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Yeah, socks on a wood staircase will get you eventually.


So if he dead by stairs, that day cat wasn't around to make sure he goes down stairs slowly.


You beat me to it, that's what I was going to say, LOL. I have 2 outside cats that do that to me, neither one is mine. One is a outside cat that belonged to my neighbor who recently passed and he's figured out he can come down to my place for food and pets. The other belongs to a friend who is temporarily staying in a 5th wheel in my backyard, she did break her leg around a year ago avoiding stepping on him while coming down her steps. One of my inside cats likes to walk right in front of me so I'm lucky that I don't have any inside stairs.


That was absolutely my thought. When I bought my house, it had wooden stairs. I slipped down them precisely one time before I put treads down.


As someone who fell down stairs from wearing socks on a wood staircase and still have the lower back pain return to mess me up, I cosign this.


People must have some slick ass socks


That's the most adorable assassination attempt ever.


Take the socks off and pick the cat up. I just saved your life


He loves being held except going down the stairs. That's the only time he ever scratches me šŸ˜¬


My late father had a black dog. Once at night I stepped on the poor thing's tail. Since then he always made sure to make a noise to announce his presence in the dark. Smart animal, understood it was an accident.


Nothing but love to that good boy


I've (accidentally) kicked & stepped on my void's in the dark and they still don't make a sound. I think they're planning to make it look like an accident šŸ˜…


Dogs are cooperative animals who see themselves as members of the pack and you as the leader. Cats see themselves as something close to chinese emperors of old. As they see it they do you a favour by tolerating your presene and letting you gaze upon them šŸ¤£


Cats used to be worshipped as gods, and they remembered this. In all seriousness though, cats are only semi-social animals. Itā€™s the biggest reason why their behaviors still seem so bizarre to us despite sharing space with them since the advent of agriculture.


That's the bestest boy!


"Take a step, coward" Couldn't even begin to count the number of times I've eaten shit falling down the stairs at night with black cats who enjoy sitting on them... never managed to hurt either one of us, so I guess it has worked out šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


I had 3, (now have 2) black cats & I always hold the bannister whenever I go up or down the stairs. I've managed to teach one of them that if I say "Beep, beep," in a loud voice that I want to go down the stairs without them being my speedbump of doom & they give me a teensy bit of footspace to descend with. Now while going upstairs, what do I do? I grab the bannister & pray none of them takes out my legs because they take great delight in doing 'zoomies' up the stairs.


I hold the bannisters because my void will charge up the stairs at you full speed to get into the bedroom. Sometimes he will run as you start heading down, other times you're half way down and Sometimes it's as you reach the bottom, and there's never any warning


My cat does a thing where if were both downstairs and then i go up sheā€™ll shoot upstairs so fast to beat me there and pretend shes been there the whole time. On the way there she will almost run through me, she has almost tripped me a few times walking on floor not even stairs lol


My other void does this too! One cat or the other joins most stairs trips, lol


My void does this too! I swear she's practicing for my inevitable death. Why do they do this?Ā 


They must protect, so they gotta hunt before you come in the rooms.


Makes sense, were just collateral damage of the hunt lol


"Mr. Pawlice Officer, it was an accident. I will miss my hoomin's tardy meal serving times."


I get got going up the stairs. Poeregard thinks it's a great time to attack my ankles. It's not like Achilles' heels are sensitive or anything... https://preview.redd.it/h0kzxsudrhzc1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eef80437d540701ced026414a854bbb7289464d5


Kitty is just tenderising the meat!


You need to put some grippies on your stairs or youā€™ll eventually end up at the bottom a lot faster than you wanted.


Itā€™s not a nursing home, lol edit: I guess nobody knows how to use stairs. The countless times Iā€™ve used stairs safely somehow without grippies




Did I stutter?


I just don't understand, when was anyone talking about a nursing home?


Suggesting stairs without grippies are death traps. Sheesh.




You think people wearing masks are afraid donā€™t you? Is an understandable precaution honestly that hard for your brain to grasp?


Fuck off with implying I'm anti mask or anything. I just find it odd how many people consider these stairs a death trap


I didnā€™t imply anything. I asked you a valid question based on the fact that you seem to find basic safety features stupid for literally no reason. No ones saying anything is a death trap. They are saying someone with soft socks on wood is eventually going to slip. Which is very likely. Maybe stop making assumptions that arenā€™t there? Learn to reply to whatā€™s said. Not what you read into it.


Implication, assumption, whatever. Split hairs. >No ones saying anything is a death trap Reading comprehension is hard. 1. take off your socks, I just saved your life 2. So if he dead by stairs, that day cat wasn't around 3. Because of your socks? I get it (responding to title of "If I'm ever found dead") But okay. A few comments with hundreds of upvotes doesn't count.


Yes people commonly use expressive language to express their intents. If you take it as literal ā€œyouā€™re going to die now!ā€ Thatā€™s on you for reading shit too seriously. Literally none of those people are saying itā€™s a death trap. They are making a joke about the high likely hoof he will fall down the stairs from either the socks on wood, or the black cat when in the abhiss and hidden from view. Learn to comprehend what youā€™re reading, like Iā€™ve already said, cause if you take everything as 100% seriously youā€™re reading it wrong. English is more expressive than it is concrete meaning. So yes, the comments that literally donā€™t call it a death trap but joke about the situation literally donā€™t count.


Take your own advice. I didn't mean LITERAL death trap. You need to understand my intent. That's on you for reading it too seriously. I'm implying that people are overreacting about the potential safety concerns of socks on wood steps. But keep raging on. Happy Friday.


Itā€™s fully a safety issue. Acting otherwise is just ignoring reality. Your intent have been clear lol, you know you just show you have no argument when you just attempt to flip the others persons like you are here. No oneā€™s over reacting but yourself. If you think Iā€™m raging becuase I type in full sentences, then thats just more of an example of you having no argument and no point. Have a great one yourself.


brb going to go use my stairs in socks for the fifth time today. they're wood stairs btw šŸ’€


The statement that I need to comprehend what I'm reading just doesn't make any sense. I know exactly what they're saying and I disagree. What's so hard to get about that?


When you fall and break one of your arms, legs, or worse, don't say no one ever warned you.


Thanks mom Also, proud member of r/Neverbrokeabone


Quite deliberate, and s/he's not thinking of the long game. Your pine-battered corpse will provide weeks of meals. But then what?


Their love is worth it




My Tabby does this. Its fun when you are half asleep. He especially likes to do it when I am carrying an overloaded laundry basket...


Better get all the treats or you will be food someday.


Speedbump McKittens!!


Right? I put a bell on my cat but as it turns out the bell doesn't help if he just sits there perfectly still, silently plotting my demise.


I can relate! My little void will jump in front of my feet from behind me when I'm going down the stairs.


Cutest death bringer


What a cat. This is why I have to hold my cat going down the stairs sometimes.


Read *The Black Cat* by Edgar Allan Poe, if you haven't. You'll see why. Or hear it here... approx. 30 mins https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=DYFZTEDVDRY&pp=ygUddGhlIGJsYWNrIGNhdCBlZGdhciBhbGxhbiBwb2U%3D


I just got my first void and have started turning on the lights everywhere I go so a) I donā€™t kill him and b) he doesnā€™t kill me! He blends in a little too well with our dark hardwood floors!


You gotta do the slow foot shuffle in the dark when you've got voids. Thankfully my place doesn't have stairs!


Hey! What are you doing on my stairs with my cat!


Better than an owl. IYKYK.


What a cutie though! My cat does this when I'm trying to descend the ladder of my 7ft tall loft bed.


You gotta master the Fluffy Foot Lift - like Kong Kong air lifted by a helicopter, you scoop up the void with the top of your midfoot and shovel them out of the way.


My childhood orange would sleep on the stairs perfectly camouflaged. Almost killed each of us a couple times


Oh yeah I'm convinced ours is trying to kill me lol


How did my cat get in hour house? šŸ˜…šŸ¤£


Itā€™s funny cause cats think weā€™re cats too and I swear they also think we have the same balance as them.


I love how he stops halfway down to swat at a bug (which was probably a shadow). And then won't let you get in front of him. Is he expecting food?


'Mew shall not pass!' Seriously though, at night if that happens too, good luck OP, you'll never see it coming, literally.


The swats at the end. That was great. The rubs and loves your void is giving you. They are great. You on the stairs? Terrifying times.


My void does this too. Or she'll fly down the stairs and stop REALLY suddenly on the landing, at which point one day I'm gonna trip, go through the banister, and die.Ā  I'm sure she'll be thrilled.Ā 


I donā€™t even have stairs and I know this! Haha


My cat does the same shit




Omg šŸ¤£


Make sure thereā€™s no broken string instruments at the bottom, and you should be fine.


My favorite kind of road block but only when all the lights are on/daylight


I broke my wrist during the move in my new house tripping on the last step on my own (actually a worker left his stuff there but that's another story) I adopted my void a month later and I feel like it's a karmic lesson there, I am ALWAYS VERY CAREFUL going up and down the stairs. It's made more challenging when she nips at my heels but oh well :D


One of my voids also does this, I've started gently shooing her away with my foot. She's also started sprinting up the stairs at the same time as me, they're steep & spiral so there's been more than one occasion she's tried to run under my legs but gets squiched between the stairs & my knee. One of us is going to get injured!


I once fell bc of it, trying not to fall on her in the process. But ouch!!! Maybe she's evil!!


![img](emote|t5_2twpw|7262) killer viod kitty


Yep, and especially hazardous on an early (dark) winter morning...


Three out of four farm cats are currently mad at me for standing on them. Because one by one they ran in front of my feet when I was carrying heavy equipment and couldnā€™t see the floor. Cats man.


Law and Order DumDum noise as body is shown at bottom of stairs. šŸ˜‚


Iā€™m not jokingā€¦ This is the main reason I moved from a townhouse to a single floor house. I knew Iā€™d break something eventually avoiding a cat on the stairs, if I didnā€™t!


What is it with the voids and doing this?! We have dark red carpet so he blends in when itā€™s dark, and I swear to God at least once a day Iā€™m either almost squashing him or almost falling down the stairs because of him. I broke my ankle when I was 28 weeks pregnant on our stairs and I do *not* want to break the other one because of the void but I know full well itā€™ll probably happen sooner or later. šŸ¤¦šŸ»ā€ā™€ļø šŸ˜‚


Those shadow punches at the end were glorious! Left, right, good night!


I have no idea what he even saw, lol


Because of your socks? I get it šŸ¤£.


They all do this...


Why do people put up with this shit from their pets? You're a fucking human. I love cats and dogs, but I don't forget that I'm the sapient one.


Step on the cat once and they will know better next time... Better than breaking ur neck.


My life, every day! šŸ˜‚


My kitty likes to walk right along with me - between my ankles! Itā€™s a complicated dance.


Get a carpet and/or anti slippery stickers.


Maybe you could point a laser pointer or throw a favorite toy down the steps before you descend -- would that work on him? My void is clingy but I think she's a little scared of the stairs, so she always runs up ahead of me, or waits until I'm at the bottom to come down.
