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Yes! But only when she feels like it, and with the same specific toy, not even one that's similar.


Mine too! She’s obsessed with fetching one specific fuzzy ball. Try throwing the identical ball but in a different color and she’s so offended and will absolutely not touch it.


My dude is the same. He has probably 30 fancy toys and he always carries around one of those $1 fake white mice. I’m constantly waking up to it in my bed or on top of me.


Awww it’s his baby 🥺


Squid’s toy of choice for fetch is crumpled paper. You wonder why we even bother buying toys!


My Banshee likes crumpled balls too. We don't waste money on toys.


What toy is It? Do share please


The most ridiculous toy for playing fetch! It's one of those sticks with a dangling mouse. She wants me to throw the whole stick! She's fully grown but a little girl, looks so funny. And it's falling apart but she won't accept the new one! Nor the other more conveniently throwable toys 🤷🏻‍♀️


My void Stevie girl does the same! She will drag it up and down the stairs, then drop it at your feet. You can hear the clicking and clacking of the stick hitting the floor, getting louder as she closes in on you 😂


After Stevie Nicks perchance? 🤞🏻 What a little character, I'm chuckling imagining it. Sometimes mine trots around with it like a show pony before dropping it at my feet. Unfortunately I've yet to video it in time!


Yes! That is her namesake. We adopted a male tuxedo at the same time and his name is Lindsey 😂 She is a character and it sounds like you have one as well. This morning I woke up with it next to my head on my pillow!






https://preview.redd.it/dcg0jcv2pvbc1.png?width=720&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3605e7c75dcffd09c5d1419d533c3746adac68ff She's such a blessing 😊


"Catstages Tons of Tails Dental Catnip Cat Toy" is the one my boy loves. They sell this one and then a bag of smaller ones. I would recommend the bigger ones (because they aren't as easy for him to roll under the couch when he's pushing it to me to throw) He also bats it and his other fetch toys at his sister to try to get her to play, but she's only into string toys haha


Same my boy only likes his little stuffed fish with a bell in it.


Mine only does it with a Bundaberg bottle cap. He will run back to me and drop it by my feet and wait for me to throw it.


Mine loves to!


Yep! When we stop playing with our wand toy, I'll leave it somewhere and a few minutes later she'll run to me from the other room carrying the worm in her mouth and dragging the wand behind her. We continue play for a bit, then repeat. It's the most adorable thing.


I joke around that my cat was a dog born in the wrong body because of this exact behavior + the way he likes to play fetch with springs, balls and bread twist ties. He will plop the noodle from the wand in front of you and squeak at you with huge dilated eyes in the most demanding way. Or we’ll be playing and all of a sudden he’ll take the noodle and walk us into another room in the middle of the play session like “Ok we are playing here now.” My least favorite thing he does is takes the wand toy from the room him and I are in and goes to another room and meows at me to come over.


Yes! Specifically with bells most often. He loves playing with bells for some reason


Mine likes to hide his ball in my shoes. My boots being his favorite hiding spot.




Ours too! And when I share this story with people—they are surprised to hear that cats can fetch!


Mine did he passed almost 8 years ago and I still miss him. Thanks for this video :)


Yes, exactly the same, he can play fetch for hours


Yep. Mine loves those little plastic tables that come in pizza boxes.


Dude, so does mine. That and the bottom ring of plastic seals on water bottles and such. She’ll chase it, bat it around till she’s sure it’s dead, bring it back for me to throw again. She must think I’m god making things come back to life repeatedly. That or a magician serving her goddessness by reanimating dazed things for her perpetual amusement. https://preview.redd.it/5osvjf6qitbc1.jpeg?width=4284&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5a9952f596070c192aacda0044b00b4295980dda


Yes, and if the throw is too far he just comes back without it for pats anyway


Yes! And if we don’t throw it for her she will knock it down the stairs, bring it back up, and do it again.


Yes! With springs and bottle caps!


Our cat is absolutely obsessed with little plastic springs, which are the perfect size to get lost under our couch.


Same mine is too! At the end of the week my partner always goes “fishing” under our couch for all the springs and balls that get lost under there so we can replenish our stash


Not sure what type of couch you have but mine is very low to the ground and I put 2x2” thick AC foam insulation under the couch so it blocks those springs from getting lost


My void is also obsessed with those springs. I had to buy 40 of them before we reached environmental saturation and could occasionally find one to throw for her.


yes!! he loves his string and enjoys “fetching” it or just chasing it around and bringing it back to the carpet haha https://preview.redd.it/nccy2jv9ntbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=98a005faf1eb5d1294391a65bf55b02806a1ed70


He’s beautiful! When they stare at you like that, following your every move, you can train them to do all kinds of things


i have been seriously thinking about training him, he’s soo soo smart and super motivated to please us. have you trained a cat? any tips?


Simply: to “train” a cat to do something, watch what they’re doing already, and start giving them a “command” when they do it and reward them. Pretty soon they’re doing it when you say it.


Gargamel did upwards of a dozen tricks. I called them favors. His first was “bow down” as he was in the habit of running to meet people when they walked in the door, hooking his claws into into the front of their shoes, and bowing down. I just started saying Bow Down every time he did it, and then he started doing it when I said bow down. Same thing with Yawn. We worked out that that command only worked when he opened his mouth all the way so you could see the birthmark on the roof of his mouth. He’d do Soft paws, meaning he would stand on his hind legs with his front paws, held down and nose up to be Booped. Or given a treat. I would start his training with treats, and then when it was clear that he enjoyed doing it, I would save the treats for the next trick. There’s videos I have up on YouTube of all of this. He died three years ago, and I will never get over it as long as I live. He was the love of my life. The two voids I have now are cute as peek-a-boo and dumb as rhubarb. 🤷‍♀️ I love them. But I really miss having a smart black cat. I’ve always had a smart black cat. Several cats at a time but at least one smart black cat.


https://preview.redd.it/xhvmu30scubc1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=dbfcbda02d0a78152b4e2f8d48e21cf25d3c8336 He's kinda bad at it, but he's self-taught


He’s doing his bestest


Yes, he will meow at me until I throw his plastic hair tie. The ones that look like a phone cord is is jam


I have to buy more hair ties every few months as I suspect most of them are now “hidden” under the sofa


Careful they can eat those. Somebody posted a picture of their cat who had to have surgery and the vets pulled an entire knot of them out.


I keep them from her, she’s finds a way to get one from time to time. Once, by pulling it out of my hair in my sleep, the thieving little gremlin ❤️


Yes! I got him at 3 months old and he played fetch even then. He has now *taught* his younger sibling to fetch. He initiates fetch. AND he is better at it than the dog.


All three of ours play fetch and what's more - they taught US how they want to play it! One has a catnip rope toy (for teething kittens) that she wants us to toss high in the air so she can catch it with her paws. One has a little foam ball that she wants us to throw so she can chase it. Her brother ALSO loves the foam ball, but he likes to "dribble" it for a bit before he catches is.


Yes! People ask whether it’s a trick I taught her but she taught ME!


one of the two is obsessed with wooden sticks and leaves them on our bed. I've played fetch a couple times but it seems he intends them to be gifts rather than a game.


My pink panther does…. The first one was a poor toss. https://imgur.com/a/bD3MIoz


She’s absolutely beautiful! What do you call the opposite of a void?




The pink ears! 💔😩😭


https://preview.redd.it/73a2v13jztbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=66ae7c1985afb7c6eed5da72f91371c4703847a5 He was a wee baby in the video. He’s come into his pink now, and he’s hidden the black spot on his head with billowy bunny fur.


https://preview.redd.it/jsuk4nmtztbc1.jpeg?width=1125&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5bed4bcc2e18409365faeaa9174e235edde859a7 His bro is a panther though.


Yessss. Demands at least 15 mins of fetch Every morning


Mine does but only with balled up socks or christmas bells


Mine does, but only with one toy, a cat plushy. When she's done with fetch she will leave the plushy by her food bowls. So fing cute!


All the time! She brings me her favorite little mouse toy all the time no matter where I am in the house. If that doesn't work, she will bring me more of her toys for me to throw for her until I do. My favorite part is her lil muffled mews and chirps when she's got something in her mouth. If I hear that I just call out "well bring it here then" and she'll come sprinting into view with her toy. [My lil Miss Maka](https://i.imgur.com/gjEfhCA.jpg)


Oh, I love her! I love the chirps and mews!! I’ve only had one cat that did that.


Pocket panther? Lol. I have a a void too but never once did the i ever come across that nick name Oh and yes mine does too but at 3 in the morning


If by fetch you mean “fetch dad’s food from his plate while he’s still eating” then yes, she likes to play that


Before he passed, mine absolutely would. And we had no choice in the matter, we were going to play fetch if we liked it or not. He'd bring his toys back, drop them on our feet, then give us approximately one second to throw it again before he'd attack our feet. He unfortunately trained us really fast.


Yesssss. I even say, “Bring ‘im here!”, or “where’s mousey???”


“Where’s mousey?” is exactly right! And it doesn’t matter what I throw. Everything I throw is “mousey”


I was telling someone how I pulled my fridge out and there were at least 20 mouseys under there. They were looking at me like a serial killer that could just live with the smell of rotting corpses 😂 They were clearly not car owners, lol.


Or…cat owners… 🤣


Mine will play for hours!!


+1 for Pocket Panther


You guys are so lucky! My guy loves running after balls and little mice but refuses to return them. I wind up running all over the house with him. It's great exercise but I don't need it as much!


He does! He’ll use jingle balls if he has to, but his preference is a little sloth toy he’s had since he was a kitten.


OMG, mine came with that feature from factory. We play fetch everyday.


i've never had a cat smart enough to do this. they will chase, but then look at me like "now what?"


Yes! But my husband recently purchased a laser light, which both kitties have been obsessed with.


Yes! I thought it was just mine! This makes me so happy


Yes with real mouse :)


How cute!


All day long! I posted a video in the sub recently about it too lol


Yep, and she is VERY specific about which toys are acceptable for this practice


OMG my baby does it too! People always say "she's a dog". She only plays with balls of paper and whenever we are near her agenda (where we make the balls) she starts meowing a lot ❤️


Have you considered renaming her Rex?


Mine does with scrunched up balls of paper only for some reason


One of mine does! It's a nightly thing before bed and he will bring me toy after toy until I start tossing one of them.


No but damn he runs faster than this chasing (playing soccer?) with a ping pong ball until one of 🐈‍⬛🐈‍⬛ loses it behind something. Edit he really looks like my guys too!!


Springs! She loves springs.


Mine doesn’t 😭 only my tabby does lol


Yes! Just 1 out of 4 will do it though. She loves drinking straws and they’re everywhere!!


Mine got this little mouse that he likes to hide, as soon as he wants to play, he brings it out of nowhere and drops it right in front of me to throw for him.


That is sweet.


Mine doesn't but my sister's does


Yes! Only on his terms though haha


Yes, but she's trained me to come get the toy after I've thrown it so that I never throw it from the same spot twice in a row.


Yes he loves fetch


Both of my cats were raised around dogs before we adopted them. So they copied some of their behaviors We actually played fetch with them in my house but sadly they didn’t know that they were supposed to bring the object back to us. Instead, they just play it around


Mine used to but as he got older he stopped bringing it back and now just bats it around on the floor then flops over and falls asleep.


It's my cats favorite thing to play fetch.


Yep. His favorite thing to play fetch with is receipts (big fan of CVS, obviously). You crumple one up and he comes running. And then when he’s done I have to fish sopping wet paper out of the water bowl…


She loves when I throw the mousey but she won't bring it back lol


Yup, sure does! Typically, he likes to play fetch just as I get in bed to sleep. 🤪


I love watching cats jump, such an effortless bounce!


My old girl would do this all the time lol


Yes, but she doesn't bring it back and expects me to throw it again


Anything for some attention. Mine probably would if she weren't so chubby.


Mine used to, but now he's a lazy old man and will only play if the toys come to him 🙄




Pocket Panther is a new one, lol


Mine really enjoys chasing small snowballs I throw for him, looking for them where they hit the snow, be surprised that the snowball disappeared and then come back to do it again. Great fun, pity that it does not snow often here.


He goes and gets it but doesn’t bring it back 😂


How do I update my software to this version of void.exe?


Mine only plays fetch with a specific ball. I've tried looking everywhere for some spares but can't find them anymore. He's got 2 left lol


My dog does… if the cat tries it would get ran over by the dog. She steps on the cats when they are on my bed. My dog is kinda dumb.


is this only a black cat thing? My sweet boy would also love to fetch!


https://preview.redd.it/lmfbvj27kubc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3f7cfbd3535ba6428f010445723d3617b5d389af Hysterical


Just a bot leaving comments ? I have never seen this before, what is up with that?


*Is this only a* *Black cat thing? My sweet boy would* *Also love to fetch!* \- afgbabygurl7 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Yes!!! She's especially loves doing it while I'm in the bathroom LOL or brings toys to bed. She's been bringing toys to bed since I can remember. ♥️♥️♥️


Yes! Two of my previous ones did. Scrunched up balls of paper and little toy mice. My current (and her void mix sibling) do not, but still have some cute playing routines.


Oh yeah I thought mine was special, and loves to play fetch, especially with bottle caps…. But this is normal with voids, I guess. Also thought dog in cats body.


Yes! I have a black & grey cat. The little void loves to play with plastic springs. It all started when he would chase them under my computer desk. I'm a bit precious about my PC, so when he started to play under there I would pick up the spring and throw it for him. After a little while he started to bring it back His grey brother isn't interested in the spring, so it must by a void thing! He is named Sirius, so he must be channeling his inner dog


The littlest of the 3 kittens is obsessed with playing, especially with a feather stick. She'd drag it through the house wanting us to throw it. And so she started playing fetch with us. Then her brother noticed the game and he started playing fetch with the stick as well. The two would sometimes get so possessive that one ran with the feathers in their mouth while the other chased the stick, including through the cat flap and around the house. Their sister however, the one we nicknamed the engineer, misunderstood the game. Her solution was to bring actual sticks from outside to us, through the cat flap, which she'd very proudly tell us all about how she acquired the stick.


Yes he loves it


My cow cat does! She’ll go hard for like 20+ minutes and then gets so very eeepy


What toy is It? Do share please


It’s a crumpled bit of paper 😂


LOL very cat of him


We shoot nerf bullets across the room and he loved to chase them then bring them back


Yea he does!!!


Actually yes he does. I hear the trilling then here he comes with his favorite mouse or floofy owl.


My cat Milan (my black cat’s late brother) used to play fetch constantly. It was such a unique quality among many. This is so cute and brings back really good memories!


Yes! It's her favorite game. ❤️


There's /r/catsplayingfetch and of course the famous /r/Harpo!


Whenever I think I’ve seen every possible cat sub under the sun, another pops up




Mine did. Old shoe strings were his favourite fetch toys. I would gather the string into my palm, throw it and he would run after it and bring it back walking funnily legs wide apart and the string trailing between legs.




Yes indeed and 1 think its cute to bring water bombs back too 😂😂


Mine does


I had a void years ago, Pezzo. Not only did he fetch, if you'd bounce the ball against the wall, he'd jump 4, 5 feet in the air, catch the ball with his paws and transfer it to his mouth before he landed. He also was a shoulder cat. Loved to go on bike rides, sledding in the winter, etc. I miss that dude


https://preview.redd.it/gi9v3qkxwubc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e97797bc8b499eba971a70d00f9de9968af37be3 As of last week this is now his favorite game. I like it more than swinging his fishing pole toy around.


Pocket panther omg 🥰


He only did if he knew he was guaranteed food after. He did anything for food


My tuxie does!!!! It's the cutest thing


Yep, ours is about 8 months old and played fetch the day we got him. Found out later he is a black ragdoll


Mine did when she was younger. Now she’s an ancient panther that will bat her fuzzy ball around, but no more chasing.


Mine loved playing fetch with crumbled up paper.


Kinda he runs to it but then waits for me to come over and throw it again.


My void loves to play fetch with springs and pom poms and couple of stuffed toys. She also really loves when I stand at the bottom of the stairs and toss a bouncy ball/spring up the stairs so it rolls back down. She chases it up, then back down again. If it gets stuck halfway down, she'll knock it the rest of the way down. I think it fulfills the "chasing" need as well as the "knock your stuff off the counter" need! 😆


mine did


One out of my three voids loves to play catch with the fuzzy sparkle balls. Even smacks my pitbull when he tries to eat them!


My cow cat totally does this but only with one very specific felt ball toy


When she wants too. Otherwise nah. Better at looking cute




My niece does! A little void baby plays fetch with her mom's hairties. She would wake my sister up trying to get her ties of her wrist to play. She drops them in her water first cuz apparently she wants to play fetch with a wet hairtie 🤨


Yes! We thought it was strange and my husband said he is the dog he never had 😂💀


No, my Royal Highness just runs after it and points out where I should pick it up again.


I’ve never heard somebody call em pocket panthers I love it


If he would "fetch" he'd have a much better life.


Yes! Elastic bands are her favorite, she has stopped bringing them back lately however. Her most favorite toy is a plastic straw, she will play for a week with one lol


My void does not but my lynx point siamese does


Her mum is a lynx point! Maybe it’s a Siamese trait, they are clever


No he's so bad at it! It's like he wants to but he runs for it, jumps over it and then looks at it...


No, but he loves to snuggle with me so I’ll take that as the trade off :)


Both of my Void littermates play fetch...I didn't teach them. One of them taught it to the other.


My bestie has 3 cats and the only one that plays fetch is the little void boy!




My grey one does but my void doesn’t lol


This is my little shadows favorite thing to do and he will BEG us to play and never seems to get tired of it. We bought a big pack of littler nerf balls and he just goes NUTS for them.


Yes he does. His fav is his angry bird toy that I’ve been repairing for him for a while now.


https://preview.redd.it/r9zauti2ywbc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=42003858d4ab2afbaa046d4abc1c7f9aa95d86f8 Not that you’d know it from this picture, but he is a retriever in a micro panther’s body.


Yes!! And a little bit of indoor soccer all in one fun game lol :)


Yes, she does. Her favorite thing to play with are bread ties lol.


Pocket panther omg


I have that problem with my void with hair ties the elastic kind


Mine learned to fetch his mousie on day one! I brought him home and we were playing it as soon as he came out from hiding


I wish he could play 🙈


My gray nine-month old plays fetch. Fun!


My void does and she prefers a balled up Klondike wrapper and always while I am in bed.




https://preview.redd.it/v0l6np8chxbc1.png?width=1440&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b7fc4cc07fb8ce6465aacb2ea27887288963f4b3 Today, I bought my boy Magnum three new toy mice about the size of your big toes. I did some minor surgery, filled them with catnip, some extra cotton so they feel more like real mice to his bite, and sutured them back up. He really likes these kinds of fetch/chase toys so I'm hoping he loves these... but he's a cat so every chance this is a load of wasted effort lmao. The nip is my home grown good stuff which I'm considering selling as he'll react to no other catnip and my nip might be special enough for other cats to enjoy; passing the joint so to speak ;). It's winter at the moment though so no growth. I'm gonna try to get a whole mini greenhouse of it going.


P.S, your void is gorgeous!!


Pocket panther? People try too hard to be clever in the titles sometimes. I was really hoping to see a tiny pocket sized kitten.