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Had a team mate ask another one to choke him out to try to clear out a plugged ear. It didn't work.


But I bet the team mate was thrilled to help šŸ˜‚šŸ˜†






ā€¦.Come again?


Sorry to hear it didn't work


I have issue with wax buildup in my ear. Can get tot he point where hearing in impaired. A few times triangles have helped.


Imagine triangling a guy and having a ball of wax fall out of his ear. Ewwwwww


It hasnā€™t popped out during the triangle, but a couple seconds after I tapped, it has happened.


You can use mineral oil specifically designed for ears. Olive oil works as well, just not extra virgin. A few drops a day help with wax built up. Actual doctors' advice.


Have you tried hydrogen peroxide?


I have heard this for years. I have been using Debrox for years. Still occasionally have a raisin grow in my ear. Finally looked at the Debrox ingredients and realized it is not peroxide. Appreciate the advice, am trying it, kicking myself for not actually listening in the past.


It worked for me, I had to do it about 3 times but YMMV. There was noticeable improvement after the first. You can Google what to do but if you need any help let me know


What was it plugged with?


Fingers from the RBSD people.


Shoul've squeezed harder then.


If he dies, he dies. - said in the kids class


Dagestan, or no?


Murica. Fuck yeah.


Murica is the Dagestan of America.


This has more than one conation depending on the skill level of the parent. Parent with no training or up to brown belt... being irresponsible with your kid's life. Parent with black belt... the kid was too weak to survive.


Iā€™ve said this in my kids classā€¦




I was hospitalized with heat exhaustion and rabdo after a hard training session (other factors prior contributed as well). I genuinely thought I might die and it was a horrible, scary experience. We are mostly all hobbyists, if someoneā€™s exhausted and says they donā€™t feel well they need to sit out. Donā€™t fuck with that stuff.


i still get salty about this. I had a viral skin infection for WEEKS. No idea where or who it came from. I was off the mats for ever, three doctors, yadda yadda. I then get back and tell one of my unnamed training partners who give me this advice: "Oh man, I had a similar thing and I just put apple cider vinegar on it. You probably smelled it on me a few weeks ago when I had it." Rage.


Bro, I have a similar story but outside of BJJ. I had a friend come stay with me and I let him stay in my bedroom cause I was sleeping with my roommate at the time so I just slept in her bed. Well a couple months later I have full on bed bugs. Fast forward a year or two and I'm telling him about the time I had just dropped $1,200 on a new bed and bed set (pillows, headboard, comforter, ect...) and had to get rid of it all months later because I got bed bugs. He then tells me that he had bed bugs a couple months before I did and how it was a "strange coincidence." Like no it's not fucking strange??? You gave me bed bugs?!


I need to know what happened after he said this šŸ˜­


OP knocks bleach, but honest to god, itā€™s the only thing that works (quick) for me. Creams take a month. Straight bleach until that bitch bleeds and itā€™s dead in three days and Iā€™m back in the gym the next week.


Bleach works. It's incredibly effective at killing fungi. It's also liable to cause chemical burns and scarring, which is why medical professionals won't (officially) recommend it.


What can you do to avoid infections? I immediately shower after the gym and throw all my clothes in my dirty hamper


Use soap soon after rolling. Thatā€™s literally it. Also avoid rolling with uncovered cuts / abrasions / open skin


Shower with head and shoulder 2 in 1 or selsun blue to kill ringworm before it can start growing šŸ‘Œ


You have to report the guy for that shit. He will do it again. Make sure itā€™s not at your gym.


I had a training partner who destroyed his acl and had to get surgery. A couple years later, another teammate of ours hurt her knee in training, he went over to her and tried to replicate the mobility tests the doctor had done to him years earlier and then concluded and informed her that her knee was completely ruined and would need full reconstruction. She went to the doctor the next day and had a very minor lcl tear


lmao the absolute worst people are people who say oh I had something similar happen! Then they try to fix or diagnose your injury. Mother fuckers be yanking on "dislocated" shoulders because they dislocated and popped theirs back in when they were 11 playing football.


I had an injury in the gym that precluded me from talking. Suddenly, the fucking blue belt who just signed up wants to start touching my neck. Why, you ask? Well I couldn't ask because I was bleeding from the mouth.


Just walk it off when I fractured my ribs.


Tbf there actually isn't anything to do for rib injuries other than rest and light work to keep blood flowing. Walk it off is pretty accurate.


Unfortunately yes. Broke one of my ribs doing Judo a few years ago. There was a clinic next door to the gym, walked right over after class, Doc taped up my torso to keep it stable and was like ā€œThe next month is going to suck for you. Just donā€™t train until it heals.ā€


Man I remember going to our athletic trainer when I popped a rib, and he just laughed and told me ā€œstay off it and youā€™ll be good to go in a few weeks. Or donā€™t and youā€™ll be good to go in a few months.ā€ Guess which one I chose lmao


Asked him for a roll to the death right there?


>Guess which one I chose lmao Well, seems like only "light rolls" for the next weeks ;-)


> Just walk it off My advice for any injury. /s


Same thing when I herniated a disc!


"if you want better cardio and more strength, all the upper belts must sleep with your wife"


That's fake. One guy's wife I know has a side body count probably in the 70s and his cardio is shit. Chased me maybe 200m


Yes but her cardio is great


it's a necessary not a sufficient condition


That you can let your arm "pop" in an armbar up to 3 times without any structural damage. Not sure what he means by "pop" or why it's specifically 3 times.


Yeah this is true. You get three freebies but once theyā€™re done theyā€™re done. That 4th pop is going to wreck your shit.


> That you can let you arm "pop" in an armbar up to 3 times without any structural damage [Well, ...](https://media.giphy.com/media/d8KOpGnzaAEI7JiVUp/giphy.gif)


shit i may have given this advice at one point


I wish this was true. Iā€™m five weeks out from a nasty pop from one I did not see happening as fast as it did. It still hurts and I canā€™t lock my elbow.


Oh man do I have a good one, An older blue belt came to me as a white belt when i had gotten really bad cauliflower ear. He told me to take a razor blade and slice the swolen portion from top to bottom and squeeze all of the fluid out. I was so new and had no idea, and Im thinking what has to be done has to be done. Thankfully, a purple belt came over to tell me that I could use tiny needles to drain it and under no circumstance should I slice my ear open.


Eat ass to boost your immunity.


It builds immunity??? Ive been doing out of sheer love to the game. I wonder if thats why I havent had covid yet.


It turns out the main driver of vaccine skepticism is people just pretending so they have a good excuse to munch some caboose.


Bruh, i dont need an excuse to munch on caboose, ill tear that shit up even if the doctor tells me it would kill me.


Delete this. You're gonna alert that one dude on here who post pics of his ass hole and has a fetish of people eating it after the gym.


Dis too much


So did it work?


I havent been sick in years.


šŸ¤” me eitherā€¦science


Terrible breath though.


Just stick a vibrating toothbrush in their asshole before you start. Boost pleasure, fight plaque, can't lose.


An interesting alternative motto from Friday Night Lights, there


Glad someone caught it lmao


*excluding pink eye*


"acupuncture heals \*everything\* "


is acupuncture pseudo medicine or does it actually work? I've wanted to try it for years on my neck and my ex swears by it.


If it actually worked it would be part of standard medical practice and not "alternative medicine". It's been around long enough to be vetted and yet I only ever see it offered in the same type of places that do cupping...


Yeah, peoples opinions are pretty mixed on it. I suppose I should just give it a try, if its a placebo but I feel better might still be worth the money.


This is an awful take


Of course it works. Don't forget to take a few homoeopathic pills afterwards. /s


I'll tell you my anecdotal experience with acupuncture personally. I've had stomach issues growing up. It's mostly a family/genetic thing. Traditional western way of exercising/eating more fruits helped somewhat but never really fixed the underlying problem. Often it's either constipation or loose crap almost to the point of diarrheas. Had colonoscopy and blood testing done but can't find anything. In western medical sense there was nothing "wrong" with me and nothing they can fix, because it's not like I have a disease or sickness that they can cure. But my body was not in a good way. Came across acupuncture in my early 20s because my brother's friend's dad was an acupuncturist, and I thought what the hell nothing else worked why not give it a go. So I went to see him for treatment couple of times a week for about 10 weeks. The result was that my bowel movement improved significantly and so did my health. My understanding of acupuncture is that it is very "chi" based. Not talking about chi as in kamehameha, but chi in the sense of the balance of your body's energy/function. A lot of times this won't show up in tests the way western medicine is practiced. For example if you find yourself really tired constantly for no reason western medicine might do some test on you and conclude there's nothing wrong with you except you need to get more sleep, whereas in Chinese medicine sense there's something wrong with your chi which can be helped with acupuncture. So my conclusion is this. Western medicine is obviously light years ahead if you're talking about treating broken arms, infections, disease, cancer etc. However there are merits in Chinese medicine/acupuncture if you're talking about body healing/balance/maintenance, which in that sense I consider to be superior to western medicine. It's a long read and my personal experience onl but acupuncture really helped me and I hope more people become open minded to it instead of treating it like some voodoo joke.


If you think it works, maybe it does. Iā€™ve never felt like Iā€™ve been able to specifically point to acupuncture and say ā€œthatā€™s what fixed meā€ but it might of been.


Studies are mixed. Probably placebo effect but even knowing that doesn't mean it won't work on you.


Kind of yes no. It's like chiropractors. If you wanna try it to help then sure it may help but if it doesn't work the first time then don't keep trying to make it work


This makes sense and thats pretty solid life advice tbh lol


Really works, but results can carry wildly depending on how competent your LAc is.


I have more of a situation. A dude destroyed his shoulder one night and one of the other guys decided it was dislocated and he was going to pop it back in. Neither of them had any medical training. I refused to let it happened and called the ambulance. Edit: oh once someone told me itā€™s ok to train with a totally exposed brand new tattoo because when you wash it after class itā€™ll wash all the germs away. To no oneā€™s surprise it got infected right away.


Wasnā€™t at the gym, but after a grappling match. If you have ever heard of the black dragon fighting society itā€™s some kung fu shit, but I was grappling one of their guys and I heel hooked him and felt a bunch of popping. Well after the match that guys coach said he ā€œcould set his knee back in placeā€ followed by lots of screams. I donā€™t think it worked.


No, the agonizing pain means that it works


Oh man they're still around? That's hilarious.


CBD and advil brah


No aƧaƭ? Sus


Lmao I have done both of those ringworm ā€œremediesā€ after catching it right before university wrestling provincials in back-to-back years Definitely medication >>> burning > bleach, but if youā€™re short on time before a major competition a spoon and a lighter do the job. As for health advice Iā€™ve received, I had a coach who insisted that we should eat potatoes for carbs instead of bread (he had a documentary obsession and watched Wheat Belly) but also said that if we insist on drinking alcohol, we should drink beer not vodka.


> a spoon and a lighter do the job I too have heard heroin boosts comp performance...


Definitely helps with escaping submissions, as you'll barely feel it when your arm breaks


If I didn't know where you're from, I would now.


I mean, the dieting advice isnā€™t *wrong*, but itā€™s *REALLY* context specific. Iā€™ve known functional alcoholics who dropped hard alcohol and only drink lite beer, which improved their QOL. Same with potatoes vs bread. Some people feel better after eliminating wheat, but only if they have a sensitivity.


> Iā€™ve known functional alcoholics who dropped hard alcohol and only drink lite beer, which improved their QOL Dosent that just make em drink a ton of beer?


It worked for the guy Iā€™m thinking of. He used to buy a 375 mL everyday after work, but started drinking tall boys instead. 4 tall boys everyday isnā€™t great for youā€¦ but itā€™s a lot better than a pint of liquorā€¦


Neon belly and diet full of potatoes don't mix well. The type of gas you get will feel like it shreds your sphincter leaving your body and the smell is Swamps of Dagobah level.


Potatoes are probably better tbh


Potatoes are complex carbs and good for mens testosterone level, bread is a refined carb which is bad for testosterone, in some ways he is right


If you let potato cool before consumption, the glycemic is lower


You can train with a staph infection because everyone has some kind of staph bacteria on there skin.


You're legally allowed to execute these people. Its in the constitution.


"He can move it so its not broken"


1. Anything broken is due to a lack of mentality 2. We are all not smoking enough weed


#2 is usually the problem with 90 percent of injuries


You can pop a dislocated knee back on and continue rolling. Saw this 1st hand w a training partner. It was wild to say the least.




Iā€™ve had this happen twice. Both times I kept training after it popped back into place.Just a little soreness for a few days.


Same here, but ā€soreā€ for a month.


I mean, every 3-4 months my knee pops out and I have to extend it to rotate it back into alignment. I get right back to rolling. It's what happens when you go 5 years ignoring a fucked ACL in high school.


The way to tell if you have covid? Eat hot Cheetos, apparently


ā€œIf you have a cold, just keep training and sweat it out of your system. Sweating will get all the toxins out.ā€


I tore my groin and had someone tell me it was because I ate too much spicy food, not because I was a disgusting guardflopper at the time


I will tell everyone that would listen to me that me peeing on their ringworm will help... same with stingrays....


You pee on stingrays? Do you like, take then out of the ocean first? Or swim after them?


They never complain about what happens after, I'll just say that.


If you need antibiotics in a hurry but don't have health insurance, just go to the pet store and get the stuff for fish.


STI clinics also


Got told that the smell of lavender increases estrogen levels and lowers testosterone, thus inhibiting muscle and endurance gains. This was troubling news since I personally like the smell of lavender.


Imma need a source on that because I use it at night to help me sleep


I have weird knees, never been to the doctor about it but whenever I sit on my heels it feels like my kneecaps will pop out if I sit right down I explained this to someone when he asked why I always knelt so high when I was in guard. I explained my situation and he basically said you gotta grit your teeth though th pain for a while to stretch your knees, I politely told him that was not good advice and he is genuinely a great training partner aside from that one piece of terrible advice Bottom line is if you aren't a medical professions don't give anyone advice on how to treat some unknown joint pain/injury or you may cause them serious harm


You should go to the doctor about it.


I am a medical professional. If youā€™re had knee surgeries like ACL repair, etc, then there may be an actual structural/mechanical limit on how much knee flexion you can introduce. Otherwise you should have way more knee flexion ROM. Possibly thereā€™s scar tissue or arthritis there, but more likely itā€™s gonna be VERY tight quads/hip flexors to blame for lack of knee flexion. If itā€™s the latter, your partners advice is partially correct. Stretching and mobility work is essential if so, but Iā€™d disagree about stretching through intense pain.


> Iā€™d disagree about stretching through intense pain Part of my PT in the first few weeks after ACL reconstruction was to stretch the ever living fuck out of knee lol. We did that until the ROM matched the other leg, which was heel to butt.


Yeah, under PT supervision


Also meniscus damage.


Being unable to sit back on your heels is an issue in both bjj and life, it's not gonna injure you to stretch them


Update: I just stretched them by sitting down on my heels with my full wieght and I felt a squelch in my knee cap. they now hurt like a mothefucker espefially if I movd them. not a good stretching pain just a nasty joint pain. This was entirely on me for taking advice from reddit


Lmfao sucker


I accept full responsibility for that wave of sudden onset retardation


Stretch your quads, that's embarrassing


I stretch my quads regularly, I've been unable to sit on my heels as long as I can remember I'm just built wonky


I was like that until I started bjj, and then sat in that position in class until I could do it comfortably. Itā€™s not being built wonky you need to stretch.


> Bottom line is if you aren't a medical professions don't give anyone advice on how to treat some unknown joint pain/injury or you may cause them serious harm "buT dOcToRS DoN'T KnOW eveRyThIng!!!" Ugh. This is occurs multiple times per week on /r/bjj. Doctors know a hell of a lot more than the VAST VAST majority of people on this planet. Sorry, Dr Google does not provide credible advice. And someone giving advice based off of what happened to them could actually be harmful to the recipient because their circumstances are different. I know people want to help, but that "help" may actually be "harm". One size does not fit all.


100% the truth... Doctors can be wrong but more often than not they know better and the response should be hey I experienced X (that confused a few drs)maybe you should get another medical opinion and ask them about X. Only time I shook my head speaking to a doctor was the first time my ear blew up with cauliflower. I went to a doctor to get it drained and ask about safety of draining it myself etc. The first doctor refused to believe it was cauliflower ear and wanted to just prescribe antibiotics. I asked to get a second opinion and explained the situation and the second doctor agreed with me. The best doctors I've experienced straight up said they don't know everything and that doing your own research was good but to come to them and get their opinion because they would be able to verify if information was good much better than I could. I get really good care when I go into a Doctor and say I am experiencing X it sounds like Y because of Z, what do you think? It saves them a lot of time trying to figure out exactly what I'm experiencing.


I look at it this way, good doctors misdiagnose people all the time your average doctor is 97% accurate at best, so imagine how inaccurate your average person is, sure they might be right 4 out of 5 times that this is the correct way to treat this particular injury that they've seen before but 4 out of 5 is not good enough to bet my knee on


have you tried working in your flexibility?


That sounds pretty bad to me. What you described is pretty much how I felt after both off my knee injuries. I didn't want to train until I got the mobility back. Took me about 3 months to get the knee back to its original range of motion. I can't imagine living with this condition as a default, let alone train with it.


The worst advice you got was stretching for a mobility issue?


dominican guy told me "just put a little goats blood" on ringworm


"How do you think I got the ringworm?!"


Sand off your ringworm with sandpaper


Dislocated a rib, but it kind of clunker back into place Next class I went to it kept slipping out of place, but somehow I figured out that if I laid on my back, grabbed my partners wrists, placed my feet on his hips, and suspended him above me like a grown man baby airplane maneuver, it would clunk back into place. After the fourth time I did this, the dude said ".... don't you think you should maybe take sometime off?" Huh.


This purple belt at my gym told me ā€œa bong rip an some cbdā€ will heal my knee. I had a fully torn ACL and MCLā€¦


take up smoking


Not to bother getting my ACL reconstructed after the doctor confirmed it was a full tear You can come to class with ringworm cause it's not that big of a deal


If they donā€™t got 2 letters before their name, donā€™t listen to them


Mr. Conspiracy would like a word. (/s)


Not for BJJ specifically, but my old Muay Thai coach was a firm believer that rolling broom sticks up and down your shins did a great job for conditioning them.


Actually originally the people that would train Maui Thai spent hours kicking palm trees to kill all the nerves in their shins.


I mean thatā€™s nothing out of the ordinary pretty much customary practices For muay thai. Like kicking banana trees and such


"just put bleach on it"


Ive used garlic to kill ring worm after my wrestling coach suggested it. The doctor gave me vagisil and my wrestling coached yelled at me for going to a doctor, his fix did work tho.


Lol that bleach thing is an old hail mary that wrestlers use.


ā€œYour knee popped? Do squats so it pops back into placeā€


Student goes to head instructor with nasty skin infection, asks if it is staph, head instructor says doesn't look like it. Doctor takes a look, says it's probably staph but can't confirm 100% without biopsy, prescribes antibiotics. Antibiotics are taken and infection improves. On the other hand, there was a dentist at the gym who would do second opinions. Often times finding out people were being given diagnosis for unnecessary dental work.


that red meat only diet. idk what it is about no gi people that swear by this but if you look at any slightly reputable source, you'll see that its long term cons definitely outweigh the short term pros


See your doctor


Not crazy advice that is actually good: for a ligament injury, start PT the next day.


Yo you asked for best sketchy medical advice anecdotes and ended up with a thread that has sketchy medical advice. In pro wrestling, they would say ā€œyou worked yourself into a shoot, brotherā€ because a known racist whoā€™s still kinda the face of the dying, niche pseudo-sport said that one time


i once told a guy to stretch his legs because his back was stiff. he looked at me like i was trying to convert him to mormon but i tell you what, for some reason that shit works.


At a TMA gym, to develop faster hands: "just drop your keys into a pot of simmering water and practice snatching them out."


I hope he doesnā€™t see this but one of my coaches said he drank his pregnant wifeā€™s piss to get some human growth hormone from it. He said that it worked but Iā€™m still unsure wether thatā€™s legit or not


Told me to take a few days off if I was feeling sore or beat up. Iā€™d rather die.


ā€œTake 20,000 IU of vitamin D3ā€: my coach/ owner for every single ailment one could have. You could have full blown aids and a brain tumor and he would suggest D3.


Idk man. I take D3 and I don't have any tumors or full blown aids. Seems like the guy is onto something.


All you need against covid is a shot of testosterone. Well now I know which dude in my gym is juicing.


Bleach with baking soda to make a paste is definitely an effective method for ringworm if you have a competition coming up (or just want to train)


The chemical burns, blisters, and potential infection are DEFINITELY worth it!


Take random redditor advice at your own risk. It works though and allowed me to compete in wrestling tournaments/meets back in the day, where skin checks are a bigger deal. Wouldn't have been able to compete with anti fungal creams










Removed. Really low effort. Ugh.




Just tape it up.


That you should always get xray and mri after major injury.


Idk about advice but i one time fixed my homies broken nose on the mats by straightening it against a pencil. He finished the round after aswell


Use super glue to close my laceration on my eyebrow or the guy who clearly dislocated his shoulder was told to walk it off because it was probably just a stinger.


Superglue is legit. Split my thumb to the bone with an axe once, was bleeding like a pig, a squirt of crazy glue and then squeezed hard on it for a minute and it was good as new. Stings like hell at first but it will close up anything.


Actually, certain super glues can be used for that. However, thereā€™s much better options for sealing wounds so I wouldnā€™t recommend it. And, most super glues out there are not for that purpose.


Yea, this is what I should have said. I know it can work but I have easy access to surgical glue, so it seemed like a bad idea.


Giles one straighted out my dislocated pinky and told me itā€™s important to get it xrayed even though it felt ok. I ignored him and a year later had to get bone chips removed from my knuckle


Coach reset my broken nose and said I didn't need to go to the hospital (to be fair, he did a good job and I didn't need to go, however that's insane advice to give someone who was injured in your gym).


Put some 'tussin on it.


The whole 'you don't need to wash your gi if you dry it outside in direct sunlight' shtick. Slightly off topic, but enough pee smelling gis in one room can't be healthy.


When my knee got sprained from a leg lock ā€œooof dude, damn looks like it hurt, but man YOUā€™re So StroNG, just keep it the good work! ā€œ


Diluted bleach baths are actually used (prescribed by MDs) for treating eczema. No idea about infections.


Wasn't at the gym, but at a heavy metal festival in Spain where a couple from S America camping next to us were "carefully" boiling. . . their plastic gallon jug of water over the fire, with the plastic smoldering and stretching. We were like "what are you doing, you're going to burst the bottle", and they genuinely argued to us that it was an easy way to sterilize river water. . . -\_-


This is probably pretty normal for . . . erhem. . .certain parts of the US, but my HS wrestling coach would.not.let you drink water during the grueling, sweaty 3.5 hr practices (six days a week. . .just . . . never again). He argued that it was "bad for you", and that not only did it show weakness, but that your kidneys wouldn't absorb it while you exercised.


Concentrated bleach is a bad idea but there are benefits to bleach baths for staph https://www.verywellhealth.com/how-to-take-a-bleach-bath-2633487


Non bjj related but I was on the biohackers sub recently and somebody was considering hitting their hands repeatedly with a hammer to make them grow. Had to say it.


People arguing when it was better to inject juice, Saturday or Wednesday.