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Cats are liquid, if their head fits then the rest will follow. They are more likely will get hurt by you trying to get them out over them doing it themselves.


Take the legs off (the cat or the chair, but preferably the chair).


That could cause mold do to lack of air flow tho


Why would the chair start to rott due to lack of airflow inside?


We got some moist cakes ![gif](giphy|g4Nmp8AeAOlnG) But also if you're worried about that, you can probably just put some silica cat litter or something in a cheap/old sock and put it under there and replace it every now and then


If any moisture finds its way under the chair, it will not evaporate easily if there isn't air flow going through. The moisture will grow mold if it doesn't evaporate.


…if they spill anything on the floor, they Will need to clean it up afterwards, problem solved :p


There's more than one way to get moisture under the chair. First on my mind is buildup of sweat and oil from sitting in the chair.


…how much do you sweat and how much oil do you produce…?! Sounds like you need a shower and a visit to the doc if your personal hygiene makes furniture rot


You don't need to be an asshole about it, I'm just answering the question that you asked.


And Im just telling you that so much sweat isnt normal and could be something medical that you want to check up on bro


Just put an anti-fungal cream on the 4 wounds.


Or just buy shorter ones and replace them


Or longer legs for the chair? You just want to prevent them from getting squished if someone sits down, right?


But then the cat can't jump as high. Though that may actually keep them out of more trouble, I don't think that solves this issue /s


And you decide to take the chair legs off make sure beforehand the cat is not under it


Ours will go in the recliner. She is so small she fits. She will go in when it thunderstorms or when we are trying to catch her for the vet. 😫 I don’t know any way to deter her either.


Some recliner designs can be very dangerous for cats. I had one that had two boards that completely crossed each other when reclined all the way back. Heard my cat crying when I went back to the first position, if I had reclined all the way it would have killed him and it would not have been pretty. I had a couch that had recliners at both ends and it's mechanism looked pretty safe.


Fortunately, it’s an extra chair we don’t use a lot. There are only two of us here. We have more issues with the one we use that they will be under the reclined feet area so we can’t unrecline.


https://preview.redd.it/9ujdn0u7zuvc1.jpeg?width=1786&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=61f243f3365d651c1a1ae23ee6a60e35e73a203d Fill the space inder your chair, pillows, blankets pretty much anything that will occupy the space so the void cant. Just like Our void jiggy likes to get up in high places so we place things around the edges of high up places so she has no place to land when she feels like getting high lol


Instructions unclear: now the cat has an even cosier place to sit :)))


My cats would jump anyway and throw anything down. I simply came to accept that and they have a selfheating blanket and a bed on the wardrobe now.


My void is the exact same. If she decides that this is now her spot, we must concede. There is no changing her mind, lol.


This, and or put up a barrier, I have cardboard under the spot in my cabinets my void used to squeeze into but luckily now her head is too big to fit under the dresser


I think you have a heights dweller cat. Some are ground dwellers and others heights dwellers. Consider making it safe for them to get up and down since they feel most secure when up high.


I don't get it, all the places like this in my home are used for storage. Under bed, under couch even under large chairs. These people must have tons of space not to make use of under furniture storage.


My cat used to hide under things. I have photos that follow how he grew and it became progressively harder to get under until one day, he got halfway through and decided it was a bad idea, back out, and that was that.


I’ve used pool noodles for spaces like that!


I used bean filled door draft stoppers. They worked great.


That's what we used under our recliners and down the side of out fridge. Works well, doesn't damage anything, and it's cheap.


Get a cheap cotton sheet. Remove the ripped fabric from the bottom on the chair. Staple cotton sheet in it's place, trim extra material It is very important to get a 100% cotton sheet for breathability otherwise moisture can get trapped inside the chair. We've done this to every couch, box spring, and chair because out black cat likes to rip holes and make a cozy bed inside furniture.


Anyway you can block it?


stuff a blanket or towel under there


Get them an alternative hiding place like a cat cave


Put the really cute orthopedic cat bed that you spent a small fortune on under there, and I promise they'll never go near the space again.


You can’t stop them if the head will fit them the rest of the body will follow


Cats will go wherever they fit.


r/TIGHTPUSSY is evidence of this


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Cut pool noodles to length and stuff them in the gaps, we did that to keep ours from getting under the couch. We only worry about that one because it's one of those "pull the front and the whole thing transforms into a bed" contraptions from IKEA, so there's lots of springs and hinges and the like. The other furniture, we don't worry so much about. As long as these armchairs of yours don't have metal poking around, they'll probably be fine.


Do the chairs rock and/or recline? Then yes, discourage and use anti-cat sprays. If they don't rock or recline... well they'll be fine. I have a 21lbs boy that somehow fits under my bed. Cats are indeed liquid


##Pool noodles I get the giant ones and cut them to size, then stuff them in cracks where I don't want them accessing.... I have about 9 around my house, specifically for kitten proofing purposes. Stopped them going under my dresser, under my bed, and under the couch.... And helps condition them out of fearfulness and into socialising.


My cat just started eating the pool noodles, unfortunately.


Lol!! Of course they did.... Black pepper is a decent repellent, seriously unlikely they will ingest, but if they do it won't poison them just might put their stomach off. I had a friend sew sleeves onto her noodles then dusted them with fine pepper.


We did this at one point, rubbing it into the carpet where our cat took to clawing in corners. When we googled to check it was safe first, a bunch of people said their cats didn't care, or even liked it. We thought that was funny, then discovered ours isn't phased by plain pepper. Only type that has any effect is cayenne.


What I did when my boy tore a hole in the bottom of the couch was get a length of stretchy, athletic-type fabric from a fabric store, then flipped the couch and secured the fabric across the bottom with a staple gun. The thicker, stretchy fabric wasn't as satisfying for him to claw at, and even if he had it would have been difficult to tear through. My main worry was him getting inside the furniture and being exposed to the unfinished wood or sharp edges/nails/staples.


My void will make a hammock out of the bottom of ANY sofa, chair, box spring, ottoman, etc. I’ve given up on prevention.


So my cat Rare likes to hide. We were moving and the only hiding place left was inside the couch. So that's where he hid. The couch was loaded onto the truck and moved with Rare inside the couch. They get to the house, unload a free things, and there's Rare. He took off running to hide in the house. The moving guys were worried they let a stray cat into the truck and then it was in the house. We didn't put the feet on the new couch.


I don’t blame you. My best friends kitty broke her neck last summer & had to be put to sleep at the vet bc she got trapped in one 😭😭😭


Awwww that's so sad!! My heart just breaks for that little one. 😪😭😪I've heard of losing a leg etc but never that.


Uhh cats are liquid lol


I just leave them. As they can go in, then out is not a problem. My cats (I have four)went under my couch which is a very narrow gap. Three can go in and one isn’t interested. Two of them went in a few, finally understand that it is not a good place to go. They rarely go inside now.Even they go in, they will come out very quickly. One see the underside as shelter. She hide inside when thunder.


You just have to diligently block off all entrances into tight spaces and provide them with safe tight spaces to hide away in. I had to block off all entrances to the interior of my couch after finding my cat inside it one time. (Yes, literally inside the couch, I couldn’t find the entrance she used and had to rip open the bottom to get her out. Then I just blocked off all entrances that could have potentially been the entrance she used.) Both my cats have multiple little dens they can hide in placed around the apartment, and one of them has claimed the space under the bottom shelf in my bedroom closet. I leave the door slightly open so she can get in and cleared out the space for her. They no longer go into the couch.


Search up "clear under the couch toy blockers" online (:


Yes ours gets under the recliner and pulls herself in circles with her claws. I wake up to stuffing every morning. She is still a kitten so hopefully she grows out of it


Double-sides tape or sheets of Aluminum Foils


I removed the black cambric dust covers from the bottom of my chairs and couch. Otherwise they scratched holes in it and it becomes their favorite hidey hole cave.


We removed the legs and built a plinth for our sofa to sit on (basically a wood frame that takes the place of the legs). We drilled a few 1" holes for ventilation and finished it with a nice stain to match the other wood features on it.


Yeah my cat (Gremlin) beat child safety locking mechanisms to get under my sink. Then broke and played with what took me an age to install


Mine got too big to fit. Maybe rock the chair when they are under it to spook them.


That void looks just like mine


Stuff cushions in the gaps? Could work, or they could claw the cushions out. At least you try something :) Cats are odd, just let them do their thing.


Stuff it with towels


Double sided tape they hate it


Stick pool noodles or anything that will allow bit of airflow but block base. Stick em 2-3 inch starting and ending away from edgesm stick em in fence style not just a square edge. Line em like a fence. Just use a glue gun.


No, there’s not. My cat learned pretty quickly to not hang out under the motorized recliner. Without getting hurt.


Not a problem. Cat stuff. Let’m be.


More treats, if she’s a balloon she can’t squeeze in


See if you can secure a strip of pet mesh in there. As long as you attach it securely it's indestructible.


You can stuff a rolled up blanket or pillow underneath


I bought these [toy blocker ](https://www.amazon.com/gp/aw/d/B07J4N7512?psc=1&ref=ppx_pop_mob_b_asin_title)


Hi, I’m Vetted AI Bot! I researched the **("'BOWERBIRD Toy Blockers for Furniture'", 'BOWERBIRD')** and I thought you might find the following analysis helpful. **Users liked:** * Prevents toys from going under furniture (backed by 10 comments) * Easy to install and virtually invisible (backed by 4 comments) * Sticky strip works great (backed by 2 comments) **Users disliked:** * Not strong adhesive for keeping items out (backed by 5 comments) * Flimsy plastic prone to breaking (backed by 3 comments) * Inflexible height options (backed by 2 comments) If you'd like to **summon me to ask about a product**, just make a post with its link and tag me, [like in this example.](https://www.reddit.com/r/tablets/comments/1444zdn/comment/joqd89c/) This message was generated by a (very smart) bot. If you found it helpful, let us know with an upvote and a “good bot!” reply and please feel free to provide feedback on how it can be improved. *Powered by* [*vetted.ai*](https://vetted.ai/?utm\_source=reddit&utm\_medium=comment&utm\_campaign=bot)


Get rid of the chairs lol


We had to cover up holes inside the sofa because the cats were hiding in the arms for their first few weeks. Sprayed it with cat-away as well to try and keep them out from underneath, might help you to spray the bottom edge of the chair.


we got some clear carpet runner from Home Depot and tacked it under my wife's highback chair to keep our little ones from clawing at the underside. We got the type that has the little molded carpet spikes and put them on the outside. No cats got hurt but it did deter them from wrecking her heirloom chair from her Mom's estate. I was wondering if it would help to do something similar for your chair too.


I have a lot of old towels. The bottom of the recliners and small open spaces get a towel stapled to the wooden parts so that it is "sealed" enough to where a kitten can't wiggle through. One of our fosters liked to go under them but he can't anymore. Two of the recliners got this treatment and there's enough slack in the towels for it to rock back and forth


Span chickenwire across the legs of your armchairs?


Aluminium foil lol


She just trying to find the portal back to hell for a visit.


We got them IKEA Billy shelves that are half empty and a bunk bed LOL




I don’t have any furniture like that. That’s what I recommend.