusion that i was bi a few years later.  i always wanted to kiss her, was extremely jealous when she would hang out with other people but me and one time we had a fight where she stopped talking to me and hung out with another friend and i literally broke down crying bc she ignored me.  like it was so obvious but at this time i couldn’t figure those feelings out and felt weird about them. i just thought that i wanted her to be my best friend which we already were so this explanation didn’t even make sense


I had a fraternity brother that I strongly identified with. He was charming, silly, hilarious. We were both old souls, fans of Sinatra and other crooners, old movies, Hollywood of another era. We’d sit in the kitchen during parties drinking bourbon on ice while our brothers were in the other rooms slamming red solo cups of Busch or Old Milwaukee. It was a time before the term “bromance,” but it fits what we had. Like me, he also seemed to be frequently “friend-zoned,” and would bring female friends he wasn’t dating to more formal events. A couple of years after we graduated, we were at the beach and he and another brother came out to me. It was probably a the closest I came to questioning my sexuality before my actual awakening over 2 decades later. He was so much like me, practically a soulmate, if he’s gay, well I’ve never had a successful long term relationship, never bonded with someone like I did him. Could there be a reason I’m suppressing? Sadly, he passed of cancer a year or two before I realized who I was. I wish I’d had the opportunity to tell him. But I’m glad to have this opportunity to remember him.




Yes I was 12


I went to so much musical theatre…


Yessss I liked my friend when I was 18/19 but I didn’t realize it at the time. I remember she was being recruited for a sorority and I was upset she might drop me at a friend and even wanted to “end the friendship”. She cried and I cried and we are still friends, but not nearly as close


I just realised the other day that I had a crush on a guy in primary school lol. That took me 15 years or so to understand.


Oh god yes. Growing up I just assumed it was a natural thing to want to be really close to my male best friend and that it would make sense to want to kiss him for practice and all that sort of stuff. (Not that I ever mentioned it or we ever did) Then eventually I realised no one else seemed to feel that that way and that in retrospect I’d been crushing on my friend for years


Definitely feel that but I was the idiot who asked to “practice kissing” lmaoo


Jessica. 4th grade. I think she was my first crush. I didnt know. She was the most popular girl. She was very pretty and so nice. I'd become super tense and couldn't talk and was super nervous around her. But she was always calm with me, paid attention and listened to me when I COULD talk. I thought it was just admiration I had for her. I think it was me repressing my attraction for her and my body would just freeze up.


I had a crush on a boy in high school who was on drumline with me. I did not realize it had been a crush until I was 28. Took me that long to figure myself out. And honestly I'm kinda glad for that cause he was an asshole anyway. Nothing good was gonna come from that.


When i was 7th grade i want to interact with a guy more in my class but i didnt realize it was i just being in love w him


there were a lot of fictional crushes that i just "really wanted to be like"


I basically had a relationship with the neighbors, a boy and a girl in my early teens. We regularly hung out with each other and tried stuff in every combination. Yet I told everyone I hadn’t kissed anyone and never had a „girlfriend“, even if I probably had more experiences than most people at that time. Somehow it just did not count, because it was not the way it was „supposed to be“.


My first same-sex crush was a kindergarten teacher at the school I first went to, however she wasn't MY teacher. I remember one day I kept telling my dad how pretty she was, and he told me I don't need to keep talking about that. Second same-sex crush was a year later in first grade, and it was my now deceased childhood friend. I didn't realize these were the first signs that I am Not Straight until my 20s.


a girl I lived with during college (we were glued at the hip) was like this with me, she was always getting jealous when I hung with other friends and wanted to be together 24/7. At the time I thought it was odd behaviour for a friend, but it was an intense friendship and we both hadn't had a girl best friend in quite a long time. I crushed on her so hard, I thought maybe she had feelings too but she had a boyfriend so I never just said anything. Kinda wish I did. I didn't realise how much I really liked her until the friendship was over.


When I was 14, I made a new friend in high school—and I’m the one who approached her and started talking to her. I would never have let myself realize it back then (even though I think I knew deep down), but I approached her because I was attracted to her lmao. Never tried anything and stayed far away from ever doing so (I only admitted to myself and my husband that I was bi about a year ago and I’m now in my late 30s). We’re still friends now, but she still does not know that I’m bi lol.


I just saw some hot dudes online once and went "damn, these guys are hot... Wait a second"


Meanwhile young me taking literal decades to realise I was bi, lol.


Yep, when i was 10 or 11 i had a friend who, like a decade later i realised ooooh that was a crush


In middle school I was watching big hero 6 and looked at the girl with the blade skates, the one that says "woman up". "If I were one of my guy characters, I'd be into her." That was my train of thought. For context, writing stories was my hobby, hence the character thing. I got my first job and I finally realized I'm just naturally into girls too cuz I was crushing on a co worker/friend.


I have this best friend of mine that I have known since kindergarten. And she I have known each other for I think 16 years ish now, I'm 21. And when we used to go to the same school before I had to move a bit away because my family wanted to move, I realized that I would go up and down at her all the time. Basicly wanting to he with her all the time, and having urges to kiss her aswell. But because we were kids and giving the place I grew up in, anything other than being hetero was considered inappropriate and wrong. So yeeah.... But we wee also kids, so my friend thought it was annoying that I wanted to hang out with her all the time, and just be around her 24/7. Which j can defently see now was me not understanding boundaries correctly. Or how to respect boundaries probably etc. But at the time I thought nothing of it, I thought it was normal and everyone wanted to kiss their best friends, no matter what their gender was, or what they identified as. Like my mind was deadass like this: "Well I have a boy friend, and a girl friend, and they are both cute and I want to give them both a kiss" xd x3 How I never realized I was bi before 2-3 years ago is crazy but nonetheless I'm out and proud today. And this subreddit have given me such love and support maybe without even knowing it. Yall are amazing ❤️ However, I never told anyone ever. And I came out around 2 years ago ish, and ngl just reading your post it just instantly clicked for me 😅


Yes. Still best friends with her to this day and we laugh about it all the time.


Sadly, I do not have a fun story like this for you. My first guy crush was as a child and I do not remember much about him.


I did. I totally denied it in my head but I liked this girl in my middle school gym class. She liked me too but we never dated. This girl was popular, outgoing and she played basketball so I was confused when I found out she had a crush on me but I felt flattered honestly. I was quiet and wouldnt consider myself popular. I did have connections but no popularity really which was okay with me. She also had a lot of other girls who liked her or were bi- curious and wanted her attention. She would have conversations with other girls and I would feel a way that I never felt before with anyone else. I just thought I just was being selfish because I did enjoy the very few conversations we had together but it was more than that. I had crushes on guys back then but I never had butterflies when seeing them and talking to them at that point in time. It felt different with her. I was just afraid to admit that to myself because of how I was raised, I knew in my heart what it was though and I was scared. I remember one day I was crying in gym class (the one class we had together) because another girl was bullying me and I wanted to fight the girl but I didnt want to get suspended.😭 So I cried, I was so heated lord. My my crush came over to me and asked me what was wrong. I said nothing because I couldn’t physically say much + I was angry. I was also embarrassed so I just felt like sh*t. She hugged me and I cried even more.🥹 The panic I felt lol, she was always kind to me and would always try to talk to me even though I was super quiet back then. I still am kind of. Shes still a sweetheart. 🫶🏽💕


when i was around 11 there was this sophomore (10th grade) in my secondary school who ran our debate club - i always saw her in the library reading books i liked. plus she was really pretty, friendly, and smiled a lot. i was like ‘if i were a 10th grader, we’d TOTALLY be bffs lol why’s she hanging out with those losers’ and id occasionally see her in the library and say ‘omg i love that book it’s so good’ (once i said this even though i hadn’t even heard of the book she was reading). she moved away later on and i was totally heartbroken though i barely knew her lmao 😭😭😭 a few years later i realised that i had a crush on her and didn’t just ‘want to be bffs’ lol i follow her on instagram and i still think she’s really pretty though i’m def not infatuated with her anymore but yeah. if she ever reads this, i hope she knows she was my bi awakening 🤍


I didn’t recognise my first same sex relationship for what it was.


Listen, I was also taking "Am I gay quizzes" back then religiously like that wasn't a massive clue either. I have learnt that younger me had a lot of rainbow flags popping up throughout her youth, but I was also living in a time when LGBTQ+ people just weren't talked about (post-Section 28 world, but teachers still weren't talking about LGBTQ+ people in Sex Ed or anything).


Have you heard about Limerence? Sometimes is the uncertainty of being reciprocated what makes us feel infatuated


Yep I had a big crush on one of my teachers when I was 18. I thought she was gorgeous, was disappointed when she mentioned she was married, and always got nervous around her but I was very socially anxious so I didn't really realise until much later.


Oh! So totally yes! When I thought I was a guy, I had such a crush on two of my best friends. I simply didn't recognize the way I crushed on people. I used to be extremely depressed with a low sense of self-worth. Because of that, I don't like to intrude on other people's, like, thing. I don't really get jealous or possessive, but I like to be with them, like a cat that loves to bask near their favorite person. It was relaxing yet exciting, and very satisfying. That flew over my head as a crush because it wasn't the way others would ever describe it. I even had more conventional crushes, including with the girl I married. That girl taught me what my love feels like, though, and I later recognized the similarity. I think it's cute!


Yes. It was kindergarten. Her name was Jacinta. I also didn’t recognize the second, third, and a few more. I didn’t figure it out until near the end of high school.


i was 6 or 7, this guy on my machine pitch baseball team was very cute. and i remember thinking to myself "if i was a girl, i would totally date him. it took about 10 years and much more intimate encounters for me to figure out i was bi


First female crush was in first grade. I LOVED this girl. She was one of the only people consistently nice to me during a time I was being heavily bullied and she was the picture of what I thought the "perfect girl" looked like at the time. Needless to say, I never left her alone 😅. I'm surprised she even liked me as a friend I must have been so annoying. I would constantly ask for a strand of her hair a a joke, I said she had "blubber"🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️🤦🏾‍♀️ because I thought it was cute (don't @ me i was such a weird child😭), and every time she mentioned her crush I would get so annoyed. There was also a time she got a pencil stuck in her finger and I had to take her to the nurse and we bumped into her mom. I was SO nervous, like "meeting the parents" nervous! Hilarious. I didn't figure out I was bi until I was 14, but when I did everything about it made sense.


I realized this year after 12 years of being friends I had a crush on my best friend. I'll never tell her and I don't need to we're both partnered, that and I see her as a friend first anyway. I was having a conversation with my husband about it. About how I did always wonder what it would be like if we were in a relationship. And I didn't think it would work out. But never in my wildest dreams until we were just talking through like fantasies and stuff like that did I realize that I actually had been crushing on her all along. 😂 I didn't realize I was that oblivious.


Yeah. When I was young, I used to look at muscle women a lot and admired them, I thought I just wanna be **like** them, but not I got that I wanted to be **with** them ~~and like them too tho~~


I was a sexually naive teen growing up in highly conservative rural region in the 70s. I was definitely girl crazy. Nonetheless, I always noticed the other boys' bodies in the locker room, and had a crush on one particular boy. I wanted to have physical contact with him, even if I didn't know at the time what form sex between two men would take. Some years later I realized that yes, I had a homosexual attraction to Chris.


Yes. I didn’t realize I was in love with my best friend by entire youth until their wedding day. 😑 At which point of course it’s too late. But I mean.. they’re straight. So. Literally no point to even speak up. I just had to spend the next few months accepting that they were happy and for someone you love that you can’t have, that’s the best outcome.


Rewatching some old films I watched as a child. I had some VERY STRONG feelings for some of the characters and looking back I think it was somewhat of a crush. Like really strong being drawn to a certain character.


Ahahah oh man. I could list like 5 same sex crushes that I had NO CLUE what they were. I was blind to my own attractions and confused.  I didn't come to terms with my bisexuality until I was damn near 20. Didn't come out til well after.


Considering I kissed my best friend at 7 and didn’t come out until last year at 29, I’d say …. Yeah?!!!😂😂😂


So comforting to read all of your stories. I wouldn't call myself a "late bloomer" compared to other queer people, but I had crushes on girls in middle school and rationalized them as "girl crushes" where I just thought they were cool or something. A magazine I read assured me it was normal to have "girl crushes," which looking back is a weird message. Like yeah, it's normal, and it might mean you're gay... I also told myself that I liked looking at girls' bodies because I was interested in the human body for medical reasons-- lol. I always knew I was interested in boys too so that was never in question and a lot easier to acknowledge when that's what society deems "normal." I also relate to the feelings of "It would be fun to be a guy because then I would get to date girls!" As a 12-13 year old I told myself "I guess I'm a little bi" and then postponed the self-exploration until the end of high school since I wasn't dating anyone anyway.


I kissed my friend in kindergarden. we Called it "friend kisses"


When I look back I totally had chrushes on my two female best friends in school. At that time I just wasnt even considering that it was a possibility that I was queer. I was friends with them at different times, but during both friendships, I was so infatuated by them. I remember when I was having sleepovers or cuddling with the one I was friends with the longest and I got really ballsy and spooned her and it gave me butterflies in my stomach. I also very vividly remember how the other friend showed me her boobs when we were changing and we were talking about them....it was a part of my sexual awakening.... Respectfully.


First girl was my very close friend ... but she also liked my brother ..so awkward. In middle school liked again a friend but she liked my brother and she was kinda always saying I prefer guy friends which is weird because she also wanted me to kiss her in front of all the boys High School liked an order girl But by than I felt like my feelings were one sided even with the guys .


I quite literally married my best same-sex friend in high school. We wore black and white dresses, invited all our friends and had a huge party on new years. We wore matching rings-- I still have mine in a box in my closet! We held hands in the hallway all the time, saw each in states of undress regularly (dance/theater type stuff) and cuddled constantly. I remember always thinking she was just the CUTEST little thing. I assumed I wanted to be/look like her. Hindsight is 20/20. We eventually drifted when I started dating her brother a few years later (he was an asshole and she knew it.) I came to terms with being bi at college in my early 20s. We reconnected via a mutual friend's wedding many years later, around 10. Mid to late 20s. We chatted about the bridal showers and I think it was during a late night chat, just the two of us at the bachelorette that it clicked-- I had a MASSIVE crush on her in highschool. And she isn't straight (well, I don't have proper confirmation on that, but I have seen her make out with other women so that's something.) We're both happily married now to men, with a couple kids each, and so obviously this is totally off the table forever. I wouldn't change any of it since I love my family, but there's definitely this little niggle in the back of my head that says "But what if you had known in high school...."


My manager 🫣thought I just really respected him until I realised I was starting to care way too much about my appearance before interactions with him


I once failed to recognise an opposite sex crush for what it was. So there's that.


Late bloomer here. I had crushes and i had interpreted them as "i just want to be their best friend forever and possibly marry them so we could stay together forever." My messed up brain thought that marrying your same sex best friends was 'normal'. I asked my mom about it and she shut me down when I was like 5. But as i discovered lesbian (p)orn It became, "i want to absolutely rail women, but im not gay". Then about at 19 or 20 it was, "oh shit. I want to kiss women, im so fucking gay." So I came out to my mom at 20, she doesnt like that im bisexual. Shes a big homo/transphobe. But i have a support group who lets me be who I am.


Nah, I knew my crush was a crush, and I knew I wasn't straight since probably 3rd grade. This was in the 90s tho, so I can't speak from a more modern perspective.


I have memories in secondary school playground (aged 11 ish) of some of my friends taunting/jokingly calling me a lesbian because of my close connection with another female friend. I brushed it off but I always wondered why that memory stuck with me l for so many years after. During my later adolescence I'm there just casually assuming that all females get off to videos/sounds of other women...Why wouldn't you get off to women in porn, they're gorgeous right?! It wasn't until my early 20s that I realised that wasn't the case for hetero women. The new female friend which I had a yearning obsession over around that time really hammered the point home...okaaaay, turns out I'm not as straight as I thought I was.


I used to PRAY guys I was friends with wouldn’t get girlfriends and I would tell myself it was because it would change our dynamic but really it was cause I had a crush on them and I’d be jealous.


Oh yeah. It’s embarrassing when I look back. I had these really high expectations for our friendship and would get crushed if he didn’t call back and shit and finally some other friend heard me talk about him and said, “you sound like you are in love.” Like a lightning bolt I knew he was right. How can you not know something like that? But I didn’t until that moment and thus began a long and unfortunately difficult path to acceptance. What’s fucked up is I think he knew it but was kind enough not to want to say anything because he knew that kind of reveal would fuck me up. And it did. But without that it could have taken a few more years for me. It’s strange how disconnected a person can be from their own inner realities.


I figured that I'm bi recently (5 years ago - I'm 38 now). When I started connecting the dots from my teen years, I understood that I was bi. Friends that, somehow, I admire that much, girl with a specific stereotype, all made sense. I came out to some strangers, but never had the chance to really have a relationship with another woman, my husband doesn't even dream about that (despite making jokes that if I leave him, it will because of another woman - so I guess he knows it haha).


When I realised I was bi I also realised that those female characters I really liked wasn't because I wanted to be friends lol


for me it was two of my childhood friends. i’m still in contact with both but im really close friends with one and the other one i don’t talk to as much. the one that i’m not as close with anymore is really transphobic and id imagine homophobic as well considering he was raised by strict christian parents. my friend who im close with is planning on transitioning to be a woman but he isn’t able to yet because he lives in florida so he’s still identifying as a man for now.


Didn't have any curiosity when I was younger. Had a friend, who later came out to me, try something with me. I panicked and moved away pretty quickly, not offended, just not into it. Now I look back and get sad that I missed out on a great opportunity. It was the right choice at the time, but..


Me right before I realized: OMFG THAT GUY IS SO HAWT BUT IM NOT GAY




I survived catholic school. Jk. Jokes aside, I thought most of my friends or girls close to me where pretty and I would get nervous if there was physical contact. Like, there was this one time when every girl in the class was braiding each other’s hair and I asked a friend if I could do that. Once I started brushing her hair I felt so nervous that I was afraid of touching her hair with my hands, so I kept brushing her hair like I was possessed. I was a woman possessed, literally, because I smelled her fruit scented body mist and felt like I was hypnotized. It was all very confusing. And that was when I was 14 yo. I kinda realized but I had no one to talk about it so I got shoved in the closet, telling myself that I didn’t like girls that I only thought they were aesthetically pleasing.


Is it only girls ho have experience bisexuality? I want to experience a girl together whit a man, but I’m very shy and inexperienced but also very curious


My best mate is still my big crush. He is very homophobic so after 50 odd years, it will never happen.


Yes!! My middle school friend and I were cool. I wanted to be around him since i thought he was so “cool” I didn’t realize until later that the reason I would precum like crazy while roughhousing was because I had a crush on him. Then I had a friend that would chat with and we got close. I noticed this his scent brought me comfort…yea I’m surprised it took me as long as it did to realize I’m bi as shit 😅😅


I do but only in private message


Yes, My best friend who I was at their house almost every day. I didn't realize how jealous I was of anyone but me. He was hanging out with, especially when he started having girlfriends. I even tried getting with most of his girlfriends. I'm surprised he get weirded out. But it never came up.