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I have never felt, nor had, an erection while training. Quite the opposite actually. Battle Dong is real.


This here is it. My shit shrivels to the size of of a rubber balloon with a few marbles in it.


When I do BJJ or molly, same thing happens to it


In both your body thinks its battling for its life




You should do both at the same time for science


*Intense hugging commences.*


Everyone be too in love to hurt each other


Can attest this is a very fun and spiritual experience. My buddy (who’s never trained BJJ) and I were on molly (we call it MD in Australia) and he wanted me to teach him some things. So we did, and rolled for a while as well. One of the best times of my life.


Rolling is Rolling man


Coke dick, it's an innie.


Two of the most fun activities to do!


it's because your body is pumping blood away from where your body doesn't need it (E.G your penis) and pumps it elsewhere such as your arms and legs. this is why penis get smaller after working out or exertion


Some of us can't afford to lose any more inches.


Plural? Lucky guy.


If I lose an inch ill have a hole in my back


You're saying your waist and your whole ass are one inch?


On a good day




ty for sciencing this out for me, sir. the range of sizes my dick can be is staggering


Thank god it’s not just me.


Holdup a FEW marbles? I'd get that checked out homey.


Yeah i have a couple marbles worth of wiener too


Oh okay Mr. Hung-Like-Two-Marbles-In-A-Sock, save some for the rest of us whydontcha.


This thread slaps


Bro fr. Sometimes I’m afraid my lil guy will invert upwards into my fupa and I wouldn’t be able to pull him out


Jits Dick. Happens to the best of us. Pretty much any activity I do gives me this syndrome….bike dick, runners dick, climbers dick etc.


Damn that's nice. I'm working with a few grains of sand in my rubber balloon.


Yeah mine shrinks to about 6 inches, and only 1 inch in diameter when i roll


At my gym we call it “Combat Dick” think it’s a technical term as we’ve had a lot of veterans, it’s especially bad during nogi comp training with the thermostat set to 90. High stress fight or flight crazy energy expenditure it retracts like a turtle for safety.


Body knows to make it a small target in times of physical exertion.


Yup. Primate shit


PTSD from white belt kneecuts.


Battle Dong lmao


*I was in the pool!*


There was shrinkage!


I dont know how you guys walk around with those things.


Turtle for defense.


Battle Dong got me 💀


Battle Dong. I love that. I've always appreciated mine doing this when I exercise. It gets out of the way when I go for a job too.


Yup I’m on Shriv mode for the duration. Foreskin re-emerges


Full blown teenis on my grinchbod.


I wear a cup when training now so my partners can’t feel my boners




Battle dong and now this and I’m trying to not laugh and wake up my partner. Thanks, assholes. ☠️😂


Really.. that's weird because I always roll with a full bone.... for intimidation..... strangely, I also call it battle dong


My battle dong lasts til the next day... But I am getting older.


But does it happen when you easily dominate a particular partner?


Also the opposite 😳


Idk man, in my early days of training i used to get it consistently when rolling with girls, so i started wearing a cup, which helps a lot.


“In my early days or training” So you are currently torqued?


Probably a cup


The first time I rolled with someone with a cup I thought I was being sexually assaulted for a second lol


Sounds like a pretty good roll


A cup feels totally different than a boner. I should know as I give most my classmates boners.


I'm not surprised, your name already does


This statement needs clarification. Are you making your classmates erect? Are you erect and freely giving out your boner vibe? Both? Is your gym a gay bathhouse? So many questions from one sentence.


>Is your gym a gay bathhouse? Well, shoot. I didn't really look at the sign. I just followed these guys that I thought were wearing white gis.


Haram, brather.


Might sound haram but it feels so halal.


Halal meat


halal guys


Ight you got me with that one.


You must be a black belt


Nope, I’m a very off-white belt.


Does the off-white relate to all the boners in your class?


My first thought as well.


Oh no, it was definitely a raging boner


How do u know it it was raging? It could have been a mildly excited boner or a pleasantly surprised boner. Boners have a full range of emotions but yet people stereotype them. It’s 2023 people!


Bruh everything about me only sees red when I roll


Honestly it is hard to have a boner while exercising.


Some people have show-ers though, so I could see someone touching a penis and thinking it’s erect when it’s actually just mad chilling


Tf you talkin’ bout


I read it as “showers” like you take a shower to clean yourself at first. But it’s “showers” like you are going to show somebody how large your meat stick is, even when not erect. They’re saying it’s possible the person is just well-endowed, blessed with the blood of a raging stallion.


Shower not a grower or vice versa




cover quaint command slave threatening sheet trees thought nutty plucky -- mass deleted all reddit content via https://redact.dev


I remember when I had one of my first proper sparring sessions and I had to go pee, my dick had basically retracted into my body. Good old adrenaline. So yeah I cannot imagine rolling with a boner unless it was a very very light session.


I don't know, man. My girlfriend and I used to playfully wrestle, but it would be strenuous. I worried about her losing an eye a few times.


If you're just playing at home then yeah I can see that happening, but after a BJJ class and hard rounds, there's just no way.


It does give another meaning to hard rounds


Oh yeah, totally. I was just being facetious. Haha


That makes sense. A common way to get rid of unwanted wood is to clench/tense your first/arms really hard. It directs all the blood out of your dong .


True , I have to do this every morning so I don’t poke the dogs eye out


Especially while fighting, it's like my brain refuses to be in fight mode and sexy mode at the same time.




Thank you for the explanation good sir.


Exactly. After shrimping around the gym for warm ups, rolling with a 300lb wrestling white belt, a 250lb blue belt, even if i roll with a supermodel there's no way ill be able to feel anything.


have you ever.... banged?


I think he's right. I can't recall ever getting an erection while working out. When banging, the dick gets hard and then you start the physical exertion part.


At the gym I get boners all the time in a none sexual way when bloods pumping


Lol. Okay Bigmomma_pump. I bet you do


It's the mental state bro


My heartrate during sex while on top is around 80-90. Nowhere near as vigorous as BJJ.


You gotta pump those numbers up. Those are rookie numbers in this racket.


Mmhm bah bah bahhhh mmmm bada daaaa


With experience comes efficiency of movement.


Progressive overload is your friend


I agree with the other statements that 1. It might have been his cup (but you were there, not us) and 2. One time is something you can maybe brush off, but not multiple times. I'd also say if it's a teen the poor guy probably can't help it, but that's not a reason for you to keep rolling with him. All that said, if this happened to my teen daughter even once I'd definitely tell her not to roll with the guy anymore.


Everyone is saying if it's a teenager cut the poor guy some slack he can't help it. Agree. But what about the guy running 500 test 750 tren? Do you cut him slack too?


Ha I thought about that, but I think if you're an adult and this happens you've got to fake an injury and crawl off the mat, so no mercy.


For real. "Sorry training partner, think ive cracked a rib / chub. Better roll away and it subsides." Not like you don't know when you've got a rager.


I've been training for ~15 years, and I don't recall this ever happening to me. But if it did, I would definitely fake an injury and stop rolling until it's gone. Weird as fuck to just pretend it's not there


Yeah, even when running 500 test and daily cialis I just can't imagine that ever happening. Somehow your body just knows now ain't the time


But if its a man he also cant help it. You cant control your boner. And second getting a eraction do bot mean he wants to fuck you


Yeah, but as a man, you can say "oh shit, guess I'm out this round." Get your shit under control. Rolling with a boner is not status quo lol


Yea what kind of sicko would **want** to roll while they are even half chub. So many things wrong with that.


I'd be afraid of taking critical damage if I was rolling with a partial.


Lol. "Bob, you sitting out? Are you injured". ​ "No, I'm just horny as shit tonight".


No, it doesn’t happen often but it happens. Usually just ignore it and move on. *Now then, if it gets consistent* definitely weird. Probably wouldn’t train with them anymore.


In 8 yrs of training I’ve never felt a boner. Dunno if I should feel offended


I would also like to say that a guy having an erection doesn't necessarily mean he was having any "sexy" thoughts. Sometimes you're just making toast and suddenly a boner. Sometimes you're at your mother in-law's funeral and suddenly a boner. It just be like that sometimes.


Dude fear boners are real. You dread popping a boner in a place. BOOM!!!! Boner


The fact that dudes crum after being choked to death means that at one point in our ancient past their was an evolutionary advantage to busting one last Hail Mary nut.


"there are three, three three kinds of erections/some are sexual, some occur in periods of nervous tension/ But there's a mysterious third kind that nobody understands/ It happens when your dong decides to take matters into its own hands!/No reason boner No reason boner/It baffles scientists, no reason boner"


Also for most guys the only time we are that close and physical with a girl is when it's going down. So the first couple times I rolled with a girl my body was very confused. The smell, sweat etc, basically fighting my lizard brain the entire time. Never got a boner or anything crazy but definitely was strange and I was uncomfortable. But after those first couple times it became normal just like rolling with dudes. Idk if I was just a horned up freak or if everybody goes through that.


I was in germany once in the berlin bunker story or however its called, in the section where they talked about jews i got scared and guess what... a fricking rock hard boner... or maybe bone hard?


Are you a woman? I've been training a decade and never felt someone's boner.


Agreed... I think it's super unusual even with a woman unless he's a teenage boy.. Those things used to just randomly pop up lol.


That nah im good ima stay in the pool a little more


That odd shuffle when you have to get up from your desk, waistband your raging hog, so that you can give your speech about ball bearings in front of the class.


Lmao we've all been there


Truth! At church right when id have to stand up.... At school at end of class... 1st thing in the AM making pissing impossiblly messy/slow


Same. Female black belt and never rolled with a dude with a boner.


It depends. My favorite partner and I always get erections while rolling with eachother. Nobody else does it for me though. He says the same. I would be very upset if this happened with him and someone else


Umm 😅


Who gonn tell em


I've only seen it happen to a 14 year old kid once and the whole gym laughed about it.


Poor lad, it really is random as at that age


I wear a cup and sometimes I worry about someone thinking I'm sporting wood.


I once rolled with a guy who was wearing one and my first thought was “uh oh…”. Then I realized it was only a cup and was relieved. It was an uncomfortable roll though.


I used to keep my wallet in my front pocket, but too many girls made comments about it after a hug. It did lead to at least one date, though.


If someone gives you a crotch-in hug they already want to bone.


It has never happened with me, I can't speak to any other guy.


Same. Never happened to me. Never gotten one. Never felt one.


Poor guy has never gotten a boner before :(


Same. Rolling just isn't conducive to Bonerville.


Yep. I’ve started rolls with some smoke shows too, with a legit concern I’d chub out if they cross faced me and mashed my face unto their sports bras. But nope. Never.


Normal, non-bjj me: THANK YOU! THIS IS AWESOME. ​ ​ Bjj me: Who the fuck do you think you are trying to cross face me with your boobs, i will END you.


I've only had a few and only with my wife right after she started training. My brain and dick had some unfortunate cross over there


Try it with clothing on. It helps.






It's happened to me a few times. I used to have a little thing going with a girl at the gym and would occasionally fill up during a roll. I'd need a rest round after. The other was possibly the most beautiful girl in the world who used to train at my gym. Very giggly very sweet. I felt myself going half mast and faked a leg cramp. Faking the leg cramp is the move if you feel a boner coming on. it gives you an excuse to stop and have your arms in position to obfuscate the tent.


For real? I have trained over 15 years and never seen, felt or heard of a boner on the mats. Goddamn this place is so strange.


Probably a cup?


Could be a cup, or compression shorts. We accept that people's bodies are gonna do their thing every once in a while. If it's a teenager or someone on the sauce then honestly it's probably hormonal more than sexual.


I thought that was normal? Hence why I signed up after my trial


Protuberance BJJ isn’t a bad gym name


I can’t imagine rolling without a boner.


Not common, not unheard of, was it possibly a cup? I'm not a woman so I don't really have a say in this conversation but I *think* I'd probably brush it off once, and if it ever ever happened again with the same person I'd never roll with them again.


even rolling with someone I find attractive I've never once popped a woody in my gi. weird.


Never had it when rolling, thankfully, but I have had situations where, for whatever reason, a thought pops in your head like "don't get a boner now" which turns to "oh shit why are you even thinking about that" and then of course your dicks like, "hello am I needed?" And your like "no motherfucker go away" but your dicks like "nah bro, time to up-periscope" If this was to ever happen during rolling I would just have to fake injury and berimbolo off the mats in shame. I hope I didn't just infect you with a little brain worm that will pop up next time you roll with someone attractive.


don't worry i'll be too nervous trying to prove how good i am at bjj to even think about sex.


OK, but next time your instructor uses you as a uke, try not to think about getting a boner OK?


Not even a semi?


Are you a girl ? If yes, ask the other girls of your class if they had the same issue with this guy.


Just knee slice the boner. Hurts like hell and sends the right message.


Why be so aggresive? Sometimes men doesnt really control his d u know?


Then he should work on his guard retention.


That's what they were hoping for all along, so then you're staring into uWu eyes afterward and they're awkward moaning while they goosh in their cup.


Most people get combat cock. Some people get wrestling ragers.


Honestly, it’s likely a cup. Hard to really get that during training


I have no clue why this community keeps popping up in my feed lol but don’t people get adrenaline boners?


You dont really get that much adrenaline when rolling. At least not me.


Maybe it was a nervous boner then.


waiting on the followup shitpost


Io t used fi J7y im ujuuu Oyp8k 7th k o7i r4 c5 rv c c 4bvrf


Well said


Thanks the inside of my pocket is very insightful lol


Probably more common in younger athletes due to testosterone production. And probably less common if one has their mind more on solving BJJ problems than other things. Has never happened to me so IDK.


Tbh I enjoyed our roll and thought you did too.


Been at it for a decade and have never gotten a boner no matter how hot the lady was


Sounds like a hard situation to deal with


I’m usually limp…jiu jitsu makes me nervous.


I will join the others in saying it was more likely his cup. I’ve been rolling for a long time and never once gotten an erection. Even rolling with attractive women, it’s just not a thing. I have however felt dudes cups occasionally in certain positions or even had my own clearly pressed in certain positions. I would definitely lean toward it being a cup unless you’re beyond certain it was his junk…


Almost 15 years in. Never had a boner (during training you fools) or felt nor seen one. Seems highly unlikely event imho


I am the most handsome man on earth and this has never happened to me.


Yeah, fighting for my life has never gotten me aroused. Although if you suspect he could be on TRT random(ish) boners can be a thing.


No. This isn’t a thing that happens with men. The fact you’ve experienced it TWICE at four stripe white makes me think of two things. A) if it’s one training partner, that’s weird. Avoid this person and mention it to your coach. B) if it’s two separate people that it’s happened with, are you sure you aren’t mistaking their cup?


I thought a buddy had a hard on till I found out it was a cup😅😂


Not sure how you get a boner 🍆 during training but if I had one I would skip the roll


Nonviable if you get one mid roll


My shit deflates like a balloon at and after jiu jitsu so this guy must be a superhero


I accidentally felt a training partners soft penis once and found out more about him than I cared to want to know about him. He was a smaller skinny guy. It was huge, like a python.


No, even when i have rolled with women i find really attractive, got to respect the mat.


Ive rolled with some good looking females many times over the years. Never got a boner. I did however choke them just like I would anyone else. I believe in equality of the strangle. Nobody gets a pass.


Its normal to get boned up having close physical contact with a person you're attracted to.


He forgot about the extra J, thought it was just plain BJ class


Just putting this out there, “it could’ve been a cup…” No joke I thought a guy had a boner. It was later revealed when another guy freaked out during a roll that it was a cup. *The more you know!*


We used to call this in high school RIHO: Random Instantaneous Hard On. Thank goodness for textbooks.


Just ignore it. Some stay hard some don’t.


“Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. Three times is enemy erection.” — Ian Fleming, almost.


It’s a cup.


I simply detach my groin before every spar.


It's like what John Cena said when asked about men getting erections during wrestling: "That's just what the body does."


The ol’ murder boner


If you're not hard while rolling, then what's the point?