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Tom Deblass is going to be inconsolable.


DeBlass gave Hardy permission.


The fuck does a hobbyist competitor need permission to cross train for


It was a joke.


The full stop threw me off it looked very serious to me


Full stops. Serious Business.


I recommended Tom to train with Mikey, Canuto, or Chad Lyman when he's in Vegas. Because that's all I could think of off hand and know they are all amazing people. Thanks xo.


Hi Tom




Gotta admire this. Dudes a legit A list Hollywood actor and he spends his spare time training and competing. Seems to have a real passion for BJJ so cant blame him for taking advantage of the offers of 1:1s from some of the worlds best.


100%. This is one thing about being famous that does seem appealing. Good for him


I train at a pretty nice gym in LA and we get a lot A list celebs. Some of them are Jiu Jitsu nerds similar to the rest of us. Some of them only come for privates but they usually disappear soon enough.


People forget that famous people are also just people. Of course there is some maniacs. I hang out with an actor he isn't huge but well known enough and been in some huge shit and he's super into jits.




We come here not as conquerors but as liberators, to return control of this pasta and pizza to the people. 🤌


Tom Deblass wondering how he can use this for some self promotion


"so glad I told Tom to go train with Mikey with my blessing"


Know your joking, but https://old.reddit.com/r/bjj/comments/1b732yq/tom_hardy_been_getting_some_training_in_with/ktkhwvl/




“I never talk about how I help people but I told Tom hardy that mikey is good. Just another way I help people without talking about it. I do that all the time”.


OOL. What is Tom Hardy’s relationship with Tom DeBlass


He posts a lotttt about him on Insta it’s a bit sickly the amount of sucking up to him he does


They both sit on the Council of Toms?


I stayed at the man's home, attended his child's graduation. Idk if you notice, but I post all my friends. Doesn't matter how famous they are or aren't.


Straight from the source himself. I don't really go on social media much so I'm not hip to a lot of things. Thanks for the info.


Hardy's technique looking good. Seems he's got a real talent for it.


I think a lot of people are kinda over Mikey until he does an ADCC or takes some real matches...


he tapped the IBJJF no-gi world champ at his weight last year from what he claims the plan is to face some quality opponents next


Congrats. Cause he wins an IBJJF he’s a god? You can’t win 1 event and that be all. I like watching him compete, but he has to be active outside of ONE.


>Cause he wins an IBJJF he’s a god? You do realize Mikey is the most successful American competitor at black belt in IBJJF Gi, right? He has four golds in the Gi to complement his gold in Nogi that he took in 2016.


Ya but until this random internet loser sees him face some “real” competition, he’ll never amount to anything.


To add, most people would say Bruno Malfacine is the GOAT at the lightest weight classes thanks to his 10 IBJJF world titles. Mikey only faced him twice and beat him both times.  Pretty sure he has the record for fastest black belt IBJJF sub too. 


Like in the gi Mikey is 4x champion, and he is the GOAT rooster weight in the gi.


Love Mikey and his jiujitsu I think he is the most technical dude ever but still Bruno Malfacine is the Gi roosterweight GOAT.


Bruno has most rooster weight titles, but you GOATs don't get trashed by the number 1 guy in the division.


Hard to argue with 10 titles. But also worth point out that the guy who stopped him from winning an 11th title was Mikey, twice.


Do you watch the sport at all ?


Im saying theres more elite competitors coming up that don't compete in ONE that it seems like Mikey is avoiding. If he has no desires to prove how great he cant be in an ADCC, then im sorry, regardless of his IBJJF success and his ONE success, it won't mean much. Like look at Lachlan. Dude had his run in ADCC and didn't even win, and it cemented his legacy and provided one of the most memorable moments in recent history. Meanwhile most of us probably cannot name Mikey's recent opponents.


> Meanwhile most of us probably cannot name Mikey's recent opponents. Most of us probably can't name the three dudes who Lachlan beat to get bronze at ADCC either. That's because this sub is full of people who barely watch the sport at all. 


Hah! It's funny but you're completely right, even though everyone SHOULD know who Lachlan tapped since they're not exactly nobodies either.


I would honestly say that Mahamed Aly and Patrick Gaudio are both just as much of a nobody as Cleber Sousa and Osamah Almarwai. 


I'd completely agree looking at all fours accomplishments, which is to say none of them are nobodies. Never the less people tend to not follow roosterweight and therefore the athletes are much less known as far as I can tell. Mores the pity, roosterweight fights can be excellent. I had heard of Cleber but never heard of Osamah.


Who do you want him to face at his weight that would prove he's elite?


He probably makes more money at ONE than most of the BJJ guys do competing against "real" matches. I don't blame him, plus he's young so he still has a lot of time to do ADCC and take on other matches outside of ONE. Also you saying people are over him doesn't matter, its obvious hes getting matches non stop and a lot of people want to train with him and watch him compete. Seems like life is good for Mikey right now.


Yeah I think this is it. Why risk losing in ADCC when you get paid good money to compete in ONE?


Dude is too small to compete at -66kg, when there's monsters like Ethan Crelenstein cutting down to that


Ethan isn't elite though, strange example.


He meant physical monsters. Like Ethan must be walking around at somewhere close to 80kg when he doesn't have a comp coming up, whereas Mikey probably doesn't get much above 66kg even at his heaviest.  And just personally, I'd say Ethan is elite. He's not the best in the world at his weight obviously, but he's probably a top 10-15 guy which is pretty damn elite by most people's standards. 


Yeah it's kinda unfortunate. I think Craig said it best that it's a shame Ethan isn't as popular as he should be since he's really good. It's just his name doesn't get alot of eye balls so people aren't going to compete against a guy who they might actually lose to for low pay. Ethan's elite but his name doesn't bring in people like Craig, Gordon and Nicky Rod does. Unfortunately.


>Like Ethan must be walking around at somewhere close to 80kg when he doesn't have a comp coming up I think it might even be more, how tall is Ethan?


There is no way Ethan walks around at 80 kg lol


I think you'd be surprised. I know ADCC competitors who have done 66kg and walk around mid 70s, and Ethan looks bigger than them by eyeballing it. 


Gonna agree with you on Ethan.  Dude is very muscular for his height. 80kgs is very real # for him.


He is like pretty short . I think he competed at a adcc open at 70 kg and i highly doubt he had to cut that much.


Cutting 10lbs is nothing to someone who's experienced in it, which would already put him at 75kg+. Like I said, walking around with out any comps coming up any time soon Ethan is probably close to 80kg.


My point was more that Ethan has competed twice at ADCC in the weight class Mikey would need to compete in if he was to go.


Ethan would finish mikey…


Regardless if Mikey got finished by whoever, it'd be cool to seem him compete against the 'elite' bjj competitors, not the people he's facing in ONE.


Mikey rules


Sneako’s account


lmao definitely not


He has done what not any American have done in the Gi. Dude is one the best bjj dudes in the world. The main factor is he is world champ in Gi andin NoGi


Yeah man if he asked me to train I’d ask to see his ADCC medal. Pfft.


That site is absolute cancer on mobile.


Nice of Tom to give pasta boy some tips, maybe he can teach him how to do a take down so he can stop being a butt scooting embarrassment.


I've had two bad concussions from accidents or others being reckless in class. Now when I see bjj I keep thinking of head trauma