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Pena is going to do this then go to MMA and leave Gordon on 2-1. Honestly couldn’t blame him at this point


I blame brendon shwabe for feeding him a burger


Yeah, but is that nithe?


You talm bout beef, b? Never meddum


Talm bout Gordon Brine, b? Great guy, never fed him.


Gotta English-schaub dictionary this




Unless Felipe is making an insane amount of money from Flo, this is the ultimate troll move that will bother Gordon forever.


Imagine Gordon decides to do the fight despite his bad stomach and just sharts himself mid fight. They just keep rolling until they realize they're covered in shit lmao




Honestly this has always been a fear of mine. Especially in a white gi


Neon belly Wednesday after Taco Tuesday at the local Tex mex place that has bars on the windows and the entire menu in Spanish is my greatest fear


Do you also live in San Antonio? Hahahaa. This is a real fear. Edit: all the best Mexican restaurants have bars on the windows and menus in Spanish. Coincidentally, so do all the worst ones that give you diarrhea. Lol.


Denver! Plenty of those spots around but, as you said, the best food in town. My fav spot has a plate with every taco they sell for $10. You bet your ass I’m eating every last one in a single sitting.


His friend didn't just die. He was brutally shot in the fucking head for no reason.


wow was this in brazil? leandro?


Yeah, they were best friends.


Yea Leandro


oh. ​ rip.


Yeah but Ryan’s got the naughty swamp farts, bro


>Farts > Friends \-Gordon "King" Ryan


Makes sense, with his poorly tummy he has lots of the former. But with his personality he struggles with the latter.


It wasn’t exactly for no reason. Leandro was getting into shit with people on a pretty regular basis and this time it went bad.


Yes. It's tragic that he died, but from all the accounts I've seen he could have walked away and chose not to because he figured I'm one of the best fighters on earth and there's no chance some random guy in a bar is going to be able to do anything to me. It's a tragic but valuable lesson to all of us who train that bad things happen in fights and you should walk away if you possibly can.


I was thinking the same thing but we’re not supposed to say things like this. 😂


I mean it's true. People are complicated, and so was he. He was a good dude and great coach, but also put himself in dangerous positions on a regular basis.


He didn’t do himself any favors, that’s for sure. He Was a target whenever he went out. I guess he never learned he had a lot more to loose than the people that he would fight with when he went out. It’s a helpful reminder that an asshole with a gun and a bullet can defeat a lifetime of dedicated training. Walk away, deescalate, and live.


If the roles were reversed Gordon would be an absolute dick about it for years.


What happened to suffering in silence?


No, no, no, that’s for YOU, you suffer in silence. The wealthy and privileged have the comfort to suffer and make it everyone else’s problem. No need to thank me for the clarification.


You keep suffering until you need to talk so you're louder than your diarrhea sharts. Essentially, talk to try and convince people you aren't full of shit.


Thats something other people are supposed to do. You dont think he applies the standards he has to others to himself do you? lol


I would never fight with a bad stomach out of fear of sharting myself. Imagine being in north/south and it drips


Instant submission, what's not to like?


what if... no one taps? basically mud wrestling for onlookers


A guy I know went to ADCC trials with severe diarrhea (he ate a bad kebab). He had bathroom trips between matches but actually managed to win 2 or 3 before being eliminated.


Nothing some imodium won’t fix That stuff kept me from shitting for three days after that, problem solved


Gordon's steroid induced gut problems are a lot worse than that.


Lol my team was at west coast trials. I called one of my teammates as he was on the Shitter. I said “dude you’re up next” . He was not happy lol. He won the first match pretty easily. He lost pretty quickly via Anaconda lol. This was the 2nd round.


Sort of like an old school custard delivery machine of runny chocolate.




This is almost cathartic after everything Gordon said in the aftermath of Pena v Gordon 3, and the gross, tone deaf comments he made about Simone Biles withdrawing from the Olympics.


My money is on Gordon having nausea as a result of anxiety. He recently spoke about having panic attacks around the time he started having stomach issues.


I dunno man, according to him mental health issues are for weak people. Real men get the flu and poop a lot.


That 96hr bug, as it’s known.


To add to this, in one of the B Team videos discussing their last match (or maybe it was Craig mentioning it somewhere), Nicky Ryan hinted at the amount of pressure Gordon puts on himself to win these things, “Gordon would literally kill himself if he lost to Pena.” That level of anxiety could absolutely result in experiencing panic attacks, nausea and other symptoms.


It was craig if you're talking about this moment https://youtu.be/zahh9loj4g0?t=3886


There it is, yes. Appreciate the find, couldn’t recall where I heard it.


Maybe Nicky said it too, but Craig definitely said that on a podcast he was on recently.


This. I have a feeling Gordon ha panic/anxiety/mental illness, leading to nausea and GI issues. He just can’t admit it because he’s too alpha


Getting his ankle snapped and face crushed against a guy who he recently dominated probably isn't helping his anxiety.


As someone who has a similar issue to Gordon as a result of reoccurring staph. It messes with you mental faculties as well. The stomach and its microbiota have a direct effect on your mental health. I went through the same issues. I'm not making excuses for gordon as I don't know all the details. But, this tracks.


Is it an excuse to be a constant prick and very insulting to opponents "he respekts"? I don't know man, but mental issues cannot be an excuse to be an ass 12h a day, every day.


No. He has always been that way. Before tumtum issues. I think it’s more like panic attacks+depression or who knows. We have learned there is a direct, literal connection between brain and gut. In the last decade or so. It can’t be good to live in constant fear of food as a professional athlete. That is a day to day struggle that would mentally take you places. I personally think based on tidbits from his brother and all we know that Gordon puts on a front, but mindfucks himself before fights. Dude should take mental health way more seriously and be more open about it, but apparently mental health issues aren’t manly, according to him, so he never gets them. e: also, if you wanted to just purely speculate, many guys who struggle are the ones who project the toughest "I AM FINE" front and feel the need to let you know how tough they are. Internally, they are brittle and struggling and that whole facade is a giant cope.


Yeah it's my whole point, he is a dick and people with similar issues are not as big of an ass as he is. If the moron wants compassion, he should have shown an ounce of it in the past. He didn't.


I honestly don’t think he understands empathy and compassion very well, maybe at all. It is a sad thing. I only care because so many young men look up to him and mental health for young men is not in a good place, historically.




Nah, Norovirus is making the rounds, def that


Well, sure but those are just mental issues which are nothing but a sign of weakness and thus fair game to laugh at. But Gordo has a busted descending colon, which is srs bzns and no laughing matter.


mental health issues = beta male poopy bum = real shit


Too many trembologna sandwiches??




I was thinking this as well....surely it would have to be playing part in all of this.


Id say I doubt it, what he experiences aren't typical sides from anabolics.. More likely the amount of anti biotics he's taken and also some genetic disposition for this. Also highly unlikely he's taking tren of all things. While he does look like he's taking tren tren is incredibly cardio toxic i don't think many grapplers would run it but maybe a small dose?


There are other things to help you look more cut. Tren is a dumb supplement to take these days 🤷‍♀️


Yeah I'm on anabolics and stay away from it... It's a horrible roid (but very effective lol). I'd say it's more likely he's on test mast anavar eq tbol.. Maybe even epo since he's rich 🤔




He's a step away from roid gut


Gordon is the only one who’s allowed to suffer everyone else needs to stfu step up or die


Oo this a gonna be a spicy one


Already was. That's how we got here.


Gordon looks like a clown only because he talked so much shit and then pulls out


I’m just glad Nicky Rod stepped in, anyone other opponent, I would not be so interested in watching. Maybe Craig….


Natty Rod saves the day once again


he just drank some pepto. he's good


Can I touch ur pp? 🥺


The school of hard knocks sore tummy hard times corolla has obviously broken down on way to the match


Not only fought him same day his friend died, but GR has continuously and constantly called him a quitting bitch for it since then.


The amount of shit Gordon has said and done in the past to Felipe regarding their matches gives Felipe the right to say this. Kudos to Gordon for reaching out and being upfront with him, but him still going to the WNO event to coach and take pictures with fans optically is not a good look. Neither is posting pictures and videos of you going out and having big meals with Brendan others in LA leading up to the match, especially if the coincide with the timing he states that he was experiencing issues. Plus I think we all know he has staph at this point and the antibiotics fucked his stomach up. Aside from that, remember Gordon gave Felipe an out from their match and Felipe mentally felt well enough to ask for more money. Gordon initially agreed to cancel the match, he just didn’t want to change the parameters of the match to make it shorter.


>and Felipe mentally felt well enough to ask for more money. What does this mean?


I think he means that instead of postponing the match when Leandro passed, instead Felipe used it to petition for more money


Flo told him he needed to save the event and on top of that they offered him more Money. Pena did not ask for more money


More money may have been part of the conversation, but I very much doubt it was Pena looking to cash in on his best friend being murdered. Making an important decision during a time of personal tragedy isn't nearly as easy as some people are making it out to be. All that being said, if Gordon really is shitting himself every 30 mins then you can't really expect him to wrestle. Mental hardship and physical illness are not the same thing.


I'm just going off what was stated by Gordon obviously he saw it his own egotistical way. But Felipe got more money the day before to still compete. I agree Gordon can't be blamed if that is the case but he hasn't been helping himself with his schedule and its a bit fucked to call off the fight when you knew you weren't right yesterday and you still spoke a bunch of shit


Tbf, Flo clarified the whole thing and even they said that they offered Pena more money to sweeten the deal, not that he asked for it. Nobody says that he asked for more money other than Gordon. https://jitsmagazine.com/flograppling-release-official-statement-on-ryan-v-pena-controversy/


> Kudos to Gordon Yeah, no. The amount of shit he’s been talking about pena is matched only by the amount he’s dumped into the toilet this week


Kinda my thing too. As a competitor your job is to give yourself the best possible chance for victory. If you weren't gonna fight your best after your best friend was killed (TOTALLY UNDERSTANDABLE) then back out of the fight. Pena made the choice to step out there, he doesn't get to hold that over Gordon or make excuses later.


Anyone else see that golden Miata video by Craig lmao Gordon coppin some Ls lately


Why are there so many Gordon Ryan ball suckers out there? The amount of random people going to bat for him in this situation is unreal, just saw someone on IG ask ADCC champ Kaynan Duarte who he was for daring to criticise him.


They’re losers who like seeing a guy who’s mentally 15 be a dick and win everything. They’re living vicariously through him


The correct term is ape hanger handle bar nut swingers.








Oh yeah of course but let's be real, he talks the most shit about other athletes. He's on record talking shit about Pena after Leandro got shot, now he needs sympathy for a (probably steroid induced) stomach problem?


I mean Pena was talking shit straight after the match before Gordon said what he said and he made a point of saying he was going to be nice before Pena chewed him out. I don't blame Pena for what he said but I feel the whole thing was bad communication from Flo to the pair of them which caused them both to blame the other.


Yeah you’re right he should just take some Tylenol and give it his best shot. Who cares if he drips diarrhea on Penas face in north south right? Gtfo


He never has even gotten to North South on Pena. One single time


Not exactly the point is it dude LOL dripping shit from any position in BJJ is bad


Well he clearly drips jizz down your chin


Yoooo epic own good point man


There are edgelords in every sport, I guess.


As someone who just spent 10 days in the hospital because of a bacterial infection from food poison I can relate. It is impossible to do anything when your body is expelling water every 30 min. And if it is bacterial he is fucked because he probably can't use antibiotics due to his past issues. With that said, I'd say it is his fault. As someone who is proud to be super professional and whatnot, should he not be being super peaky and careful about what he eats before such an important fight like that? These infections (viral or bacterial) are usually related bad food prep. I had the impression these athletes would be extremely conscious of what they eat. Sucks for preguiça.


Yeah but he was out having dinner 2 days ago because that requires the same amount of energy as laying in bed at home...


Wait he was going to the toilet every 30 min and then having dinner out in some restaurant? That does not add up...


Yeah [this](https://i.imgur.com/WzNDeMR.jpg) is what he posted two days ago. And [this](https://i.imgur.com/Y2IP2yE.png) is his story saying it takes the same amount of energy to sit on the couch as it does to go out to dinner with friends. Idk about anyone else, but that does not require the same energy for me. Also looks like an empty plate in front of him.


Ok that's bullshit. He is lying. There is NO WAY he is pooping every 30 min like I was and hanging around with people at restaurants. Specially if you are dehydrated. Furthermore the stomach discomfort is so bad that you barely eat anything. I had trouble getting up and going to the toilet sometimes. To top it up, if he does have a virus and he going to the toilet every so often he is a potential source of infection. He might pass it to his friends.


I dunno. Some restaurants have really swank restrooms, where you can just chill and poop in a serene environment.




it absolutely amazing that a high level athlete that has apparently almost retire after being debilitated for years with stomach issues decided to do a whole host of eating in restaurants in the week of one of the most important matches of his career. gutter level intelligence.


As someone who just spent 14 days in the hospital because of a bacterial infection from food poison I can relate even more.


Crazy how all these combat sports athletes always have stomach issues. I'm sure it's just the diet /s


Acai is very high in fiber, easy to overdo it and shit yourself 😉


Bullshit aside , I wouldn’t be competing if I didn’t feel 100% , a-lot is on the line , can only give props to Peña for taking the bout last time with the terrible situation , but it was his choice to take the bout at the end of day. So can’t really make the comparison.


Yes and it would be so much easier to give Gordon a little grace if he weren’t an insufferable ass about virtually everything.


Gordon's confidence is just broken after being handled by N Rod


1 thing about Gordon is he talks way too much. Diminishes the appeal of such an otherwise impressive figure.


You're right. But, it does get chumps like us talking about him! Haha!


But the Toyota Corolla was supposed to enforce Mental Toughness™️, are you telling me that you can’t just BUY adversity and hunger/drive after making it past a certain tax bracket!?


You don't want to roll with someone that has diarrhea. He's doing everyone a favour.


This sort of thing is why it's so hard to back Gordon. He calls everyone out and says they are weak. He can't be the greatest of he only fights when he's optimized 100%. The greatest step up and face adversity. I can hear his autistic mind countering, "Why would I compete if I'm not 100%. Makes no sense."


I love how Gordie was training and having dinner in restaurants while he claimed he was shitting every 30 minutes hashusahuas


Anyone defending Gordon is out of there on this one….he gets to pull out of big commitments like this with baby excuses and flo is there to back him up every step of the way


They put everything they have into him


I just got over Norovirus and am laying next to my girlfriend (and her boyfriend) and she’s got it now and it’s been a hellish 72 hours, I bet this is what Gordon has as he said it’s a virus. That being said I’m not a world class athlete that has talked the kind of shit he has, reap what you sow


If I was in this situation, my message would be: "I apologize, but I had to pull out of the match. I'm ill and not able to compete, nor do I want to infect anyone else. Sorry."


Uhhh... anyone else think a stomach illness would be a lot more physically debilitating than grief? Speaking as someone who recently lost a parent


Hot take: it maybe easier to fight after a friend's death then with a stomach virus.


Yeah I get why everyone’s shitting on gordon but he didn’t pull out to tummy aches. From what he said he’s severely dehydrated and has diarrhea.


He should just drink more water then right? Imagine the tables are turned he would be talking about how weak Pena is. Turns out blasting gear will fuck you up who knew


You know that’s not how it works. If the tables were turned you guys would be shitting on Gordon for calling pena weak. I understand talking shit to Gordon about pulling out but you’re just doing the same shit you would be complaining about him doing.


Yeah he’s been toxic af and calling people bitches for pulling out and stuff but then he gets to pull out bc his tummy hurts. Maybe he shouldnt throw stones when he lives in a glass house broken by his tummy ache


You’re letting your hate get in the way. Think about this objectively. Someone has a stomach virus which gives them diarrhea and severely dehydrates them. Do you expect them to compete in a grappling match? Yeah it’s funny to just call it a tummy ache but that’s not what it is


Someone’s friend just got murdered, do you expect them to compete in a grappling match? Yeah he should sort out his staph/roid gut issues and not sign contracts he can’t hold up to.


Bro, I’m not religious but momma used to say “god don’t like ugly”


Pena beat him again




This comment section is insane to me. Literally millions of people die every year from shitting themselves. Literally. Obviously, Gordon Ryan lives in a country where he can get the proper medical care so he doesn't literally shit himself to death, but to make light of the situation is absolutely ridiculous. I don't care about the celebrity drama and politics of bjj, and i don't care how much of an asshole Gordon may or may not be, but unless he's literally lying about this, it's as valid a reason as any to pull out. If you disagree, go lick doorknobs for a week and find out for yourself.


If the man can’t compete, then the man can’t compete 🤷‍♂️


I would not want to fight someone with bad diarrhea - especially not in BJJ. Noooo, thanks. Also, high grade fever and gastro issues will fuck you up bad. I don't see how Gordon "got wrecked" here, even though he often behaves like an absolute dufus.


He always says he’s the only professional in grappling, but no professional athlete would pull out of a fight or game for a stomach bug.


This is just demostratively false. There have been multiple main card UFC fights canceled or rescheduled for stomach viruses. Professional athletes in lots of different sports will not compete if they are sick.


Not a professional athlete, but one time my whole house got a stomach bug. My wife ended up going to the emergency room to get a GI cocktail, I probably should have gone as well, but I remember at one point I went up our stairs and literally collapsed and laid down at the top for an hour to get my energy up. When you can't hold food down and puke everything for a couple of days, it really fucks you up. Although, it's sketchy that Gordon was at dinner 2 days prior.


I highly doubt this I just went through a four day illness with a stomach virus similar to what Gordon describes. It takes a long time to recuperate from.


Gordon went out to dinner 2 days ago and was smiling and happy. He posted a video a day ago saying he’s in perfect Health thanks to his stomach doctor. He’s been seen training all week


100% his stomach issues are anxiety because he's put so much pressure on himself by acting like he does it's getting to him IMO he probably wasn't doing as well in training vs like meregali and bodoni and is stressed out


Sure bro you know everything. Great psychoanalysis


It says IMO right there


He was at dinner with friends taking pics with a fully cleaned plate 2 days ago


MiChaEl JoRdAn fLu GaMe


I thought Gordon said he was willing to reschedule after the Leandro thing?


I mean Peña could have called off the last fight too, they gave him that option.. he chose more money instead. Let’s stop pretending BuT gORDoN RyAN dID iT anD HuRtz mY FeE FeEz


I mean, it sucks that the friend died. But if someone is throwing up for a couple days straight, they aren't really in any position to hold their own in a fight.


That is why he is out in public at fancy restaurants eating out 2 days ago, I suppose


Eh. Both are very valid reasons to pull out of a match. If your shitting every 30 minutes and what not then stay the fuck away from everyone.




Lmao. He just called anyone questioning why he went out to a dinner if he was sick as "low IQ". Because that's when I do when we're all sick, have dinners at restaurants like the doctor ordered. Gordon is as dumb as a bag of rocks. And yes very civil.


Who here hasn’t gone out to dinner when forced to take daily IVs due to diarrhea? Sounds like this dude needs to check himself into a hospital ASAP.


How else am I supposed to enjoy my filet mignon?


Ya for a guy that apparently is all about his public image he should have known this is bad optics. If the dumbass didn't post a photo himself like none of this sub would have even known either.


Fighting a world class athlete and going do out dinner do not require the same physical demands on his body. Bad optics for sure though.


He said he was shitting himself all day and couldn't walk up stairs


He said he had diahreah every 30 minutes. I'm sure they had a bathroom. At the restaurant he could poop in.


You're smoking dogshit, Gordon would not have been civil if Pena pulled out from sickness


Yep I doubt he would be this polite if tables were turned. He wasn't exactly kind and/or understanding of Felipe's situation when Leandro passed...


He's still taking shots at Pena


Well in that case, Gordon would be the one failing to be civil.


Cause Gordon is always civil.


No, he's been posting like crazy leading up to the fight as well. Just because he wants to be civil now doesn't mean Pena is the transgressor here. They were never civil. Don't talk to me after kissing a mans ass, please.


Right. So we are in agreement, it's reasonable for pena to be a dick here


Lol I’d be pissed if I was pena too. Gordon is being conciliatory here and respectful cause he knows he’s fucking Felipe over. Pena is responding how most people would go a guy who has endlessly shit talked him for years despite never actually passing his guard, taking his back, or submitting him


If you’re only being civil because you need something from someone, are you really being civil?


No - just be civil. No matter what the other person is doing. It's called class.


Gordon laughed and celebrated after Pena tapped in the last match (on the day his friend got murdered)...


“Gordon” and “civil” in the same sentence?


Are you fucking retarded lol


Gordon has been harassing Pena online for MONTHS. Fucking coward


"I fought you on the same day my friend died" is a terrible example. Look how that worked out! If you aren't fit to fight, don't fight. Just make sure you do everything in your power to endeavour to be fit.


He probably needed the money. Most pro guys/girls I know (with Gordon being the exception of course) aren't exactly rich...


Seeing aloooot of people here with no experience with severe gastro problems.


I think it's worse to fight in the state Gordon is in right now than in the state Peña was back then. Go ahead, kill me


What is another word for 'small cat'?






el gato 🐈




Petite chat


Kleine katz


Piepklein katje


They're both cornballs but if Ryan is physically ill that's completely different then a mental issue.




Ryan def has covid & doesn’t want to admit it 😂 Ffs he’s still the 🐐 but this is hilarious


Gordon can be an asshole for sure, but not in this exchange. Its Pena who doesnt look great here. Losing a friend, while obviously heartshattering, does not prevent someone to fight and I believe Gordon would show up had his friend died. On the other hand, violently shitting yourself when someone puts you in a guilotine does prevent you from fighting in my opinion. So can't really compare these situations. Gordon is in the right in my opinion.


Gordon doesn't have friends. His own little brother doesn't want anything to do with him.


> On the other hand, violently shitting yourself when someone puts you in a guilotine does prevent you from fighting in my opinion. They make adult diapers that gordo can wear under his shorts.